ThE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE tt7'U' Co'mmuity SUIT YOURSELF: Coeds Sought For Careers In Nursing "Angels of mercy" are now be- ing sought among the University women by the School of Nursing. Women who have completes two years of college training car find a future and a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing by en- rolling in nursing school. IN THIS SCHOOL a basic three-year program is offered tc high school graduates and tI women having had two years of college study. For the former the plan leads to the professional di- ploma but for the latter to the B.S. degree. "We would like very much to .interest more five-year students in this profession of public serv- ice," Miss L. Gronlund, Chair- man of the nursing school re- cruiting committee, said. "While the nation moves towil'd more adequate standards of medi- cal care for the people, there is an increasing need for competent medical and nursing personnel in larger members," said Miss Gron- lund. OTHER SCHOOLS in the Uni- versity continually show an in- crease in enrollment which swell their ranks past their facilities, but the nursing school only re- corded an enrollment of 200 when their school opened in the fall. Requirements for entering this school follow those set by the University for all the schools. Applicants must possess at least a "C" average. Specific subject requirements are chem- istry, English, composition, in- ology and a language sequence. Unlike most of the other schools, enrollment can only be made in the fall of the year. The graduate nurse of the Uni- versity has been a part of one of the nations leading medical and nursing schools, Miss Gronlund said. "Awaiting her in this pro- fessional world are a choice of many nursing opportunities." Be- sides careers as general and special duty nurses, there are openings in the army and navy medical corps and industries, as well as other special medical services. ,League, Union Sponsor Mixer, Students who have been left alone and broken-hearted after J-Hop will have an excellent op- portunity to meet new heart-in- terests at the League-Union mixer which will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. today in the League Ball- room. The cabaret-style mixer will feature card games and dancing. Cliff Hoff and his orchestra will provide music. Cokes will be served. Hosts and hostesses from the Union and League will be on hand to introduce guests to one another. They will also give out name tags to facilitate the getting-acquaint- ed process. Since the atmosphere will be strictly informal, skirts and sweat- ers will be proper attire for wom- >A-en. Eleanor Goldman and Dick Cos- sit are the co-chairmen of the committee in charge of the mixer. Other committee members are: Lois Urban and Jean Sales, host- ess committee; Jayne Semsker and Betty Stone, publicity com- mittee. Men will' be charged a small ad- mission fee. Tickets may be pur- chased at the door. Apology Sincere apologies are offered Couzens Hall and. the students who were affected by an article appearing on this page yester- day. The women of Couzens had not planed to hold an open house last night, but an in- formal dance. Active Week By LUCII l i 1;)NAl DSON A 'ull week ol vaed artivitis is listed OnlIII thiI Uimersi ly Comn- nif5 to ight< Known as the "camp crowd.- a grcup of student families who at,- tended the University fresh air{ camp during the past summer. have planned a pot lck supper for tonight from 5 to 8. Spokesmen announced that the group will draft, a letter to Uni- versity officials asking that the same facilities be extended this summer to student families. They, hope to advertise the project so that more people will be acquaint- ed with the plan. Sunday, the Episcopal church group will have Communion serv- ices at 9, preceding the regular service of Village Church Fellow- ship. The Rev. John H. Burt of Ann Arbor conducts the service. Cosmopolitan Club has invited Mrs. Christine Chambers, assis- tant director of student from for-! eign lands at Lane Hall, as special guest for their Monday night meeting at 8 p.m.s Hostesses fcr We social program will be Mrs. Bernard Martof and Mrs. Milton Foster. No formal program has been planned for the meeting. Ush Trivedi, g riiduatce shdent from India, will speak about her native c ounltly at the Tuesday night meeting of Student Wives Club. She will appear in Indian dress. Miss Trivedi is studying for her masters degree in public health education. She has traveled ex- tensively in Europe and plans to go to Mexico from MI i ;art. Mrs. Janmes Iainsey is e1a"i nian of hostesses[for 1he ifleel i. Ash Wednesday services w ill be- gin at 8 p.m. for the Village Individuality By IARI N K 1 Al~lIl I lir t.,~ x hvethe 11:1ir- "asdlion Cti±ulcil of Amer ia to hink for the steady steam of women w\ h chwill continue to pa- ronize their salons in the future. According to the Council. short- 5,' np