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February 23, 1949 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-23

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Coeds May fkpply
For Schoicirships.
Laurel Harper Seeley Award of 500
Dollars To Be Presented This Semester

Applications are now being re-
ceived for the Laurel Harper
Seeley Scholarships at the Office
of the Dean of Women.
All applications must be hand-
ed in by March 15 and the awards
will be announced late in the se-
This year marks the second time
that the scholarships have been
given, the first $500 award going
to Miss Georgianna Benesh, a
Martha Cook senior, last year.
the few substantial money awards
to women, was provided for by a
bequest of Mrs. Laurel Harper
Seeley, who died here last March.
Mrs. Seeley was an Ann Ar-
bor resident from 1902 until her
death and was active in further-
ing various women's organiza-
tions. She was on the Board for
the Cheever Residence Hall and
an honorary member of the
American Association of Uni-
versity Women.
Recipients of the scholarship,
and other smaller awards which
were included in the bequest, are
decided by a Committee of Alum-
nae, consisting of representatives
of the Council and of the Office of
the Dean of Women.
S * *.
THE AWARDS are made on the
basis of scholarship, contribution
to University life and financial
need. There were 26 applicants
last year and four awards were
made. In addition to the scholar-
ship, three other smaller grants
were decided upon.
This year's awards will take
Social Hours
To Resume
Next Month
Now that the busy days of rush-
ing are quickly coming to an end,
general chairmen of the Student-
Faculty Hours are preparing for
their first meeting to be held at
4 p.m., March 3 in the Grand Rap-
ids Room of the League.
The purpose of these gather-
ings, according to Helen Smith,
co-chairman of the teas, is, "To
promote more casual and infor-
mal relations between the faculty
and students than can be ob-
tained in the classroom." The idea
seems to be a sound one.
Cokes and potato chips, not tea,
are served over red-checkered ta-
blecloths at 4 p.m. each Thursday
afternoon in the League. A differ-
ent department is honored each
week and all students are eligible
and invited to come.
TIE HOUR is filled with ping-
pong, bridge, watching the tele-
vision set and many varied, help-
ful and fascinating conversations.
Co-chairmen of the central
committee are Helen Smith and
Jean Hleidgen; Barbara Barker
and Thelma Williams are pub-
licity chairmen; Ginny Walpole
and Lynn Streeper are in charge
of refreshments; Justine Bess-
main and Billie Per'kins take
care of the invitations and Sue
Baker and Sally Slocuo, are
The Economics Department will
be honored at the second tea
March 10, and in the eight re-
maining meetings the chairmeix
hope to entertain all the depart-
ments in which coeds are well

effect in the fall semester of
Both graduate and under-grad-
uate students are eligible for the
awards, though the - Committee
has stressed the need of under-
graduates making application.
A spokesman for the commit-
tee explained that the Alumnae
Ccuncil awards two graduate
scholarships while the Laurel Har-
per Seeley scholarship pis avail-
able to undergraduate students
as well as graduates.
Sculpture Gets
Hetlping Hand
In America
By The Associated Press
Sculpture, orphan of the arts in
America, is getting a helping
Through a program of, sculp-
ture-in-replica conducted . by
Maurice A. Melford, stpne-like
sculpture of simplified design is
being made available to everyone.
Melford's brainchild is devised to
put sculpture on the American
cian art, he would like to see more
of his statuettes in modern homes.
So would everyone. But the rub is
the high cost of months and
months of chipping on a chunk of
granite. The very nature of sculp-
turing and the product :makes it
tough for a genius to fill his bread-
basket and still enjoy his. art.
Thirty years ago Italian ven-
dors carried wicker baskets filled
with plaster statues and peddled
them from door to door. In that
day most homes proudly exhib-
ited a sentimental piece of art.
But the plaster statues were
easily damaged. The paint
chipped. Broken parts were some-
times used as chalk by children
for marking out sidewalk games.
THE PLASTER statue's real-
istic design has long since passed
out of vogue.
Art lovers, who have long-
ingly looked but not touched,
now can own lasting pieces of
art. New works are in keeping
with modern architecture and
industrial design. Modern sculp-
tors base their figures on nat-
ural forms, but with original in-

