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March 03, 1949 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-03

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Pacific Pacifists

Tq c riw rh

"P11 Huff And Pl Puff And I'll Blow Your House In"

AMERICAN HOPES for a lasting world
peace were given a substantial lift yes-
terday when one of our leading pacifists,
General Douglas MacArthur, announced that
Japan is to be the "Switzerland of the
Certainly this glimmer of hope will be
warmly welcomed by those rabble-rousing
Americans who thought that the United
States might possibly be fortifying the
Japanese islands for other than the most
peaceful motives.
But General MacArthur has quieted all
apprehensions that his policy in the Far
East might be the least bit aggressive. He
has announced that we don't want to use
Japan as an ally-"All we want her to do
is remain neutral."
The fact that MacArthur, in the same
press statement, said that it would be easy
to raise an army "to cooperate" with us
and last year in a secret report to the
War Department called for the organiza-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

tion of such an army, should not seem in-
consistent to us. After all, Japan is to re-
main neutral.
MacArthur goes on to say, in a very
peaceful way, that our defenses in the
Japanese area are almost impregnable be-
cause the Russians would have to destroy
our fleet (based in Japan) and command
the air-which is well protected by a
series of airbases ringing the area.
It is also interesting to note that while
MacArthur is turning Japan into a Far
Eastern "Switzerland" he asks for additional
troops in the area and states that "our
line of defense runs through the chain of
islands fringing the coast of Asia."
When asked why he has no trouble
dealing with the Russians in the Pacific
area, MacArthur brushes aside the fact
that Russia has made no aggressive move
on Japan and demurely explains that, "the
Russian mentality is as Oriental as it
was in the days of Genghis Khan and I
have had 50 years experience dealing with
Possibly MacArthur is sincere in his ef-
forts to turn Japan into a permanent neu-
tral country. But we don't see Switzerland
calling for American troops and fortifica-
-Jim Brown.

People's Choice

PRESIDENTS and would-be presidents are
having a difficult time of it these days.
In the case of President Truman the South-
ern die-hards are attempting to defeat the
Civil Rights program by filibustering the
Rules corrections. And many a Republican
is relishing the stand as a "see I told you
so" potentiality.
But over in New York there is evi-
dence that another Presidential would-be
is having difficulties with a Republican
state legislature.
Tom Dewey, who has let his conscience
over-rule his party axiom of "don't raise
taxes or the budget," is having difficulties
in getting his budget passed by the Legisla-
ture. Tom seems to think that the services
given by his Republican government are
more important than saving Republican
face. On this score he is having difficulties
much similar to those of President Truman,
who finds it hard to get much fervor aroused
over his proposed tax increases and social
security programs.
Two men, either of whom could have
been President, plus the third and fourth

candidates, Wallace and Thomas, are in
favor of more and better government serv-
ice. One must question either the party
loyalty of these men or the commendability
of our Congressional system, by which the
representatives of minorities are able to hold
up the programs which the rest of the
country seems to be in favor of accomplish-
Fortunately, in the Senate, the present
filibuster is over the question of whether or
not the majority has the right to remedy
such a system. We are inclined to think
that the majority is right. By being elected
by all the people from their areas, the
President and the governors are in a much
better position to see what most of the
people need. We do not think that a Sen-
ator from Mississippi or a state legislator
from a New York farm-district has the best
We can only hope that the leaders will
'keep going on the path laid out for them
by their constituents. That they will have
dilemmas is factual, that the desires of
the majority will win out is hopeful.
-Don McNeil.