l(01 coi' illrein in w hion thi s spring . so there is no{ "inmd1iat dae,, ,I bl.auty par- ..r atteidance dropping off while wcmen allow their locks to grow iOnl again. NEIWER UAIR-DOS will be de- signed with the emphasis on in- dividuality and will be carefully calcuated to best flatter the fa- cial contours and the lines of the neck. "it is no longer mandatory that all hair be of similar short-E ness. The trend now is toward a stylized shortness, a studied shortness related to the physical characteristics of a particular individual." So says the Council. The Council has devised three basic types of short hair styles to fit three general categories of women. The Council suggests the same coifs for campus wear and office wear. It believes that young careerists should lean toward curls as they Oid in the days of the long bobs, but in more formalized patterns. THE BANG is still considered a flattering and "endlessly interest- ing"' fundamental of short hair Emphasized in Hair Styles ('0nb)5for young wotlie, 'l'ypieal cif the styles whichithew ((![11( 11 v.t'ili iimlu(e for spring Li one which has extreme slnpiilr ,u, tw one side and massed curls on the other together with : drop 01 end rils. Blueprints for the personal- ized style for yang :ou.sewive; feature sleekness at the crown,I at the sides and in the back. Perfectly formed curls mounteid high on the one side and around1 the base with a simple arrange- ment framing the left cheek. This hair cimlb is sg!ested for [t h ht usewiife slicir, (it ata- tical basic bob e: retaIns a sophisti-al smna:rni'ss. ed for hair fashions for more ma- (itre xvome. f-triking s imp1lict ul be t her keynot. T v"y will ~Labetauc~cd o ndivdual l(ud5i tRiupletter ends miaking a rm ne for the faie and nek create :flattering softness. The center features a diverting fullness over each temple mnL a gentle swerv, to the hair in the back. Hillel zapoppin' Contest Starts Production of "Hillelzapoppin'," Hillel's annual presentation of a bill of skits, which will be given Saturday, March 26 in Lydia. Men- delssohn Theatre, is well under- way. Ten scripts have been submit- ted to the project's central com- mittee and the six best scripts will be selected early next week. SKITS CHOSEN will compete for an honorary cup on the night of "Hillelzapoppin'." The play showing the most effective prep- aration, presentation and original- ity will be named as winner. The cup was won last year by Zeta Beta Tau. Tickets for "llillelzapiohppin'" will go on sale Thursday. March 10. Balcony seats will be $.80, main floor side aisle seats will be $.90 and main floor center seats will be one dollar. All seats will be reserved. Proceeds from the event will be contributed to the United Jewish Appeal. Faculty members wio wvill judge the skits will be chosen soon, ac- cording to the central emittee. Miss Naomi Gaberman. has an- nounced that more help will be needed in stage imanaging, Those- interested in such work may con- tact her at Hillel or at Stockwchl. Courtesy of the Kalamazoo Gazette RIDING IlIGH-Little Mary Brodie, 18-year-old Western Michigan College coed from Kalama- zoo, is shown putting her Palomino through its paces. Mary serves as stable-hand and horse-breaker for a large horse raising farm near Kalamazoo. In return for her labors she is allowed to stable her own three horses on the farm: The 100-pound girl broke over 0 colts last year, working after classes and during vacation periods. Ripple Lives Regimented Life ' I ,$ a . FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 5 ?' Icj.] I liran Rev. C. H. LoLcLk, Minister Roger I W ami GuiMH)t rSo,2 E"ol IHuron Hy The Asscia ( Press The Lady Boots are nearing the end of a 12-week training pro- gram that began Oct. 5 at the Great Lakes Naval Training Cen- ter. They range in age from 20 to 30. They come from all parts of the U.S. anyway. They hit. the deck at a.n., and putt in eight, hours of study, drill, classes and exercise. They take, turns swabbing floors, dusting and serving food. At what Ivould have been the middle of a date night back home, they climb into a double-deck bunk Lights Many of them enlisted obcause---------------------------'" arau e due t :0pm they thought it was a. good chance are doused at 9:30 P m. for a career or for travel. Irene THEIR Fizell, 28, a tall, blonde bookklp- thi RECREATION room is a er from Brooklyn, put it this way: thin; of Beauty and a joy for two "I wanted sonetliing iiffereti.. I au aalf lours of evening leis;- I'm getting it, and I love it. I hopeIure. The li..75 b.v 75 meet they send me to Hawaii or uani." room is done to a movie qneen's taste in blue, green anc( wine GIRLS ARE known officially as shades. There are sectional sofas, "seaman recruits" and unofficially easy chairs, flowered drapes. a as "ripples." They live on an is-;grand pianound.a railio-phono- land of women in a sea of 30,00 graph. men--but they don't; get closer The decorating