See Page 4
Latest Deadline in tshe'Stle
Straight Says'
'Fair Deal' in
For Struggle
Claims Program
Partly 'New Deal'
Sixty per cent of the Fair Deal
is an attempt to bring the New
Deal up to date, according to Mi-
chael Straight, editor of New Re-
Speaking in Ann Arbor underj
the sponsorship of Americans for
Democratic Action, he said that
liberals will face a tough fight
against a coalition of southern
Democrats and conservative Re-
publicans to get the Fair Deal en-
"THE BASIC weakness of our
society is inequality of wealth and
monopoly. It is the job of the gov-
ernment to see that full employ-
ment is maintained."
There will be no world peace
Viewpoints ClashI
On Red Teachers
Two opposing viewpoints on the question "Should Communists be
allowed to teach in our Colleges" collided violently over a nationwide
radio hookup last night.
Listeners to ABC's Town Meeting of the Air heard spokesmen
for one viewpoint argue that teachers who are members of the Com-
munist Party are slaves to one doctrine and can not freely seek the
truth. Opposition spokesmen argued just as stroilgly that no one
should be deprived of a teaching position as long as his political views
weren't injected into the classroom.
Dr. Raymond B. Allen, president of the University of Wash-
ington, an anti-Communist spokesman whose college recently figured
in the news when a number of instructors were fired for alleged
membership in the Communist Party;
Dr. T. V. Smith, professor of philosophy and citizenship at
Syracuse University, also anti-Communist;
Dr. Harold Taylor, president and member of the Board of
Trustees at Sarah Lawrence College, who argued that party
membership did not automatically impair a person's teaching;
Roger Baldwin, director of the American Civil Liberties Union,
who felt that ousting of Communists from teaching positions would
lead to persecution of other non-conformists.
Senate Fight
Continues on
Filibuster Bill
Southern Forces
Say 'Crucifixion'
In the second day of heated de-
bate, Southern legislators cried out
at attempts to "crucify" the South
in the Senate move to curb fili-
busters as a member of the Uni-
versity political science depart-
ment called compromise the only
solution to the war of words.
Senator Russell (Dem., Ga.)
quarterback for the Southern
forces, injected the dramatic note
into the lengthening debate over
the Truman-sponsored plan to
limit debate by a two-thirds vote
of the Senators on the Senate
floor, the Associated Press report-
anti-filibuster move was only the
first of a series of "sectional bills"
designed to "crusify" his section
of the nation.
Robert E. Ward, of the polit-
ical science department, com-
mented that the President's in-
sistence on bringing action in-
stead of waiting until the end
of the present session might de-
lay important and pressing leg-
islation for several weeks.
He refused to predict whether
Senate President Barkeley, would
limit debate on the anti-filibuster
bill or whether or not liberal Re-
publicans would go along with
Northern Democrats.
MEANWHILE, Sen. Connelly,
(Dem., Tex.), said the bill was be-
ing pushed to a showdown as an
opening wedge for three contro-
versial bills-anti-poll tax, anti-
lynch and the "so-called FEPC"
measure, designed to prevent ra-
cial discrimination in employ-
All of them, he shouted, are
The filibuster blocked the Sen-
ate Foreign Relations Committer
from making a decision on the
$5,580,000,000 European Recovery
Hungarians Reverse
PreviousSpy1 Cnessions8
until all nations have achieved a
degree of economic stability, he TAYLOR SAID TEACHERS should be judged on their standings
said. as lawful citizens and honest teachers. He cited several outstanding
scholars who were Communist Party members and also nationally
Tailh i nrsal i.- ha eni recognized as educators in their fields.
ge y success u'A( , u~l seL nCLg
1952 as a cut-off date was a mis-
take, Straight declared.
* * *
"TO MEET THIS dead line wt
have been forced to revive Ger-
man industry under Nazi direc-
tion; which is a dangerous move
The only way to handle Germany
is to support a European federa-
tion in which the Germans are a
small minority."
Straight emphasized the ne-
cessity for liberal forces in this
country to work with the frame-
work of the existing political
parties or through an indepen-
dent organization to get a legis-
lative program which would be
"adequate in terms of today's
"If we are lucky we may get a
labor act which will come near the
original Wagner Act of 1935, but
the Health bill which will come
out of this Congress will be a bit-
ter disappointment to the CIO."'
ent Senate filibuster "a sham,
whose only purpose is to hold ul
Civil Rights legislation.
He did not think we are head-
ed for a depression like the
'30s, but "we are in for trouble
as long as the present level of
production, with three million
people unemployed, is called
Our role in world leadership
should not be defensive, but a
positive move leading the peoples
of the world toward democratic
stabilization, he said.
"Only when we have a united
world society can a world organi-
zation be really effective."
