WEDNESDAY, SEPT. '29,1949'
Assembly To Hold Fortnite;
Awards Will Be Presented
Assembly, association of inde-
pendent women on campus, will
celebrate its fourth annual Fort-
nite at 7:15 p.m., Thursday, Oc-
tober 13.
Fortnite is the traditional eve-
ning on which Assembly winds up
the past year of activities and
,unches a new one. This year's
2gram will combine the pro-
'ams of Fortnite, Recognition
Night and installation of house
presidents. In the past, these
events were presented separately
over a period of two weeks, hence
the name, Fortnite.
The aim, of Fortnite is to in-
troduce unaffiliated women,
especially freshmen, to the pur-
pose and functions of their own
organization, Assembly, and
the League. All dormitories and
league houses are invited to par-
ticipate in the evening's festivi-
ties. Each residence will pre-
sent an original skit based on
some aspect of college life. The
outstanding group will receive a
prize. To conclude this part of
the program the housemothers
will present a novelty skit.
The Recognition Night pro-
gram will honor the independent
women in each class who have at-
tained exceptional scholarship
and who have been notable in ex-
tra-curricular octivities. Awards
will be given to the dormitory
which has the most coeds en-
gaged in activities and the best
scholastic record. Assembly has
planned new prizes for this year
which remain secret for now.
The theme for this semester's
show is "Opening Night." The
central committee has promised
to bring all the glitter and
glamour of a New York premier
to Lydia sMendelssohn Theatre
for the occasion.
The women behind this year's
Fortnite are Betsy Vinieratos, gen-
eral chairman; Josie Valerio, dec-
orations chairman; Patt Newberg,
assistant decorations; Mary Da-
vidson, honors chairman; Eleanor
Doersam, assistant honors; Bar-
bara Thelen, publicity chairman;
Marylin Klafer, assistant public-
ity; Doris Clark, assistant pub-
licity; Charlotte Eagle, skit chair-
man; Rose Potcova, assistant
skits; Shirley Fage programs and
favors, and Norma Jaksec, patrons
Bridge Lessons
Start Monday
Bridge enthusiasts will have an
opportunity to improve their skill
at the lessons beginning Monday
in the Cave Room on the fourth
floor of the League.
Beginners' classes will be held
from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Mondays and
8:30 to 10 p.m. Tuesdays. The in-
termediate sessions will be from
8:30 to 10 p.m. Mondays and from
7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays. The les-
sons will continue 10 weeks.
Tickets will be on sale from 3 to
5 p.m. today, tomorrow and Fri-
day in the lobby of the League.
Mrs. Walter MacLean, bridge in-
structor last semester, will teach
the classes. The lessons are spon-
sored by the Social Committee of
the League.
Dance Class News
There will be a mass meeting
for women interested in being
dance class hostesses at 5 p.m. to-
day in the League Ballroom.
All women, including first se-
mester freshmen, are eligible.
* * *
MEN interested in attending
League dance classes may regis-
ter from 3 to 5 p.m. Thursday and
Friday on the second floor of the
League. The fee for eight les-
sons is $4.
Golf ,Archery Clubs Begin
Palmer field may be a far cry
from Sherwood forest but it will
provide sufficient target practice
for Michigan lassies at the first
meeting of the WAA Archery Club
at 5 p.m. today at the WAB.
Open to both experienced and
inexperienced archers of all
classes, including first semester
freshmen, the club will carry out
a program of combined instruc-
tion, practice, tournaments and
social events.
According to the Archery Club
manager, Beverly Hawes, prospec-
tive Miss Robin Hoods will con-I
tinue to hsoot outdoors during
the fall season as long as weather
permits, and may, after some
practice, try their skill at "clout"
ANY COED with an interest in
golf, whether beginner or experi-
enced player, is invited to attend
the organizational meeting of the
Women's Golf Club, 5 p.m. tomor-
row in the WAB lounge.
The club, managed by Buffy
Read and Use Da
Baras, will offer an opportunity
for beginners to receive golf in-
struction during the winter.
Plans for this season include
movies on golf and miniature
golf games, as well at pitching
and putting contests.
During the spring and fall, golf
tournaments will be held to deter-
mine the eight coeds who will
make up the Michigan women's
golf team.
Floorshow Tryouts
Michigan League
Dance Tryouts-Room A
4:00 p.m.-Today.
5:00 p.m.-Tomorro*v.
Song Tryouts
5:00 p.m.-Today.
4:00 p.m.-Tomorrow.
Speaking Parts
3:00 p.m.-Today.
4:00 p.m.-Tomorrow.
All sophomores who are
planning to tryout for dance
are asked to bring shorts.
PLAYFELLOWS-Freckles, the family dog of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis of Benton Harbor, gets his
ear nipped by their pet raccoon as the two romp together on the lawn.
Color Film, Naturally
Yours' ,To Be Shown
111 1 - II
Cutting and
of your hair
will be expertly done in our
newly remodeled shop.
That favorite feminine expres-
sion, "I just can't do a thing with
my hair," may entirely vanish
from the lips of Michigan coeds.
This drastic change is likely to
take place after University women
have seen the movie "Naturally
Yours," which will be shown at
4:30 p.m. Thursday in the Hussy
Room of the League.
* * *I
explain proper care of the hair
from the standpoint of style, con-
venience and hygiene. Reasons for
hair problems will be discussed
and the nature of hair will be ex-
The film will also feature the
construction of various face
types in relation to hair styles,
seasonal differences and the ap-
propriateness of hair arrange-
ments for each occasion.
This 20 minute movie of in-
Honor Societies
Wyvern will meet at 5 p.m.
and Senior Society at 7:15 p.m.
today in the Cave of the League.
formative entertainment is spon-
sored by the Social Committee of
the League. It will be shown free
of charge to interested women.
Henry Kuhlman has been elect-
ed president of Psi Upsilon for the
fall semester, it was announced
Other new officers include Rob-
ert Pierce, vice president; Alan
sandman, corresponding secretary;
William Ryan, recording secre-
tary, and Jack Coe, treasurer.
closures on a unique casual by Connie
Adams in fine Botany wool . . . double
ily Classified Ads
4eau op
PHONE 8878
Short Sleeve
Sport Shop
9:30 A.M. till 5:30 P.M.
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Exquisitely made sweaters. In an exciting array of soft new
shades: white, blue, pink, cherry, green, lavender, beige,
aqua, maize, grey, brown and black. Sizes 34 to 40.
Newest Fall Shade
Muted dark with a deep affinity for black.
Smooth blend with winter navy. Subtle sup-
plement to costumes of wine combined with
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51 Gauge, 20 Denier 51 Gauge, 30 Denier
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for tall,
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At the College Shop
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YOuTH'S PERENNIAL FAVORITE, the little wool casnal eiders
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Twin Parlors . . . see them all soon.
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Fly front to waist . . . large patch pockets.. ., inverted center pleat
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Colors... Coast Guard Aqua, Tally-ho Rust, Canada Pine Green,
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