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March 05, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-05

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See ?Pa f' I4


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Latest Deadline in the State



Thinclads Shine;iatators Lag

Nine 'M' Men
Enter Finals
At Illinois
Illini Place Seven
In nir'ei*it Event
(Special to Th Daily)
CHAMPAIGN. Ill. - Michigan
led the field with nine qualifiers
for this afternoon's finals of the
Western Conference Track and
Field Championships.
Illinois, with seven, and In-
diana and Ohio State, with six
each, followed the Wolverines.
Pacing the Michigan qualifiers
were sophomores Jim Mitchell
and Don Hoover, who both quali-
fied for the 70-yard high and low
MITCHELL finished second be-
hind Ohio's Lloyd Duff in the
semi-finals of the high hurdles.
Hoover was third in the heat won
by Dick Maxwell, also of Ohio.
Mitchell again took second
behind Duff in the lows. Clay
Holland won the first heat of
the low semi-finals, and Hoov-
er was third.
Michigan failed to qualify any
one in the broad jump. Jewell
Daily, of Purdue, missed the Con-
ference broad jump record by 1%
inches as he paced the six quali-
ROD WARREN gained a start-
ing position in the finals of the
440-yard run when he took third
place behind Ohio's Mal Whit-
field. Whitfield's winning time
was the fastest of the night.
Herb Barten turned in the
fastest time for the half-mile as
he won the third heat. John
Lindquist also qualified for
Michigan in this event.
Art Henrie, running with a ban-
dage on his thigh, qualified for
today's semi-finals of the 60-yard
dash as he took fourth in his heat,
won by Harold Omer of Purdue.
Indiana qualified four men in this
(Three heats-four qualify)
60 - yard dash: first, Harold
Omer, Purdue; second, Jack
Simpson, Iowa; third, Robert O'-
Brien, Indiana; fourth, Art Hen-
rie, Michigan. Time, :06.3.
(Second heat): first, Jim Hol-
land, Northwestern; second, Stan
Wilkins, Indiana; third, Clark
See MITCHELL, Page 5
Army General
Visits Campus
Possibilities of a University ar-
mory to house campus ROTC and
NROTC units were discussed yes-
terday in a joint conference be-
tween 5th Army chief Lieut. Gen.
Stephen J. Chamberlin, President
Alexander G. Ruthven and Col-
onel Karl E. Henion, local ROTC
commanding officer.
Stopping off here on his ac-
quaintance tour of midwestern
civilian components, Gen. Cham-
berlin conferred with President
Ruthven and Col. Henion on
changes and improvements in the

campus Reserve chapters.
Following an inspection tour he
said, "On the whole I am very
pleased with the way the unit is
The need and desirability of a.
campus armory for use by both
naval and military corps should
provoke some definite action, the
Army .chief said.

DETROIT - (MP)-- It was a
topsy-turvy world today for at-
torney George W. Bixler.
The lawyer breezed into traf-
fic court to represent a client.
He walked out bearing a war-
rant charging him with park-
ing violation last August 20.
Judge George T. Murphy
said Bixler Chad never gotten
around to answering a sum-
mons issued last November. Fie
ws ordered to appear for trial
March 22.
'See Victory
In Filibuster
WASHINGTON --(P)-Southern
Democrats tonight claimed a
whopping majority to beat down
an expected Administration-
backed attempt to choke off their
five-day-old filibuster in the Sen-
Senator Russell (De., Ga.)
told a reporter that a private poll
taken by the Southerners indi-
cates they have 58 votes.
ALL THEY NEED is 49 votes, a
simple majority, to override an
expected ruling by Vice-President
Barkley in favor of ending the
debate quickly.
"We have enough votes to de-
feat the effort to break the fili-
buster against this proposed
rules change," Russell said at a
late hour.
An Associated Press survey
showed the Southern bloc gaining
support, but less heavily than Rus-
sell claimed.
The score Thursday was 38 to
17. Yesterday it stood: 42 to 18.
World News
By The Associated Press
LONDON - The Moscow radio
said tonight Russia wants
peace and "unswervingly conducts
a policy of cooperation among all
democratic countries, regardless
of their internal social system."
The broadcast, which was in
English, was heard here. The
Soviet radio monitor said it came
just before the announcement of
the change of Russia's foreign
WASHINGTON - Ign o ring
angry Republican cries of "high
handed" action, the Democratic
majority today rammed the
Truman labor bill through the
Senate Labor Committee with-
out changing a word. The vote
was 8 to 5 on party lines.
Banking Committee today ap-
proved a compromise bill to con-
tinue rent controls another 15
months and give the government
power to prevent any mass evic-
tion of tenants.

