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March 03, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-03

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;i~i Pagie 4


Latest Deadline in the State

:43 t t






'Board Eases
Buying Rules
Truman Meets
With Advisers
eral Reserve Board relaxed in-
stallment controls, effective next
Monday, making it easier to buy
product's on time.
The Board's action came short-
ly before President Truman's eco-
nomic advisers assured him yes-
terday that business conditions
are "still very good, bright and
The White House meanwhile,
maintained a strict silence on
what was said at closed, informal
night sessions at Blair House.
THE CONTROL relaxation
came as the result of mounting
pressure to ease the terms. It had
been argued by Kaiser-Frazer and
others that the terms were slow-
ing up sales of automobiles and
other high-priced items and forc-
ing buyers out of the market be-
cause of high monthly payments.
Advisers said that their aim
was to keep the President in-
formed of all phases of the sit-
uation which has been some-
what unsettled because of the
slump in market prices and a
rise in unemployment.
Two of Truman's advisers
stressed that thge seasonal increase
of unemployment - now about
3,000,000 - shows signs of taper-
ing of f, and that various other
economic indicators point to a
new upsurge in production.
But the Administration's re-
quest for a $4,000,000,000 boost in
income taxes was not mentioned.
and business leaders have shown
an increasing opposition to such
a tax hike at this time. They con-
tend that it would serve as a
brake on production at a period
when some acceleration was call-
ed for.
The changes in the install-
ment controls allows 21 months
instead of the present 18
months to pay off the credit
balance due after a cash pay-
The 21-month payoff limit ap-
plies to all items affected by the
controls-automobiles, refrigera-
tors, radios and television sets,
washing machines, furniture and
other household appliances val-
ued above $50.
Eve Curie Will
Talk Tonight
About France
"France-Struggle for Civili-
zation" will be the topic of Eve
Curie's lecture when she appears
as fifth speaker for the Oratori-
cal Series at 8:30 p.m. today at
Hill Auditorium.
Her lecture will cover France's
role in the economic and political
rehabilitation of Europe. Miss
Curie views optimistically the
progress of French industry pro-
duction and believes that "a dem-
ocratic France has clearly re-
jected the Communist insistent
bid to power."
AFTER WINNING laurels as an

author ("Madame Curie" and
"Journey Among Warriors") and
foreign correspondent, Miss Curie
has turned to publishing. She is
co-publisher of the Paris Presse,
a daily newspaper with the second
largest circulation in France.
Unlike her famous parents
and scientific sister, Irene, Eve
Curie turned to music and writ-
ing getting her start as music,
drama and movie critic for
Paris newspapers.
During the war she served with
De Gaulle and the Free French in
London. Seeking more active serv-
ice, she enlisted in the French
Women's Army Corps and served.
for two years.
Her pro-ally activities caused
the Vichy government to revoke
her citizenship and sell all her
belongings in Paris.
NSA Travel Office
Offers Tour Facts


To Study


Western Europe

Enabling 35 qualified students to carry on field study projects
while observing conditions in other countries, the University Foreign
Summer Study Program will get underway this summer.
The program, although planned on a long-term basis, will operate
on a somewhat limited scale this year. Two groups of about 18 students
each will study in England and a Western European nation to be
chosen by student request.
* * *
TO QUALIFY, students must be of at least junior standing,and in-
tending to return to the University in the fall. Linguistic requirements
must also be met.
- Students may earn up to eight hours of credit upon success-
ful completion of projects in their particular areas of study.

Opposed to
NEW YORK - (AP) -- American
Communist leaders last night said I
that "if, despite the efforts of the
peace forces of America and the
world, Wall Street should succeed
in plunging the world into war,
we would oppose it."
* * *
THE STATEMENT by Nationall
Committee Chairman William Z.1
Foster and general secretary Eu-
;ene Dennis said American Com-
munists would oppose such a war,
"as an unjust, aggressive imper-
ialist war."
They said Communists here
would "cooperate with all Dem-
ocratic forces to defeat the pred-
atory war aims of American im-
perialism and bring such a war
to a speedy conclusion on the
basis of a democratic peace."
Communists generally refer to
Communist-led states~ including
Russia, as "people'sdemocracies."
The statement camne after thei
Communist leaders were asked to
comment on recent remarks by
Communist leaders Maurice Tho-
rez, of France, and Palmiro Tog-
liatti of Italy.
French Communists could be ex-
pected to "behave differently"
from the people of Poland, Ro-
mania and Yugoslavia if the
French people were led into war
with Russia and the Soviet Army
"had to chase the enemy onto our
Togliatti said he believed it
the duty of the Italian people
to aid the Russian army if it
should pursue an "aggressor"
onto Italian soil.
The American Communist
leaders' statement said they be-
lieved the Thorez and Togliatti
statements "emphatically serve
the cause of universal peace."
Dennis indicated he would reply
later to a reporter's question
whether the reference to coopera-
tion with "all democratic forces"
meant Russia specifically.
Dennis and 10 other party lead-
ers are now on trial for alleged
conspiracy to advocate the forc-
ible overthrow of the United States
Dail y Tryouts
Daily tryout meeting for
staffers who could not make
yesterday's meeting will be held
at 7:30 p.m. tonight at the Stu-
dent Publications Building.
Tryouts who have missed any
meetings should report at 8:30
p.m. today.