Pajamas Aid
Insanity Help for
There is a special type of man
iac who invents pajamas.
He varies from the hat designer
and the mad tie designer in that
le not only creates make believe
nightmares, but he aids in the
nightmare itself. No, it isn't every-
one who can design a truly gaudy
and horrible pair of pi's. It takes
a wealth of background.
Take those yellow silk ones, col-
ored with orange balls and green
dashes here and yon. Take them,
is right, for no one else would
want them. The man who thought
up this creation had, no doubt,
formerly worked for the city in
the capacity of garbage collector.
THE RICII AND true tones of
orange peels, banana skins, lettuce;
leaves, and a rare tin can or two
show this to be true.
Then there is that original
pair in red, white, and blue. Pa-
triotism is a lovely thing, but
not when mixed up with sleep.
One is apt to find one's self
standing upright in the middle
of the night and singing "God
Bless America" at the top of
one's lungs. This designer must
have been a flag pole sitter in
his youth.
Some people might actually pre-
fer the baby blue butcher boy pair
with its gentle little polka dots.
They may find that they are a
soothing comfort.
THER E'S NOTHING like a bil-
lion little dots swimming around!
one's eyes to send one off to
dreamland. The psychology in this
lies in the fact that one gets dizzy
from seeing all those nasty little
specks swarming around.
Not only are pajama makers
maniacs, but they must also
have no sense of the fitness of
things. They make delightful
filmy (and completely tantaliz-
ing) honeymoon creations, and
then shove them off on some
unsuspecting aunt.

Front Door To Open to Women
At Union's Anmual Open House

The front doors of the Union
will be open to Michigan coeds
who attend the Union Open House
Saturday, March 5.
This "privilege." a term coined
by the Union members, will be
given this one day of the year
only. At 1:30 p.m. the doors will be
thrown open and all Union facili-
ties will be available to both menj
and women.
Hal Sperlich is chairman of the1
Open House, which is sponsored'
annually by the Union Executive
A Michifish water ballet will be
one of the highlights of the after-
noon. Ping Pong uros will then
demonstrate their abilities with
the paddles. The sports exhibi-
tions Will conclude with bowling
and billard demonstrations.
In addition to the exhibitions.

the union council has arranged
to show movies of the NCAA
hockey tournament which Michi-
_ wnd blast year. A show spon-
srdby thej, Westinghouse Coi'po-
ration will also take a feature spot
on the program.
Spectators dir a diversity
from the showsv: and exhibitions
will have an opportunity to dance
to the music of Del Elliot and his
orchstra. Refreshments will be
on sale throughout the afternoon.
As a climax to the open house,
there will be a dance to the music

of Frank Tinker's orchestra
9 to 12 p.m. in the Union
Fencing Club
Will Reopen




Men may register for League JGP Costumes committee will
dance classes from 3 to 5 1).m. t- meet at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in
morrow and Friday on the second Suites 1 and 2 on the third floor
floor of the League. of the League. All members of the
Beginning classes will be held committee are requested to bring
from 7 to 8 p.m. every Monday. finished costumes to the meeting,
intermediate classes will meet according to the chairman, Laura
from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Tues- Nasset. Eligibility cards will be
days. collected.
All men. including first semester * * *
freshmen, are eligible to attend
the eight week session and be in- Women's Physical Education
structed by an Arthur Murray Club-There will not be a meeting
teacher. of the club today.
A mass meeting of all women
interested in working as dance Assembly Association and the
class hostesses will be held at 5 Usiml Asociaionsn t
p~m1 tmorowintheReearalUnion Council will sponsor a
p.m., tomorrow in the Rehearsal mixer from 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday in
Room of the League. the League Ballroom.
Ping Pong Club--Members will CliffHoff and his orchestra
meet for their Ensian picture at here will be a small admission
5 p.m. tomorrow in the WAB. charge fdr men attending the
JGP Central Committee willp
met at 4 p.m. today in the C Room Co-chairmen of the mixer are
of the League. Eleanor Goldman and Dick Cossit.
All speaking parts for JGP will
rehearse from 4 to 6 p.m. today Plain tailored suits can be con-
in the Rehearsal Room of the verted into more dressy outfits to
League. suit the occasion by simply turn-
* * *eing up the collar and adding a
JGP Chorus members will prac- bow or tie at the neck.
tice from 4 to 5 p.m. in the Gar-
den Room and from 5 to 6 p.m.
today in the Garden Room and in DON'T HIRE A HACK -

