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February 07, 1949 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-07

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ivioncinv_ F-hrtinrv 7. 1949

P--a~ ixten V1MCluA rALYF_-,, t i 7T704


Monroe, Louisiana; Beverly Scott ids; Marie Petterson, Det., and
NAI1 iPalmer, Det., and Hack Wilson, Earl Willnoft, Det.; Ruth Petite,
Champaign; Carolyn Palmer, and Det., and Jay S. Pettite, Jr., Det.
John Mackey.
(Continued from_Page_15) *r* *BOB STUART, and Shirley Pi-
JEAN PALMER, Det., and D. M. quet; Virginia Plews (Smith Col-
Det., and C. Stewart; Sally Mur- Stanley, Pasadena, Calif.; Marilyn lege),-Flint, and John R. Gehring,
ray, Traverse City, and John Palmer, Pontiac, and Irvin M. Wil- Ann Arbor; Roni Plizga, Dear-
Grayson, Bay City; Nancy Mussel- bur, Flint; Mary Palmer, Det., born, and Donald Roger Brown,
man, Royal Oak, and Milan and Vernon C. Judd, Chicago; Det.; Carolyn Ploger, Evanston,
Cobble, Ann Arbor. Rita Papo, Det., and William and Don Calhoun, Jr., Evanston.
Mersky, Det.; Audrey Parnes, Juanita Plumb, Yates Center,'
JOAN A. NEFF, Chicago; and Cleveland, and William Blumen- Kansas, and Charles R. Plumb,
Carlson R. Speck, Det.; Nancy L. thal, Hempstead, N.J. Yates Center, Kansas; Katie Po-
Neff, Three Rivers, and Richard Rita Parrish and Bob Bauer; lack, Traverse City, and Milton
C. ,McArdle; Dorothy Neiman Margaret Paton, Ann Arbor, and D. Parker, Grand Rapids; Eliza-
Det., and Hubert E. Elkins, Brook William W. Taylor, Oxford, Mich.; beth R. Post, Det., and Bryce H.:
lyn; July Neiswander, Doylestown, Ann Patterson, Long Beach, Ind., Bennett, Salamanca, N.Y.; Marie
Ohio, and Ted Black, Canton; and Richard Hoheb, Rutherford, Post and James Schneider.
Ruth Mary Nelson, Muskegon, and N.J.; Joanne Patterson, Akron, Esther Poulos, Ann Arbor, and
James Fish, Muskegon. and Robert C. Porter, Cincinnati; Peter N. Straathopoulos, Benton
Shirley Nelson, New York, and Judith Patterson, Pontiac, and T. Harbor; Betty Pray and Chuck
Carl A. Mahlig, Cleveland; Jeanne D. Loughviu, Cadillac; Evelyn E. Ortmann; Renee Pregulman, Lan-
Nesbitt, Alpena, and Bill Wise, Peplav, Saline, Mich., and B. J. sing, and Burton R. Shufmana,
East,. Lansing; Barbara Newell, Surma, Det. Det.; Margaret Price, Det., and
Deckerville, Mich., and Joseph
Ellis,'Grand Rapids; Fran Newell Millicent Percy, Owosso, and Gerry Dickson, Det.; Dorothy
End Robert Warner; Bette New- Bob Miserez, Milan; Joan Perry, Priestley, Det., and Leon Allain,
house, Muskegon, and Bill Van- Det., and Robert E. Snyder, Det.; New Orleans.
erwerp, Muskegon. Mary C. Peters, Det., and GeorgeY
Muco, El Monte, Calif.; Jacquelyn MARY PROCYZZN, New Bos-
Sylvia Newman, Det., and Leon- M. Peterson, Grand Rapids, and ton, and Bruce Dilks, New Boston;
ard Zivow, Det.; Shirley J. New- Russell W. Van Dore, Grand Rap- Donald Kreuger, Bad Axe, and
ton and Stephen C. B. White;
Mary Jo Nilssen, Minneapolis and
G. W. Irmscher, Ft. Wayne; Mar-