Union Holds Annual)

Open House


The welcome mat is out today where coeds fear to tread.
Students and townspeople of both sexes will stream through the
front doors of the Michigan Union to witness today's traditional
Union Open House.
AND FOR THE THOUSANDS expected to attend the affair,
there'll be a wide variety of entertainment ranging from ping-pong
and billiard and bowling demonstrations to a water ballet and a
Westinghouse lighting demonstration.
The annual event will be launched with a mock fire demon-
stration at 1 p.m. Ann Arbor's fire department will extinguish
a "fire" centered in the Union O


Then, at 1:30 p.m., spectators
will gather in the main ballroom
where top Westinghouse scientists
will demonstrate "Planned Light-
ing for Greater See-ability." An-
other presentation of the show is
scheduled for 3:30 p.m.
house lighting engineer, will dem-
onstrate some of the most recent
wonders in the field of lighting.
Paulus has worked on such enor-
mous lighting projects as the Chi-
cago World's Fair and the Statue
of Liberty.
Meanwhile, for those less sci-
entifically inclined, there'll be
a pool and billiard exhibition in
the Billiard Room, put on by
the cream of campus experts.
NCAA hockey movies of Mich-
igan's pucksters beating Dart-
mouth will be shown at 1:30 p.m.
also. Another show is planned for
2:30 p.m.

perform marine miracles in
Michifish water ballet at 2
3:30 p.m.


Free cokes and doughnuts'
await Open House visitors from
3 to 4 p.m. In addition, the
basement taproom will be open
to men and women throughout
the afternoon.
Del Elliot and his orchestra will
provide music for a coke dance
from 2 to 5 p.m.
ALL OFFICES and the Union
tower will be open to visitors
throughout the afternoon.
"This is by far the most spec-
tacular Open House in Union his-
tory," said Dale Coenen, Union
Publicity Manager. "It is an ex-
cellent opportunity to have an af-
ternoon of fun, and at the same
time inspect the Union and its fa-
cilities at close range."
Fire Hits Two
Fire of undiscovered origin de-
stroyed two units of the Enfield
Court Willow Village student resi-
dences yesterday, causing enough
damage to leave Charles Schieb,
'51, and Harold Strayer tempo-
rarily homeless.
The units will be boarded up be-
cause it costs more to repair them
than they are worth, according to
the Ypsilanti Fire Department.

Colleges List
Last Termn's
'A' Students
Names of 96 more students who
earned all-A averages during the
fall semester were announced yes-
The Colleges of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts, Engineering,
Pharmacy, and the Schools of
Education, Forestry and Conserva-
tion, Music, Public Health and
Business Administration revealed
the names of their 4.0 winners.
EARLIER IN the week, the
names of 46 engineering students
who made all-A records were an-
nounced. Law School will issue its
list later.
Names of the all-A students
follow alphabetically:
F. Gerard Adams, William O.
Allen, Norman S. Amer, Robert M.
Armstrong, James A. Attwood
Jane M. Auld.
GEORGIANA B. Benesh, Roger
B. Berry, Marion K. Blancett
Grace E. Blanchard, Arthur H.
Blossey, Malcolm D. Boesky. Herb-
ert J. Boothroyd, Ernest G. Brook-
field, Donald J. Brown, Denise M.
Buffington, Richard C. Burns,
Charles H. Buswell.
Carlo P. Cartaino, Terenee
Catherman, Ralph A. Clark,
William II. Clingman, Jr., Rich-
ard E. Corpron, Lois M. Cronk-
wright, Donald M. Decker, Rose
A. Deutsch, Leo T. Dinnan, Wil-
liam L. Duggan, Dorothy V.
Ellis, Eu Phang Tsao, Robert
E. Evans.
Edith H. J. Fonde, David W.
Fox, Mary C. Fray, Courtland P.
Geib, Henry C. Godt, Jr., Anne F.
Goodyear, Charles B. Gwinn, Lita
M. Hagen, Steven C. Hajos, Phyl-
lis L. Hamaker, Joel I. Hamburg-
er, John A. Hanson, William V.
Hauke, Frank Hull, John F. Hunt-
L. Kopp, Robert H. Krause, Alfred
Kristofferson, Alethe Kuebler,
Marjorie Lamb, Robert C. Leest-
ma, Anna M. Levin, Liang Wei
Chu, Raymond E. Lewkowicz, Lil-
lian Mangone, Albert Mandel-
stamm, William M. Masters,
James R. McReynolds, George H.
Meyer, Joan I. Meyers, Louise W.
Randall H.Nelson, Constance
Newman,. Paul N. Neufeld,
James M. Osborn, Richard .
Park, Jules M. Perlberg, Edward
See NAMES, Page 6
Famous Educator'
Je R. Angell, Dies
NEW HAVEN, Conn. - (/P) -
Former President James Rowland
Angell of Yale University died
yesterday of cancer.
mra RQ-n arI. Pnitmnfnr nr o_

