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March 01, 1949 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-01

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Filibuster's Filibuster

DAY- ANT) N 1IGHl TLONG oratory ndl
t:tii-eow0wing 1:r oll calls trrire the1.(1de1
of "bsnes h eUile tte ei
this week.
For that ancient and dishonorable de-
vie, th0 filibust4er, is aain in use. This
time a ,iqiie of 'Southern senators are fili-
bustecring the verY imeasure that would
eurb the filibuster. i ~necessary to win
their poinit, they intend to cripple the
-%holela-akn process indefinitely.
Thle Southaerners ,know that if an anti-
fi lbuste r tme a ure is passed---one by which
two-tirds of l'the se (nators could shut off
cdebate -theIy ('~.11tstoPctitii onl civil rights
measures. ,Wl
These bills, which wou-ld . outlaw poll taxes
and lynchiin, re wht they are mainly
aittacking. jliut t Ie(7rit.xaper'ating, wearying

talksessiol isalsoholill)pwork on
thePe. aii 'sv~huhleisafive program.
V'ot ( (f ey 1w eoiiiitl< s that could be
discusnsing t iher hills wvill be allowed to
meet as lo1.ng as the gentlemen from the
South want to read the Encyclopedia
Britannica into the ('ongressional flee-
S ordl.
't[lie se~ iu us louy arueli uttit's their
consllti U 1,S ;I rii it. to sywhat they please,
Thel nltu o a a lot to say about
co w1 s ' l\\ ti .'o aleisldte, to do business.
Thait'sthieir *job. '11 iat swhly the people have
The ('ons.tittionpc doesn't saty that a
small grov-p o d'so-cld"legislators" can
throw a money ,,rnch i the while leg-
islative machf 4i:iwry. 'l'at it isn't t heir job.
it jniiilaeit':,,sliot i',- btey Were 'electe~d.
It 5 1 itl ties I ll~mkflit7; t(o~k StWeC of
What ,!(1;(i j(J- , reall',' Ou.WI itlwl. 01,r11ot
they ,do, tip": . o_,1I , kI! I hib .,I.er must
f( 1 'bOt F'. 11 4I. 7 (e S , 1 o t e i t v
-" Mary Sei.

Editorials pulblished in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Y01U(P lAiAA TAYV hAPPY', with Joan aIilaire3
bcaet. ( Caintit a.
t 8 O)NLY Af'~JO I 1 . i tosype'd Cci-ll-V~ie
tnie comed ties { ho : t as urzit's slickti i iI
11ovii 1.i oi IUIY R) i ' llaA :cIEN1, dteci'ving nitherY~
Joa4n Fntine surpises --- after several
recent high power dramxa super -flops -- wi t imo nor te d etivz e.
a d is tinctly happy fling at the light, gauzy r1,MIE CLOUD) 0c5iii issuitli; periodically
stuff, Eri on01 a par with any of the fmorn thez St ate Thea tee this we(ek is the
standard igh.it-comedy girls, she looks espe- masculine re{ai',tion i 11 i Marta Toren,
Ciully we~ll w.,ith 1 riend Jilmmy. VI'titr'to dli'aewhat Miss l'inen
*Eddite A lbert--only a inasme jeviouly-' IasaladItdetlidn eat e so well would be
lieie dni ieshlli :ta a petty !s5UlrE.'lhtl(s. S I ' iiiay Lb"e harged w ih
ei-i<itirivesort of fellow. h lis rugged, su per i biu, t nevttr with sipierf'lity.
bright-eyed s Ityl iccly etlminates ainy many ' lnt lcs ill noat enjoy tine pictur-e.
squivn ri; that mighlt result from Stew- j11O0"Vi' Miss T.iorchconst itutes the sole
art's lone-tor-death lethargic bent. re'asoin iyanlyone houh01lbother~i to pairt
The p,?.icture eei to hlave been motivated rwith hlf 1 bue k for this. And the question
by Holwod1r's c1,wealthi complex---the idea arises, is one bief g limp lse via celluloid of
that people (i.e., Miss Fontaine) can be her lprovoeatix'e shoulder worth one lunch
nice and funny and loveable in spite of1 at the League'? So phrased, the answer is
thewir money. pi'obably Yes.
The comedy situation ultimately de- Dick Powell establishied a fine reputa-
velop-, fter the picture's rather jerky tin last year as a fearless international
start-o.-c_ plane ride froin New York crime-stopper in "TIo the Inds of the
to Berkeley,. The passengers include, in Earth." 'le present picture, written,
addition to the principals, a too-cute-for- directed and produced by a man named
words pair of Tennessee newly-weds, a Buc'kneri, tries. to capitalize ore that prev-
chrimp unzee, ia corpse, some iced fish, and ioUs lperforlan c(,,anid succeeds tlr oly inl
an elnbezh-er. being a secondc-r'ate rehash.
As if this wan't enough potential for What might have been a thrilling inter-
making merry, t he plane is conveniently national miain-lBunt turns into a poorly
forced down on the corn-country property of placed, slowly moving, ordinary old gang-
Farmer Percy Kilbridge. Percy seems well on ster movie, with several unsavory insinua-
his way to creating that class of comedy tions about various nations' foreign pol-
character that is eventually called "be- icies.
loved." As Marty says so caressingly, "Try to con-
Joan finally proves her love for Jimmy vince me again."
wxhen she presents him with a Lockheed --Perry Logan.
Help"ful Morailon

