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February 07, 1949 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-07

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Poqe Fourteen TI-IF MLCH~AM DAIlY ,k. .-.~. 7 1 OAO

P ge Fourteen


Mntrx #-nra 7 4

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. . .

,Continued from Pe 13)
Austin, and Neville Adams, Syd-
ney. Australia Lucile Kennedy.,
&rand Rapids, and Charles Ham-
nond, Toronto, Ont.; Mary Lou
itennedy, Grand Rpids, and Blair
5oody, Jr., Washingion. D.C.; Pat
Serridge, Det., and William M.
Kugel. Det.
Mountain, and Jan H. Hanson,
Chicago; Jean A. Kimball and
Da-is W. Tompk in;Rsemariej
wish. Det., and Steve Olah, Det.:
Helene Kielas, Det., and Don D.
Fischer, Paterson, N.J., Nan King, S-Bill Smith
Cleveland, and Edward J. Lawtun, .
Norwalk, 0.; Mr. and Mrs. Ray H. sing, and Richard R. Bey, Cleve-
King, Jackson. land, O.
Eleanor Krown, Brooklyn, N.Y.,
Jo Ann Kinginger, Dearborn, and Alfred Nevins, Brooklyn, N.Y.;
and Jim Chipman, Ypsilanti; June Jill Kruger, Riverhead, N.Y., and
Kinker, Devils Lake, and Jin Daniel Grosser, Boston, Mass.;
Burk, Owosso; Mary Ann Kline Mary Lee Krupka, Saginaw, and
and Jin nWhite; Nancy Kling, James F. Graham, Saginaw; Mr.
Washington, D.C., and Norman K. and Mrs. George Kubreskey; Mr.
Feldman, Holyoke, Mass.; Pearl and Mrs. Walter Kupla. Flint; Mr.
Kluck, Saginaw, and Elmer O. and Mrs. William Kuivinen; Della
Weber, Saginaw, Lois Knecht, Jutis, Glen Dale, W. Va., and Rob-
Saginaw, and Kenneth Bottle, Dt.- ert Laidlaw, Tecumseh; Anne La-
ter. Detroit, and John Edman, Ox-
EINOR KNOPPER, Pleveland, ford.