was done by a than whistling distance. lrofessional and the bill was The feminine tars stay, in paid with profits from a ship their own bailiwick, Camp John service store on the grounds. their own he rip~ples also have their Paul Jones. They are taught and ongm om gm wmig directed by a staff of Wave vet- own game room, gytn, swimming erans headed by Lieut. Kathryn poo, soda fountain and beauty Dougherty of Ottumwa, Ia. parlor. The Waves march in and sit ill Church Fellowship. The Rev. J. E. platoon blocs. The lads greet them Edwards is pastor. with warm applause---but keep out of woo pitching range. I Four art groups, copper. textile The Waves, reserves in World painting, ceramics and water color, War I, now are Navy regulars. will have their regular meetings at They get much the same general 8 l.m. Thursday. training as the men, but they The water color and textile don't have to learn how to runi painting classes, taught by, shies or fire guns.. They address Kingsley Calkins. will combine for' their skirted officers with a re- a general discussion on color. Mrs.! spectful if incongruous "Sir." Lawrence Bates is teacher for the Hipples wear blue dress and copper class and Mrs. Cynlhnia working gray uin iformns, and dutin- Finn teach a's the ceramics group. garees when they are on inop and broom duty. They can use finger- nail polish, lipstick and powder. 1JG P N T o sRES Their choxv is headed on huge, -' __ comnpartmented nital trays. Combined rehearsal will begin TIESE RECLItti'S and others I today in the Grand Rapids Room. will get "seaman apprentice" rat- Act I will be rehearsed at 12:30 ings when they graduate. They p.m.; Act 11, 1:30 p.m.: Act III, 3 will work as yeomen secretaries,p.m. stenographers) , storekeepers, den- All those having singing, danc- tal or electronics (radar, radio) ing, or speaking parts are required' technicians, aviation machinists to be present at the time the act mates, or in the hospital corps they are taking part in is being re- or control towers at Navy air hearsed, according to Betty Jo fields. Faulk, director. Slim, brown-eyed Margie Kent, I former reporter on the Wichita, Speaking parts will rehearse Kans., Eagle, finds the life "a lot from 0 to 2 a.m. today in the like college except for the disci- Rehearsal Room. ]line." Rehearsa_____m._ "It's great-if you don't mind these GI shoes and hose," she says. "And you don't have to worry about what you're going to put on in the morning. You know" ll u D ve 10:00 A.M.: teachingst 11:00 A.M.: Ye Them 6:00 P.M: Projects," Bible Study Class. A study of the of Jesus. Morning Worship. Sermon, "Give To Eat," by Rev. Loucks. Guild Program. "Summer Service Mrs. Down Russell. The Wavelets, wouldn't have much all time single, for men Assembly Ball The girls get off their own little section of the world's largest naval training station three times a week. They go to weekend movies in Ross Auditorium and the re- higious services of their faith. BIG BREAK in the routine is on Thursday nights, when the men hnof.c nttj nnI tn r t dI U I f o i. Uino MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciplo'.. of Chrit) Ifll 11(I To dipanr I ,EZeadt, Minister to the Congregation lowud Frorrar, Choir Director 9:40 A.M.: Student bible class at the church. 10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Nursery for chil- dren durina the service. GUILD HOUSE, 438 Maynard Street 1-1. L. Picketrill, Minister to Students Joan Garee, Assistant in Student Work Student Guild: 6:00 supper at the Memorial Christian Church. Group discussions for spe- cific vocations. LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION For National Lutheran Council Students 1304 Hill Street Henry 0. Yoder, Pastor 9:10-10:00 A.M.: Bible Hour of the Center. 10:30 A.M.: Worship Services in Zion and Trinity Churches. 5:30 P.M.: L.S.A. Meeting in Zion Parish Hall. Studnt Panel on "Personal Faith." Tuesday, 7:30-8:30 P.M.: Discussion Group at the Center. Wednesday, 4:00-5:30 P.M.: Tea and Coffee Hour at the Center. CHURCH OF CHRIST YMCA Bldg., Fourth Ave. Carl York Smith, Minister 10:30 A.M. Beginning of Sin, WPAG. 11:00 A.M. Vain Religion and Pure Religion. 7:30 A.M. Fellowship. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Reading Room, 211 East Washington Michigan League Ballroom 10:30 A.M.: Sunday Lesson Sermon, February 27: "Christ Jesus" 11:45 A.M.: Sundeuy School. 8:00 P.M.: Wednesday evening Testimonial Meeting. BETHLEHEMEVANGELICAL and REFORMED CHURCH 423 Souith Fourth Ave. "'heodore R. Schmole, D.D., Wolter S. Press, Ministers Irene Applin Boice, Directo of Music 9:30 A.M.: Church School. 10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Sermon by Rev. Press, "Facing Hardship and Suffering". 5:30-7:00 P.M.: Student Guild. Supper. Jake Eichhorn will lead a discussion of the fifth chapter of the book "Alternative to Futility" by Elton Trueblood. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Ministers: James Brett Kenna and Erland J. Wang Music: Lester McCoy, director Mary McCall Stubbins, orgoni';t Student Activities: Doris Reed, ussociote director. 10:45 A.M.: Worship Service. Dr. Kenna's ser- mon topic: "Religion and World Relations." 5:30 P.M.: Wesleyan Guild program committee panel will present "Our Basic Philosophy of Life~- What to and Where to?" 6:30 P.M.: Supper and Fellowship. FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH 1917 Washtenaw Avenue Edward H. Redman, Minister 10:00 A.M.: Adult Group. Mr. Arthur Stace, eli- for of Ann Arbor News on "The Newspaper in the Community." 11:00 A.M. Service of Worship, Youth Sunday. Panel Sermon: "The Place of the Student in the University"-Mr. Clayton Bredt, Miss Ann D. Seeger, Mr. Al Johnson, Mr. Robert Peter- son. 6:30 P.M. Unitarian Student Supper Discussion, "Unitarian Bases for Social Action". Tickets on Sale bouts and amateur entertainment. Women in league houses and -__-_. - --___ -_ Adelia Cheever are urged to pur- chase tickets for Assembly Ball as LeagueGives Open House Concerts soon as possible, according to j__ Priscilla Ball, ticket chairman. Due to the demand in the dorm- itories. the remaining tickets will be redistributed the beginning of next week. Tickets will be on sale from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. on week days in the Undergraduate Office of the League. Monday is the deadline for the return of tickets by dormitory ticket managers. All money, stubs and remaining tickets are to be turned in between 3:30 and 5:30 p.m. to the Undergraduate Office of the League. t , ...w _._ ... __.. _ ... ...v_... - The first of the League open houses this semester will be held from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Grand Rapids Room of the League. Stags as well as couples are in- vited to come and dance, play ping pong, watch the television set or play cards, according to Arlette Harbour, Assembly president. The open houses are sponsored weekly by Assembly Association. A second series of record con- certs will be held at 7 p.m. today in the League library. The program includes 'L'ap- prenti sorcier' by Dukas, 'Love for Three Oranges' by Prokofieff and 'Concerto in D major' by Tschai- kowski. The following selections will be played at 7 p.m., tomorrow: 'Sara- bande' by Georg Handel, 'Fin- landia op. 26, No. 7' and 'Sym- phony No. 5 in E Flat op. 82' by Jean Sibelius, recorded by the Boston Symphony Orchestra. a t $5.00 ENS IAN 2:00-5:00 P.M. Student Publication Bldg. By Robert Starling STOKER COAL for Fraternities and Sororities Now, S D COMMERCIAL STOKER NUT Companion to the famous S D Residential Stoker Nut WHAT Your Do your BANKING at your leISure - A k L a' VI k A A N9 Ii I \ A SOIT Dt "It's really 'simple' once you get the hang of it." .LUa - .~' . - FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw Avenue W. P. Lemon, W. H. Henderson, Ministers Maynard Klein, Director of Music 9:30 A.M.: Westminster Guild Bible Seminar. Coffee and rolls at 9:00 A.M. 10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Dr. Lemon's ser- mon topic-"Living with Ourselves." 5:30 P.M.: Westminster Guild supper. The Rev- erend Harold F. Fredsell, Northville, will speak on"Our Heritage." The Geneva Fellowship of Northville will be our guests. VILLAGE CHURCH FELLOWSHIP (Interdenominational) University Community Center Willow Run Village Rev. J. Edgar Edwards, Chaplain 10:45 A.M.: Divine Worship. "From Simon of Cyrene to the Present." Church School and Nursery at the same hour. 4:30 P.M.: Interfaith Study: "Eastern Orthodox Christians." 5:30 P.M.: Fellowship Supper. ST. ANDREWS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Division at Catherine 8:00 A.M.: Holy Communion. 9:00 A.M.: Holy Communion (followed by Stu- dent Breakfast, Canterbury House). 11:00 A.M.: Junior Church. 11:00 A.M.: Morning Prayer. Sermon by the Rev. R. A. Tourigney. 12:15 P.M.: After Service Fellowship. 5:30 P.M.: Cranmer Club thigh School), Page Hall. 5:30 P.M.: Canterbury Club Supper and Pro- gram. The Rev. Austin Ecker, Rector of St. Peter's Church, Detroit, will speak on "The Church and Juvenile Delinquency.' Rescrva- tions, 2-4097. 8:00 P.M.: Evenina Praver. Setmon by 1hh Rev. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH State and William Streets Minister--- Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D. Dircc. Student Work--Rev. H. L. Pickerill Assistant- -Miss Jean Garee Director of Music-Wayne Dunlop Organist - J. B. Strickland 9:30 and 10:45 A.M.: Church School. 9:40 A.M.: Student Bible Study Group led by Rev. H. L. Pickerill. 10:45 A.M.: Dr Parr will preach on "Undiscov- ered Wealth". 6:00 P.M. Congrega.tiorial - Disciples Student Gu~ld will meet at the Memorial Christian Church. Dr. Port Will open the discussion on "Vocations UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL AND STVDENT CENTER HIGH FUSING MEDIUM ASH rni IrTI LFZC nn i\/pv I i i