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March 07, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-07

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Se Page I

Latest Deadline in the State



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God Essential
Seeger Says
Asserts Peace
Made, Not Bought
"'One world, which is the broth-
erhood of man, is not possible
without the fatherhood of God,"
said Dr. Raymond Seeger, profes-
sor of physics at George Washing-
ton University yesterday at Rack-
ham Assembly Hall.
Dr. Seeger told a group of stu-
dents and townspeople that you
can't buy peace, you must make
it. God must come down into the
hearts of men, then they will
have the power to make it, he said.
,* *
IT TAKES three basic steps to
make peace, he explained. But we
must have God in us before our
4:14i p.m.: Seminars:
"World Outlook for Chris-
tianity," Dr. T. Z. Koo, East
Conference Room, Rackham
"World Race Relations," Her-
rick B. Young, International
"Christian Campus Life,"
Mrs. Vera Lowrie, Hussey
Room, League.
first step, which is humility, he
said. "We must recognize that
there must be two to make peace
arid each must concede a little.
These two, whether they be
nations or men, must make an
agreement, Dr. Seeger added.
"If you can agree on some
higher level than your original-
agreement, don't stop there; go
on agreeing on levels higher
than the one before; that is the
straight road to peace."
Peace is essentially a spiritual
agreement, he said. Then to keep
the peace, all you have to do is
to keep that agreement, he added.
Men must practice peace in-
side themselves, Dr. Seeger em-
phasized. "You as students must
practice it in your motives. You
can start today-make an agree-
mnent with your roommate, with
your family or with your teachers.
Give into them a little, and as you
practice peace you will grow tre-
mendously in understanding."
Triple Aspect
Of Bible Study
Hit by Sittler


Committee Okays
Full ECA Funds
Chairman Objects to Amendment
Calling for Eiuropean Unification
WASHINGTON-UP)-The full $5,580,000,000 the administration
asked for the second installment of the Marshall plan was approved
last night by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 13 to 0.
The committee added an amendment encouraging the "unifica-
tion of Europe," despite objections from Chairman Connally (D-Tex.)
chat it would give a "hollering point" to Russia, which charges the
U.S. with dictating to foreign nations.
THE COMMITTEE decided against making any cuts at this
time in the $5,580,000,000, which is designed to speed recovery of
Western Europe. Price fluctuations are too uncertain, committee
leaders felt, to warrant a cut now, but several Senators reserved the
right to ask one later.
"If there should be a great price reduction, then ECA will be
able to save its dollars," Connally said.
The committee made a significant decision not to turn ECA
into an instrument for supporting the domestic commodity markets.
* * * *
ECA CHIEF Paul Hoffman was directed by a statement in the
record to "give sympathetic consideration" to the U.S. economy in
commodity purchases. But this was not made mandatory.
Wherever possible, Hoffman is to purchase surplus American
farm products. But the only mandatory provision on commodity
buying is that 15 per cent of the wheat shipped to Europe must
be in the form of flour.
The fund authorized in the measure is the second installment
of the Marshall plan. To become law, the bill must be passed by
Senate and House' and signed by the President. Then an actual
appropriation bill to carry out the program must be passed by
* *
CHAIRMAN CONNALLY (D-Tex.) said after the committee
"Several members made reservations that they may change their
vote when the bill goes to the Appropriations Committee."
Senator Vandenberg (R-Mich.) said the members decided
they could make no cut at this time with the commodity market
fluctuating as it is.
Connally said he will take the authorization bill to the Senate
for a vote as soon as the "log jam" created by a Southern filibuster
is ended.
Allocate Unused ECA Funds
For Chinese Students in U.S.
A "substantial sum" of unused ECA funds will be made available
to aid Chinese students in the United States who are unable to get
money from home, according to Dr. Esson M. Gale, director of the
International Center.
The Economic Cooperation Commission for China Aid will allocate
the money from suspended ECA funds originally slated for the Chi-
nese government.
STATE DEPARTMENT agreement, to the move was secured by
the action of the National Association of Foreign Student Advisers
which recently met in Syracuse4

