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February 26, 1949 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-26

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Wage Cut Brings
GM Price Decrease
Cost-of-Living IiFall Causes Reduced
Pay Saving of $10,000,000 for GM
DETROIT-(A)-General Motors cut its auto and truck prices
yesterday just a few hours after a wage reduction for its 273,000 pro-
duction workers vas announced.
The price cuts range from $10 to $150 on cars and trucks.
The wage reduction was two cents hourly and was made automati-
cally under a unique clause in the GM-CIO United Auto Workers con-

tract. That clause provides that
Income Tax
Foes Are Hit
By Wilianis
Denies Tax Will
Harm Consumer

wages are adjusted quarterly to the
' overnment's cost of living index.
IN A STATEMENT issued at'
UAW-CIO headquarters this af-
ternoon the price cuts were de-
scribed as "piddling," and "an-
other instance of too little, too

(M)Governor Williams today a¢-
cused opponents of his plan to
levy a four per cent state corpo-
ration income tax of inconsistency.
IN A SPEECH prepared for de-
livery at a dinner here tonight,
Williams said his critics claim the
levy will drive business out of
Michigan and that it will be
passed on to the consumers.
"Let me point out,"'he said,
"that both can not be true."
"As a matter of fact," he added,
"neither of these mutually incon-I
4stent arguments is founded in
THE GOVERNOR said that
"the overwhelming weight of opin-
iion among authorities is that the
burden of taxes on net corporation
income can not be shifted to the
consumer except where a monop-
oly exists."
Disputing the claim that the.
tax would drive industries away,
Williams said, "for the privilege
of operating in such a state,
corporate industry, I am sure,
wiliprove itself willing to pay a
modest share of the tax bur-
In any case. he asked, "where
would the fleeing corporations
HE SAID THAT 32 states and
the District of Columbia already
have such taxes and many other
states levy other taxes on business
taxes. lHe said that other states
levying corporation taxes had no
history of a mass flight of indus-
Without mentioning John L.
Lavett, Secretary of the Michi-
gan Manufacturers' Association,
by name, .Williams took issue
with his claim, that the tax
would raise the price of automo-
biles $3 each.
"There is no supporting evidence
for this claim," the Governor said,
"and frankly I don't believe it."
EVEN IF THlE claim were true,
he added, 96 peicent of the Mich-
igan auto production is purchased
by buyers out of the state.
"Itis they-the residents of
other states and nations--who
would pay the bulk of increased
costs if our critic is correct in his
claim," Williams said.
Economist To
LctureH ere

"If GM had shown the same'
modesty in increasing prices as
they now show in price reduc-
tions," the statement said, "the
American people would not still
be paying Cadillac prices to buy
a Chevrolet."
General Motors ventured no es-
timate of the payroll saving the
wage reduction will make. Au-
thoritative sources, however, said
it would total around $10,000,-,
THE WAGE and price cuts had
little effect on GM common stock
on the New York Stock Exchange.
The final figure was 25 cents un-
de the previous day's close.
Temporarily the reduction
means GM production workers
will receive about one cent an
hour less than the industry-wide
average of around $1.65. The
next review of cost-of-living
payments will be made in June,
based on the Federal Bureau of
Labor statistics index for April
The latest index showed that
from Dec. 15 to Jan. 15 retail
prices of goods and services pur-
chased by moderate-income city
families declined 0.3 per cent. It
was the fourth consecutive month
to show a decrease.
cut announcement, the UAW-CIO
in announcing acceptance of the
wage reduction called for an im-
mediate price cut. It said the in-
dex drop indicated "that prices
are on the way down."
It was the first time since the
war that GM has cut prices. It
was also the first time in the in-
dustry's volume production era
that a price cut has been coupled
with a dage reduction.
Toy Changes
Mind on Oaths
For Newsmen
DE TROIT - (A) - Police Com-
missioner Harry Toy backed down
partially yesterday on his news-
paper loyalty oath demands.
He backed right into some
prickly criticism from the smaller
units of the press, whom he point-
edly slighted in his latest somer-
sault on the issue.
TOY SAID that staff members
of the city's three major daily
papers would not have to sign
non-Communist affidavits to get
police press cards. All he wants
is a list from their editors vouch-
ing for their loyalty.
Last month, the commission-
er said that no newspaperman
would get a police card unless
he individually signed the oath.
That, according to this state-
ment, still applies to the "little
fellows"-local units of the wire
services and smaller papers.'
RAY KEISER, Associated Press
bureau chief here, called the dis-
criminatory treatment "absurd."
Keiser and other spokesmen
for the smaller organizations
expressed their intention of car-
rying on "business as usual"
without press cards.
Toy said all he would require
was that editors of the major
dallies state that their accredited
reporters were not Communists
"to the best of their knowledge
and belief."
Lone Star Staters
Loyal sons of Texas will hold

