VAGV FiCAIT TIE fI AN DAILY Twin Cities Commended For Non-Bias Get Brotherhood Week Citations MINNEAPOLIS - (P) - A year and a half ago a shotgun blast ripped through a newly-rented home in an exclusive residential area. A Jewish family has just moved in. The shotgun blast was a neighbor's "reception." A short while later, the Jewish family moved out. Since then a dozen or more or- ganizations and individuals in Minneapolis and St. Paul have led a fight against such incidents. AS A RESULT, The National Conference of Christians and Jews this week gives special recognition to Minneapolis and St. Paul as the community which has made "outstanding strides in the im- provement of relations between the several races and religions and in treatment of minorities." The citation is made in con- nection with Brotherhood Week. Among the groups leading the anti-discrimination fight are councils on human relations in both of the Twin Cities, local of- fices of the NCCJ, Minnesota Jewish Council, urban leagues, Twin City Japanese-American Citizens League, Minneapolis Fair Employment Practices Commis- sion and the governor's Interra- cial Commission. Newspapers and radio stations also played a part. * * * ONE OF THE basic moves against discrimination was work of the councils on human rela- tions. Surveys were made of civic or- ganizations, education, hospitals, industry and labor, real estate,: recreation, religious and welfare services to determine where dis- crimination and prejudices ex- isted. Out of the recommendations made, the work of other groups and voluntary action grew such developments as these: Some large department stores in the two cities have begun hir- ing Negro women as sales help. A Minneapolis service organi- zation which had banned Jewish jmembership despite a contrary national policy opened its doors to Jews. * * * THE FIRST NEGRO teacher was hired by Minneapolis public schools. Two Negroes were given administrative duties in the de- partment of education. A few Jap- anese-American teachers also were hired. St. Paul public schools have hired Negro teachers for a number of years. In a Minneapolis junior high school, certain groups of girls had formed "secret" societies which excluded Jews The or- ganizations were disbanded and replaced by open membership, school-sponsored clubs. A group of veterans began ne- gotiating with a real estate firm for a housing development in an outlying area of Minneapolis. A Japanese-American veteran was among the group. The real estate firm attempted to exclude him. The veterans cancelled the proj- ect. COMMUNITY centers and po- lice work halted small "riots" among Gentile and Jewish chil- dren in a section of Minneapolis. An employer refused to hire a Jew because he said he "got gyped" when, as a youth, he bought an engagement ring for his girl friend from a Jewish jew- eler. After a hearing by the Min- neapolis FEPC, the employer changed his hiring policy. Cadet Age Upped Age limits for men desiring to enter the Naval Aviation Cadet program have been expanded, ac- cording to Naval Officer Procure- ment officials. Former age limits of 18 to 25 have been revamped to 18 to 27. Other requirements stipulate that the applicant be single and have completed at least two years of college work. STUDENT PROFILE: Editor Parker Sparks Gargoyle, 1i I 'il tf l " LiCflm(hi COLLEGE ROUNDUP: Bat tles Rage Pro, Con Fraternities 41 (EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the first of a weekly series of interviews of campus personalities whieh will ap- rear as a regular Sunday feature.) By ROMA LIPSKY Doug Parker explains it this way: in October, 1945, he meekly en tered the Gargoyle office to sub- mit a story, and found the staff singing Christmas carols. Hip story wasn't printed, but the Garg members discovered he could sing bass. "After that, I never left," he says dryly. AND DURING his three years on the Gargoyle, his by-line has become almost as familiar as the horned caricature of Garg him- self. It was mainly due to Parker that, at the start of his regime as managing editor last Sep- tember, the Gargoyle was changed from a strictly humor hmagazine to include more se- rious literature. "The change was made to ap- peal to a wider audience, and to fulfill the function of a general. campus magazine," Parker said. ,* *~ ALTHOUGH STAFF members claim that his job requires nothing but posting ex post facto notices and cutting out black polka dots, Managing Editor Parker is re- sponsible for everything that ap- pears in the Garg. He coordinates the business, writing, and make- up departments, writes the Garg editorials, and a large number of the stories. Male Garg staffers call him the most intelligent member of the staff, and one of the best editors they have ever had while the women's opinion is that he is "cute and cuddly." "Doug is very sweet and sin- cere-and that's something rare for a Michigan man," one of his female staffers commented. BUT IT WAS through the Wis- consin, not the Michigan mag- azine that Parker first gained na- tional fame. The Badger "Octo- pus" has three times printed stories of his which first appeared in the Gargoyle, without giving him credit. ..."That may be plagiarism,". Parker said, "but it is also a. high compliment. After that, I. .knew I had arrived."........ The 21-year-old senior hails from LaPbrte, Ind. In high schoolI he played what friends call "a * * EVENTS TODAY Young Progressives - Student Conference; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.. 214 N. Fourth Ave. ISA - Installation of ufficrs Jinner and film; 6:30 p.m.. In- ternational Center. Newman Club -- Meeting; p.m., St. Mary's Chapel. At the State - "Words Music." 