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March 05, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-05

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Twvo- Year Colleges
A PLAN WHICH could possibly eliminate educators said the to
freshmen and sophomores from col- perhaps as low as one
leges was proposed at a regional conference These colleges, it is
of the American Association of School Ad- run by the city but th
winistrators, this week. federal support.
Specifically, the program calls for the Then, too, the progran
construction of 2,500 two-year colleges would cover areas thec
which would be publicly run and add about the technical trade subj
a million to the number of students getting One of the problem
higher education in this country. gram of junior college
is the reputation of the
The idea, it seems, would be to vastly in- stitutions. As the situa
crease the amount of inexpensive public there is not only a cert
education available, and as the plan would "I graduated from M
allow all high school graduates to attend, able to say so is a.
it would almost amount to an extension of ticket than graduating
high school. tral City Junior College
Thus one of the AASA members actually This forces a certain
suggested that colleges could drop the first who actually don't nee
two years of college and stress the graduate lege to attend that len
work instead, to get a degree, as oppos
First, it should be pointed out that this There has been a not
plan is both an extension of the junior past few years towards
college system which is in effect in many universities into a two y
American cities, particularly throughout gram and a two year
the West, and a step towards the possible as note the new, stricte
goal of compulsory higher education, for freshmen and sopho
The junior college has a number of good So these 2,500 new
points in its favor and would not have such a liberal arts progn
to take the place of the standard four-year ing in technical trades
college at all. A two year, or junior, college they now do.
is always located in the community where Perhaps the four y
the student lives, and thus is much less ex- even run the junior co
pensive-than out-city colleges. One of the munity, as former U

tal cost would run
assumed, would be
.e program calls for
m of a junior college
other colleges don't,
jects, primarily.
s such a vast pro-
s would have to face
he big four year in-
ation stands today,
tain pride in saying
ichigan" but being
much better meal
from, say, a Cen-
number of students
d four years of col-
ngth of time merely
sed to the education.
ticeable trend in the
s dividing four year
year liberal arts pro-
advanced training,
x group requirements
mores at Michigan.
schools could give
ram as well as train-
subjects, as, in fact,
year colleges could
lleges for the com-
niversity President
Mct nearly 20 years
ant future date, the
en are dropped from
onal structure of the
ld be radically al-
adition would go the
n State Street.
-John Davies.

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Little proposed in eff
But if, at some dista
sophomores and freshm
the campus, the traditi
American College wou
tered and an ancient tr
way of the streetcars on





NATHAN MILSTEIN has the art of play-
ing with great zest and warmth, and yet
with a certain degree of restraint. As I
happen to admire the school of violinists
who can convey great emotion without re-
sorting to "sobs," I found Mr. Milstein's
concert highly exhilerating.
The violinist's vitality was impressed into
every work on the program and he seemed
to play with more power and depth than
when I last heard him several years ago.
The best results of his warm interpre-
tations were in the Bach Adagio and Fugue
in G minor for unaccompanied violin and
the Bruch G minor concerto. In fact, it
was particularly in the Bruch that some
changes in Mr. Milstein's playing were
His interpretation was freer, with more
alterations in tempo for the sake of contrast,
particularly in the 'third movement which
contains the most beautiful lyric line.in
the whole melodious concerto. (Compare
with his earlier recorded version.)
Mr. Milstein polished off the Bach Adagio

and Fugue with great ease, and especially
in the Fugue, showed how a combination
of great technical competency and warmth
can produce a singing Bach.
I have minor differences with Mir. Mil-
stein and Mr. Balsam on the Brahms
Sonata. It certainly was well played, par-
ticularly in the very very lovely adagio, but
they seemed to press too hard in the first
movement which aiways conveys some ur-
gency but in a little more melodious manner.
And because I do not happen to like
virtuoso music, I would rather not comment
on Milstein's own Paganiniana, except to
say that the violinist displayed an amazing
technical ability in some skillfully composed,
Such small points hardly detracted from
enjoyment of the program. Mr. Milstein
treated a very happy audience- to four en-
cores: Gluck-Kreisler: Melody from Or-
pheus; Suk: Burleska; Stravinsky: Maden
Song; Rimsky-Korsakov: Flight of the
-Harriett Friedman

