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September 16, 1948 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-09-16

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wagers Capture Conference
Grown After 20 Year Wait

After 20 long years in the Wiest-
ern Conference's basketball wil-
derness, Michigan's 1947-48 cage
squad finally arrived in the prom-
ised land, winning the Big Nine
title and receiving the district
bid to the NCAA playoffs.
With virtually the same roster
that won six and lost six the pre-}
vious year to place fifth in the
Conference, but with a valuable
year of experience behind them,
the Wolverines came through with
a fine 10-2 record to take the
Lose to Holy Cross
Although they lost their first
round game in the NCAA to a su-
perior Holy Cross quintet, the
Michigan five game fighting back
in the consolation contest to down
a highly touted Columbia team,
and wind up third in the eastern
Under the brilliant leadership of
Coach "Ozzie" Cowles, the Wol-
verines opened their season with
what the experts called a surprise
victory over Minnesota, dropping,
however, their next tilt to North-
western and it seemed as if may-
be the experts were right.
Wisconsin Downed
But the Michigan hoopsters
racked up 'a 43-38 win over a fa-
vored Wisconsin team and con-
tinued by a revenge victory over
the WKildcats in Evanston. Then

Ohio State took the measure of
the Wolverines, but they were the
last to do so.
In quick succession, Illinois,
Purdue, Indiana, Minnesota, Ohio
state and Iowa fell before the

Crisler Given
Coach of Year
Award in 47
(Continued from Page 1)
away to Mendota, and Fritz tried'
out, but never made a letter.
From a poor family, his only
hope of going to college was a high
scholastic average. He earned a
scholarship to Chicago with a 94
average and had to maintain a B
average to keep it. He did, and
missed Phi Beta Kappa on a tech-
nisality while playing football,
basIetball and baseball.
This introduction to football
at Chicaga was accidental,
Stagg,ifamed veteran coach,
dodged a wide end run and ran
into Crisler on the practice field.
"Young man, if you are so curi-
ous about football, why don't you
get a uniform?" asked Stagg.
It was Stagg who named him
"Fritz" after sophomore Crisler
had botched three plays handily.
Stagg said, "You are Fritz from
now on, after the master violin-
ist--not because you resemble him
in any way, but because you are
so different."
Crisler remained with Stagg
until 1930, when Minnesota for
the second time offered him the
head job. He brought Minnesota
out of the dumps so fast that
Princeton, which won only three
games in three years, beckoned
the personable young fellow
with handsome cash bait.
His career at Princeton is well
known, unbeaten teams in 1933
and 1935. Then he accepted the
offer from Michigan in 1938. When
Fielding H. Yost retired as head
of the Department of Physical
Eduation, Crisler assumed the
athletic directorship.
Because he was trained in it,
Fritz prefers the single wing at-
tack, but did not hesitate to put
in T variations. In one game, a
few years back, he employed the
following formations: Stationary
T, T-in-motion, T-spinner, T with
fullback under center, single wing
pure, single wing with man in
motion, short punt and deep punt.
Crisler's all over mark as head
coach is impressive-114 games
won, 32 lost, nine tied. At Mich-
igan he has won 70, lost 16 and
tied three.
Some adverse criticism was lev-
elled at him this last year, be-
cause he used the two team sys-
tem, thereby depriving some of

I-M Open House Proves
Popular Athletic Event

Everything for Sports
Fans in Spring Disply
One of the most popular ath-
letic events during the course of
Michigan's school year is the an-
nual Intramural Open House
staged in the spacious interior
of the Sports Building.
The entire student body is in-
vited to attend an exhibition of
every kind of sport from necatos
to basketball. During the eve-
ning's proceedings several intra-
mural championships are also de-
6,000 Attend
As an example of just what goes
on, look at the crowded schedule
of last March's affair, a sports
party that pulled in around 6,000
The doors opened at 6:45 and
from then until 10 there was never
a dull moment. Three champion-
ship basketball contests were held
to determine the crown wearer of
the independent, fraternity and
residence hall leagues.
If the cage competition became
a little tiring, the spectator had
only to step over to the Sports
Building pool and watch the tus-
sle for the fraternity and dormi-
tory swimming titles. To provide
relief from the races, the dorm
water-polo championship game

was sandwichea in. In addition
to all this, several championship
divers, in town just previous to the
NCAA swimming meet gave a
breath taking exhibition of their
Gymnasts Exhibit
Scattered in and among these
various games, matches and meets,
were a series of special exhibitions.
Newt Loken and his tumbling crew,
gave one of their usual superla-
tive shows, amazing the crowd
especially with their famed tram-
poline performance.
Coach Bob Dixon's tennis team
displayed the form that makes
net champions as Andy Paton
teamed up with Bill Mikulich in
an indoor match and downed
teammates Fred Otto and Jack
Individual champions were
crowned in the all-campus boxing
and wrestling divisions, as the fans
were treated to some of the finest
talent on campus.
Other Sports
To keep things from becoming
boresome, there were exhibitions
in volleyball, codeball, necatos,
weight lifting, handball and fenc-
All in all, the Intramural De-
partment guarantees without resi-
tatiop that every person on cam-
pus will find at least one athletic
event going on somewhere during
See OPEN HOUSE, Page 8