t , C'CtRIDN ' () certanl Eii giflit. o
ernment radio officia, nobod w il le
anybody in the next few yea unless he
owns a super duper, high-frieuency jh.
vision set.
Advocating a "comprehensive investig a-
tion" of present radio networks, federal
Communications Commission bigwigs star-
tled other radio conventionalists recently
by suggesting a revamped televisionf ire-
quency system. Their proposals center on
much loftier high frequency bands lo'or
tv signals, and are underscored by vclaius
that the currency limited bands are inade-
quate for satisfactory reception.
To accomplish this, the radio agency
would have to put television in the ultra-
high frequency (UHF) wave length. Such a
move, strongly supported by the FCC, would
undoubtedly heighten the effectiveness of
today's television sets, now confined to a
mere 12 very high frequency (VHF bands.
On the other hand, consider the disad-
vantages. These revised sets would render
obsolete those now installed in thousands
of American homes. Converters can be put
in; but at no little expense to their own-
ers, and FCC officials maintain that this
face-lifting would still be insufficient to
warrant better visibility and tone clarity
than before.
Large U.S. television concerns, merely
in the infant stage of productive capacity,
would be inviting imposing financial
setbacks if the scheme ever approached
reality. They'd have to spend untold thou-
sands of dollars converting their stock on
hand; a great deal more would be needed
for advertising campaigns, trying to sell
the idea to customers.
The customers might benefit in the end,
but that end might not come for quite some
time. Meanwhile, all present TV owners
would balk at an idea asking them to kick
in more cash for new sets and equipment.
And weighing the alleged inadequacies with
the proposed new improvements, we doubt
that those affected will be able to get much
on a trade-in.
Besides higher frequency bands, television
industries are contemplating less bulky an-
tennae, clearer images and color. No final
decision has been reached as yet, although
one FCC man believes color "is ready now."
We suggest that TV manufacturers
stave off the UHF proposals until they
can come out with a completly revamped
set including all these features. Only then
would their customers be duly satisfied;
they wouldn't feel that they were being
cheated by vague promises, and in the
long run, buyers would be getting more
for their precious dollar.
One big, though delayed, step in TV im-
provement would be much more welcome, we
feel, than a whole string of unattached and
expensive touchings-up now advocated.
-Peter Hotton,
Don Kotite
ALL MY SONS, by Arthur Miller. Pre-
sented by the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre.
THE CIVIC THEATRE has, in the past,
handled such plays as "My Sister Eileen",
"Kiss and Tell", and "The Voice of the
Turtle" with no small success. But with
"All My Sons" theyre reaching for some-
thing which is apparently beyond their
range. In last nights performance it showed.
Miller's characters are not intended to
remain the ordinary, innocuous people they
appear to be at the outset. As the hidden
facts of their apparently uncomplicated lives
are revealed, they are required to demon-
strate more and more of their genuine selves
and to shed first appearances. The trouble
last night was that the actors never got
beyond first appearances.
Within five minutes Marie Gilson makes
of "Kate Keller" a querulous, cranky old

woman, and is satisfied to leave it that
way. Ann Parsons, as "Ann Deever", never
amounts to more than a sweet but con-
fused young lady. The total effect is that
by the third act you keep wondering why
these ordinary people keep saying ani
doing such extraordinary things.
G. Davis Sellards, who undertakes the
difficult role of "Joe Keller", a man whose
sense of responsibility never extends beyond
his family circle, comes closest to filling
his particular bill. Dana Elcar, as "Chris
Keller", does well until the pressure's on.
He is never convincing as either the tender
lover or the infuriated son.
Ann Husselman's part as "Sue Bayliss",
albeit a small one, is outstanding among the
supporting role. Todd Jones makes the
best of his undemanding part as "Dr. Jin
Bayliss", while Carl Gingles is completely
wooden as "George Deever."
The production was, in total, occasionally
good, more often ordinary, and sometimes
bad. The steadily ascending tension which
the play demands is frequently lost by a
cast which only once in a while measures
up to what the author had in mind.
-W. J. Hampton


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To the Editor:

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(Continued from Page 2)

No 'Freedom Bureau"


Letters to the Editor -

THE LEADERS of the Indonesian Republic
are everlastingly right in their refusal
to attend a "round-table" conference on
"the Indonesian problem" in Holland. In
Woman's World
ACERTAIN Pauline E. Mandigo of the
New York public relations consultant's
office has tactfully suggested to the De-
partmentsof the Army that the political
responsibility of Germany be turned over
to women.
She says that women have less to un-
learn than men, and furthermore, out-
number their opposites 60 to 40.
Miss Mandigo has made things easier
all around by submitting a list of ten
worthy American women who would be
special consultants to help the fraus take
over. -
First, it must be emphasized that the re-
port was submitted to the Department of
the Army, which consists, for the most part,
of men. While the department has softened
its views of things by providing certain
kinds of recreation for its new baby draftees,
one would hardly expect it to make Ger-
many one big ladies' day.
Second, the, wisdom of Miss Mandigo's
list must be questioned. The ten she has
suggested are truly distinguished, erudite,
no doubt about that, but certainly not rep-
resentative. It is rather to be preferred
that a list of ten which would include
women from more walks of life be sub-
A worthy list, it is felt, would include such
names as follows: Margaret O'Brien, the
child actress, to be a special consultant and
flower girl at weddings; Barbara Ann Scott,
the ice skater, for her wholesome and inno-
cent approach to life; the Black Dahlia, just
for variety.
Others might be Miss Mandigo, herself,
for suggesting the darn thing, and may she
not come back in a hurry; Margaret Tru-
man, because she has very little else to do,
anyway; Emily Post, for obvious reasons;
and Miss Mack of the League to act as a
stabilizing influence.
With such a band of worthy femmes
running things, the Mandigo plan might