'Straight' Advice.
MICHAEL STRAIGHT, currently on a
speaking tour of the Midwest, stopped
off in Ann Arbor the other day to give a
shot in the arm to the liberal movement
within the Democratic party.
He did a good job.
His speech at Kellogg Auditorium was a
rather restrained appraisal of the Tru-
man administration, but his talk follow-
ing an ADA dinner contained much of
the fight and fire one would expect from
the editor of New Republic.
Straight declared that most of the liberals
who were elected to Congress in November
were nominated because the local machines,
viewing 1948 as a lost year for the Demo-
crats, decided that liberals were more ex-
pendable than the preferable conservative
He thought the chances of these men
being renominated was very slim, but he
challenged the liberal element in the Demo-
cratic party to begin working now, at the
local level, to win the fight against the
conservative machines.
Liberals who agree with Straight that
the best way for them to be effective is to
work from within the party structure
would do well to heed his advice. The
next congressional elections are still a
long way off, but every minute of that
time will be needed to uproot the deeply
entrenched machines.
Only by starting now, at the bottom of
the political hierarchy can the liberal ele-
iment in the Democratic party see that the
ground gained in the last election is not
lost in the next.
-Roma Lipsky.
Soviet Intentions
WASHINGTON-The scene was a rather
bleak government office in Belgrade.
The speaker was a high Yugoslav official,
who had worked intimately with Molotov.
He spoke almost wistfully, as many Euro-
peans will of the desirability of a "settle-
ment" between Moscow and Washington.
Fear of Western aggression, he said, was
the whole mainspring of Russian policy.
From personal experience, he emphatically
described Molotov as genuinely afraid that
the United States would attack Russia.
The question now, in fact, is not how to
make a "settlement" but how the Kremlin
is going to deal with the stalemate that is
emerging in Europe. The following an-
alysis is the consensus of the many in-
formed officials and expert observers with
whom this correepondent talked in France
and Italy, Yugoslavia, Britain and Ger-
many. All agree that the Kremlin does
not want war now and will not take the
risk of war, even for great ends, for some
time to come.
All agree also that the Kremlin's plans
for Europe have been at least temporarily
frustrated, and that this frustration has
forced the Kremlin to elaborate a new pro-
gram. Finally it is the consensus that this
new program has three aims.
The first aim is to establish total, ruth-
less, unchallengeable control over the So-
viet Union's new wartime conquests. Hence
the Czechoslovak coup d'etat and the at-
tempt to liquidate the island of Western
freedom in Berlin.
The second aim is to take immediate ad-
vantage of the American concentration
on Europe, and of the feeble and non-
existent defenses of the vast regions of
the Middle and Far East.
The third aim is to prepare the Soviet
Empire for war with all speed.
There are two things to note about this

program. It is a practical program. There
are no obvious miscalculations, such as the
misreading of the United States that caused
the Kremlin's first grandiose plans to mis-
(Copyright, 1949, New York IIcrald Tribune)
At the Orpheut *..
The Bride's Surprise: Jacques Duval, Sinocl,
and Martine Carol.
AWARNING: AVOID The Bride's Surprise
W if you are afflicted with the blues,
paranoia, or a frustration. Under those cir-
cumstances the movie will poison you as a
confused mixture of extremely incompetent
slap-stick and misfired satire. Occasionally
you will chortle because certain elements
are humorous enough to cause the most
stone-hearted, blase member of the race
to unbend. But on the whole, you will con-
sider the movie a large, unprescribed dose
of corn.
However: if you enter into this thing
with a light heart and the propensity for
laughter, you will find The Bride's Surprise
a competent, hilarious farce.
Take a pack of uninhibited, hyper-thy-
roid Frenchmen; let them yap incessantly
at the heels of modern life without the
restraint of an organized plot; and you have
the essential features of The Bride's Sur-

(Continued from Page 3)
average required), need and citi-
Graduate Student Council De-
partmental Rep resentatives:
Graduate Student and Graduates
Faculty opinion polls on the lan-
guage requirements will be avail-
able at the Graduate School Of-
fice beginning Saturday morning.
Housing applications from wom-
en students for the summer ses-
sion of 1949 may now be filed in
the Office of the Dean of Women
for space in graduate and under-
graduatesLeague Houses, Soror-
ity Houses (open to non-mem-
bers), a Cooperative House, and
German-French-Spanish Houses
as well as University residencel
Bell Aircraft Corporation will
interview graduate students from
Engineering Mechanics Dept. and
from the Math., Physics, Aero.,
Mech., and Electrical Engineering
Departments on Wed., March 9,
for work in Servomechanisms De-
velopment and Advanced Develop-
ment work on Missile Programs.
Interviews in Rm. 1079 E. E.
Application blanks available in
Rm. 1079.