Theatre Guid
ASTI'WFEK, a group of stucdets me in
Sthe Ueague to lay t he grondw~ork' for
a University fci iu h ireGid h
imp~ort ance of i s meet ing cannot be too
highly stressed, for this proposed organiza-
tion will be the first completely democratic
theatre group on campus.
Many students, interested in the various
aspects of the theatre, have been unable
to find sufficient outlets for this interest
because of the restrictions involving play
production. Most students not enrolledj
in courses in the speech department do
not have the opportunity to affiliate
themselves wiith a production.
The purpose of the guild then is to offer
to these students a mneanis of wvorking in
the theatre. It is stressing interest first avd
training and experience secod.
The organi ers of the guid believe that a
student inten'Isely interested in acting can
often give a gr'ea ter perormiance than the
student whio may hazve several play produe-
tion courses to0 Ihis credit.
'rhis movemem uto (stablish a democratiac
theatre guild is certainly one of the most
wothiwhile proects [.hat students have
sponsored here.
Not only will would be actors be admitted
to the guild, but students interested in
directing, staging, musical background and
all other phases connected with producing
a succ(essful play have beecn invitedcclt),par-
ticipat e in the i group'7s activities,
A constitution has already been rs iwn
up which explains the guild's denimoati;
principles and will goon e snbiittd to
[lie studeot iAffais 'otnnittee ftor' its
Already a g;reat deal of ctwzoiasli fr'
this pr~oet has srunrg up 'altihe student
body. Stui( ets, hloig depri vedl of .rsli t d t)
olpoarturriti y o act ci' ill : lWr other way
associtet~e LI aeelve> w ith pilay product ion,
are now Vgeting th(eir chane Undoubtedly,
this University of Michigan Theatre Guild
is as its founders clam, an organizaion
of tihe students, by th e st udents and for
the 5tidi'its.
-=lecrb Ytvir.
RteporIe Pledges
It's 0od(d just how singulranal apella-
Lion may be sometimes. Take the name Toy.
for example. Webster's defines the word
among other wvays as a "wild fancy" or an
"odd conceit ."
How could one better describe the edict
issued by Detroit's lpretentious Police Com-
missioner barring from Police feadquar-
ters newspapermen who do not sign non-
Communist affidavits or whose loyalty is
not affirmied by their editors.
When an individual (displays a whim
which affects no one but himself, we merely
laugh. But when Ihis idiosyncrasy openly in-
fringes upon the rights of others. seious
thought, not laughter, is required.
Because of mounting criticism even from
conservative quarters, Toy has backed down
somewhat in his demands on the three ma-
jor Detroit papers, all of which are about as
left wing as the Wall Street Journal. In-
stead of individual pledges, he will now ac-
cept lists of accredited reporters from their
editors who up to now have indicated no
doubts as to the integrity of their employees.
In addition, he will ask that the editors
submit letters stating that to the best of
their knowledge the reporters named are not
Conmmunrists -apparently Vasists and Ku
Klux Klansmnen are quite acceptable.
Toy said that he will accept the word
of these editors because he knows them
personally, but reporters from other paprs
and wire services must still sign individual
pledges because "I do not know the wire
servic'e bureau chiefs or the editors of' the
smaller papers."