a tea-dance from 4 to 6 p.m.
today, in the Henderson Room, of
the League.
A secretary for the Texas Club
will be elected.

Strong, American newspaperwoman expelled from Russia as an
alleged spy, makes use of newsreel microphones on arrival in New
York. Subsequently she appeared before a Federal grand jury
investigating subversive activities, and yesterday told newsmen
"all countries have stupid officials and prosecutors who, once
they have decided against you, go out and get their man ."
New Requiremnent Will
StressTraining in Logic

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second
of three articles on the new literary
college curriculun)
One of the new features of the
literary college curriculum is the
requirement of a year's work in
either philosophy or mathematics.
This innovation provides, a sam-
ple of the problems that face most
departments of the literary college
in working out specific courses to
meet the new distribution require-
THE PRINCIPLE is that all
students should have som'ie exper-
ience in abstract logical thought
as part of their general educa-
In accord with this idea, the
mathematics department is' set-
ting up two semester courses
"for students who desire to gain
some insight into the logic and
range of mathematics."
For those who do not expect to
specialize in mathematics, or use
it as a tool, they have revised com-
pletely the usual approach to the

logical reasoning, with a mini-
mum of arithmetical work and
manipulation of formulas.
Mathematics 1 introduces stu-
dents to the logical foundations of
the subject, the number system,
exponents, logarithms and other
topics. Mathematics 2 continues
with functions, elements of sta-
tistics and concepts of the cal-
mittee also had to face the prob-
lem of the student who finds to
his surprise that he likes the sub-
ject and wants to do further work
in it.
Mathematics 2 had to be con-
nected with advanced courses in
the department.
This will be accomplished by
two more courses to be introduced
in the fall and spring of 1950,
which will fill up the gapsleft
by Math. 1 and 2 and carry the
student up through calculus:
LATER ON, IT IS planned to

New Election
Plan Arouses
Peek, EfimencoI
State Pros, Cons I
University political scientists
exhibit a mar'ked difference of
opinion over a proposal to change
the way the United States elects
its president.
The proposal, sponsored by Sen.
Lodge (Rep.-Mass.). would abolish!
the electoral college while leaving
each state with the same number
of electoral votes it has now. Each
state would split its electoral vote
fractionally among the various
candidates, in direct proportion
to the popular vote they received
in the state.
GEORGE A. PEEK, of the po-
litical science department, gave
strong approval to the new plan.
"It is much more democratic
than the present system," Peek
said. "Each voter's vote would
count for much more than it
does now.
"Although the proposal would
not prevent the election of a mi-
nority president, it would ensure
that the President would at least
have a plurality of the popular
vote," he said.
"IT WOULD prevent the recur-
rence of such affairs as the Hayes-
Tilden controversy of 1876."
A different view of the mea-
sure was taken by N. Marbury
Efimenco, also of the political
science department.
In the words of Efimenco, "If
wr really want a democratic elec-
tion on a national basis, it would
seem more logical to abolish the
system of using an indirect elec-
toral vote altogether."
"IT WOULD seem sensible to
allow our populous centers to have
a greater influence in the choice
of a President than they do now,"
he said. "Such a move might
stimulate the South to extending
suffrage to more of its citizens.
The South might also try to at-
tract more residents by providing
more employment opportunities."
Both Efimenco and Peek felt
that it would be quite difficult
to make any changes in our
manner of electing a. President
Any change such as the one pro-
posed would decrease the political
power of the southern states, and
the Solid South could probably
stifle the adoption of any amend-
ment which 'would alter the elec-
toral college ,structure.
PEEK SAID that the "proposal
has only a fair chance of getting
approved. Use of the convention
system to ratify a proposed reform
amendment would improve its
chances for approval."
According to Efimenco, "The
present system, with all its short-
comings, represents the present
utatus of political thinking in
most states. Pride in the state, as
such, is more important now than
many of us realize."
Civid Service