"You 1S"-cc. T o. IH, olliBoillb Cae-ci

tryout fo the forthcoming cam-
pus talent show, Sat., March 5, 1
to 3 p.m., room 3A, Michigan Un-
ion. Talent acts are urged to make
appointments before the tryout at
the Union Student Offices.
Art Cinema League presents
"Destry Rides Again," 7 and 9
p.m., Friday and Saturday, Archi-
tecture Auditorium. Tickets on
sale 1-4 p.m., Administration Bldg.
U. of M. Student Players casting
for "Boy Meets Girl."1
Sat., March 5, 2-5 p.m., Union,
Larry Toms, C. F. Friday (male
lead), B.K.'s voice.
Coming Events
General Semantics Study Group:
Sun., 3 p.m., International Center.
Graduate Outing Club meets
Sun., March 6, 2:30 p.m., North-
west Entrance, Rackham Bldg.
for hike. Please sign supper list
at Rackham Checkroom desk be-
fore noon Sat. All graduates wel-
United World Federalists would
like to call to the attention the
fact that the Week of March 6-12
has been proclaimed World Gov-


The Daily accords Its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address,
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
Why Repress?
To the Editor:
bative professor is accused of
"viciousipropaganda" and "sloppy
thinking" he usually talks back,
but I have not done so because
events have spoken for me. The
trials of the fifteen ministers in
Bulgaria have so tragically con-
firmed everything I said about the
pattern of political trials in east-
ern Europe that further words of
mine would be needless.
So I turn to an entirely dif-
ferent matter. No one with
common sense. sense of propor-
tion, or sense of humor (they
amount to about the same would
for a moment equate our own slap-
on-the-wrist invasions of freedom
with the grim massacres of the
concentration camps of Russia,
but the difference in scale should
not blind us to the sinister like-
ness in kind. In both cases, it is
the use of authority to settle what
should be settled by free discus-
sion. Take, for example, the firing
of professors in Olivet, Oregon
and Washington. If they were in-
dividually incompetent, or indi-
vidually engaged in treasonable
practices, by all means let them
suffer the consequences; the pro-
fessor's chair should not be a re-
fuge for incompetence or treason.
But deductively to infer incom-
petence or guilt because of asso-
ciation with a particular group-
whether Communist or any other
-is to invert the rational order of
Again, take the Communist
trials. When the defense is al-
lowed to spend months merely
challenging the jury, one is in-
deed amused at those who'com-
pare it with the arrest-without-
warrant, imprisonment - without-
habeas-corpus, and trial-without-
jury cases in Hungarywandelse-
where. All the same, what is the
point in solemnly trying people
for "Marxist-Leninist" teachings?
Either they are guilty of treason-
able acts or they are not. If they
are, let the evidence appear. If
they are not, let the trials be
stopped, and it would have been
better had they never begun. At
least the Communists have one
argument; when they repress
they use firing squads, torture
camps and other methods which
really do repress. When we re-
press, we do it so feebly and in-
eptly that we only give free ad-
vertisement to the "victims." I
venture to suggest, why repress at
all? Punish overt acts, yes; but
answer foolish words with wise
ones, not with prosecutions.
-Preston Slosson.
* *. *
To the Editor:
IT WAS AT A small college in
East Calcutta, Georgia, some-
times called Yashyipsasacki Uni-
versity, on a cold afternoon dur-
ing final exams that Melvin Gay-
lord Percy contemplated the ugly
facts of his existence. Not once
in the quarter had he attended a
session of anthropology 6 to the
tenth power. It was a dull course,
and dealt primarily with the Az-
tec industrial revolution. He had
studied this phase of culture at
the age of five, but it was one of
those courses which was required
and hence the terrible spectre of

possible ennui had hovered over
him for a semester. He knew the
facts. He could not endure the
thought of sitting for three hours
and writing what he had already
well in mind. (It is common
knowledge that cutting classes
leads to D's and perhaps Melvin
was somewhat disturbed at con-
sidering this). But, Melvin de-
cided to fail the course rather than
to suffer through the final ex-
treme melancholia which over-
came him.
And then. there appeared be-
fore him in his room a snake
which rose on its hind legs upon
his desk. Thus spoke the snake
unto him. "Peradventure you have
forgotten about the contents
within the bottle which reclines
in yonder drawer." And Melvin
rose from his chair and took him-
self to the place whic hthe snakeI
had indicated. And he did remove
the bottle from the drawer and of
its contents did he drink. And it
came to pass that as Melvin drank
thereof he became very weak of

