PAGE 9UQ THE MICHIGAN DbAILY WEDNE1%wDAY. =PT.9 OO 24Ji~ . t a.ti + I I a ~Y . l i" j~l rval\cdo"L1j, Oaurd. 4U, 1 7 Y I (4,e,s rnete THE BIG COMPANIES backing the termi- nation of the University's Workers' Ed- ucation Service courses are cutting their own throats. Unless, of course, their past demands for more democracy in unions were just so much baloney. It seems pretty obvious to me that the surest way of putting unions in the hands of all the members is to give those members the knowledge needed to tun them. And that is one of the main aims of such programs as our workers education service: to provide not only general edu- cation, but specific facts on bargaining procedure, management, of financial ac- counts and election apparatus. The worker. also learns in these courses just where he stands in relation to govern- ment agencies, as well as his own union and the company he works for. LABoR-MANAGEMENT problems have gone so far beyond face-to-face relations that the average worker is simply unable to solve them without special knowledge. He cannot challenge his union leadership, when he doubts its integrity, if he is not familiar with union and labor problems. We have heard many complaints from management on the dictatorial ways of union bosses. Officials have loudly charged that unions are undemocratic and unrep- resentative. But what happens when someone tries to remedy the situation? To be sure, many companies throughout the country have backed workers' education program3. But very evidently, some of the large Michigan corporations are working to de- stroy the service this University has offered. There could have been no other purpose in the testimony of the GM official in Wash- ington who charged that one of the courses had "class bias." Perhaps the past complaints of these com- panies were just cover-up, and they really prefer to deal with a big union boss who can deliver results, no matter how he gets them. Surely if these companies were really sincere in their desire for better unions; they would now be backing the University service instead of attacking it, or remaining "innocently" silent. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: DON McNEIL Chance for Justice Mathematics Seminars: The IT WAS A MONTH ago that Alger Hiss dared Time editor Whittaker Chambers to call him a Communist outside the com- mittee room of the Thomas Committee. Chambers, with a self-confidence he never exhibited before the House inquiry, repeated his claims on the radio two days later. The special session of Congress ad- journed, the political campaigns began to generate their usual quantity of heat rather than light and in the ensuing de- bate over who was responsible for infla- tion, both the public and the newspapers all but forgot the Hiss-Chambers imbro- glio. After a first cautious report on its senior editor's doings in Washington, Time decided with a complete disregard for American tra- dition that Hiss was "morally if not legally" obligated to prove his innocence. It took Hiss a month to follow up his challenge with a $50,000 slander and libel suit in the Federal District Court in Balti- more. The battle is fairly joined now. It begins to look as though it may take more than undocumented charges and vague accusa- tions, for a man to proclaim himself a savior of democracy. Whittaker Chambers is going to have his day in court, but it may prove unpleasant. Chambers will need evidence, real and concrete, that Hiss was or is a Communist. He will no longer have his privileged status. Working for Hiss will be the testimony of former Asst. Secretary of State, Adolph A. Berle, Jr. before a subcommittee of the Un-Anerican Activities Committee. At that time he said that Hiss was "pro- Russian" while a State Department official during the war. Berle pointed out, how- ever, that Hiss was investigated and cleared after Chambers had told Berle that Hiss was an underground Commu- nist. It is significant that Berle also said in his testimony that Hiss "belonged to a group (in the government) that wanted to appease Russia." Berle said that he had left the State Department after his firm attitude toward Russia was rejected in favor of "appeasement" as advocated by Dean Ache- son and Hiss. In the absence of any substantiated evi- dence to the contrary, one can, with good conscience, join the large group, including a member of the committee, which believes that the Un-American Activities Committee is motivated by a desire to create partisan political advantage. After all, the committee has never produced a bona fide spy upon whom its members can pin an overt act of treachery, nor has it ever held any of the often promised hearings in the case of Dr. Edward Condon. But if Hiss wins his case, and the court slaps down Chambers with $50,000 in dam- ages, he and other self-styled converts to the American system may find the cost of pillory too high. It might stop the rush of the committee to confess past Commu- nist affiliations, denouncing innocent men with unproveable charges and using the confession as a spring board to respectability and a political bludgeon. Yes, we agree with Hiss, it is a good thing the case is now in the hands of the court. -Jake Hurwitz. -Al Blumrosen. "Never Saw A Campaign On Such A High Level" M GY W$LJE.