THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY _ . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members ofethe University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). WEDNESDAY, FEB. 23, 1949 VOL. LIX, No. 98 Notices The University of North Caro- lina announces graduate assis- tantships for women in dormito- ries for the year 1949-50. Details are available in the Office of the Dean of Women. Women who will hold a college degree by the end of June, 1949, and who are inter- ested in working with individuals and groups in college are eligible and selection is based on charac- ter, personality, college record, ex- perience, recommendations, and professional objectives. Continuous Daily From 1:30 P.M. TODAY & THURS.! Each assistantship provides tui- tion, room and board. Recipients are permitted to take part-time academic work. A pamphlet on "Foreign Study Opportunities" from the Interna- tional Relations Committee of the National Education Association is available for consultation in the Office of the Dean of Women. Sigma XI: The deadline for nomination of new members is March 1. Send completed nomina- tion blanks to R. M. Thrall, Sec- retary, 101A South Wing. Approved social events for the coming weekend: February 25 Couzens Hall, Gamma Delta, Hayden House, Mich. Christian Fellowship, Triangle Fraternity February 26 Abbey House, Acacia, Adams House, Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha Kappa Psi, Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi, Delta Sigma Delta, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Upsilon. F. F. Fraternity, Greene House, Henderson House, Hillel Founda- tion, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Rho Sigma, Lawyers Club, Pi Lambda Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi, Strauss House, Tau Delta Phi, Texas Club, Theta Xi, Zeta Beta Tau, Zeta Psi Occupational Information Confer- ence: Dr. M. W. Formo, Director of Research of Archer, Daniels, Mid- land Company, vegetable oil man- ufacturers and refiners, and Mr. French, Manager and Mr. Seed, Assistant Manager of the Detroit branch of New York Life Insur- ance Company will discuss job op- portunities and requirements for college people in their respective TRY OUR GENUINE ITALIAN SPAGH ETTI Served Daily and To Take Out. Also * SANDWICHES * FRENCH FRIES * PLATE LUNCHES * FOUNTAIN SERVICE 302 South Main Phone 8916 Let us Solve Your Food Problems MONEYWISE and VI TAMI NWISE Open Daily 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Closed Sundays MIELKE' Cafe fields at 4:10 p.m., Wed., Feb. 23, pices of the Department of Bio- 231 Angell Hall. All students in- logical Chemistry and the Medi- vited. Opportunity for questions cal School. 3:30 p.m., Thurs., Feb. and discussion. Sponsored by Bu- 124, Rackham Amphitheatre. reau of Appointments. University Lecture: "Modern The Michigan State Civil Ser- Concepts of Infinity." Professor ice announces the following ex- Casimir Kuratowski, University of aminations: Warsaw, Visiting Lecturer of the Forester 1: Seniors with, one American Mathematical Society; summer's experience, auspices of the Department of Account examiner 11: Account- Mathematics. 4 p.m., Thurs., Feb. ing majors. 