Senate Gag Michigan
Is Threat to ,a

Cagers Humble

Reet LawsI
Taft Backs Fight
To Enud Filibnsier
ate filibuster threatened last night
to kill federal rent controls March
Three Senators, Lucas (D-Ill.),
Taft (R-Ohio) and Sparkman (D-
Ala.) agreed the law could not be
revived if this happens.
THERE WAS another danger to
the rent act which expires unless
extended beyond this month.
Hearings on it aren't complete.
There was a hint they may be
Sparkman, chairman of a
Senate Banking Subcommittee
studying the bill, had hoped to
complete it by March 17 or 18
with a view of agreement be-
tween the two Houses before
the March 31 deadline.
But an administration decision
to throw the Senate into night
session today in an attempt
to smash the filibuster, led Spark-
man to shake his head over the
rent control timetable. He said he
would leave it to the subcommittee
whether to work day and night.
* Y :k M
MEANWIULE Senator Taft,
(Rep,. Ohio) threw his weight
behind a crumbling administra-
tion effort to break a Southern
Democratic filibuster in the Sen-
Taft, who heads tht Senate
GOP policy committee, told re-
porters that if Vice President
Barkley rules that debate can be
limited on a motion to take up a
proposed Senate rules change he
will support that ruling.
made a motion to take up a pro-
posed rules change under which
debate could be curbed at any time
that two-thirds of those present
so decided.
The proposed rule was of-
fered as a prelude to an attempt
to pass civil rights Ieaislatior*.
and Southerners are filibuster-
ing against the motion.
Last year Senator Vandenberg
(Rep., Mich.), as presiding officer,
decided that there is nothing in
the Senate's rulebook which per-I
mits any kind of debate limits on a
been counting on Vice President
Barkley to reverse that ruling, if
the question again is raised. They1
believe he will decide that under
the rules, a two-thirds majority
can limit debate.
But if Barkley should so de-I




MOLOTOV AND SUCESSOR-Vyacheslav M. Molotov (right) was
removed from his post as Russian Foreign Minister to step into
Josef Stalin's shoes as Soviet Prime Minister, according to high
British diplomats. Andrei Y. Vishinsky (left) has been promoted
from his deputy foreign minister job to succeed Molotov.
Somie British Official's
See Molotov as Minis ter
LONDON-(,P)-Senior British diplomats believe Vyacheslav M.1
Molotov is being groomed to step into Stalin's shoes as Soviet Prime
Minister, reliable sources reported yesterday.
These informants said the opinion apparently is based on reports
which British ambassador Sir Maurice Peterson has sent from Mos-
cow. They said Peterson warned against expecting any basic change
in Russian foreign policy as a result of Molotov's release as foreign
S * * *
TJE SAME views were expressed here privately by a high rank-
ink diplomat of one of the Eastern European Communist countries.

Big Steel!
DETROIT-RP)-Police were
on the lookout for a thief who
stole 17 manhole covers, each
weighing about 190 pounds,
over the weekend.
The covers, valued at $9.90
each, were reported missing
from all parts of the city.
James Zarichny, ousted Michi-
gan State College student recent-
ly denied permission to speak on
campus by the University Lecture
Committee, was refused a confer-
ence yesterday with Prof. Carl
Brandt, head of the committee,
Zarichny, in Ann Arbor "to ex-
plain the facts of the case to as
many students as possible," said
that Brandt had first agreed to
meet with him provided that he
appeared alone, but that Brandt
withdrew the acceptance when
Zarichny asked why he must ap-
pear by himself.
* * *
BRANDT, WHEN queried by
The Daily about the report, re-
plied only, "No comment."
"It is unfortunate that the
University of Michigan is the
first place to deny me permis-
sion to speak, but this-reflects
the increasing infringements
upon academic freedom all over
the country," Zarichny declared.
"However, I have the greatest
confidence that the students,
when made aware of the issues
involved, will act decisively to save
academic freedom on a national
level," he asserted.
* * *
SINCE HIS expulsion from
MSC, Zarichny has presented his
case to students on a number of
midwestern campuses, including
Northwestern, Chicago, Minneso-
ta, Wisconsin, Indiana and Wes-
tern Reserve.
Released concurrently with
Zarichny's arrival in Ann Ar-
bor was the text of a letter to
Pres. Ruthven from Ernest
Goodman, 1948 Progressive Par-
ty candidate for State Attorney
General, whose appearance here
with Zarichny was also turned
down by the Lecture Conunittee.
Referring to the committee's
statement that "no educational
purpose will be served by the use
of University facilities for an at-
tack of this kind on a sister insti-
tution," Goodman said, "The ba-
sis of the objection appears to be
that one's right to discuss an in-
justice decreases with its prox-
* * *
"IT SEEMS to me that when
thc pursuit of knowledge, whether
. of events of the present or the
past, beomes circumscribed by
geographical boundaries, estab-
lished by University authorities,
academic freedom has been lost,"
he concluded.
Meanwhile the Young Progres-
sives, sponsors of the proposed