- - -7 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN following seminars have been or- ganized in the Mathematics De- partment: Topological Groups (Prof. Sam- elson), Mon., 3 p.m., Room 3018 A.H. Lie Groups (Mr. Rabson), Tues- day, 3 p.m., Room 3209 A.H. Geometry (Dr. Leisenring), Wednesday, 3 p.m., Room 3001 A.H. Differential Geometry (Prof. Rainich), 1st meeting Wednesday, Oct. 29, 4:30 p.m., Room 3001 A.H. Banach Spaces (Prof. Iilde- brandt), Thursday, 3 p.m., Room 3014 A.H. Applied Mathematics (Prof. Churchill), , Thursday, 4 p.m., Room 274 W.E. Topology (Prof. Wilder), Thurs- day, 4 p.m., Room 3010 A.H. Algebraic Numbers (Prof. Brauer), Thursday, 4-6 p.m., Room 3201 A.H. Orientation Seminar (Prof. Rainich), Thursday, 7 p.m., Room 3001 A.H. Probability (Dr. Woodbury), Saturday, 10 a.m., Room 3004 A.H. Statistics (Prof. Craig). Those interested are asked to leave their schedules and preferred hours with Prof. Craig. Events Today Student Legislature meeting, 7:30 p.m. Game Room, Michigan League. Agenda: Cabinet report: 1. Report on activities of the summer Legislature. 2. Treasur- er's- eport. 3. Football ticket re- port. 4. Elections committee ap- pointment and report. 5. Explana- tion of the StudentAffairs Com- mittee. Campus Action: 1. Philippine Drive report. 2 Report on co-ordination of drives. 3. Better Business Bureau. NSA: 1. General outline on summer activities, 2. Proposal for a spe. cial legislature meeting to report on and discuss the NSA. Publicity: 1. Elections publicity. 2. Plans for this year. Culture and Education: 1. Student experts report, 2. Phoenix report. Social: 1. Report on proposed financial projects. 2. Plans for street dance. 3. Legislature party. 4. Plans for Ruthven tea for Legislature mem- bers. New Business: 1. Project for registering absen- tee voters on campus. 2. Inveti- gation of the Olivet College situa- tion. /ette4 TO THE EDITOR. Barnaby or Death To the Editor: READ WITH great alarm the letter by Howard Planeder which appeared in this morning's Daily. Take Barnaby out of The Daily?hDoes Mr. Plancder realize what he is saying? If Barnaby were to be removed from The Daily, it would have the same effect on me and similarly with many others, as the death of my dearest friend. Mr. Plancder does not realize the important part that Barnaby plays in many of our lives. It is Barnaby who occu- . pies my time while my morning coffee cools, who gives me that chuckle which is necessary to start the day off with. Later in the day I sit down and thoroughly digest the contents of this comic strip. It is from the careful study of Barnaby that I get the thing which fills me with the ambition to make something of myself. I am confident that there are many others on campus who obtain the same feeling of enlightenment from. the reading of Barnaby as I; do. I would like to urge that the Student Legislature take imme- diate steps to investigate Mr. Plancder and his comicistic ideas, and activities. It might even be necessary for the Student Legis- lature to deport Mr. Plancder to r the University of Dogpatch. Give me Barnaby; or give me death! -John F. Kephart. International Center weekly tea, 4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., Sept. 30. Hostesses: Mrs. William Geifel and Mrs. Josephine Davis. U. of M. Varsity Band: First meeting of the semester, 7:30 p.m.,# Thurs., Sept. 30, Harris Hall. Re- hearsal once a week until the end of football season; thereafter, twice a week. Open to all students interested in band music. Gilbert and Sullivan Society: Full rehearsal of principals and chorus, Thurs., Sept. 30, 7:30 p.m., Michigan League. "The Psychology of Religion." by Prof. John Shepard of the Psy- chology Dept., Fri., Oct. 1, 8:30 p.m., B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation. - Young Democrats meet Thurs., Sept. 30, 7:30 p.m., in Michiganf Union. Afternoon Tea Dancing Thurs-' day, Sept. 30, 3 p.m., B'nB'rith Hillel Foundation. 'High-Flown' EVER SINCE Thomas E. Dewey loomed up should h as a presidential candidate, he has been ects. accused of evading specific, politically hot He sai questions. force apX President Truman, his supporters say, the natic has faced the issues squarely, has been ed. willing to stick his nose into vitally im- He ur portant questions. yield asr But now, some things have happened that re are making us wonder about that. keeping For instance, we read that Mr. Truman well asc hits at Dewey's pleas for domestic unity. nent sta He declares that the Republicans "are trying'Berlinq to sing the American voters to sleep with a of the V lullaby about unity." That "when making At that their speeches they pitch them on a high "Dewey's level, so high they are above discussing the so much. specific and serious problems which con- Now, front the people." isn't play But as Truman made his charges of is. No n high-flown language, Mr. Dewey was busy about in in Seattle outlining a detailed program for tics is ar conservation of the nation's farm, river, But in hydro-power and timber development. a