William Wilkinson, Benton Har
bor; Rosemarie Lazarus, Det., and
Bob Ernestein, Det.; Carol Lek-
lider, Grosse Pointe, and Bill
Woelk, Alpena; May Lee, Windsor,
and Don Pon, Det.; Mr. and Mrs.
Rollin Lemm, Lansing; Charlotte
Lenhardt, Det., and Howard Rood-
voets, Grand Rapids.
and Henry Winchester. Pough-
keepsie. N.Y.: June Lennox, Ann
Arbor. and John Post, Schenec-
ady. N.Y.: Patricia Letz Hacken-
asck. N.J.. and Mike W right. Battler
Creek: ; arge Letzgus. Port Huron,
and Bill Sutton. Royal Oak; Trudy
Levi. New Rochelle, N.Y., and
Norman Talner. New Rochelle, N.
Y. h
Bar bara Lewis. Adrian, and
Dave Hardy. Coldwater; Barbara
Lewis, Det.. and T. L. Jones, Mar-
shall, Texas; Gwena Lewis. Ann
Arbor, and Charles Chadwick,
Ann Arbor; Loretta Lica, Roches-
ter, Minn., and Robert Galin,
Dayton, 0.; Sherry Liddane, Det.,
and Barney Fitzgerald, Det.; Mar-
ilyn Lilfestrand, Orange. N.J., and
Norman Steere, Livingston, N.J.
Ann Lindbloom., De., and do Henry
Anr Lsk o, Deanie and Henm and Vincent Lowenberg ;Shirley NANCY MA.CPHERSON d
Stricker, Dect.; Jeanie'Ln o
and Jake Jacobson; Bette Linde- Ludwig. St.. Joseph, and Edwin Robert Gray; Ann Mainland, Det.,
mann, Benton Harbor, and Ross Irion, St. Joseph; Mr. and Mrs. and Don Chanmpney, Det.; Ursula
Margeson, Nanaimo B.C.. Canada; Donald Lueck, Det.; Barbara Maister, Aronsley, N.Y., and Don
Jeanne Lindsey, Dearborn and Luick, Dexter, and Bob PetersonLane, Pontiac; Mary Mallon, Det.,
Thomas Butler, Niagara Falls, N. Oxfkrdeaoer LndalPetrian and Clarence Mallon, Det.; Mary
Y.; Joanne Ling, Ann Arbor, and Oxtord; Marjo-ie Lundahl, Adrian. Lou Maloney, Det., and Charles
Walter Renz, Ann Arbor; Elaine and Robert Klinger, Adrian. Murray, Det.; Patricia Maloney
Lisk, Cleveland, O., and Gil Mazer, Jo Ann Lyons, Ann Arbor, and and Duane Taylor.
Cleveland, O. Larry Shaw, Ann Arbor; Mar- Mary Manley, Roanoke, Va., and
garet Lyons, Ann Arbor, and John Gordon Naugle, Cincinnati, O.;
EDITH LIVERMORE, Pleasant Gribble. Ann Arbor; Mr. and Mrs. Loraine Marcoft., Grand Rapids,
Ridge, and George Walker, Det.; Wm. MacDermott, Ann Arbor; and James Deremo. Grand Rap-
Helen Lockwook, Det., and Bob Margaret MacDougall and Stanley ids; Jody Margoi, Det., and Ted
Isaacson, Det.; Marjorie Lowbard, Pinel; Moly MacFadden, Jackson, Margoli, Det..; Dorothy Markoff,
Shelby, and William Harrison, and Philip Kelly, Jackson; Grace Det., and Ronald Oullette, Det.;
Shelby; Pat Loring, Highland Mack and Fred Phister; Anna Carmen Root Deford, and Juli-
Park, and Doug Lent, Det.; Jean MacKay, Hamilton, Ontario, Can., anna Marsh, Keego Harbor; Jean
Loshbough, St. Joseph, and Jack and Robert Watson, Hamilton, Marson and Knight Houghton.
Zordell, St. Joseph; Marge Lott, Ontario, Can.; Norma Mackelwich, Ruth Martni. Det., and Dick
Det., and Roy Nelson, Det. Flint, and Kenneth Smith, Rifenburg, Saginaw; Helen Marx,
Judy Loud, Birmingham, and Owosso: Barbara MacLachlam and Brockton, Ma s _ IStan Saul-
Jack Waters, Det.; Janet Louys, Fred Hiandenburg. (Cont e - n sge 15)


and Sheridan Winkelman, Cleve-
land; Sis Koblegard, Fort Pierce,
Fla., and Sinclaair J. Harcus, Det.;
E. Vera Koch, Det, and Kenneth
W. Weaver, Dot.
Betty Kautz and Wally Riley;
Mary Kokales, Ann Arbor, and
George J. Prappas, Ann Arbor;
Marilyn Kollenberg, Grand Rap-
ds, and Sam Altman, Uew York;
Yraa Koppel, Boston, Mass., and
Eugene Goldberg, Mt. Vernon, N.
Y.; Helen Korpela, Shawnee,
Okla., and Marion Krzyminski,
>ay City; Marjorie Korning, Jack-
o, and James D. Townsend,
e;ton: Marjorie Krauss, Lan-

FRANCES LAKE, Kalamazoo,
and Bill Kotapish, Detroit; Kath-
erine E. Lamley, Blissfield, and
George W. Eyster, Detroit; Jane
Lammert, Ann Arbor, and Thomas
W. Biddle, Ann Arbor; Betta Lan-
ier, Forest City, Ark., and William
Owen, Memphis, Tenn.; Dolores
Larkin, Detroit, and James T.
Rush, Detroit; Eleanor Lanter-
born, Albany, N.Y., and William
Dresser, Albany, N.Y.; Carol Lash,
and David A. Glenn; Nina Lau-
venzi, Memphis. Tenn., and Norris
Domangue, Memphis, Tenn.
Mary Ellen Lavely, Flint, and

...for. UE


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