wpd(lifl arc

fli In
lib <1

thighs of swimmer Esther Wil-
liams were listed among selec-
tions of the Artists' League of
America, at New York, in nam-
ing the "ten most perfect fea-
tures in the world" belonging to
outstanding women.
Owen Co-Op
Something new in exchange
dinners was tried last night by the
Robert Owen Co-op House.
Promptly at 6:15 p.m. fifteen
Owen men presented themselves
at Muriel Lester, Harold Osterwell
and A. K. Stevens Houses for din-
ner, where they found themselves
on the small end of a three to one
Although the men were in a mi-
nority at each of the three wom-
en's houses the five lucky coeds
who were the exchange guests at
Robert Owen were surrounded by
some 30 Owenites-a big boost
from the campus three to one.
Josh Greenfield, Owen social
chairman who advocated the new
"three way" plan, observed that
this is one way to beat the ratio
and satify both the men and the
Decorations were in keeping
with the birthday of the Father
of the Country with paper machee
cherry trees.

Foils and touches will be in sea-
son again with the reopening of
(g o mnThe women's Fencing Club at 5
6p.m. tomorrow in the WAB.
Advised by Jane D. White of the
women's Physical Education de-
Gommesen-Kel 1y partment, the club is open to all
wAcmen on campus who have had a
Mr. fand Mars. Arthur1 Gome miiu o enigh w eeks of fene-
senl of Grand Rapids have an- aninuofegteksffnc
nounced the engagement of their ing in the University or its equiv-
daughter, Ester Anne, to John B. e sewhere.
Kelly. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. RUNNING FOR an eight week
John B. Kelly of Elmlurst, Ill.
Miss Gommesen is a senior in period, fencing within the club
the School of Education. use of IM Building facilities. Mem-
Mr. Kelly was racuated in th ers can fence there on Friday
Class of '48 from the literary col-,br a ec hr nFia
Cs onights individually as well as with

Do -Watches
Campus Drug - Blue Front
Withams Drug - West Lodge PX

Henrv-Pu I ar
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Henry of
Grosse Isle have announced the
engagement of their daughter.
Sally, to Robert B. Puliar, son of
Mr. and Mrs. John Pullar of De-
Miss Henry is a senior in the lit-
erary college.
Mr. Pullar is a senior in the
architecture college.

Regulation clothing for fenc-
ing .embers will be slacks and
a white shirt. Women interest-
ed in the club will attend the
organizational meeting prepared
to fence.
A charge of .25 will be made for
the eight week fencing period.
Anyone interested in further in-
formation on the club can call
club manager, Marion Robinson,
Office and Portable Models
of all makes
G. I. Requisitions Accepted
314 South State St.



She gives
maid sister
slowly weep
the thought
to waste.

them to a poor old!
or cousin who willI
herself to death at
of such finery going

Buying Days Left
2:00-5:00 P.M.
Student Publication Bldg.


Some day there will come a
man who will combine his talents
with the Purple Lobely, the Ghost
of Red Gap, and the Headless
Horseman to make the super-du-
per-dipper-dapper pajama of all
time. It will probably consist of--,
but no, one couldn't guess of what
it will consist. It's enough that
such creations are still on the


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