Positions Open
Several positions are open in the
foreign service for stenographers
and typists to work in overseas
American embassies, legations and
Applicants must be American
citizens between the ages of 21
and 35.
Although not required, knowl-
edge of a foreign language, espe-
cially a lesser-known language
such as Hungarian, Serbo-Croa-
tian, Bulgarian, Czech, Ruman-
ian, Polish or Slovak, is desirable.
Application forms may be ob-
tained from the Detroit City Civil
Service Commission, 7350 Ran-
dolph St., Detroit 26. A represen-
tative of the foreign service will
visit Detroit during the next few
weeks to test and interview quali-
fied applicants. 4

for happiness," said John F. Rasc
partment whose recently - pub-
lished translation of the tragedy
represents 25 years' work.
"The Gretchen Tragedy" to be
enacted today by the German
department and the Deutscher
Verein is by no means the com-
plete story of Faust. It is merely
the popularized theme of Part
One, on which Gounod's opera
is based.
According to Raschen, Faust is
Goethe's greatest literary work,
but it is not his greatest achieve-
ment. The versatile Sage of Wei-
mar was also a scientist whose
work, the Matamorphosis of
Plants, foreshadowed the Darwin-
ian theory of organic evolution.
GOETHE'S FAUST, which came
after many other versions of the
legendary theme including a play
by Christopher Marlowe, was first
begun in the author's youth;
"Faust is particularly difficult
to translate," Raschen said, "be-
cause of the great variety of me-
ters used by Goethe. There have
been many attempts made, one of
the most notable by Bayard Tay-
lor. The English poet Shelley also'
made translations of the Wal-
purgis Night scene and the Pro-
logue in Heaven."
* * *
the direction of Harry Bergholz,
is the result of 1,000 hours of
work by the cast. It will feature
Siegfried Feller, '50, as Faust, and
Franziska Isbell, '51, as Gretchen.
Others in the cast are Milton
Gold, Sybil Widman, Carol Tan-'
nenbaum, John G. Cale, Evelyn
Wohlgemuth, Albert Fetting, and
Mary Schumacher.
Motorist Sties
'Regents, 'U
Bus Operator
A $5,000 suit against the Re-
gents and a University bus driver
was filed yesterday in Wash-
tenaw Circuit Court.
The complainant, Fred Vaas of
Ypsilanti, claimed the damages
for an accident occurring Dec. 14
east of Ypsilanti in which the
car he was driving was hit in
the rear by a University bus driv-
en by Horace H. Keskitalo.
x T,:E
THE REGENTS are named as
co-defendants with Keskitalo be-
cause, as a constitutional corpor-
ation under which the bus was
licensed, the driver was acting as
their agent, according to the suit
Besides $239 in damages to
his car, Vaas claimed "severe
shock" to his back and nervous
system causing "a great deal of'
pain and mental anguish."
Vaas' lawyers say that the bus
struck the rear of the car after
Vaas had slowed down, signaled
with his brake lights, and had
moved to the inner lane of a four
lane highway in an attempt to
make a left turn into his drive-
way. They placed the complete
blame for the accident on thc
bus driver.
Tickets A vailable
At Newman Club
There is still a limited number
of tickets left for the Newman
Club communion breakfast to-
The featured speaker for the
breakfast will be Henry Melton
who was at the Trappist monas-
tery where "Seven Storey Moun-
tain" was written.
The tickets cost 35 cents, and
may .be purchased in the office
of the chapel today