lot of He promised, specifically, more and bigger E. Dewey power projects and the opening of rivers to Truman's more navigation. He declared that states Tacks have a say in Federal water proj- d that Congress wouldn't have to pointment of able men to manage 'n's natural resources if he is elect- ged selective cutting and sustained principles to be followed in preserv- t resources. r, Dewey had proved that he was in close touch with foreign as domestic affairs. He issued a perti- atement at the same time that the question was tossed into the lap N. t time Mr. Truman was posing with Goat" and saying he'd never eaten we aren't saying that Mr., Dewey ying politics, and that Mr. Truman matter which side you're talking a political campaign, playing poli- n essential part of the game. picking their brand of politics, voters are giong to prefer Thomas y's "high-flown" brass tacks to Mr. s "down-to-earth" generalizations. -Mary Stein. Expediency BACK IN BUSINESS AGAIN. A cartoon in Sunday's Daily pictures Hjalmar Schacht and Ilse Koch, both con- victed of war crimes and recently pardoned by the American Military Government in Germany, as they once again set up shop in their ugly business of international hate. The cartoon also shows a ragged figure, labeled "German Democrats" sitting deject edly nearby. Thus, through the cartoonist's eyes, we see portrayed the "Great Crusade for Democracy" which was supposed to "de- Nazify" Germany - a program which has turned into the "Great Crusade of Ex- pediency" as relations with the Russians grew worse. For reasons of "military expediency" for- mer Nazis in the lower and less publicized positions have been allowed to retain their former positions or even advanced to posi- tions of greater confidence in the German occupation government. Because of this same expediency, the infamous criminals who ordered millions of men to their deaths on the battlefield are now allowed to escape scot-free. But is this expediency, from the longer- range viewpoint? Is it expediency to re- tain Hitler's "yes-men" because, as ex- perienced administrators, they can do a temporarily more efficient job - to re- tain them at the sacrifice of the millions of active or potential democrats in Ger- many and elsewhere, who must form the hard core of American support abroad in the years to come? The answer must be no. And the Ameri- can people must protest this short-sighted "expesdiency" just as vigorously as they would condemn the naming of Al Capone president of the United States because he had shown a marked ability to "handle" people. The question of pardoning such people as Schacht and Ilse Koch, or keeping in office former Nazi small fry is not now so much whether or not they constitute a mili- tary threat to the Western Powers, for they are too weak and disorganized. The question is rather the tremendous black-eye it gives to the Western Powers and particularly democratic America to admit to the peoples of the world that we have to depend on political criminals such as these - or for that matter the Greek and Franco govern- ments - in order to find support for our I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: And the Third Side. By SAMUEL GRAFTON O WE HAVE broken off our talks with the Russians, and we have thrown the Berlin issue into the Security Council, and our hopes for peace are down. And because these hopes are down, this is the right time to say again that there are three sides to this argument, the Western side, the Rus- sian side, and the peace side. I would like to set up the postulate that anyone who is at this moment passionately whole-hearted- ly, red-neckedly stating either the Western case or the Russian case is not stating the peace case. That is true regardless of how much any such man may think he is for peace, or what sweet thoughts he may have about the world and himself stuffed away in the back of his mind., For we must set up a kind of operational test in this field. The man of peace is the man who works for peace. If he does not work actively for peace, then his private thoughts about peace, his hidden predi- lection for it, his silent love for it, are all of no consequence. And it seems to me clear that no one who is actively, fran- tically, unreservedly vocalizing on behalf of either the Western or the Russian case is working for peace. Indeed, the weight of his efforts will, in the end, be against peace. For the peace interest is a universal inter- est and it cannot be served by the part-time efforts of men who are spending ninety per cent of their days proving that some- body else is wrong in Berlin. That is one of the troubles at Paris, that the work of peace is being done sporadically, by occasional help; it is no one's full time profession. For the man who plunges heartily into the Western side of this quarrel, showing with heavy, unrelieved emphasis how the other side has lied and cheated, does not really work for peace. He tells us, instead, over and over, that the dimensions of the prob- lem are greater than those of any offered solution. For it must become almost an occupational disease with him, a part of his advocate's frenzy, that