Coach Issues
Call for Frosh
There's no need to wait until
the middle of the season for a
formal introduction to Don Can-
ham, newly appointed head track
coach and one of the most con-
genial members of the athletic
In fact Canham is eagerly
awaiting the opportunity to meet
and newcomer down at Ferry
Field within the first two weeks of
semester. No pre-requisites like
letters - of - introduction, previ-
ous appointments, and high school
experience are necessary.
You don't even have to have
your own pair of track shoes.
The 29-year-old head coach is
beginning a new career, just as
most freshmen are, and he'd like
to go into partnership with quite
a few of them.
Canham states quite frankly
that it'll be a long, hard grind to
make good. Plenty of time and
energy will go into fundamental
work all through September and
But, in addition to the satisfac-
tion that comes when something
is accomplished, there'll be the
opportunity to work with the var-
sity track stars of today and those
destined to take their place next
The youthful mentor who
won three letters here at Michi-
See TRACK, Page 8

Inflation, which has been sweep-
ing across the country, left its
mark at the University of Michi-
gan last spring in the nature of a
toll for tennis players.
All campus began scorming and
fusing when they found attend-
ants at the entrance of Palmer
and Ferry Fields waiting to col-
lect twenty-five cents per person
for one-hour use of the courts.
Students Outraged
It was unheard of. For years,
students had been allowed to vol-
ley around the courts for an in-
finite time without charge. The
students protested vigorously with
plans of boycotting, and by de-
luging the letters-to-the-editor
mailbox at the Daily office.
Several conferences with ath-
letic director, Fritz Crisler, creat-
ed only a lot of talk, but little do.
Crisler stated that the fee was in-
tended to prevent the courts being
by monopolized during the morn-
ing and afternoon rush hours.
Fee for Attendants
The revenue derived from the
charge was not, as many observers
thought, to pay for maintenance
of the newly-asphalted surface.
Rather, it was to help pay for the
salary of the attendants taking
care of the adopted system.
Tennis enthusiasts got little
consolation from the statement

Fee for Tennis Court Use
Brings Student Indignation

that the twenty-five cents would
cover additional periods over the
specified time if there was no de-
mand for the courts.
System for 'You'
Thus, "in behalf of the, stud-
ents," the plan was continued to
"pay-as-you-play," or a semester's
card could be purchased for two
dollars and the right to use the
courts at any time.
But the students didn't give up
quite so easily. They tried to beat
the charge by getting up with the
rooster and going a couple of sets
befoi e the collectors arrived at
Other Methods Sought
A sudden appearance of nets
was seen on thirteen municipal
courts for .economy-minded play-
ers, while the enrollment in physi-
cal education classes offering ten-
nis surged upwards.
Despite these back-door meth-
ods, the usual flock spent their
spare time grumbling over the
two-bits, but paying the cost nev-
The shock and pain has slowly
subsided for the summer school
stand-bys, but a warning to in-
coming freshmen is, "Don't let
that little man with the metal
money changer at his waist scare
you. He's only collecting for Your

ERS-Mack Suprunowicz, who
for the second straight year led
Michigan cagers in scoring
during the Big Nine race.
Michigan offensive power and the
crown came back to Ann Arbor,
At Best AgainstLIowa
It was Iowa, though, that the
Wolverines played their best game
of the year. It was the end of the
Big Nine season, and had the
Hawkeyes emer g ed victorious,
they would have shared in the ti-
tle glory with the Maize and Blue.
But it wasn't in the cards for the
Wolverines to lose and they came
thrugh on the long side of a 51-35
Good news for Michigan cage
fans, in addition to the title, came
in the fact that this year's team
will return intact next season.
They include all - Conference
guards Pete Elliott and Bob Har-
rison, dead-eyed forward Mack
Suprenowicz who was top scorer
for the Wolverines, Don McIntosh,
lanky Bill Roberts, next year's
caphin and big Hal Morrill.

Gabardine Snits
Single- or Double-Breasted
Tailored especially for
the college man


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