Goethe's 'Faust' Tragedy
To Be Presented Today
Scees from (c; erman Masterpiece Will
( ommemorale Author's 200th Birtllday
The 200th anniverary of the birth of Johann Wolfgang von
Goethe. considered by many to be second only to Shakespeare as a
poet and dramatist, will be commemorated by a presentation of scenes
from his immortal tragedy Faust at 8 p.m. today in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Faust, based on the life of a semi-legcndariy magician, is the
story of a scholar's intense search for truth and knowledge for its
own sake. No longer able to obtain satisfaction from books, Faust
enters into an agreement with Mephistopheles, who represents the
spirit of negation. '


all Fausts in
hen. lecturer

our constant search
in the German de-

Farces Hit
By Speakerc
Many Europeans feel there is not
much difference between Ameri-
can and other military occupiers,c
Jean Fairfax, American Friendss
official, said last night at a Broth-t
erhood banquet at Lane Hall. F
Miss Fairfax noticed in her tra-
vels in Europe that the American
serviceman is not the best sales-
man for democracy.
* * *
"SEGREGATION in the army
does not prove America's claims
that brotherhood exists here. The
total effect is negative since feel-
ings in Europe range from anti-
Americanism to apathy," she said.i
Miss Fairfax contrasted Rus-i
sian and American attitudes to-
ward race problems. "Russians
are anxious to show colored peo-
ple that Soviets have no preju-
dice. Perhaps it is just propa-
ganda but I feel there is an ele-
ment of truth in it."
The basis of race relations is
changing, she pointed out. Minor-
ity groups are gaining indepen-
dence and they do not intend toM
play secondary roles in world poli-
tics, she said.
"THIS DOES NOT mean that
the race problems will disappear
but a new evaluation of man's re-
lation to his state will be neces-
Two students were honored for'
their inter-faith work at the ban-
quet. Dean Erich Walter pre-
sented the Arnold Schiff scholar-
ship to Lewis Towler, '50, and the
B'nai B'rith Council award to
Philip Culbertson, Grad.
Wife Drives,
Hard Bargain
Husband Sentenced
To 90-Day Probation
CHICAGO-(P)---Carl Bryzek,
33, was placed on 90 days' pro-
bation to his wife today and, if
he wants to keep her, he must:
Wear a wedding ring.
Tell a certain "Evelina" he'll
never see her again.
Play cards on Friday only;
chess on Monday.
Take an active interest in his
home's appearance.
Loan no money to relatives.
Take his wife hunting with
Let his wife handle the money.
Keep his share of a tool and
die company.
Buy a home.
* * *
1IIS WIFE, Adeline, 28, agreed
to dismiss her divorce suit bfeore
Judge Julius I. Miner if Bryzek
lives up to the terms. She agreed
not to order him out of the house
during the 90 'days.
Then the couple left the court-
room to buy hubby's wedding

BAd School
May Extend
Dean Suggests
5-Year Program
The business administration
course may- be extended to five
years, according to Dean Russell
A. Stevenson, of BAd school.
Stevenson spoke at the Univer-
sity of Cincinnati yesterday.
* * *
HE SAID THE action may be
necessary to meet the increasing
need for responsible business lead-
Stevenson added that the
fifth year would be one of in-
tense specialization, leaving the
undergraduate years for a more
generalized program.
The student should not only ac-
quire an understanding of the eco-
nomic institutions in his early
studies, but he should also learn
to analyze and interpret economic
change, he said.
* * *
"THE CAPABLE business leader
of the future will need an under-
standing of public policy and the
philosophy on which it is based,
as well as some knowledge of hu-
man relations and psychology."
It is vital to the welfare of
the country that we improve
education for business leader-
ship. The "main line of de-
fense" for the free enterprise
system is the quality of lead-
ership offered by business men,
he said.
"If business men recognize their
responsibilities, we may be able
to maintain a position against
the challenge of totalitarianism.
* * *
STEPHENSON emphasized that
responsible leadership is not only
needed by business organizations,
but also by the various institu-
tions with which business is asse-
clated - publicly owned enter-
prises, labor unions, and govern-
ment agencies.
"It is important to the welfare
of the economy that these agencies
be staffed with competent per-
sonnel trained under conditions
comparable to those who adman-
ister private enterprise."
Axis Sally ...
(Continued from Page 1)
discontent, particularly among the
married men.
that "Sally's" most frequent com-
ment, "I wonder what your girl-
friends are doing now," was more
amusing than anything else and
Jack Glasser, '50E, pointed out
that the program was "always
good for laughs."
Touring the front lines as a
radio operator, Charles Brightler,
'50E, of Kappa Sigma, said, no one
seemed to mention "Axis Sally
Bob Cornell, '50E, Lambda
Chi Alpha, who "got a kick out
of it, feels that the government
"knows what it's doing and can
be expected to do justice."
It will be up to the government,
he said, to decide the validity of
her defense that she was forced
to broadcast and that her German
lover, Max Otto Koischwitz, who
once taught languages at Hunter