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tion. lotters and letters of a defamna-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* s "

I) sagreern ent

the first place, those leaders have been held
in protective custody on the island of Banka
for months, and while a prisoner does not
have many rights, he does have the right
to refuse to go to dinner at the jailer's house.
For these victims of aggression to balance
teacups on their knees at The Hague, and
make smalltalk would wipe out the moral
responsibility of the aggressor, while leav-
ing the fact of, aggression intact.
The only "Indonesian problem" is that
the Dutch are in Indonesia. If the Dutch
would take their soldiers and go home and
hold their conference all by themselves,
there would be no "Indonesian problem."
Instead of simplifying the matter in this
way, the Dutch plan calls for the leaders
of Indonesia to travel to Holland, while
the Dutch troops remain in Java.
I hope that not many will fall into the
trap of rebuking the leaders of the Indo-
nesian Republic for being stubborn, or fussy,
for not cooperating in a "sensible" way.
Rather we should be humbly grateful that
wherever the issue of freedom does arise
in this world, the people involved, no matter
how poor or how much on their own, seem
almost always able to understand it in this
deep, fundamental way. It is this which
proves that freedom is a great human uni-
versal, like bread. The people do not go
wrong in this field; they do not take sub-
stitutes; they do steer safely through all
the subtleties; they know what real freedom
is, with an expertness which goes with the
simple fact of being alive.
And if the leaders of the Indonesian
Republic were to go to The Hague--what
then? Why, nothing, except that by doing
so they would testify that Dutch author-
ity was superior to that of the United Na-
tions. This is what the Dutch would
dearly like to establish. Such testimony,
coming amiably and meekly fjrom the vic-
tims of aggression, would be compelling
indeed. It is within the power, then, of
these detained Indonesian leaders on
Banka, to deal the United Nations a
stunning blow.
If it is freedom the Dutch wish to give
to Indonesia, the way is clear. All they need
do is release the leaders of the Indonesian
Republic, restore their land and their capital
of Jogjakarta to them, and then call them
up one day and ask them how they would

University. 3 p.m., Sun., March 6,
Architecture Auditorium. The pub -
lic is invited.
A cuaheniic Notices
Seminar in Applied Mathemat-
ics: 4:15 p.m., Thurs., March 3,
247 W. Engineering Bldg. Prof. C.
L. Dolph continues his talk on
"Non-linear eigenvalue problems
for Sturm-Liouville Systems.
Gemnetry Seminar: Thus.,
March 3, 7 p.m., 3001' Angell Hall.
Mr. J. Wright will continue on
"Meta-Projective Geometry".
Orientation Seminar: Thurs., 3
p.m., 2019 Angell Hall. Mr. A. C.
Downing will speak on Symbolic
Physical Chemistry. Seminar:
Thurs., March 3, 4:10 pm., 1300
Chemistry. Prof. Ernst Katz will
present a demonstration and dis-
cussion of Bragg's Soap Bubble
Film Model of a Metal. ,
university of Michigan Concert
WWI~, William D. Reveli, Conduc-
icr, will play a Pop Concert at
4:15 Sunday afternoon, March 6,
in Hill Auditorium. The program
will include compositions by Colby,
Grofe, Clarke, Gershwin, Gould,
Tschaikowsky, and four marches
by John Philip Sousa, in com-
ieninration of the seventeenth
anniversary of his death. The
program will be open to the gen-
eral public.
Museum of Art, Recent Acces-
sibns, and "Egypt," Life Photo-
graphs, through March 6; Five
American Painters, through March
22; Alumni Memorial Hall, daily
9-5; Sundays. 2-5. The public is
Michigan Historical Collections,
156 Rackham Building. Programs
and pictures of Union Operas %f
the past.
Events Today
Bill of One-act plays will be
presented by the department of
speech tonight and tomorrow night
at 8 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, admission free to the
public. Four plays will be pre-
sented, including "Shepherd in
the Distance," "Joint Owners in
Spain," "The Potboiler," and
"Sweeney Agonistes." No tickets
are required for admission. Doors
of the theatre will open at 7:30
p.m. and close promptly at 8
Tau Beta Pi: Dinner meeting, 6
p.m., Michigan Union.
American Society of Civil En-
gineers: Student members are in-
vited to attend the Michigan Sec-
tion meeting at the Michigan
Union. Those with tickets, din-
ner at 6:30 p.m. Meeting at 8
p.m. for those who wish to at-
tend only the meeting. Program:
"Stresses, Strains, and Permanent
Deformations, or, our Years at
International Center weekly 32a
for all foreign students and Amer-

meet ing

7:30 _,P.m.,.