Students may choose their own
projects on the basis of their field
of concentration and interest.
Political science majors could be
placed in the British foreign of-
fice. Students will work on their
own and emphasis will be on prac-
tical experience.
* *~ *
A FACULTY member will ac-
company eaclv'group to aid stu-
dents in making contacts and to
advise them on their projects.
Students will be billeted with
private families whenever pos-
sible, giving them the opportun-
ity to make social and cultural
Minimum cost to students are
estimated at $700. It is hoped that
$500 of each student's tuition will
be met by a scholarship fund now
being set up with a goal of $15,000.
Details of the program were
worked outnby George Shepherd,
'49 and Don Queller, '49 in close
cooperation with NSA and the
Student Legislature.
Faculty advisers for the project
are Prof. Laing of the political
science department, Prof. Wheeler
of the history department, and
Prof. Miner of the sociology de-

formation are
Dean Peake's
Angell Hall or
Bu (reau, Rm.
tion Building.

and additional in-
now available at
office, Rm. 1010
at the NSA Travel
1028, Administra-

Report Hits
Policy of VA
Finds Insurance
Aid Inefficient
Hoover Commission said yester-
day that the Veterans Adminis-
tration should remedy "serious"
flaws in its organizational setup
and overhaul its education and
insurance programs.
On education, the report sug-
gested that VA set up its own list
of certified schools in addition
state lists of accredited instit
tions. It said VA should refuse to
pay GI tuition to any school not
on its list.
Federal Government has too little
control over the quality of train-
ing provided veterans in many
schools. It suggested using grants
to states to promote better j
training and prevent abuses
related school training.
The Commission, a bipartisan
group headed by former Presi-
dent Herbert Hoover, is study-
ing general government reor-
ganization. It reported these
other criticisms of VA:
"Serious internal organizational
defects" with conflicting lines of
authority and a structure tha
"has become too complicated."
Poor management and waste in
the education setup with the VA
somewhat slow to recognize exist-
ing problems and recommend
changes in the law.
INEFFICIENCY and delay in
handling insurance problems wi
a specific finding that VA "serv
on death claims has been si
and a cause of great irritation."
The Veterans Administration
had no comment on the commis-
sion's recommendations.
The report, the ninth of the
Commission's series of 15 to
Congress, said carrying out its
iroposed "major improvements"
in VA would result in "consid-
erable savings."
Among recommendations for
improving VA, the report said the
agency should turn over to the
Federal Housing and Home Fi-
nance Agency its program of
guaranteeing home loans for Vet-
On insurance, the report said
VA should separate this program
from its other functions and set
up a Veterans Insurance Corpor-
ation. It said such a corporation
could "employ the practices of
privaeinsurance companies."
World News
Round- Up
PARIS-A crowd of 18,000 Pro-
Communists thunderously pledg-
ed itselflast night to greet Soviet
troops as liberators if they ever
arrive on French soil.
SOFIA, Bulgaria-Taking of
testimony ended in the treason
trial of 15 Protestant ministers
yesterday. Both prosecution and
defense wound up the presenta-
tion of witnesses.

WASHINGTON - President
Truman called for a quick deci-
sion in the three-day-old filibus-
ter in the Senate last night, but
there was no sign of the talkfest.
running out.
Diplomatic informants said last
night Denmark may formally
accept today an invitation to
join talks on the projected
North Atlantic Defense Treaty.
(Axis Sally) Gillars turned from
tears to bristling defiance at her
treason trial, angrily resisting
prosecution attempts to probe in-
to her love life in Germany.
* * *
WARSAW, Poland - Three
Catholic priests pleaded guilty
before a military tribunal in
Lodz yesterday to inciting an
underground band to kill sup-
porters of the Communist-led
Warsaw government.