Toy's order is a direct blow 'aimed at
freedom of the press, as many have al-
ready asserted, but its implications go fur-
ther yet. The action deprives both employer
and employee of the fundamental demao-
era tic freedom of choice.
Unless the reporters not from the "Big
Thfree'' sign pledges, they will be unable to
gain access toJ police headquarters and
therefiore uunable to fulfill tihe rquit'ennts
of their jobs.
Thus, mianag;ementt can no longer hire
anyone it may ch:ioose, but, only those who,
in effect.,- meet this appov al of Toy by
taking loyalty oath..
BY the Samle tokenl,{the prospective ei-
ploye= lost'" his iira'ogatiw'e to take a ,jobl,
ewen when he is acceptable to the eiii-
ployci' on the basis of ability. His political
beliefs ('ease to be his own business and
nobody else's. Instead they formn an essenl-
tial criterion by whlich pi'osjpetti Vt' cinpjloy -
er's are forced to judge him, -withi his indi-
vidl iiierit asstifiig a.quite seceondaz'v
One of the most unfortunate results of
get-rid-of-the-Ried purges is than by and
large it is not the Communists who suffer,
but sinei'e. idealistic persons whose prin-
ciples do not allow' themn to answecr quet ions
c'oncrningOi h('' political beliefs.
Their right to hold whatever beliefs they
desire is guaranteed them by the Constitu-
tion and not subject to supervision by otht'i's,
they point out.
As for Communists, if they are anything
like tihe conniving, soulless fanatics they
are painted as by purge investigators, they
obviously will not have qualms about taking


.t - .,

The baily accords its readers the
privilege of submnitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space Limitations, the general pol-
icy is to Publish inl the order in which
they are received all letterti bearing
the writer's signature and address.
lelters exceed liig 31M1 word:, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defaim-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. r'he
editors reserve the ari~ilc[e ofut on-
Uarri ficatr iit
'To the Editor:
(ON FEBRUARY 23 in reportingi
to the Student; Legislature onl
the action of the Comititee con
Student, Affairs, I stated that the
Counmittee had refused perission
to the Studenft Leg-'islature to hold
an open mieetinga withl the He-
t<ents and potetill Tegentts on
camypus. The committee, however,
did not re.ject the Legislature's
ptit ion, it taibled the petition
pending! accept(ance of the Legis-
lature':; invitations by tieeimem-
bers of the Board of Regents. It
was my interpretation that the
committee's act of tabling was, in
a sense, a rejection, I faile~d to
make this point clear on the Leg-
islature and' to Til e Daily. It is
my hope that t his l11t1 tei' will set
the r(ecor'dlst ra ight .
--lames P. .Ians.
Stri fighit 14ctuiire
To the Editor:

North Aatie Voyage

Letters to the Editor-m


E hlisr£il.' bEy Ma yna i'd 1_. (1i'
wet01, l epa rtiliit Of 1armnac-
(logy: " [She Manufactu£re of Oxy-
gemi,' by Briyner Willialms, Chenl-
ical-Meta llurgical. Engineeiring.
Pi Taut Sigma: Meeting, 7:15
p.m1.,;Ivichigan Union.
ItF('Glfe (lo'I1b terri ie, 7'I:30 tCo
Ani.erie-an Instiitute of lAliniig
and M~letallurgicalI 1in g i n e ecr s
Meeting, 7:34. p.m., 4040 )a]. Engi-
neer'ing Bldg;. Samuel 11. Dreis-
bach will spea k on "'Anodizing of
Gargoyle Literary Stafif mem -
bers and tryouts who have not re-
ceived assignments ai'c requested
to obtain samie between :3 nd 5
Sigma Rho Tau, Stump Speak-
er's' Society: Meeting. tGenral
Program : cOrgantiit ion of circles.
New circles being off1ered1 are:
"Sales and hxecutive Probltems"
and "Parliamentar'y Law." All en-
gineers who wish to improve their
speaking ability are invited to at-
tend. 7 p.m., 2084 E. Engineering
American Society' of Mechanical
Engineers field trip to Kelvinatoi's
Detroit plant. Buses leave from
front of E. Engineering Bldg.,
Wed. and Thurs., Mar. 2 and 3,
at 12 noon. Sign list on ASME bul-
letin boar'd outside mclhanical
laboratory. Members, 50 cents;
non-members, 75 cents.
National Student Association:
Committee meeting, 4 p.m., R.
3D, Michigan Union.
The editor of "New Republic",
Michael Stiraight, will speak onl
"The Challenge of tihe Fair Deal",
at 8:15 p.m., Kellogg Auditoriuml;
sponsored by ADA.

M~r. Robe't, 13. Za jonc will speak
on 'o lisli culture. !Reh'eshm ents. U f M )a o s 1 a d e a
Charles Madden, 915 F. Huron,
8 p.m. Mrs. Rogei' Secrest, phone
2-3810 is inl charge of transporta-
You uig Pogesies Miember-,
stil) uocetiuw., 7 :3( 1p.m1., Michiganl
Uniuozi. All meitubcls ple(ase attentd.
Christian Science Organlization:,
lrestiiiio iil meeting, 7::30 p.m.,
Upper Roomi. Lane [Tail.
1.Z.l"'.A.: Tile ilitt'rmediat e study
group will meet, 7:45 p.m.. Mn. hi-
gan Union.
Square Dance Group: Lane Hall,
7 p.mn.
Coining Events
Hlouise Dir'ectors' Institute: First
meeting for~ staff members in
Women 's Residence Halls, League
Houses and Soroi'ities, March 2,
9:30 to 11:30 a.m., Michigan
L eague. Subj ect.: Students' Social
Thinking. Alice C. Lloyd, Peter A.
Ostafin, Patricia. A. McKenna, Pa-
Patricia. Hannagan.
Delta Sigma Pi, Professional
business administration frater-
nity; Business Meeting, Wed.,
March 2, 7:30 p.m., Chapter
House, 1212 Hill.
Sociedad Hlispanica : Meeting
Wednesday., March 2, Hussey
Room, League, 8 p.m. Mr. Alberto
Villalon and Mr. Roberto Cor-
dillo will discuss the problems
whichi confi'ont Hispanic students
studying in the United States. An
open discussion will follow.
Motion Pictures, auspices of the
Audio-Visual Education Centei'.
"Hlumani Geography"; Lobster-
town, the Story of a Community;
What is China? 4:10 p.m., Wed.,
March 2, Kellogg Auditorium.