7:30 and, At the Michigan-" Every Girl Should Be Married." At the Orpheumr-"The Mozart Story" I By PHIL DAWSON One of the institutions of Am- erican college society-the frat- ernity-sorority system-has been the subject of increasing contro- versy recently. Occasionally the battle became national news, as when the Am- herst chapter of Phi Kappa Psi had its national charter revoked for admitting a Negro in violation cl the national constitution. BUT MOST of the arguments have been limited to college cam- puses with critics calling for vari- ous reforms in the system and af- filiated students trying to defend m( improve it at the same time. The lit has raged parti(,,in1M v t1bout the clauses in most frat- ernity constitutions which cis- criminate against Negroes and other minority groups. AT CORNELL a furious run- ning fight has been going on through the columns of the Daily Sun. A Sun editorialist called on fraternities to take action on dis- crimination. The IFC president replied That it wasn't any of the Sun's busi- Sales T O je Tickets for the Student Legis- lature-sponsored Jazz at the Phil- harmonic show Friday night willI go on sale tomorrow from 10 a m. until 5 p.m. in the Hill Auditorium box office. Featuring vocalist Ella Fitz- gerald, the Norman Grantz pro-+ gram will include Coleman Hawk-I ins. Flip Phillips, and Tommy Turk. Sness,since the fraternities had already called a meeting to 'discuss" discrimina tory claus- es. The university administra- tion stated its policy: "Groups wvithin this Uiversity are free to constitute, reconstitute and conduct themselves in keep- ing with their own preferences so long as their existence does not corrupt the spirit of the Univer- ity's existence." ward to continued progress in the elimination of discriminatory reg- ulat ions on membership." * * * DISCRIMINATION wasn't the only ground for criticism of frat- ernities and sororities. At the 'University of Illinois affiliated men heard a speaker attack hazing and paddling of pledges as "animalism" which fights the "humanistic ideals of 1f4rLIfntruS * * t raternit ies.- MEANWHILE AT the Univer- And at the University of Wis- sity of Minnesota the faculty Sen- cousin, the quarrel was purely ad- ate committee on student affairs ministrative-whether frater!.- was considering stating its pohey ies should have housemothers ox of not recognizing any student or- housefellows. One answer: "Whi ganization that categorically ex- compel fraternities to have house- cludes individuals on the basis of mothers unless you compel soror- race, creed, color or religion. ities to have housefathers?" A Daily, editorialist pointed * * out that this rule would include A WRITER for the Yale News religious groups. Nevertheless, evidently after extensive research the writer said, the faculty was produced an article on fraternities wise to put the policy down on in which he demonstrated how paper. they grew out of history. Earlier, the fraternities and sor- He pointed out the major di- orities had jointly asked for per- lemma facing fraternities and sor- iodic faculty-student evaluation oiities: whether to revert to th of their progress in getting rid of "good old days" or try to become discriminatory clauses. The ia,;iu- and remain a functional part ol ty committee said it "looks for- the college community. Daily-Bill Ohuinger. ERSTWHILE EDITOR-is blue pencil, paste pot, and cutting shears were out of the camera's focus, but st64 recognizable is Doug Parker, managing editor of the Gargoyle. Although most of his time is spent in the first floor office of the Publications Building, Parker can occasionally be found playing a trombone or writing poetry at the Phi Delta Theta house. mean trombone" for the school or-s at the Garg office, he has man- chestra. His career at Michigan aged to keep up a 3.7 average, and was interrupted for one year spent has been elected to Druids, men'sI playing the trombone in the U.S. Navy band. honorary society. k 3 His plans following graduation PARKER IS majoring in Greek, Iae still vague, but he may find and to all questions as to why he himself teaching Latin or Greek chose this subject, he replies, "be- next September. cause I like it." His linguistic ability would put Advertising Agencies international diplomats to shame. PHILADELPHIA - Volney B. He is familar with Latin, Greek, P PH f-staver- Gothic, French, German, and can Palmer founded the first adver- curse in Polish. tising agency here in 1840. IHe is a member of Phi Delta His plan was to purchase space Theta, where he is an active in local papers and sell it wherever song organizer. It was Parker lie could. Gradually his clients, who secured a copy of the "Phi asked for more and more help in Delt Drums" with which his preparing their advertisements fraternity won first prize in the and Palmer lent assistance until IFC Sing in 1946. the advertising agency as it is Despite all the time he spends known now was evolved. ''>g .B .3 C'N .. t.:. \ in step with fashion -Rhythm brings you the form-fitting surplice cut and the waist-hugging RHYTHMESE* lIAS BAND.. . meticulously tailored, with tiny stitches - in O" Good f fallible Miron's bccause / port ant a tailcur '~ navy, b Foothold on Color... Polisfe Cal WaiKing Shoes By JOHANSEN Twice buttoned and strapped for emphasis. Light as air little casuals by Johansen. In colors that mean Spring's in your heart . . . blue, green or red calf. n'U at tit nelo end Only 59.95 ashion because it's Handmacher's in- tailoring. Fine quality because it's sleek wool gabardine. Excellent value It's priced at a low 59.95. Three im- reasons why you'll want this Spring for your own. In kelly, red, black, eige, brown . . . misses and junior sizes. Coats and Suits-Second Floor Bur-Mil* rayon satin. 'Rey. U. S. Pat. Off. $4 NYLON RHYTHM SLIPS with nylon net trim $7.95 NYLON RHYTHM SLIPS with Nylon lace trim - top and hem. . $10.95 11.95 pr. Shoes-First Floor Rhythm Slips from $4.00 to $10.95 ,