24, 3017 Angell Hall. I Additional information may be obtained at the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg. Summer Employment: Oppor- tunity for men with B.S. in Elec- trical Engineering, or B.S. in some other field and experience in elec- tronics, to work in abstracting and classifying of electronic patents during this coming summer. For further information call at Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Adminis- tration Bldg. Suntmer Jobs: Representative from Camp Livingston, Loveland, Ohio, will be here Friday after- noon to interview Jewish men and women for general counselor posi- tions, waterfront director, also registered nurse. Experience re- quired. For appointment call at Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- ministration Building or call Ex- tension 2614. Lecture University Lecture: "Recent Progress in the Study of the Co- agulation of the Blood." Dr. Ar- mand J. Quick, Professor of Bi- ological Chemistry, Marquette Un- iversity School of Medicine; aus- School of Forestry Lecture: Mr. H. F. Nixdorf, of the No- Sag Spring Company of Detroit, Michigan, will speak on "Springs in Modern Furniture Construc- tion," 7 p.m., Feb. 24, West Lec- ture Room, Rackham Building. All furniture stndents are ex- pected to attend and other stu- dents, particularly those following the Wood Technology Criricu- lum are welcome. Education .Leeture .Series: "Trends in Adult Education," Howard Y. McClusky, Professor of Educational Psychology and Di- rector of the Bureau of Studies and Training in Community Adult Education. 7 p.m., Wed., Feb. 23, University High School Audito- rium. Free. Public invited. Academic Notices O Doctoral Examination for Frank E. Hartung, Sociology; thesis: A Study in Law and Social Differen- tiation: As Exemplified in Viola- tions of the Emergency Price Con- trol Act of 1942 and the Second War Powers Act, in the Detroit Wholesale Meat Industry," 3 p.m., Wed., Feb. 23, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman, A. E. Wood. Cancellaton: Applied Mathe- matics Seminar scheduled for Thursday has been cancelled be- cause of Professor Kuratowski's lecture. History Final Examination Make-Up: Sat., Feb. 26. Room B, Haven Hall. 9 a.m. Students must come with written permission of instructor, Aerodynamics Seminar, Ac 160: 4-6 p.m., Wed., Feb. 23, 1508 E. Engineering Bldg. Topic: Valter- ra's method applied to supersonic flow problems. Astronomical Colloquium: 4:15 p.m., Fri., Feb. 25, Observatory. Speaker: Miss Carolyn Mooshy. Subject: "Solar Ultraviolet Radia- tion and the Upper Atmosphere of the Earth." Bacteriology Seminar: 8:30 a.m., Thurs., Feb. 24, 1520 E. Med- ical Bldg. Speaker: Ada M. Ames, Subject: The Structure and Func- tion of Cell Wall. Engineering Mechanics Semii- nar: Prof. William Hagerty will speak on Photographic Technique for studying Viscous Fluid Flow Instabilities at 4 p.m., Wed., Feb. 23. West Engineering Building. All graduate students in Engineer- ing Mechanics are urged to attend as well as interested students from other departments. Orientation Sem in a r : F irs t meeting, Wed., 3 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Statistics a.m., 3201 Angell Hall. Dr. Wood- bury continues on Estimation. Physical-Inorganic Chemistry Seminar: Wed., Feb. 23, 4:10 p.m., 303 Chemistry Bldg. Messrs. J. R. Weaver, D. H. Campbell, and R. M. Suggitt will present reviews of recent chemical literature. Concerts May Festival: The May Festi- val of six concerts given by the University Musical Society, Mayl 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Hill Auditorium. will involve the artistic services of Pia Tassinari, Set Svanholm and Martial Singher, of the Metropoli- tan Opera; Gladys Swarthout, of, opera, concert, and movie fame. Shirley Russell, of Covent Garden Opera; Harold Haugh, American tenor; Tann Williams, Welsh-, American contralto; Eriesa Mo- rini, violinist; Gregor Piatigorsky, violoncellist; and Benno Moisei- witsch, pianist. The following groups and con- (Continued on Page 4) Triangles Society Picks New Slate of officers Triangles, junior engineering honor society, haselected the