IIEAR YE --all Progi-c.,sives, Fel-
low - Tr'avelers, Communists,
Conservatives, anrd Reactionaries
--this is a challenge issued by the
Liberals of the campus.
Michael Straight. editor of the
New Republic is to speak on the
campus at Kellogg auditorium
Tuesday evcnin ,. His subject is
"~The Challenge ca1' the Fair Dueal.
,Mr. St raig htit . s a Il'~e liantliio
of time iberal elaust'. l1e has
wrestled squai'ely with the pei'plex-
ing problems of oui' day, and has
succeeded in cutting thr'ough the
usual emotional generalizations
of liberalism to a consistent work-
ing creed fom' Liberals.
The way has now been opened
to the democratic process of rough
and tumble political debate on our'
campus concerning the issues and
principles of the day. As Liberals,
Iwe feel that Mr. Straight's lecture
will be an excellent presentation
of our case. We therefore chal-
lenge our above-mentioned polit-
ical oapponents to appear at Mi'.
Stmaight's lecture, oi' the coffee-
hour and get a good picture of
ou' creed. After that, we shall be
only to~o happy to continue the
debate thr'ough public lectures, de-
bates, on the "Diag," and through
The .Dily.
Such free controversy is one of
the first principles of our liberal
creed;' in the words of Mr. Jus-
tie .Holmes, "The ultimate good
desled is better reached by free
trade in ideas." And in the wor'ds
of John Stuart Mill, "... even
if our opinion be not only true,
but the whole truth; unless it is
suffered to be, and actually is,
vigorously and earnestly contest-
ed, it will, by most of those who
'receive it, be held in the manner
of a prejudice .
The social and economic rev-
olution is on in this country. The
1people are rapidly accepting the
liberal principle which states that
governments do not exist exclu-
sively to protect the arbitrary
rights of the individual; but
rather it is the function of gov-
ernment, through social legisla-
tion, to uphold the human rights
of all men against their abuse by
individuals. The people are turn-
ing to social legislation to lift all
men out of their degrading and
repressive surroundings, and make
If you have your doubts, or dis-
agree with the liberalist ci'eecd,
AAis hr of fering with Michael
' jumping off point for a long and
>profitable debate on ouir campus
concerning the major'pr'oblems of
our day.
-George W. Shepherd, Jr.
h 'l

scared because I hear so few voies
raised against this practice.
An attack against academic
freedom and democracy in educa-
lion always preceded and is nece-
sary for any attack on freedom
generally. Such actions are Hit-
lerian in concept because they
stifle further intellectual thought
anid hence, threaten the freedom
of all Americans. The scveral re-
('exnt violations of academic free-
dom cannot be viwd as acciden-
tal or isolated events, but are
closely related in that they are
a direct result of the fear and
hiyster'ia engendered over the com-
munist question.
Today this atmosphere prevents
us from seeing thle mreal threats to
academic freedom and " prevents
us from speaking out when Jim
Zarichny, a student at Michigan
State, is expelled for attending
the wrong kind of a meeting off
campus. How many students and
teachers must be expelled before
we wake uip? Who's going to be
the next victim? No matter how
hard we may try, we cannot ra-
tionalize these actions. Our com-
placency and apathy concerning
this whole question can only en-
courage repetition of such flag-
rant infringements.
-Calvin Llpptt,
To the Editor:
IN REGARD to tie letter pub-
lishedi in The Daily 2-25-49 by
urne Hai'old TI. Walsh, I think it
advisable that some one give Mr.
Walsh a little well needed advice.
"Open your' eyes, you dear child,
and awake to the realization that
you are grown up now. We sinners
have so very much to do in the
great city of Ann Arbor. Let me
see, I believe there are at least
six places where one can pur-
chase a glass of beer and my gosh,
there areU't two whole movies, that,
are acceptable to public taste. "Yes,
Mi'. Walsh, it is ;just terrible to
thinik of poor' little old you getting
a nasty old "D." We sinners feel
terribly sorry for you. Have you
noticed these nasty young coeds
on our campus, Mm. Walsh? Be
careful or' one of them might em-
barrass you by running up to you
and saying, "Boo!" In conclusion,
if you don't like our' habits, there
are many other universities for
you to enroll in. Why don't you
try Vassar?"
-,till Johnson.
To the~ Editor:
*old T. Walsh is not adult
enough to judge how much he can
drink and when he can afford to
cut classes. Most of us are aware
of the possibilities of missing
something when we decide to cut
and are willing to take the con-
-Gladys F. Rivkind.
1M4w di
ffirigal Dat