-ol Trouble
Faces Dorms
The Unive"'sity's projected sky-
ucrapcr dormitory might run into
financial difficulties if a pro-
posed study of money-raising
measures is carried out in Lan-
State Senator Elmer R, Porter
(R), will ask Attorney-General
Stephen J. Rot] to decide whether
a self-liquidating bond law is con-
State College and other schools,
use the law extensively to obtain
funds for dormitory construction.
Porter said he would ask Roth
to pass on all phases of the act,
inasmuch as the legislature may
not vote more than $250,000 in
bonds without a vote of the people.
.Now everyone may or-
der a classified ad by
sl IVdilin 23241.
But Allen held that all Communists were slaves to dogma
whose intellectual life was controlled by the party line. He
thought that as teachers they were intellectually dishonest.
A strong believer in the ability of students to detect partisan
ideas advanced by a professor, Taylor said students' views on the
matter should be consulted. He said that when exposed to Com-
munism students had rejected it.
SMITH COUNTERED with a strong blast at students saying that
the quickest way to bankrupt a college was to quiz students on what
they thought of their instructors. Students attend a college to be
educated by that college, he declared.
Both Allen and Smith declared that public opinion made
..employment of Communist teachers impossible. Allen cited..
agitation in the Washington State Legislature about alleged
"hot beds" of Communism at his college. Smith said parents
would never consent to sending their children to colleges which
employed Communist teachers.
Here Baldwin pointed out that it was the place of a University
to withstand the pressure of public opinion in prescribing the educa-
tional standards to be followed.
BALDWIN SAID THAT as long as party members kept their
opinions outside of the classroom they should not be hindered from
teaching. He felt that the activities of college teachers outside the
classroom were of noconcern to the institution.
.Though Allen barred party members from his faculty at the
University of Washington he felt that students should be free to form
Communist clubs if they wished. He said that it was necessary
for students to become familiar with Communist theory as well
as other doctrines.
Besieged Reds in Frank furl
A ai OtOrders froinlie rhi
WILLOW RUN TERMINAL-Pictured above is an artist's conception of the loading apron and air
terminal of the University-owned Willow Run Airport, largest operating commercial airport in
the world. Although seven major airlines schedule scores of flights per day from the six landing
strips, the airport is currently operating at only 25 per cent of capacity.
-- - * * * *
Self-Help Club
Is Formed by
W old's Largest Airport
Operated by University
Victories Cut
Students' Funds
Chinese students on campus
have banded together to aid those
who have been cut off from funds
of the National Chinese govern-
Communist victories in China
have broken many students' con-
tacts with their families and end-
ed their chief means of financial
support, according to Esson Gale,
International Center director.-
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
in a series of three articles on Uni-
versity-owned Willow Run Airport.)
Quietly and efficiently for the
last two and a half years the
University has been administering
the largest commercial airport in
the world now in operation.
The huge Willow Run Airport
might seem to be the last thing
in the world in which an educa-
tional institution would be in-
YET THEENTIRE airport por-
tion of what was formerly the
world's biggest bomber plant and
airport, is owned and administered
by the University of Michigan.
The 1,900-acre area now
owned by the University includes
committee had to cut short its MANY STUDENTS have not
study of the proposed second in- heard from their families since
stallment in Marshall Plan funds October and now have as little as
when the Senate met at 10 a.m. $150 for living expenses. One of
Today it will meet at 8 a.m. giv- the first measures of the Com-
ing the committee two hours lee- munists will be to liquidate the
way before returning to the fill- middle class families from which
buster scene. many students come, Gale said.
Other Senate committees were The Chinese Student Mutual
,imilarly stymied on important he Chue, Stent Mutual
legislation. Under the rules, none Y the Student efairs Commit-
can meet while the Senate is in tee ntiAffarommit
tee, will initiate a two-pint
Zarichny Talk
Still Blocked
By University
FRANKFURT, Germany-(/P)-
Eight soldiers of the Russian Re-
patriation Mission ignored the
Midnight eviction deadline set by
the U.S. Army and remained in
.1 ir billet,
All ligh's in tim buildin were
ablaze as the deadliie passed.
GEN. CLAY issued his order
Feb. 16 for closing the mission
March 1, saying the number of
displaced persons who volunteered
to return to Russia in the past
year was negligible and that the
accredited Soviet Military Mission
could handle the work.I
Members of the mission could be;
xcn eating and taling. The Soviet government dc
* * * "onmced the move last week as
THERE WAS no imnediate at- a violation of Yalta and Tehran
tempt to eject them forcibly. agreements and demanded that
the order be rescinded.