Paces Rout of
Illinois Five
M' Win Cinches
Third Place Spot
Michigan's cagers ran rings
around a highly-favored Illinois
quintet to upset the new Confer-
ence champs, 70-53, at Yost Field
House last night before more than
9,000 screaming fans.
The game was the last of the
season for the Wolverines and
gives them a record of seven Con-
ference triumphs against five
losses, in addition to sole posses-
sion of third place in the Big
The overall mark is 16 wins out
of 22 starts.
* * *
THE ILLINI were handed the
title Saturday night when Wis-
consin surprised the basketball
world with a 45-43 win over sec-
ond-place Minnesota, but it was
still up to the invaders to prove
that they really merited the crown
by beating the defending title-
Coach Harry Combes' outfit,
confident and fast at the out-
set, weren't equal to the task.
Three times they managed to
pull into a tie with the Maize
and Blue squad in the first half,
and once pulled into an 18-17
lead at the midpoint.
WHEN THE Wolverines walked
off the court at halftime on the
long end of a 32-27 count, the
issue was still in doubt.
But within four and a half
minutes after ther stad of
next stanza, the Maize and
Blue had pulled away to a 48-
29 lead, and Illinois had slowed
down to a walk.
Forward Mack Suprunowiez,
who started out the winter at a
slow pace, climaxed his late-sea-
son scoring rush with an 18-point
effort, 16 of them in the second
half, and jumped from sixth to
third place in the final standings
of the Big Nine scoring race.
HE CLOSES the season with
178 points, four behind Minne-
sota's Jim McIntyre.
Center Fred Green and for-
ward Dwight "Dike" Eddleman
scored 14 and 10 points, respec-
tively, to lead the visitors' efforts
M *k *
IN WHIPPING the Illini, the
Maize and Blue showed more
speed than at any time previously
this year, except, perhaps, against
See "SECOND," Page 6 *
Black Will Be
First Speaker
Since Ban End
The "Future of the Republican
Party in Michigan" will be dis-
cussed by former State Attorney
General Eugene Black at an open
meeting of the Young Republicans
at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
Henderson Room of the League.
Black will be the first political
speaker to appear on campus since

the removal of the Speakers Ban.
The Young Republicans will
hold a business meeting at 7:30
p.m. preceeding his talk.
Black, who served as Attorney
General under Kim Sigler, was
responsible for exposing corrupt
political practices in the state or-
ganizations of both the Democrat
and Republican parties in 1946.
He is a very controversial figure
in GOP circles, according to
Howard Johnson, vice-president
of the Young Republicans.
"But he is respected for his
honesty and integrity," Johnson,
Seniors May Pay
Dues Until Friday



Funds will be administered
"In academic circles we study either by the Institute of In-
the Bible from the historical, so- ternationat Education or the
ciological and literary aspects- China Institute, Dr. Gale said.
every aspect except that which Foreign counselors at various
motivated its writing," said the colleges and universities will ob-
Rev. Joseph Sittler, of the Chi- tam grants according to the needs
cago Theological Seminary, yes- of Chinese students at their re-
terday.! fChnsstdnsathire
evy. itrspective institutions, he added.
Rev. Sittlcr directed one of the j
opening seminars for the Univer-
sity's Religion in Life Week at THIRTY OF THE approximate-
Lane Hall. ly 200 Chinese students at the
University applied for tuition
THE INSTRUCTOR of roman- loans at the beginning of this se-
tic literatures tries to put the stu- mester, Dr. Gale said. He believes
dent in the moral, spiritual feeling that there are probably more Chi-
of that period of writing, he point- nese students on campus in need
ed out in comparing the study of of financial aid.
the Bible and other literature. Administration of the funds
The Bible scholar outlined Adisrair fheuns
two approaches to Bible study: are expected to start within the
twoeapproachbe s to Bble sd next* fCe days, Dr. Gale said.
treat the Bible as a body of re- The action is regarded as a
ligious literature and study the temporary measure to tide Chi-
spiritual and historical back- e studesr o financil
ground of the writer.nese students over financial
Rev. Sittler gave the Epistles of crises until the Chinese govern-
St. Paul as a key to the New Testa- ment reaches stabilization, he
ment. added.

Rep. Bloom
Of Newv York
Dies Suddenly
Bloom (Dem:, N.Y.), chairman of
the House Foreign Affairs Com-
mittee, died unexpectedly last
night of a heart attack.
He would have been 79 the day
after tomorrow.
His death occurred at 8:50 p.m.
in the Naval Hospital at nearby
Bethesda, Md.
The veteran Congressman, wide-
ly known for his philosophical
manner, and his beribboned
pince-nez, had entered the hospi-
tal on March 4.
Bloom's death was the second to
strike Congress within the last. 24
Senator Melville Broughton
(Dem., N.C.) succumbed to a heart
attack Sunday morning.
Advised of Bloom's death, his
long time associate, Speaker Ray -
burn (Dem., Tex.) said:
"I think Sol Bloom was one of
the finest men I ever know and one
of the best friends I ever had.