he must prove he is correct, he must demonstrate beyond that half the world, by reason of its cap- italist nature, is inherently bound to make war, is at basis an argument against peace, an argument against the possibility of peace, an argument in which the inevit- ability of war is tied gloomily in with the nature of men and the laws of economics. But this is exactly the kind of world in, which we must make peace, a world made up of capitalists and Communists and liars and double-crossers and theoreticians and the pridefully arrogant and the hysterically fearful, and any demonstration that such types exist is only a restatement of our problem. It is our task to make peace among such as these, and that is why there is a peace interest, over and above the contend-' ing special interests, over and above the hot provers of right and wrong, the tenden- tious point-makers, the passionate judges and advocates. The peace niterest must find some means of addressing these other interests. That is why I repeat an earlier suggestion that the U.N., acting through all its chambers, shall at once call upon the West and Russia to make peace, that it shall give them a month to do so, informing both sides that the U.N.'s future is directly involved, and firmly' asserting that the peace interest, the U.N: interest in a continuing life, is superior to all other interests involved in the dispute, and that it means to be heard. If the U.N. doesn't say it, who shall? Where else can the notes and communiques of the world's peace interest originate? Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation) IT SO HAPPENS " Intrepidity With Slide Rule? .. . MUCH AS IT hurts us, we must give credit to a daring, albeit unoriginal, engine student who has solved the West Engineer- ing Building staircase congestion problem. Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all membersof the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 102 Angel Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 29, 1948 VOL, LIX, No. 8 Notices School of Business Administra- tion: Faculty meeting, Thurs., Sept. 30, 3 p.m., Rm. 110 Tappan Hall. Applications for Grants in Sup- port of Research Projects: Faculty members, who wish to apply for grants from the Re- search Funds in support of re- search projects duringthe next fiscal year, should file their appli- cations in the Office of the Grad- uate School by Fri., Oct. 8. Ap- plication forms will be mailed or can be obtained at Rm. 1006 Rack- ham Bldg., telephone 372. Student Identification Cards will be distributed from the booths outside Rm. 2 University Hall ac- cording to the following schedule: Wed., Sept. 29 A through G; Thurs., Sept. 30, H through Q; Fri., Oct. 1 R through Z Late registrants will not receive their identification cards until a later date. Student organizations. To be included on the list of approved student organizations for the pres- ent term, officers of previously recognized groups are reminded that it is necessary that the group be registered in the Office of Stu- dent Affairs by Oct. 1. Registra- tion includes the filing of (1) a list of officers an members, (2) the acceptance of a member of the faculty willing to act as ad- viser to the organization for this period. Student Loan Prints: Students may pick up their prints at Rm. 206 University Hall, Tuesday through Friday, Sept. 28-Oct. 1, between 9 a.m. and 12 noon and 1:30 to5 p.m. Bring 3x5 white claim card with you. Oregon game open-houses. Open' houses may be held in officially organized student residences on Sat., Oct. 2, between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. for pre-game func- tions and between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.for post-game functions. Office of Student Affairs Certificates of Eligibility for participation in non-athletic ex- tracullicular activities may be se- cured immediately in the Office of Student Affairs, Rm. 2, Univer- sity Hall. Each student applying for a certificate should present a blueprint of his scholastic record. Beginning Mon., Oct. 4, certifi- cates of eligibility will be issued afternoons only. Approved student sponsored so- cial events for the coming week- end: October 1 Alpha Omicron Pi, Congrega- tional Disciples Guild, F F Fra- ternity October 2 Abby League House, Acacia, Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Kappa Psi, Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi, Chi Psi, Delta Chi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Delta Sigma Delta, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Upsilon, Hen- derson House, Kappa Sigma, Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi Chi, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa, Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kap- pa Tau, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Sig- ma Kappa, Pi Lambda Phi, Psi Upsilon, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Chi, Sigma Phi, Sigma Phi Ep- silon, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sig- ma Nu, Theta Chi, Theta Xi, Tri- angle, Zeta Beta Tau, Zeta Psi October 3 Alpha Rho Chi, Sherman House, Theta Chi, Victor Vaughan Lectures 1948-49 Lecture Course seats are now on sale at Hill Audito- rium box office, open daily 10 a.m.