The Russians are headed by a
Col. Vasily L. Argoonov. They i Gen. Clay, the U.S. Military
said they are awaiting Soviet Governor told newsmen today:
orders from Berlin. "As long as they don't want to
pet out of the house, we are in
Gen. Lucius D. Clay, U.S. mii- no hurry about getting them out."
tary commander, indicated his
policy would be to drive them out BUT HE INDICATED the U.S.
by depriving them of food, wa- Army would make it difficult for
ter and telephone service. them.
s enaI(3I3 ~ l11UU, 110 teA artofprogram to carry out its pur- The University Lecture Com-
consent of the Senate. As part of '; os.imittee's recent refusal to allow
their filibuster strategy, South- Jyk
James Zarichny to speak on camn-
erners have refused to agree to. The students will ask Congress pus will probably not be altered
committee sessions. to put through a bill to aid for- by the Board of Regents' action in
eign students. They have also set lifting the speakers ban, accord-
11) a Cooperative cooking arramige- ing. to Prof.! Carl Brandt, secre-
Natwiw t~o~ument to provide one meal a d iY tary and spokesman for the con-
for members. ttseh
mxittee. ,
The Regents' revised policy on
(14Jl , t X PENSEhi will be de- political speakers includes a clause
judg ydb olutary cont btions specifying that all speeches must
By The Associated Press II by Inemibers- be for the education interests of
NEW YORK I-A federal judcge Any Chiinesa students interested the community-.
yesterday brought to a halt de- in joinin the club or any others
fense challenges to the Federal' who wish to give imancml support P6F. BRAND'T pointed out
Jury Selection System which have to the group may contact Robert that Zarichny was denied permis-
delayed selection of a jury for the Kliinger at the International Cen- sion to sixeak because the Lecture
trial of 11 top American Commu- ter. Committee could find "no edu-
nists. cational purposes that will be
Judge Harold It. Medina also ( served by the use of University
ruled the actual trial will start [iceise u N mbers facilities for an attack of this kind
Monday. on a sister institution."
* - - All student driving permits will ..
WASnINGTON-Arthur J. be invalid until the students reg- The Lecture Committee will
Altmeyer, Social Security corn- ister their new state license num- meet this Saturday to study t
missioner, told a Congressional ber~s with the Office of Student Regents' recent action,
committee yesterday that pay- Affairs, Rin, 1010 Administration Prof. Brandt also pointed out
roll taxes, under President Tru- Sld. that only four persons have been
man's expanded social security Old licenses expired last Mon- denied the right speak on cam-
program, ultimately may reach day. pus by the Lecture Committee in
10 per cent-5 per cent on em- Police said licenses may be ob- the last 25 years. Included in this
ployes' pay and 5 per cent on tained in the Dobson'Insurance group are Gerhard isler and
all of the Willow Run site ex-
cept the plant facilities of the
war-time production colossus
which have been sold by the
government to Kaiser-Frazer
Because of the stupendous size
of the installation, however, the
University's role is not so odd as
it might seem.
* * *
AFTER THE capitulation of
Japan, the army had no more need
for the thousands of B-24 bomb-
ers which were rolling off the
Willow Run assembly lines.
With the curtailment of pro-
duction, a serious problem pre-
sented itself. For reasons of na-
tional security the government
could not afford to let the
multi-million dollar facilities
At the same time there were
to be considered the tremendous
appropriations which would be
needed to maintain the airport
even on an inactive basis. The
solution seemed to be to either
lease or sell the facilities to some-
one who would be able to main-
tain t icin satisfactorily.
ALSO, THE CITY of Detroit
and all of lower Michigan des-
perately needed more airport fa-
cilities. TIhe real problem, there-
fore, was to get someone to un-
dertake the overall management
and financial responsibility of the
property, landing strips and han-
gar buildings which comprise
Willow Run Airport.
At this point the University
stepped into the picture. In June
of 1946, the government turned
over the 30-million dollar prop-
erty to the University with the
provision that it be kept in suf-
ficient state of repair so that it
could be used again for military
purnosess in case of a national
emergency. This was ou an ii,-
terim-license basis.
The transaction was finally
completed in the first months of
1947, and the property duly en-
tered in the University's books asI
a one-dollar asset.
* 4 *
BY THIS MOVE the Univer-1
sity acquired needed experimental
and research facilities, the people
of Michigan obtained a badly-
needed airport and the govern-
See "U" RUNS, Page 6
Charge Red
Officers with
Bulgars Admit
Treasou Actions
By The Associated Press
Five Hungarian churchmen re-
pudiated their confessions yester-
day while 15 Protestant ministers
confessed to accusations of trea-
son in Bulgaria as they faced trial
in Communist courts.
The Hungarians backed out on
pre-trial confessions that they en-
gage in illegal money deals in a
conspiracy with Josef Cardinal
Mindszenty and they charged that
police intimidation had wrung the
confessions from them.