Request Air


FAMIlIAR IIARBOR-The Queen of Bermuda st yams up the North River past New York's skyline
as she arrives from England to resume her peacetime schedule. She has been absent since 1939,
seeing service in the British Navy as an auxiliary cruiser and troop transport. The Queen is
expected to resume her Atlantic crossings shortly.
Pike To Learn Japanese in 45 Minutes


AYC Sketches
'Campaign for
Vet Surveys
Plans to reincarnate "Operation
Subsistence," in detailed survey
form, were sketched last night at a
meeting of the campus American
Veterans' Commission.
Members voted to wage this
year's campaign for veteran better-
ment by means of questionnaires to
be distributed to all University vets.
Included will be questions on hous-
ing, food and recreation expense,
according to AVC Vice-chairmanI
John Sloss.
NOMINATIONS wiere made for
positions of chairman, vice-chair-
man, treasurer, secretary, and cor-
responding secretary. AVC consti-
tutional rule demands nominations
be in two weeks prior to election,
to be held March 16. Nominations
will still be open at election time,
Sloss said.
A resolution to pledge whole-
hearted support of the newly
formed Committee to End Dis-
crimination was passed, followed
by appointment of Bud Aronson,
Grad, as permanent delegate.

How can you learn a strange
language without an interpreter?
That's the question to which
Prof. Kenneth L. Pike will demon-
strate an answer at 8 p.m. Thurs-
day in the Rackham amphithe-
HE WILL TRY TO communi-
cate with two Japanese "inform-
ants" each speaking a different
dialect. Prof. Pike doesn't know
In establishing contact with
his informants, he will begin by
using the Mixteco Indian lan-
Student Soc ial
Declining Say.4
Colleges and universities face
an increasingly difficult task in
maintaining students' social stan-
dards, Dean of Women Alice C.
Lloyd said yesterday.
Speaking at the League before'
an institute of league house, sor-
ority and dormitory directors,
'Pilot District'
Chooses ]Rice "1
AIM's "pilot district" for inde-
pendent men not living in resi-,
dence halls rolled ahead as Jim
Rice, '50E, was elected president
at its second meeting last night.
Athletic and social events are
being planned by the group which
set up two committees for the pur-
pose. Dick Peters, '50E, was chos-
en social chairman and will ar-
range get togethers with indepen-
dent women not living in residence
HARVEY MAYER, '50, was
chosen athletic, chairman, and
will sell athletic equipment under
AIM's sports sales program. He
may be reached at 2-9205.
A rules committee, under Lyn
Marcus, '50spec, and a personnel
committee have also been set up.
Men interested in any part of the
program are asked to call Jim Rice
at 2-4895.

guage which they do not un-
By the use of gestures and lin-
guistic techniques of phonetics
and phonemics (including the use
of the Mixteco language as a vo-
cal gesture), Prof. Pike will try
to acquire enough knowledge of
the two Japanese dialects in 45,
minutes to carry on briefly a
rudimentary conversation.
is sponsored by the Center for
Japanese Studies, will be the first
one Prof. Pike has attempted be-
fore an audience .including many
s Dean Lloyd
Miss Lloyd said that lowered stu-
dent standards of "manners, dress
and social practices reflect the
partial disintegration of American
society itself."
SHE CALLED for "constructive,
clear and honest thinking by stu-
dents to combat trends in today's
attitudes that are fraught with
Miss Lloyd cautioned against
wholesale blame directed
against the colleges for lower-
ing social standards.
"By the time the student reach-
es college, his attitudes have al-
ready been highly conditioned by
home and secondary schools."
* *
"HOWEVER, colleges have a
chance during four formative
years of the student's life to pro-
mote good group thinking 'and
standards," Miss Lloyd declared.
"They must fight lax campus
standards in such matters as
drinking and petting," she said.
"Weaker, insecure students of-
ten feel that they must conform
to group pressure."
She warned that "some of these
group pressures may be subver-
sive to the promotion of high
standards of conduct." She stress-
ed, however, that many groups are
doing constructive social think-