Letters to the Editor-


head, not kperceiving clearly wlat
hie di like or dislike. And the
elements in him which were of
some scholarly aspect lured him
to the classroom wherein his exam
was in process. And Melvin sat
in the classroom and he did write.
In somne space of time it was
learned that Melvin had passed
the exanination and did receive a
C, which is ill that hie wanted
t Hereof. And so Melvin has taken
o drinking that he may pass all
his dull courses.
-Patrick 11. Doyle.
Orego Firing
To the Editor:
ON THURSDAY, February 24,
The "Daily" carried an article
on the front page about a chem-
istry professor in Oregon State
University who was fired from his
job because he supported the bio-
logical theories of the Russian sci-
entist, Trofim Lysenko. I
Professor Spitzer wrote a letter
last month to the Chemical and
Engineering News Magazine. The
magazine published the letter. In
it. he urged fellow scientists'" to
read the biology report delivered
by Lysenko. The professor said he
thought that the Soviet scientist
was right in saying that by chang-
ing the environment at an appro-
priate time and in an appropriate
way, we could change the hered-
ity of organisms.
For this crime, professor Spitzer
has been deprived of his post as a
professor of chemistry. Where is
our vaunted academic freedom?
One must accept the official dog-
mas or face unemployment or
persecution. To believe in a theory
advanced by a Soviet scientist
leaves one open to face the sus-
picion of disloyalty to the United
States. From this, it is a short
step to the making of "White
Supremacy" an official doctrine
in the Universities.
The British geneticists, Hudson
and Richens, for the Imperial Bu-
reau of Plant Breeding and Gene-
tics, have said that "Mitchurin's
pioneer work on distant hybridiza-
tion and Lysenko's studies on ver-
nalizations are contributions to
biology which transcend any con-
troversial issues."
However, the "objective" Dr.
Strand, the President of Oregon
State, has apparently amassed all
the knowledge on the controversy
and has dismissed Dr. Spitzer be-
cause the latter "chooses to sup-
port Lysenko genetics against the
weight of evidence."
The Spitzer case is symptomatic
of the general hysteria which has
gripped academic circles. All stu-
dents who believe in academic
freedom should protest the un-
American stand of Dr. Strand and
demand the reinstatement of Dr.

Sign schedule on Aero bulletin erinent Week by Gov. G. Men-
board. nen Williams and by the Student
Legislature of the university. Stu-
The Rayonier Co. of Shelton, dent or faculty groups of any size
Washington will have a represen- interested in having a representa-


-Leon Soffin.

Communist Teeth

THE COMMUNISTS at last are showing
their teeth. They are telling us in un-
mistakable terms, which country they will
fight for in the event of a future war with
Maurice Thorez, the French Communist
leader, started it by saying that in case
of a war with Russia, the French people
should cooperate with the Red Army.
Britain was next. "What will we do in
the event of an imperialist aggressive war
against the USSR? We will reply in or-
ganized strikes and councils of action to
prevent that war from being carried
through," said Harry Pollitt, general secre-
tary of the British Communist Party.
Palmiro Togliatti, the leader of the Com-
munist party in Italy stated, "The Italian
people would have the most evident duty
to aid in the most effective way the Soviet
army if it chased an aggressor onto Italian
Now, to top all these expressions of
loyalty to the Politburo, has come a state-
ment from National Committee Chairman
William Foster and general secretary Eu-
gene Dennis of the American Communist
Party. The Communists here would "co-
operate with all democratic forces to de-
feat the predatory war aims of American
imperialism and bring such a war to a
Sixty-dollar bonuses will be given all
World War veterans honorably discharged
since April 6, 1917. To get them, the vet
must send official dlischarge papers to
A mob of 5.000 students caused $1,500(
damnage to the Michigan Theatre in its cele-
bration of Michigan's 37-22 victory over Iowa
to cinch the Big Ten cage title. Teargas
failed to quiet the revelers, and police were

speedy conclusion on the basis of a dem-
ocratic peace," they said, when asked to
comment on the statements by Thorez
and Togliatti. "If, despite the efforts of
the peace forces of America and the world,
Wall Street should succeed in plunging
the world into war, we would oppose it."
It seems strange that the actions of the
U.S. in Europe should be called imperialistic,
while the Communists are considered "peace
forces." Were the Communist seizures of
power in Hungary and Czechoslovakia peace-
ful moves? Americans have always felt that
a peaceful change of government could only
be effected by a democratic election. Yet
the Communists, after being repudiated in
the Italian elections of 1946, feel that it is
the "molt evident duty" of the Italian peo-
ple to support the Red army in case of
The democratic nations of Western Eu-
rope have asked us for economic aid. We
are giving it to them. In return, we are
asking only that they prevent our help
from flowing into Communist hands. That
is all. We are not using force to intimidate
the countries under ERP into accepting ouf'
ideas. They can accept our help or reject it,
just as thye wish. We are not attempting
to overthrow their governments. Rather, we
are supporting their elected governments
against the threat of Communism. For this
we aie called imperialists.
When America, France, Italy or Great
Britain want the Communists they will
say so in their elections. In the United
States, the feeble showing of Wallace in
the November elections was ample proof
that it was not only Wall Street that fa-
vored Truman's policy on Communism.
The eleven Communists now on trial for
,'knowingly and willfully advocating and
teaching the duty and necessity of over-
throwing and destroying the government of
the United States by force and violence" are
evidently guilty.
A great many misguided "liberals" have
been criticizing the trial as an infringe-
ment of the democratic right of freedom of