WONDER wh iat would happen if there
were a Six-rnoriths' moratoritlnl o vio-
lent aniRs isatements in the United
Statfes, and(n.[ Aerci st atements ini
Ru tssia.
I do not promise that this would produce
peace. In fact it is obviously one of the
weakest peace plans ever brought for'ward.
But it might gi ve us time to think. It might
als-o ;top tt uin'omnfortable feeling the
Vworli~ now has- tha~t it is being built up, step
by ste, to aimc awful climnax, as by time
twlisus tts iir"s oh a skillful mnelodramna.
A no>rt'tri on the mordant phrase,
a ho(lida 'y fom hna'tor1Iing., seems ia fairly
1,1ractica1 l tineti tli. t is not (Juite as
good as aslto fthe German prob-
lem vwouldbe , l~tr it oughtt to be easier
to arra. Bo.v , t .ia~.ra anid the United
State5:s an tgn e u p "a4lent lan"guage w'tith-
ot s rrt uernga ivvial intereusts, My
plan i;5sas ithe enor .cand legal.
andil, :a linongot-heradait''e it headks
straighlt om[ie et tbnistd
( )NE LEASON C~I ilat' the moi'atoi'ium ii iea
is hatwe ll'soo gongto dete 1 c, he
Norttlani 1eeePact. Now, it is wel
knownailat t;re isOnly oo4t' way ,to get
suchan istr'mithr nough Con !ress:, andc
th1at is: to Scar e the hell out of it. You
nev: er canc _i bltIthrough ia pact o1 thins sort.
or a Marshall 1M !,orany similar measur'(.
withiout ac'dne<,._i if thleenm were at the
gaealid ma ~iig 1,I e il iauhist's in athle
You hvetobuldupthe mcnat'e to get
the re"mdy, ith te i',1u1tthat you often
ha;ve more menatater you've obtained
the remeaa, d y than xSte ')d 1before ,you askted
for it.
To pu)wt ;cIVhe Maisall Plan through, for
examle equredso much anti-Ruissiani
oraor. tstby the time thie plan was

adopted the possibility of East-West trade
in Europe land beeni killed stone cold dead
--thoughit to rest oret'ihat trade( had been
a prune ptirpose' of the plan.
The next few mnonths a r'a likely then to)
sees anti-Russian. vu'balisms ich a i.peaIk in
Congress. not because of any particular Raus-
Sian maneuver of the moment, but simply
because the pact will be up for discussion.
It will be, so to sek a technical tirade.
The mor'atoriumi wouild cornec just in time.
'T E l lS IA NS would, of course, have
to stopi hlering on us during the
six mloniths, in v. icli e e were not hollering
on them,(01"the iyhqlT1think this would
he' as hard on tw; theman us. 'They have,
for nmove taitit years. been picturing
the rest oSA tin'" odrd to their own people,
asben Jw t i'aiti' iatftil natur'e'arid lowe
('hii'ai4.r. Nt t ente fact that whenr
littr ata('U'uth v;:weh(lped thxem, and
nt; Ge _Inian-: ni it'eible action, by
ther wn i alyisof the nature o1' cap-
ita '.-, E t cased them toi alter their'
o'a tory . ('u;rrently, they'd be as host as
Ave, foir orat 'i;-al p!remises andolsmuall talk,
if a udnmoaoinon insu;lt -wer'e to
bepricaiirl Aialiinthe !ensing 1..silt'e'
i'Ot''snigla l' iei'd lm'nnthe' Balkanls to
('hiri, akin i~hatItmssi itends to do
towal e i pr metof livincg stand-
ards, ithee 'a areas inl coin years.
'Tia t's OW' of tI a.tt;[inns I li ke about the
piOpo:-cd orl ini:it Cdoes lead you back
tozI I\ ad1Urua(amne;l .ils:.