fol- lowing officers for the second se- mester: Bill Upthegrove, '50E, president; Bob Paul, '50E, secre- tary; Jim Atchison, '50E, treas- urer. Seminar: Wed., e [ By ED SILBERFARB For those of you who find that the English language is too con- fining for literary expression, "El Caballero Andante" has a place for you. Published by La Sociedad His- panica and edited by Sherman Po- teet, '49, "El Caballero Andante" is the first and only foreign lan- guage newspaper on campus. It has as its primary objective the cultivation of student interest in literary endeavor. ONE DIFFICULTY, which con- fronted the Hispanophiles in the printing of the paper was the acquisition of type for the five different languages. To overcome this problem, the paper had to be printed in Detroit. According to J. V. Falconieri, the faculty advisor for the newspaper, the name "El Cab- allero Andante" means "The Knight Errant" and refers to Don Quixote, the dean of all knight errants. Profits derived from the sale of the newspaper will be given to the scholarship fund which is used to send American students to study in foreign countries. 11 Foreign Language Paper Printed by Spanish Club - WHITNEY STARTS TODAY MAT.-30c NIGHTS-40c PLUS No. Main Opp. Court House %s DOROTHY GEORGE LAMOUR - MONTGOMERY CHARLES LAUGHTON { it ,< .I ALAN BAXTER VIRGINIA GILMORE .Radio'sBoston Bloki.' RICHARD KOLLMAR - 'AN EAGLE-ON RFLEA$E ADDED - CARTOON MICHIGAN SATURDAY FEB. 26 of 8:30 P.M. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING tb NtII A DI Qs WANTED TO RENT SINGLE ROOM with shower for male student. Near campus. Write Box 179, Michigan Daily. )}1W LOST AND FOUND WILL rushee who took gabardine coat with Glen Eagle label from AT.O. house please call Jack Waters, 2-5571. 43L TYPING TYPING WANTED, rapid, accurate, at reasonable rates. Phone 2-3357. ) 1W BUSINESS SERVICES ATTENTION Mucket Users Amalgamat- ed has resumed production. Branch office in Ann Arbor to be re-opened soon. Authorized representative for this area is Santosh Bagchi, 2-3210. )46 DRESSMAKING.5Alterations and Cos- tumes. Call 8350. ) 15B LEARN TO DANCE JIMMIE HUNT DANCE STUDIOS 209 S. State St. Ph. 8161 )5B EXCESS HAIR removed permanently by short wave method. Approved by Am. Med. Ass'n. Call Marie's Beauty Shop, 2-6696. )14B ALTERATIONS on Ladies'garments,, near dormitories. 410 Observ. St., Ph. 2-2678. ) 13B LAUNDRY - Washing and or ironing. Done in my home. Free pickup and delivery. Phone 29020. )2B, DRESSMAKING . ALTERATIONS TAILORING Prices Reasonable 22020 3B CUSTOM CLOTHES. Restyling. Alter- ations. Prompt service on all altera- tions. Hildegarde Shoppe. 109 E. Washington. Phone 2-4669. )4B " . ' _ - - , { a~ i ACCORDION AL FOR RENT ATTRACTIVE and modern girls room. Very close to campus. Call Lxtension 540, Physic s Bldg. )6F ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND OARDo male student $14 per w~ee'k.Sharie sarnuent four blocks from campus. Call 2-7293. )3X HELP WANTED HELP WANTED for part-time work, fashion artist. Bring samples of your work and apply at Goodyear's down- town store. )101 HELP WANTED-Student familiar with hand tools, several afternoons per week. Labor. COMPLETE application. to Box 373 Ann Arbor. )11H SALESLADIES. Experienced. Suits, Coats, and dresses. Full or part time. Dixie Shops, 224 S. Main. )7H ROOMS FOR RENT 515 N DIVISION. Pleasant single room Call 5724. ) 32R STUDENT room-mate wanted to share double room. 