* * *
THE FIVE repudiations came
shortly before the prosecution
completed its case against the 14
Today their counsel will have
the traditional "last words" of
summation. The court then will
retire to arrive at a verdict.
The 14 are accused of "political
conspiracy" and illegal financial
deals with the Cafdinal, Roman
Catholic primate of Hungary.
Cardinal Mindszenty and six co-
defendants were convicted three
weeks ago of plotting to overthrow
Hungary's Communist-led govern-
ment and to restore the Hapsburg
monarchy. The Cardinal has ap-
pealed his life sentence.
* * *
PROSECUTOR Lajos Hegyvari,
in a closing statement to the
court, asked that all 12 receive
"sentences which serve the in
terests of the people." He said
they "deserve exemplary punish-
Zslgmond Deutsch, a broker.
started the series of repudia-
tions of confessions. The admis-
sions had been made in the,
course of police questioning
after the arrests. Reutsch said
he was only partly guilty of the
charges he had admitted,
Meanwhile, the last of the Bul-
garian ministers confessed to trea-
son, spying for the United States
and Britain and illegal dealings
in foreign money in Sofia District
* * *
ONLY ONE of the 15 Bulgarian
ministers -- Baptist, Penteco'stal,
Methodist and Congregational -
deviated from a full confession.
He was the Rev. Ladin Popov, 36,
a Pentecostal pastor.
lie denied lie had been a spy,
but said in a quaking voice that
he was guilty of illegal currency
dealings. He said he had con-
verted dollars obtained from
the United States.
The others, in the trial started
Friday, admitted all charges.
Ow-Act Plays
Io Bie Gi'ven
Four one-act plays will be given
by the speech department at 8
p.m. tomorrow and Friday in
i Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
Admission is free and the thea-
tre will open each night at 7:30
p,m. and close promptly at 6
p.m. or earlier if the theatre is
The plays are: "Shepherd in
The Distance," a pantomime with
9 Edward Pfluke, Edmund Johnston,
S anley Challis, Marilyn Seheel.
liiily li)cvv. Jamnes Ch~apma,
Elaine hew, anud Trving Deutsch.
Yoili Owners Jn Spain,' a com,
s aboutt inmates of an old ladies
home with donna DeHarde, Betty
Lou Robinson, Betty Horwitz, and
Florence Schulkin.
"The Potboiler,"<a farce comedy
satirizing a director as he works
at rehearsals of his play. The cast
includes J. Shelton Murphy, Vic-
tor Hurwitz, William Mackenzie,
Bete Ellis, Ted Heusel, Eleanor
Littlefield, John Gannon, Frank
SHA Programi Director
Praises "U' StudentPlan
(1';JITOR'5 NOTlE: This is th scojld
aseries of articles writlen b3
frlaclty, administrat iveo f i ers ai 4
m~inisters ii VoJJHtcetioai wit1~r eli-
gion-inc-Life "Meek wbic h will start
Lane Hall Program Director
I have often been a visiting
speaker for Religion-in-Life weeks
on campuses from Bowdoin Col-
lege in Maine to the Universty of
Today when I heard of the var-
ous plans for seminars, the Uni-
versity assembly in RPackham, res-
idence house discussions, class-
room lectures. recentions. church
Catholic, Jewish, Protestant, Hin-
du._-symbolizes an unusual spirit
of basic unity. Few campuses ever
attain so large a degree of par-
2. It is pleasing to see the in-
telligent manner in which the"
intricate plans have been worked
on to include the interests of all
types of student groups, interpret-
ing them until they all fit togeth-
er into a unified approach of re-
ligion as orientation as a way of
life and as a pathway to God.
3, The array of national speak-
ers being brought to the campus,
employers payroll.-
* * *
GAMBIER, 0.-A chimney flue
which had deteriorated because of
age was blamed tonight for the
disastrous dormitory fire at Ken-
yon College Sunday.
munications Commission yester-
day announced a tentative
grant to the Grand Haven
Broadcasting Co. for a new sta-
tion at Grand Haven, Mich. to
operate on 1490 kilocycles, 250
watts, unlimited time.
Bldg., 329 S. Main St.
Carl Marzani,
Union Opera Boasts Colorful Past
Maybe it's the "no women" fea-
ture of the Union Operas that
have madie them a success from
the beginning--both financially
and as entertainment.
The history of the operas, or-
iginating way back in 1908, is
sometimes serious, sometimes hu-
Welch. was such a success that
the two collaborated to bring'
the campus its second opera,
"Culture", in December of the
same year.
During a rehearsal for "Con-
trarie Mary," produced in 1913,
the stage, mistook some prop tu-
lips for the real thing, and acted
THEN T'HERE was "Top o' th'
Mornin' ", wherr spectators in the
first few rows were thoroughly
,,rR Ix nn,. ,ian ..ftlnn, ,, a C,...,r,-