All expressed the opinion that
Stalin would remain No. 1 man
in Russia even if he should quit
the post f Prime Minister. His
supreme position would be safe-
guarded, they speculated, by his
personal prestige and his posts
as Communist Party Secretary
General and Politburo member.

cide, his ruling would be ap- They did not exclude the possi-'
pealed to the Senate as a whole. bility, however, that the release of
And an administration lieuten- Molotov and the Foreign Trade
ant, who asked not to be quot- Minister, A. L. Mikoyan, followed
ed by name, said today that personal or political differences.
leaders have become convinced But they pointed out that policy-
they can't muster enough votes making remains in the hands of
to make Barkley's ruling stick. I the Politburo.
Only a majority would be nec-
essary to uphold such a ruling. Playe
Prof. Davison calfor Tryouts
With one successful production
T Speak on behind them, The Student Play-
iers are calling for tryouts inter-
Poe ested in taking part in another
P t _dplay this semester.
Prof. Edward Davison, chair- They plan to present "Boy Meets
man of the Washington and Jef- I Girl" and are having a meeting for
ferson College English Depart- potential members of -the cast at'
ment, will give the second of two 7:30 p.m. today in the League.
lectures on poetry, 4:15 p.m. to- "Time of Your Life" was their first
day in Rackham Amphitheatre. performance.
The subject of his second talk In addition to actors, Cetta said
will be "The Poet in Any World." the player's group needs a piano
Prof. Davison has a wide back- player and a singer.
ground in the literary field. He
attended St. John's College, Cam-
bridge, where he edited "The Cam-D
bridge Review" as an undergrad-
After graduation he edited "The Southerners
Challenge" in London until he
came to this country in 1925. <i
Soon after he arrived he was edit- By GEORGE WALKER
ing the Wit's Weekly Page in Some 20 slow speaking students
"The Saturday Review of Litera- drew a Mason-Dixon line around
ture." Rm. 3A of the Union last night,
Shortly after winning a Gug- carefullyshuththe windows against
genheim Fellowship in Poetry, he what might have been a north
became professor of English at wind, and watched the door in-
the University of Colorado. He tently, lest some stray Yankee en-
was also director of the Writer's ter.
Conference in the Rocky Moun- They were organizers of the lat-
tains for eight years. ey a oglne of reional
His "Collected Poems" was pub- roup on campus-the Souten-
lished in 1940. gcS

Prvemier Sun,
Entire Cabinet
Quit in1China
NANKING - ( P) - Dr. Sun Fo,
holdover premier from "retired"
Chiang Kai-Shek's Chinese gov-
ernment, abruptly resigned today.
His action created a new po-
litical crisis in the war-weary
country with peace negotiations
with the Communists not far
THE ROTUND premier, son of
Sun Yat-Sen, founder of the Chi-
nese Republic, stepped out with
his entire cabinet. He announced
the resignations to a cheering leg-
islative Yuan which had been
critical of his policies.
Sun's resignation left acting
President Li Tsung-Jen with a
serious p&roblem at a critical
Sun's resignation opens a way
for the acting president to loosen
the right-wing control of the "re-

"PAUL WROTE the letter to the
Thessalonians before any of the
Gospels appeared. Read through
Paul's other letters before at-
tempting the letter to the R-
mans," he suggested.
r - ~ ~ ~ - - -- -- -

Meanwhile Chinese students on
campus have formed the ChineseI
Student Mutual Help Club with
the aim of aiding those of their
members temporarily without

tired" Chiang and other ultra- meeting at which Zarichny and
conservative elements of the Kuo- Goodman were to have appeared,
mintang (government party) at announced that they would con-
least in the administrative ma- tinue their efforts to bring the
chinery of the government. pair here.
Ban ToBlast Jlep Myth

Wed., March 9
the '49 Ensian
becomes $6.00
Cost will be $5.00 until
that deadline. Before that

Froggy Bottom Sundae
Epicures' New Favorite

More than 20 campus drug
stores are doing a landslide bus-
iness in the latest of soda foun-
tain creations -Froggy Bottom
With the delicacy only a few
days old, most druggists reported
that the new product was fast be-

stomach and money to down one
of the first of the test models.
"Just like the signs say-it's
terrific," he said.
TOM CRAMER, on the promo-
tions staff of the Union Opera,
finm mhir. h the ana .aetst s.

"Not a bad idea," drawled Don
Powell, '50 F & C, another Mis-
"And we'll show 'em," she con-
THE CLUB immediately got
down to business. After several
suggestions, of which "Dixiecrats"
was not the least popular, they,
chose Southerners' Club as their
official title.

Mason-Dixon line uncertain, the
gatheringudecided that "anybody
with Southern sentiments-who
considers himself a Southerner"
was eligible.
Almost dreamily, the members
laid tentative plans for a South-}
ern Ball. There would be berib-
boned skirts swishing to the
strains of "Dixie," and mag-
nolias for boutonnieres.
And they would have a real



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