College in New York City, was in-
strumental in applying pressure.
I osielers Present
Tips to Tra'velers
Prospective European travelers
may learn about conditions abroad
at a meeting sponsored by the
American Youth Hostels at 8:15
p.m. tomorrow in the Lane Hall
Hostelers who cycled through
Europe last summer will describe
some of their trips. 'Color slides
and movies will be shown.

teaching of freshman courses. set up a more mature introductory
course, similar to the first two,
INSTEAD of the ordinary se- for juniors and seniors. This is
quence-building upon high school still in the planning stage.
courses--of algebra, trigonometry, Its purpose, however, is to give
analytic geometry and calculus. upperclassmen an opportunity to
the new courses will deal with var- acquire basic understanding of
ious parts of mathematics as they mathematical principles, making
illustrate basic concepts. use of the other training they have
Emphasis will be placed on already received.
aDeth Of a Salesman Gains
Praise for Hopwood Winer
A Hopwood Award winner It the York Sun compares its magnifi-
University in 1936 and 1937, Ar- cence favorably to that of Eugene
thur Miller, is currently earning O'Neill.

Fari Policise
Be Subject of


Prof. Theodore W. Schultz,
chairman of the economis depart-
ment at the University of Chicago,
will give two lectures Monday and
Tuesday in the Rackham amphi-
PROF. SCHULTZ, a distin-
guished agricultural economist
who was chairman of the Amer-
ican Famine Mission to India in
1946, will speak at 7:45 p.m. Mon-
day before the Economics Club on
the subject "Pricing Farm, Prod-
"Land and Food-the Long
View," will ;be the top of his
second address 'at 4:15 p.m.
The lectures, both of which are
open to the public, will reflect
his current research on labor ef-
ficiency in agriculture and on
price-making institutions.

laurels in New York.
The big noise on Broadway has
classified Miller's new drama
"Death of a Salesman," as a play
to make history. Critics have
nothing but praise for the play.
and Wark Morehouse of the Newi
American AIrt
To Be Shown
The works of five important
modern painters, each working in
a strongly personal idiom, will be.
represented in the exhibition of
"Five American Painters," which
opens Tuesday in Alumni Memor-
ial Hall.
The exhibition, one of the two'
principal painting shows of the
current season, is circulated under
the auspices of the American Fed-f
eration of Arts, Washington, D.C.
It will close here March 22.
The painters, Marsden Hartley,
Max Weber, Karl Knaths, Milton
Avery and Abraham Rattner, are
pioneers of experimental or pro-
gressive painting whose work is
strongly under the influence, of;
the modern French tradition in
art, according to Prof. Jean Paul
Slusser, director of the Museum of

MILLER SAVED money for col-
lege by working in an auto-parts
factory, and arrived on campus
just as the depression was becom-
ing a bit less realistic. He won
minor Hopwoods in his sopho-
more and junior years of $250
As a senior he entered a na-
tional playwriting contest spon-
sored by the Theatre Guild and
won a fellowship of $1,250. Sub-
sequently all winners of the
awards were sent to the 'Uni-
versity to study.
He's written since for the "Co-
lumbia Work Shop" and for "Cav-
alcade of America." During the
war he was a shipfitter in the
Brooklyn Navy Yard.
IllS LAST PLAY "All My Sons"
won the Critics Circle Award, but
critic Howard Barnes credits
Miller with having "grown enor-
mously in artistic stature."
It's not unique for Hopwood
winners to make names for
themselves in the writing field
-Virginia Chase, John Ciardi,
Jay McCormick, and Marietta
Wolfe all won awards at 4he
Miller won two awards here
and also met Mary Slattery whom
he eventually married-which isn't
so unique either.







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