tative here on Tues., March 8 to
interview chemists and chemical
engineers. They want to see or-
ganic and physical chemists, and
chemical engineers on the Ph.D.,
level, as well as other chemists
and chemical engineers on the
B.S. or M.S. level. Application
blanks and appointments may be
obtained in the office of the Bu-
reau of Appointments, 3528
Admin. Bldg.
English Department Lecture:'
"Poetry in Spite of Ourselves."I
Dean Edward Davison, Washing-
ton and Jefferson College. 4:30
p.m., Mon., March 7, Architecture
University Lecture: "The Influ-
ence of Church and State on Me-
dieval Cartography." George H1. T.
Kimble, Professor of Geography,
McGill University, Montreal' aus-
pices of the Department of Geog-
raphy. 4:15 p.m., Mon., March 7,
Kellogg Auditorium.
Academic Notices
M. A. Language Examination
Correction: Examination will be
given on Fri., March 11, at 4 p.m..
Room B, Haven Hall. Please regis-
ter at History Dept. Office. The
use of a dictionary is permitted.
Events Today
Saturday Luncheon Discussion
Group, Lane Hall, 12:15 p.m.
The Ann Arbor Youth Hostel,
Instruction Square Dance Series
meets every Saturday evening
from 8:15 to 11:00 p.m. at Jones
School, 401 North Division. In-
struction for experts and begin-
Campus Talent Show: Talent

tive of the World Federalists con-
duct a discussion on World Gov-
ernment any evening or afternoon
next week are requested to con-
tact Florence Baron--New Wom-
en's Dorm.
Sociedad Hispanica: Social
Hour, Mon., March 7, 4 to 6 p.m.,
International Center.
llillelzapoppin - Ticket .Com-
mitee: There will be a meeting,
Mon., at 4:15 p.m. in the Grand
RapidstRoom of the League. All
interested welcome.
Modern Poetry Club: Meeting
for discussion with University Lec-
turer Edward Davison, poet and
critic. 8 p.m., Mon., Michigan
League. See bulletin board for
Pli Sigma: Regular meeting
Mon., March 7th, 8 p.m. Rackham
Amphitheatre. Program: "Collect-
ing Fungi in the Western United
States" by Alexander H. Smith,
Associate Professor of Botany and
Botanist in the University Her-
barium. Illustrated. Business meet-
ing: 7:30 p.m. for the initiation of
new members. Program open to
the public.
Women's Research Club: 8 p.m..
Mon., March 7, West Lecture
Room, Rackham Bldg. Miss H. Ar-
liss Denyes and Miss Margery S.
Anthony will speak on "Biologi-
cal Studies in the Big Bend Re-
gion of Texas."
The Water Safety Instructors'
Course will be conducted by the
Red Cross between April 18 and
29 at the Intramural Pool. First
meeting, 7:30 p.m., Mon., April
18; subsequent meetings will be
announced at that time. The
course is open to both men and
women. Anyone interested should
sign up in Office 15, Barbour

I ir( igun ttilg

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor
D~ick Maloy ...............City Fdillor
Naomi Stern ........Editorial lDlree ;!,
Allegra Pasqualetti...Associato Editor
Al Blumrosen.......AssocIate Editor
Leon Jaroff.........Associate Editor
Robert C. White ...... Associate Editor
B. S. Brown ............Sports Editor
Bud Weldenthai ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey .....Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery ...... Women's Editor
Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ..................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Halt .......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
william Culman ....Finance Manager
Cole Christian ...Circulation Manager
leleIphone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspater.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
. Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,



5 .
# D

Just cosmg time for
the museum. The doors

V.eiMr 'MJy

Ah! The Thinker!
a.. , ,.tf., u t *... I

Suppose we COULD offer
him a penny for his thoughfs,


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