Committee for Disprlaced Stu- U. of M. Theater Guild:-.,Organi-
dents; General nmeeting, 7:30 p.m., ;ration meeting, Michigan League,
Russian 'Iea Room, Michigan Wed., Mar. 2, 7:30 p.m. Bring cer-
Lu.aguze. tificates of eligibility.
AGENDA: General committee.
report. UTniversity of Michigan Sailing
Progress reports fr'om. sponisor- 1 Club: Open meeting, Wed., March
ing organizations. 1 2. 7 p.m. All initerested urged' to
Appoint meint of n ew coimumit tee at ten'd~.
New faculty sponsoi'. American Institute of Electrical
Planning for next; griltil of dis- Engineers and Institute of :Radio
placed students. 1Eng ineers, Joint Student ]Branch:
-- --- Meeting of thle student branch,
'Wolverine Club: Flash card Matrch 2, 7:30 p).mi., Rooms 3 K-L-
Committee meetin, 8 pan., Mich-1 M, Michigxan Union. Speaker: Dr.
irian Union. Roomi will be posted. Herbert R. J. Grosch, oft the In-
- tei'national Business Machiines
Ind('rgradute P'hysics Club: Company. Topic : "Electronic
Meeting, 20:38 1U~ndall Labora-, Compute'rs," openimie(etinig. Re-
tom'v 7 : :0 p.m. I ltctiom of aiffi- I frt'shinlits.

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ................City Editor
Naomit Stern ........Editorial Director
Allegran Pasqualetti .. .Associate Editor
At Biumrosen ........ Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff ..........Associate Editor
Robert C. White... Associate Editor
B3. S. Brown ............Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sportsi Ed.
B3ev Baissey .....Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery ..... Women's Editor
'Mftry Ann Harris Asso. Women's Edij r
Bss Hayes .................Lbrarian
11,isincss Staf f
Richard iTait ......Business Manor
Jean Leoiiard ....Advertlsing MAanige-r
William Culm'an ....Fuanco Manager
Cole Chr~sianL .. .Circulation Manager
§lh'pone 23-24-1
Mfemtber of The Associated Press
The Assoeiated Press i:9 exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mal
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, *5.00. by mall,


(tiaaem'deck Society : 7 :30 pi.iii., 1
Ri. 3-X .Miitan tt Uliorin. Mr. I
Essery of Detrcoit, \ illii speakmol
"Admiiralty Lawv."
(Coffee flour:W Michael Stluaight, I
editor' (f New Republic, guest,en-
tir'e stuti('nt. bodty aludI fculty in-1
vited, Sponsored by AL)A, 4:15-
5 ::30 p.m., Michigan Union.
Polo nia Club: Open meeting.l
7:30 p.m., lntei'rnatioiial Center.

tili' ski Club: Meeting, 7:30
p~nm., Mai'cii 2, Michigan League
a iHoouui .will hi' ptisted), Movie.
WVestminsteu' Guild, of the First
Presbyterian Church: Regular'
Wednesday afternoon tea, March
24 to 0 p.m., Russel par'lor church
buildin-. Everyonie welcomae.

To the Editor':
T WO MORE pi'oiessors have
*been fired fom' voicing dangem'-
ours thoughts--this tinie at Oregon
State College. Frankly, I'm scared.
I'm scared becatuse it's becoming
an accepted praUcticed in colleges
amnd ,univei'sities to expel both
teachers and students for holding
unpopular beliefs. I'm scared be-
cause the latest victims are sci-
entists, and I was brought up to
believe scientific progress requires
complete freedom of thought. Gal-
ileo was also condemned for ad-
vancing unpopular theories. This
type of thing is supposed to be-
long to the Middle Ages. I'm also

I.Z.F.A.: Beginning
Wed., Mar'ch 2, 7:45
gan Union. Topic:

study: group,
p.m:, Michi-
"Hlistory of





Tn., entire Uniivcrsity weas under the

You'd b',ter ploy indoors,
A.r nk l #- i i'.. tirie

Fif you like. It's nice and

o ellig ly, 'oy?
Ana'fom l otm4 for

Ah!--Youhave resolved to
prtdice. the -noble art of L


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