people who understand the lan-
guage he's trying to learn.
He put on similar demonstra-
tions for the Linguistic Insti-
tute here in the summer of 1945,
and in 1946, but the language
was unknown to everyone in the
audience, and its identity was
concealed from Prof. Pike until
he had finished the demonstra-
Prof. Pike, who teaches linguis-
tics, has worked with the Summer
Institute of Linguistics at the
University of Oklahoma.
AT THE END OF the 45-min-
ute demonstration, he will tell the
audience what he thinks he has
learned about the vocabulary and
grammar of the Japanese lan-
guage. He will also try to differ-
entiate the two dialects spoken
by his informants.
The expression he has learned
will then be translated into Eng-
lish so that members of the
audience who do not under-
stand Japanese may see the
types of errors made and prob-
lems encountered.
Prof. Pike first used these de-
scriptive techniques for learning
a language when he worked with
the Mixteco Indians in'Mexico. By
using these techniques over a pe-
riod of three months he was able
to transact all his essential bus-
iness in this difficult tonal lan-
guage, and at the end of a year
was able to converse quite freely.
Ad. Students
In the BAd school elections yes-
terday, Edward Wisniewski was
chosen president of the senior
He is a MB candidate, graduat-
ing in June, and a member of the
BAd student council.
The seven students elected to
the BAd council for this year are
John Edman, Donald Hiles, Peter
Logothetis, Edward Nycz, Paul
Rider, John Skaggs and Betty
Over 425 votes were cast in the
second BAd council election in the
school's history. Getting off to a
vigorous start, the council will
have an organizational meeting

B=50 Makes
No-Stop Trip
In 94_Hours
I Senators Urge
i7-70 Groups
FORT WORTH, Tex.-(P)-The
United States Air Force made his-
tory yesterday by circling th~re
globe non-stop, and spurred Con-
gressional Air Power Advocates
to call anew for a bigger and bet-
ter airmada to bolster the nation's
NINETY-FOUR hours and one
minute after its unannounced
takeoff from Carswell Air Force
Base here, the Lady Luck II, a
B-50 medium bomber, settled gen
I ly back down on a Carswell run-
vay at 10:22 a.m., Eastern Stand-
ard time.
She had made an eastward
flight around the earth at a.l-
most the greatest girth-mere
thn 23,000 miles-taking on
fuel from B-29 mother planes
four times in the air.
In Washington, Chairman Ty-
dings (Dem., Md.) of the Senate
Armed Services Committee sad
the flight "offers some measure
of what another world war would
mean to all peoples of the earth."
* * *
agreed with Tydings that theser-
sational flight of the B-50" Lad
Luck II greatly bolstered the Air
Force's chances of getting Cn-
gressional approval for more
money and more planes.
Perhaps signiftcanbly, the
flight was staged at x time
when Congress faces a decision
on how much to spend on the
Air Force, the Army and Navy.
Senator Maybank (Dem., S.),
a member of Tydings' Comm .ee,
said the flight "Absolutely m-
onstrates the need for maxim
air power to defend this country,"
"We must have a minimum of
at least 57 combat air groups and
I believe it should be 70 grup,"
he told a reporter.
SECRECY shrouded the project
for the whole 94 hours the Boeing
B-50 bomber was in the air. Not
even newsmen who were brought
to Carswell Air Base here were
told the purpose of their trip until
shortly before the scheduled a-
rival of the plane.
YP Told They,
May Protest
Zar ichny Bay:n
The Young Progressives were
told yesterday that thei only
chance to have James Zarichny
speak on campus would be by
submitting a protest statement for
the consideration of the Lecture

The Committee had previously
refused YP permission to have
Zarichny as a speaker and had
banned the Progressives' request
to have Zarichny's expulsion from
Michigan State College as the
topic to be discussed.
* * *
YESTERDAY, a delegation
from YP discussed the Commit-
tee's action with Prof. Carl
Brandt, Secretary of the Commit-
Prof. Brandt would not com-
ment on the reasons for Zarich-
ny's denial, but told the delega-
tion that a protest appeal would
be considered by the Committee.
"When the written statement is
in my hands I will immediately try
to assemble the committee to con-
sider it," said Prof. Brandt.
Al Fishman, chairman of YP
said the protest statement would
be drafted at once.
Bill of On P,,A et

Walter Sees Lesson in
'Sermton oni the Mount'

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third
in a series of articles written by -
f aculty, administrative officers and
ministers in connection with Reli-
gion-in-Life Week which will start
Dean of Students
Religion in Life Week focuses
the attention of the entire Uni-
versity upon the place of religion
in the life of our students. Since
the importance and difficulty of
the subject are expressed for all
time in the Sermon on the Mount,
it seems fitting to quote its thesis

Blessed are the merciful; for
they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart;
for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers;
for they shall be called the chil-
dren of God.
Blessed are they which are
persecuted for righteousness'
sake; for their's is the kingdom
of heaven.
Blessed are ye, when men
shall revile you, and persecute
you, and shall say all manner

Pier pont Promises Pointed Pencils



for the West Physics Building,

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