~T HE m ic-i GAN -' A r rY sATF, ti , , Keyhole Espionage ALTITOUGH the United States long agp slammed shut the door on most immi- griation, the House Armed Services Com- m1ittee has unanimously recommended the opening of a keyhole. Through it they hpe to squeeze 100 persons each year who have been helpful to American spies. Although the bill is strictly hush-hush, committeemen have said the plan would ot'fer sanctuary to renegade Communists who might have valuable information abomut nations in the Russian block. The whole pan can be condemned both for what it does and what it fails to do: Finst, what it does, is offer U.S. citizen- ship as a bribe to those who would betray the system of government they had already es-ponsed and these could be swayed. "for a pr iel,., It would make citizenship just an- o the r weapon with which to fight the Cold War against Russia. Citizenship would be a prize that Communists and persons caugh t be(tween the two great, powers could win if they would be willing to p~lay the illegal balgae.It would be a reward for allegiance and a tool for bringing about blind accept- ance of our ideology such as the European Recovery Program has become. /The proposal also subverts the ideal of allowing entry to the United States to Editorials ptblished in The Michigan Daily are written by wiembers of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR : DON McNEIL displaced persons who want only a chance to live and work usefully ini a free society such ais ours. Bitterness will no0 (10ubt prevail in the 111 camps of Central Europe at the proposed policy of allowing entry to only 205,000 displaced persons and yet creating a keyhole for persons of dubious character to gain entrance! In overall philosophy, the proposal, which permits the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency to offer residence to those who aid Amer- ican agents is destruct ive rather tha;in con- structive. Its object is to ta down the Tissian ideology regardless of our ethical principles. Its value is for sabotage and gaining of mili- tary informaltion to aid in a third World War. Its result will be even greter ai