OSU Ahead
By 10 Points
In Tank Meet
Weinberg Oily
iMiehio in. Winner
(Special to The Daily)
LAFAYETTE, Inca. - Showing
tremendous strength in the divi
ng department and picking up
inexpected points in two other
events, Ohio State swept into a
,ommanding lead in its bid to re-
tain the Western Conference swim
rown here last night.
The Buckeyes swept the first
our places in the low board dive
.o pile uip 15 points in this event
done and gain a 41-31 lead over
Vlichigan's defending champions.
IOWA WAS A close third with
25 points while Purdue and North-
western picked uip 18 and ten
points respectively to round out
the scoring.
Michigan's Dick Weinberg
sent the Wolverines off to a
flying start as he dumped de-
fending champion Keith Carter
of Purdue in the 50 yard free
Weinberg, who in the after-
noon's semi-final heats had tied
the Western Conference record in
the dash with a 23.1 timing,
grabbed the lead from Carter in
the last 25 yards to come home
in a comparatively slow 23.4 sec-
was sliced badly as Bob DeGroot
and Ralph Knight took an ex-
pected one-two in the backstroke
while favored Duane Draves of
Iowa could do no better than
Bernie Kahn was Michigan's
only qualifier for this event but
he faded in the last 25 yards
and finished sixth.
Two new records were set as
the Buckeyes piled up their ten
point margin but the Ohioans had
no part in either record. Appro-
priately enough however it was an
Ohioan who turned in the finest
See MANN, Page 5

... loses post
House Told
To Cut Talk
On Spy Bill
House Rules Committee was urg-
ed yesterday to hold talk down to
a minimum when the House takes
up a mysterious American spy bill
which one member said involves
somewhat "dirty business."
Among other things, the mea-
sure permits the highly secret
Central Intelligence Agency to of-
fer sanctuary in this country to
foreigners who may risk death to
aid our agents. Up to 100 a year
would be allowed to enter each
year without regard to immigra-
tion laws.
THE CIA ALSO could train its
agents in public or private insti-
tutions here or abroad, and ar-
range for their training by various
associations, business firm, or the
armed services.
Members of the Armed Ser-
vices Committee went before
the House Rules Committee to
seek clearance for the bill under
y procedure calling for only min-
imum discussion.
Majority leader McCormack (D-
Mass.) later told the House that
it may be called up Monday
under rules suspension preventing
amendments and limiting debate
to 40 minutes.

Vishinsky Named
As Successor in
Ministerial Job
Foreign Trade Minister Mikoyan
Also enoved in Russian Shake-up
LONDON--(/P)-Vyacheslav M. Molotov, the man who many
thought might replace Josef Stalin as ruler of Russia's millions, last
night was released from his post as Foreign Minister and replaced by
the fiery Soviet lawyer, Andrei Y. Vishinsky, the Moscow radio said.
A brief announcement, released by the Soviet monitor in London,
said only that Molotov has been released "from the duties of Minister
of Foreign Affairs."
VISHINSKY recently returned to Moscow after treatment for
what was described as a serious illness. He had been treated in Czecho-

Molotov, foreign minister of
the Soviet Union since 1939,
was known the world -over as
the number two man to Stalin
in the Russian hierarchy. For-
eign observers who worked in
Russiaseemed agreed that he
eventually would rise to the
forefront as top man in the
Vishinsky, the man who has
taken his place, gained interna-
tional renown as one of the most
vitriolic orators ever to take part
in United Nations debates. He first
won fame as a prosecutor in the
pre-war Soviet purge trials.
S * 4
THE TEXT of the Russian
broadcast as transcribed by the
Soviet monitor said.
"The Presidium of the Su-
preme Soviet has released the
Deputy Chairman of the Coun-
cil of Foreign Ministers of the
U.S.S.R., Comrade V. M. Molo-
tov, from the duties of Minister
of Foreign Affairs of the
U.S.S.R. and has appointed A.
Y. Vishinsky Foreign Minister of
the U.S.S.R.
"The Presidium of the Supreme
Soviet has released the Deputy
Chairman of the Council of the
Minister of the U.S.S.R., A. I. Mi-
koyan, from the post of Minister
of Foreign Trade and has appoint-
ed M. A. Menshikov in his place."
THE SUDDEN announcement
of the major shake-up in Russia's
high command struck foreign dip-
lomatic circles like a bolt. In some
quarters, such as the UN in the
United States itself, delegates were
astounded by the news. In the
noisy corridors of Lake Success
foreign representatives huddled
and wondered what it meant.
Diplomatic circles in London,
stunned by the news, speculated
as to whether the promotion of
Vishinsky might have some con-
nection with the current move
by Western nations to formulate
a North Atlantic defense pact.
And while they were speculating
on this, they also were trying to
figure out the significance of the
switch which found Menshikov,
formerly Vice-Minister of Foreign
Trade, taking over the post of his
boss, Mikoyan.
will happen to Molotov now. No
one knew, from the terse Moscow
radio announcement, whether he
had been given another job. All
that was known was that no men-
tion was made of Molotov's sec-
ond post, that of Deputy Premier.
Some quarters believed it possi-
ble that releasing him from his
Foreign Ministry duties might be
tantamount to his appointment
by the 14-man Politburo to an
even greater responsibility.