'rwin beds. One block from Law Club. Contact Bob Meyers after 5 p. in., 518 Monroe. )33R DOUBLE ROOM available for male stu- dents. Hollywood beds, te shower and bath. 31,12 blocks from campus. Ph. 5750. ) 31R ROOMS for Male Students, near Cam- pus. Phone 442. C E Perrine. )26R PERSONAL WILL the person who accidentally pick- ed up my notebook at O'Grady's Bar- ber Shop please contact Jim Maurer at 2-8797. )15P IF YOU SEE a man dressed like the Lone Ranger, call 2-9409. Inform him that he left his horse in our stock room. Office equipment Service Com- pany, 1116 South University. )1B COTTON SLIP by Realcraft, sanforized, eyelet trim, sizes 32-38. $1.79. Ran- dall's, 306 South State St. ) lP SOCIAL CHAIRMEN: The Mack Fergu- son Trio is now booking spring dates. Leave calls at 2-4183. )13P ARE YOU a baby-sitter? Slip an ad in the Classifieds. Its cost is low and results are high. There are over 1000 married students at Willow Village alone. Call 23-24-1. )14P aD 1 MAGI 0 taxi g80 ..r PLUS SEE! The greatest races of all tune! The Kentucky Derby, The Santa Anita Handicap, The Widener, Hia- leah, The Caliente Handicap, The Preakness, The Pimlico Match Race, The Empire City International,Gold Cup, likes playing for dances. "BUSINESS SERVICES" ads bring him plenty of chances. Cal/ 123-24-1 to order CLASSIFIEDS I] f: R 4Fetrutl r r1.;:. . ©p aferiri w a lean Willed Mo*+ pn FarleX FOR SALE Feature at 1:30 - 4:50 - 8:10 1 25c til 5 P.M. - Eve. 35c Coming FRI.! "BAMBI" III 120 E. Washington St. Ii' TWO PUBLIC *LECTU RES MRS. BETSAN COATS Sponsored by The Theosophical Soci ety in Ann Arbor "BE AN ARTIST AT LIVING" Thurs., Feb. 24 - 8 P.M. "THROUGH THE GATE TO FREEDOM" Friday, Feb. 25 - 8 P.M. HENDERSON ROOM of the Michigan League Public is cordially invited 1933 FORD, rebuilt, four good tires. Jim Black, 2-3236. )50 1939 PLYMOUTH, 5 new tires, '46 mo- tor, $500.00. Phone 8688 Eve., 207 No. State. )49 8mm. MOVIE camera, F1.9 lens, attach- ed range finder. Call 2-9431, Bob Glauf. )48 "RONSON LIGHTERS RONSON" We are sure that we can furnish That RONSON LIGHTER of Your Personal Choice CALKINS-FLETCHER DRUG CO. 15 GIVE YOUR DATE A THRILL At Assembly Ball By Wearing A Ravishing FORMAL Purchased at COUSINS ON STATE STREET )1 BE AN EARLY BIRD Our Cottons Are Here! Every Style and Color You Could Wish For. All Sizes $10.95-$25 THE ELIZABETH DILLON SHOP 309 South State Street ) 5-38 HALLICRAFTER Radio with Web- ster-Chicago phonograph connected toi t with switch. In excellent con- dition. Phone 2-5258 after 6 p.m. )47 MEN'S BICYCLE in good condition. Ph. 2-0282 after 3:30 p.m. )45 BABY Parakeets and Canaries. Bird supplies and cages. Moderate prices, 562 S. Seventh. Phone 5330. )4 RECORDS, Dealer selling classical stock 40% discount. Send want lists. W. Ley, 3518 Beal, Detroit. )34 MICROSCOPE-Japanese field micro- scope. Folds in two, 2%1" x 5" x 7" carrier. Equipped with planascopic apochromatic lenses (5 & 10x ocul- axs); 10, 40 & 90x objectives). Ex, Definition. Bargain, $100. Ph. 2-1749. )41 $5.00 REWARD for return of slide rule, engraved K. W. Heiss, to 307 Lloyd House. )41L LOST-Benrus wrist watch, lady's, with Speidel band. Reward. Phone 2-3839. ) 34L BOOKS BARGAINS IN OLD BOOKS On All Subjects - Good Browsing 5c and up on the Mezzanine OVERBECK BOOKSTORE 1216 South University 16 749 Ensiun I' Continuous Daily from 1 P.M. ,,, .>. Weekdays 35c to 5 P.M. NOW PLAYING Your Yearbook flowv$5.QQ 1308 SLED TRAL RUNS U p - . . HELD OVER (T hrought Saturday MatineL) iso. ABC OPENS ATLANTIC CITY I .R em PW ,es o 6SF If'l 4461f Coming Sundays Dick Powell "ROGUE'S REGIMENT" a SpIlendid Eintertainment! t vac it/ is! Mar Buy 9 X6.OO * tre Scha'y presentation The id an Cary Grant T i, DON HARIMAN'S product o \ o a marriage, Every Girl Should S - fa iisehavnu UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION 1948-49 LECTURE COURSE Presents Cornelia Otis Skinner lralliont Actress in Her Entcrtoinanq Solo-Drama Ddcy I