Coming Events
Anthropology Club: Meeting, 8
p.m., Fri., March 4, Museums Bldg.
(Use rear door.) Prof. Kenneth G.
Orr will speak on "Some Proce-
dures in the Excavation and An-
alysis of the Starved Rock Se-
quence, Northern Illinois." Films.
Mr. J. E. Warnock, Hydraulic
Engineer, U. S. Reclamation Serv-
ice, Denver, Colo., will speak on
the subject, "Reclamation and
Your Future," in 311 W. Engineer-
Bldg., 4 p.m., Mon., March 7.
Michigan Actuarial Club: Busi-
ness meeting, Fri., March 4, 3 p.m.,
3009 Angell Hall. Agenda: Elect-
ions, and discussion plans for the{
current semester.
General Semantics Study Group:
Sun., 3 p.m., International Center.
German Coffee Hour: Friday,'
3-4:30 p.m., Fri., March 4, Michi-
gan League Soda Bar. All students1
and faculty members invited.
"Taffy Pull" party will be the
regular Friday night social! fea-
ture of the Westminster Guild,
First Presbyterian Church. Danc-
ing, games, and refreshments. 8
p.m., Fri., March 4, social hall.
Admission fee.
Association Coffee Hour: 4:30
p.m., Fri., March 4, Lane Hall.
B'nai'B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Sabbath Evening Services, 7:45
p.m., sponsored by Sigma Alpha
Mu. 8:30 p.m., Professor Cipilowish
will speak.
Art Cinema League presents
"Destiny Rides Again" at 7 and 9
p.m., Friday and Saturday, Archi-
tecture Auditorium. Tickets on
sale Thursday. Proceeds to United
World Federalists.
League Mixer: March 4th, 8-12
p.m. I.R.A. members and all others
interested are invited to attend
Admission free.

ican friends, 4:30-6 p.m., Thurs.,
March 5, International Center.
Special guest: Mlle. Eve Curie.
Hostesses: Mrs. Harlan C. Koch.
Mrs. Paul Spurlin, and Mrs. Bay-
ard Lyon.
Liuguistic Demonstration: Us-
ing descriptive techniques for the
learning of a language, Prof. Ken-
neth L. Pike. Associate Professor
of Linguistics, will put on a dem-
onstration with two Japanese in-
formants Thurs., March 3, 8 p.m.,
formants, 8 p.m., Rackham Am-
phitheatre; auspices of Center for
Japanese Studies. The public is1
Gilbert and Sullivan: Full meet-
ing for all members, 7 p.m., Union.
Triangles: Meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
229 W. Engineering Bldg. (not the
Union as originally planned).
La p'tite causetts: 3:30 p.m.,
Grill Room, Michigan League.
U. of M. Rifle Club: Firing, 7-
9:30 p.m., ROTC range.
Club Europa: Meeting, 8 p.m.,
International Center.