-1 p.m., 2-5 p.m. Speakers for the course this year: Oct. f2, Rob- ert Magidoff-"Why I Was E- pelled from the Soviet Union"; Nov. 1, Raymond Gram Swing- "History on the March"; Nov. 10, Rebecca West-"Famous Trials"; Nov. 19, John Mason Brown - "Broadway in Review"; Feb. 24, Cornelia Otis Skinner - "Wives of Henry VIII"; March 3, Eve Curie - "France-Struggle for Civilization"; March 10, Herbert Agar-"England Today." University Lecture: The mo- tion picture "Neuraxis," with ex- planatory remarks. Dr. Pedro Be- lou, Professor of Descriptive An- atomy and Director of the Ana- tomical Institute of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, National Uni- versity, Buenos Aires; auspices of the Medical School. 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Sept. 30, Rackham Am- phitheatre. Academic Notices Correction: Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Courses may not be elected for credit after the end of the second week. Friday, October 1 (not Sat- urday, October 2, as previously reported), is the last day on which new elections may be approved. The willingness of aninstructor to admit later will not affect the operation rule. Doctoral Examination for Don- ald Ross Pearce, English: thesis: "The Significance of Ireland in the Work of W. B. Yeats," 7:15 p.m., Wed., Sept. 29, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman C. D. Thorpe. Aerodynamic Seminar: 4 p.m., Wed., Sept. 29, Rm. 1508 E. Engi- neering Bldg. Topics: Linearized Supersonic flow around axisym- metric bodies. Engineering Mechanics Semi: nar: 4 p.m., Wed., Sept. 29, Rm. 402, W. Engineering Bldg. Mr. Paul Chenea will discuss "Appli- cations of Variational Methods to the Classical Problems in Engi- neering Mechanics." Geometry Seminar: 3 p.m., Wed., Sept. 29, in Rm. 3001 An- gell Hall. Mr. K. B. Leisenring will speak on "Elementary Geometry in the Minkowskian Plane." Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences: First meeting of the fall semester, 7:30 p.m. in Rm. 1042 E. Engineering Bldg. Lt. Col. Ains- worth will be the guest speaker. Color movie: ''The Phantom." Membership is open to all Aero- nautical engineering students ex- cept freshman. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Student Branch, Smok- er: 7:30 p.m., Rms. 3 K, L and M, Michigan Union. Mr. H. S. Walker, Research Director of the Detroit Edison -Co., will speak on "The En- gineer and the A.S.M.E." Sociedad Hispanica of the Uni- versity of Michigan: First meeting of the year, 8 p.m. Hussey Room, Michigan League. Pre-Medical Society meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3-G Michigan Un- ion. Speaker: Dr. Wayne L. Whitaker, Secretary of Medical School. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation Membership Committee: Open meeting, 4 p.m. at the Foundation. Senior Society: 7:15 p.m., Mich- igan League Cave. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation Football Practice: 3:30 p.m. every day. All fellows invited., United World Federalists Uni- versity Chapter: General Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Elec- tion of officers. Eligible to vote at this meeting will be all old mem- bers of the chapter and those who become members before the meet- ing is called to order. Coming Events Visitors Night, Department of Astronomy, Fri., Oct. 1, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., 5th floor, Angell Hall, for observation of Jupiter and star clusters. Visitors' Night will be cancelled if the sky is cloudy. Children must be accompanied by adults. (This is the first of four Visitors' Nights to be held Oct. 8, 22 and Nov. 12). Fifty-Ninth Year I I Delta Business meeting, Sigma Pi, Professional Fraternity: Business 8 p.m., Chapter House. Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor Dick Maloy ................ City Editor Naomi Stern........Editorial Director Allegra Pasqualetti .... Associate Editor Arthur Higbee .,......Associate Editor. Harold Jackson ......Associate Editor Murray Grant..........Sports Editor Bud Weidenthal . .Associate Sports Ed. Bev Bussey ...Sports Feature Writer Audrey Buttery......Women's Editor Business Staff Richard Halt......Business Manager Jean Leonard .... Advertising Manager William Culman .....Finance Manager Cole Christian .... Circulation Manager - Bess Hayes ..................Librarian Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively, entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other ~ matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Araor, Michigan, as second-class mal matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Mme Member Associated Collegiate Press 1948-49 BARNABY CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! LANG! CLANG! CLANG! CLA Hurry! Be calm! Mr. O'Malley says it's a fire but Not a moment to I think it's just that button he ! CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! C ANG! CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! CLANG Out the window! It's a long three-foof drop to the grass terrace below! And He busted t ii