Reds Seek

Gallows for'
SOFIA, Bulgaria -(P) -Com-
munist prosecutors demanded to-
day that four Bulgarian Protest-
ant ministers be hanged as trait-
ors and that heavy prison sen-
tences be imposed upon 11 others.
The trial of the 15 on chargeq of
treason and spying for the Unit-
ed States and Britain neared its
final stage in Sofia's district court.
The prosecution declared the min-
isters were servants of "Anglo-
American imperialism and the
Western church mission boards."
WESTERN capitalism and
American chtrch missions also
were attacked in defense summa-
tions. The defense lawyers, ask-
ing mercy for the group, said the
ministers were "the poor, unfor-
tunate victims" of Western Edu-
cation and that the lure of West-
ern gold had made them the tools
of American Anti-Communist
propaganda and espionage.
Bulgaria's supreme prosecutor,
Moscow-trained Dimiter Geor-
giev, called for the death of the
four defendants who were mem-
bers of the council of the United
Evangelical Churches of Bul-
garia :
The Rev. Vassil Ziapkov, 48,
The Rev. Yanko Ivanov, 48,
The Rev. Nikola - Naumov, 49,
TheRev. Georgi Chernev, 46,
Council Okays
Israel Bid for
UN Entrance
curity Council yesterday approved
Israel's bid for United Nations
The application now goes to the
General Assembly where a favor-
able vote is taken for granted. Is-
rael thus is expected to become the
59th member of the UN soon after
the Assembly meets April 5.
* * *
THE SECURITY Council vote
was 9 to 1, with Britain abstain-
ing. Egypt cast the lone negative
Egyptian delegate Mahmoud
Bey Fawzi fought the Israeli ap-
plication to the last. At the end,
however, he announced that
Egypt was ready to wash her
hands of the whole affair.

b* *
U' Alumni, Officials Plan
Fund-Raising Campaign

Specific plans for a fund cam-
paign for the Phoenix Project, the
University's multi-million dollar
war memorial, will be discussed at
a meeting of University officials
and alumni today.
Meeting at 10:30 a.m. in the
Administration Building, the
committee isnexpected to decide
on the amount of the goal to be
set for a national fund campaign
for the combined war memorial
and atomic research project.
* *~ *
THE COMMITTEE will also se-
lect national and regional chair-
men for the campaign. Decisions
of the committee, which are sub-1
ject to approval by the Board of
Regents, will not be announced
until Tuesday morning.
The Phoenix Project has for
its goal the establishment of a
comprehensive research insti-
tute to study how the products

of atomic energy can be applied
to peaceful uses.
The project, first outlined last
spring, will serve as a memorial
to Michigan men who lost their
lives in World War II.
troit, Mt. Clemens, Ishpeming,
Grand Rapids, Bay City, Roches-
ter, Milwaukee, Wis., Washington,
New York City, Schenectady, N.Y.,
and Atlanta, Ga., will meet with
University officials today.
The officials who will attend
the meeting include President
Alexander G. Ruthven; Vice-Pres-
idents Robert P. Briggs and Mar-
vin L. Niehuss; Secretary and As-
sistant Vice-President Herbert G.
Watkins; Arthur L. Brandon, di-
rector of Information Services;
and T. Hawley Tapping, general
secretary of the Alumni Asso-

'Few Artists are Good
Composers'--- Milstein

Composing and performing
don't mix very well-at least not
today, according to Nathan Mil-
"Few artists today are good
composers," Milstein said last
night. In fact, the violinist doesn't

Religion Week Lauded by Ruthven
Ax _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

same. It is vast, grandiose, but
there is the same stamp on every-
thing-industry," he explained.
The Russian-born violinist
contrasted New York, which is
"so big it crushes you", with
Salzburg, which he finds "sort
of cozy".

British delegate Sir
Shone also objected to
mission of Israel at this
warned the council in
that he would abstain.

the ad-
time. He

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
in a series of articles written by fac-
uity, administrative officers, and
ministers in connection with Reli-
gion-in-Life Week which will start

the field of knowledge is always
expanding rapidly before him.
*. * *t
IF THE STUDENT is a timid

ences, psychology, sociology, an-
thropology, and history throw
upon the reality and the evolu-
tion of the world and its inhabi-

C1. rkL 'Tin Suj cree

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