Thursday's Daily he makes sev-
eral statements that I must dis-
agree with. I will pass over the
name calling he directs at me and
discuss the gross misconception he
has about the world political sit-
First, he states that our foreign
policy toward Russia is entirely
wrong. He says that the reason
for the cold war is to perpetuate
the present prosperity; that to
stop the armament program would
cause a depression. Perhaps the
government knows more about the
world situation than Mr. Fish-
man, myself, or any of us. In June,
1941, when we still looked at the
war as a foreign struggle not in-
volving us, President Roosevelt
had already issued orders to our
Navy to "shoot on sight" if they
encountered any Axis vessels. The
government knew then, but could
not tell us, that war was coming.
Perhaps they know things now
that they cannot tell us.
Mr. Fishman also states that
the solution to the cold war is to
sign a peace treaty with Russia
and then disarm. That, Mr. Fish-
man, is exactly what Russia wants
us to do. I, too, am in favor of
the peace treaty. It would be a
very fine gesture (or is the word
I JEST-ure) h'ut I think we have
( all seen how much a treaty means
to a dictatorship. Hitler openly
laughed at treaties he had signed.
On December 6, 1941, Japan's am-
bassadors in Washington were
pledging eternal peace and friend-
ship. I am afraid, Mr. Fishman,
that even for one so young and
inexperienced, your ideas are very
And, as to my question of which
side you would fight on in case
of war, Mr. Fishman, you almost,
but not quite, managed to sidestep
it. After disapproving at length
of our government's policy you
admit that you will fight for what
you believe in. To me that means
the enemy. Just how do you in-
tend to do this? By espionage? Or
do you plan to go to the country
of the enemy? If you intend to do
the latter I believe we could take
up a collection and send you over
now. I am sure they would wel-
come you with open arms.
-David W. Peterson.
Academic Rights Group
To the Editor:
LIBERTY of thought is a price-
less American heritage. But it
is no longer news that this herit-
t ge has been trampled upon at the
University of Washington where
three professors were fired for
holding unorthodox political be-
An immediate consequence of
this action was the spontaneous
formation of the Students Organ-
ization for Academic Rights
(SOAR), which is a non-partisan
organization of students with a
broad representation of political
and social,'opinions, governed by
25 outstanding student leaders.
,OAR is united in the aim of pre-
serving freedom of thought and
expression on the University of
Washington campus and in sup-
port of the policies of the Amer-
ican Association of University
Professors. We do not attempt to
answer current questions concern-
ing Communism and Democracy
nor to pass judgment on any ide-
ology, but rather maintain that
every man should be judged indi-
vidually by his peers on the basi.
of his acts and that therefore a
professor's qualifications to teach
should be finally judged by his
colleagues on the basis of his ac-
tual performance in the classroom
as, attested to by his students an

by colleagues in his field.
In order to express publicly our
strong belief in these basic ideah
of American Democracy, SOAR
immediately held a student rall3
at the University Unitariar
Church at which three universit3
professors and a Unitarian minis-
ter spoke in defense of our ap-
parently fast disappearing freedon

of academic thought on the Uni-
versity of Washington campuls.
The same week an open letter to
the AAUP was circulated for stu-
dent signatures. We have since
held several other rallies and are
now planning on bringing na-
tionallyrecognized educators,
writers and ,scientists to the Uni-
We are writing you as fellow
students for two reasons: first, be-
cause you should realize that ac-
ademic freedom may at any time
be abrogated on your campus; and
second, to enlist your aid in the
battle that SOAR is spearheading
at the University of Washington.
Our funds come from voluntary
student contributions and are con-
sequently limited. To those of you
who are deeply concerned over
these issues and would like to
help further the cause that SOAR
is pledged to uphold, contributions
may be made payable to the Stu-
dents Organization for Academic
Rights and mailed to 2710 West-
lake Ave. No., Apt. 1, Seattle 9,
Washington. Even more impor-
tant, write to Dr. Ralph Himstead,
Secretary, American Association
of University Professors, 1101
Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washing-
ton, 6, D.C. expressing your dis-
satisfaction with the recent ac-
tion taken at the University of
Washington. For further informa-
tion about SOAR and its work,
contact Miss Afton Woolley, cor-
respondence chairman at the
above address.
-Robert W. Craig.
Chairman, SOAR.
Red Tape
To the Editor:
DORMITORY buildings are be-
ing torn town while students
and villagers as a whole go for
the want of nursery space. The
Coop nursery with its long waiting
list cannot give adequate service
to the entire housing project.
Might I suggest that the Uni-
versity Elementary School inter-
vene through the extension de-
partment, cut the red tape neces-
sary to get a dormitory, make the
necessary alterations and set up a
village-wide nursery.
Yes, the school board has been
approached. Two years ago a peti-
tion of 500 signatures was filed
with the school board of the Ypsi-
lanti Fractional District No. 1. It
was turned down on the basis that
the project was temporary and we
were not taxpayers. Today the
school board owns its property. I
have a child of nursery age and
as a student I would like to see
some action taken in this direc-
-Rev. David A. Blake, Jr.

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor
Dick Maloy..............City Editor
Naomi Stern.......Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti...Associate Editor
Al Blumrosen ........Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff .........Associate Editor
Robert C. White ......Associate Editor
B. S. Brown...........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey .....Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery.......Women's Editor
Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ..................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Halt .......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
William Cuiman ... .Finance Manager
Cole Christian .. .Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mall,


FSince you enjoy your

I'mi sure glad he's gotten


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