L. Fleury; Claren L. Putnam and
Richard Barrow; Mary L. Put-
nam and Richard Barrow; Mary
L. Putnam, Dec., and Walter
Browe, Det.; Constance Quinn,
Kalamazoo, and James W. Koest-
ner, Gull Lake.
Jean G. Rae, Snyder, N.Y. and
Gerald W. Iler Grosse Pointe;
Martha Raine Fore, Wayne, Ind.
and Horst ecnberg, Bombay,
India; Bara;a Raitt, Brooklyn,
and Ivan Golobere Tarryton, N.
Y.; Dale Rainey. Grosse Pointe,
and Bob Youn,. Westfield, N. Y.;
Howard Clark and Kris Ramsey;
Hugh Brown nd Ella May Ran-
ALL TRAPP, Det.., and Audrey
Ranspach, Dc,_: Richard Ratner
and wife, Benos Harbor; Haline
Raymond, De ...and Gerald Jaro-
sik, Det.; Sally Lou Read, Grosse
-Bi Smith Pointe, and Alexander Bacon, Det.;
Barbara Jo Rea . Somerset, Pa.,
Jeanne Profit, Cass City; Jean and John Leona:-. II; of James-
Pross, Toledo, and Bill Long- town, N.Y.; M -nd Mrs. Donald
thorne, Toledo; Mr. and Mrs. C. Redfern, or Je-ey City, N.J.
Russell Pryce, Louis Pulfer, Det., Jeannine Redford of Hunting-
and Fred Zimmerman, Det. ton Woods e C 'harles Goebel,
Gertie Purdo, Det., and W. Clark Royal Oak; Ja Redmond, Fern-
Kunca, Det.; an Purman, and Don (Conueed a Page 17)

Armerica's First Suit
For Warm Weather, Whr

J* >
w +kp
S All
k 3

ea l ervanei
For town . . for cotntry .
for day . . . for night.
Cool, crisp Wachalhcr nesVs by Haindmaic
esubtle nea details . . . in Cclanesc ;-. Un.
Incredibly well tailored at a low, low l prce.
Newsworthly spring slTades .t.
off-white, dusty rose, sand, brown, gray
mint green, aqua, dark green, tan, cora
and black . . . for misses and juniors.
A nd ct/One, /jt -4flhl .a4404/

ilyn Norman, Kalamazoo, and
Robert A. Harris, Cranbury, N.J.;
Sally Norton, Jackson, and Joe
Laird, Ann Arbor.
Verne Nulu, Det., and Jas. B.
Tylicki, Det.; Patricia Oakman.
Det., and William W. Henderson,
Pleasant Ridge; Jean Oakes, Har-
boar Beach, and Gordon Saxon,
Det.; Irene Obidzinski, Det. and
Chester M. Fortuna. Det.
River, 0., and William E. Zimmie,
Dearborn; Dee O'Bryon, Barbar-
ton, Ohio; and Marshall Browne,
Marion, Ohio; Maureen O'Donnell,
Det.; and Thomas Chenot, Det.;
Nedra Ohmstede, Hartford, Mich.,
and Robert H. Werme, Norwalk,
Conn.; Lois Olen, Grosse Pointe,
and Hal Goldberg, Det.
Betty Lou Oliver. Alpena, and
Francis G. Fry, Jr., Grand Rapids;
Jan Olivier, Grosse Pointe, and
Gary Buhron, Lakeside, Ohio; Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Olson; Robbin Ol-
son, Det., and J. Vaughn Nalban-
dian, Det.; Betty Jane Orr, Det.,
and Maxwell Iverson, Det.; Julia
tuverkerk, Mtu k-egon, and Roy C.
Long, MusIkegen.
Marion Kay Blancett, Det., and
Jerry R. Overhold; Det.; Margaret
Ovitt, Utica, and LeRoy Rodgers,
Jackson; Doris Owens, Ionia, and
Stuart Todd, Ionia; Pat E. Paget.
Det.. and David L. Nichol, J.W



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