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September 28, 1948 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-09-28

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PaGE F 1 a

Interviewing for Assembly, Panhel, WAA
Continues This Week for Eligible Women


Interviewing for year-long posi-
tions which have been newly
created or reopened this fall in
women's activities will continue
this week.
Eligibility cards, which may be
obtained in Room 4 University
Hall must be presented at all in-
Positions open on the Panhel-
lenic Executive Council are first
vice-president, a senior position,
and assistant secretary and assist-
ant rushing secretary, which are
Ju i'or positions.

interview for a place on the com-
mittee in charge of student-fac-
ulty teas, which are given coop-
eratively with Assembly Associa-
tion each year. Petitions are not
necessary for this committee.
Independent women may in-
terview for the positions of gen-
eral chairman, coke and music
chairman, hostess chairman and
invitations chairman for these
Petitions are not necessary for
League House women interested in
working on the central committee

ANY Al, ,LIATED woman may

Michifish Seek New Splcshers
For WAA Club, Annual Pa gent

for the Assembly-Union Social
Committee dances.
Positions to be filled are general
chairman, coke chairman, hostess
chairman, and publicity chairman.
INTERVIEWING for the pre-
ceding positions will be held from
3 to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday,
and Friday in the League. Inter-
views must be signed for in ad-
vance on the bulletin board in the
Undergraduate Office.
Petitions for the position of
manager of the Folk-and-Square
Dancing Club of the WAA are
due today at the WAB.
Interviews for this position will
be held from 3 to 4 p.m. Monday,
Oct. 4, from 4 to 5 p.m. Tuesday,
Oct. 5 and from 5 to e p.m., Wed-
nesday, Oct. 6.
Gee Club Award
Presented to Coed
The Women's Glee Club Schol-
arship Award, given at the be-
ginning of each fall and spring se-
mester, was recently awarded to
Glee Dudgeon, '50SM.
The $50 scholarship for music
lessons was awarded on the basis
of scholarship, financial need and
contribution to the Glee Club. ..

Floorshow Tryouts
Michigan League
Dance Tryouts-Room A
3:00 Today.
4:00 Tomorrow.
5:00 Thursday.
Song Tryouts-Garden Room
4:00 Today.
5:00 Tomorrow.
3:00 Thursday.
Speaking Parts-Rehearsal
5:00 Today.
3:00 Tomorrow.
4:00 Thursday.
Outing Club Plc
Hikers, campers, swimmers and
all outdoor enthusiasts will have
the opportunity to meet at 5 p.m.
today in the WAB to discuss the
"around the calendar" program
offered by the WAA Outing Club.
Under the management of Su-
zanne Robinson, the club will lay
out general organizational plans
at the initial meeting and then
plunge into a fall season of varied
One of the first meetings will
be devoted to a trial swim in
preparation for a canoe trip which
will highlight the October sched-
* k 1
NOVEMBER will possibly bring

Michifish, women's organization
for swimmers, will hold tryouts
for both former and prospective
members from 9 to 11 a.m. Satur-
day, Oct. 16 and 23 at the Union
Women admitted to the club
will attend an organizational
meeting Wednesday, Oct. 30.
MICHIGAN mermaids will start
off the season with a bang Oct.
12 with swimming open to all
dorms, League houses, and soror-
ities, according to Libby Rensford,
new club manager.
wAmongplans to be discussed
at the organizational meet are
those for the water ballet. Last
year's ballet at the annual Un-
ion Open House will be repeated
this year as a preview to the
full ballet to be given later.

The pageant will include stunts,
dives, and other displays of aqua-
tic skill.
MICHIFISH this -year will sup-
ply not only swimming interest,
but eye appeal as well in their
own watermelon-hued. Michifish
If this is not enough to at-
tract even the most seasoned
land-lubbers, they may be lured
to the event by miniature swim
towels to be given as admission
tokens to the pageant.
Michifish are seeking tryouts
with ability in the crawl, back-
stroke, breaststroke and sidestroke.
Divers and those who can do water
stunts are particularly requested
to tryout.

?fJnq3 and &nqaementi

At a party in their home Satur-
day, Sept. 18 Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
de Guisetannounced the engage-
ment of their daughter, Betty, to
Boyd W. Granger, son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Granger of Ludington,
ans, ikes, Picnics
swims and a regular barn dance
with all the trimmings.
Ice skating and ski trips will
fill December, along with "in-
door" outings sucsh as bowling
parties and song fests.
A big camping weekend at tht
Fresh Air Camp will be on the
spring agenda and the popular
bike-hikes will be continued.
BREAKFAST hikes to "put
sparkle in your eight o'clock," ac-
cording to Miss Robinson, will be
another outing feature.
No dues will be charged, but
small fees for individual activ-
ities will be decided by mem-
bers. Club members will mu-
tually plan activities during the
year. Membership is open to all
coeds, including first semester
A tip-off for prospective mem-
bers comes from Manager Rob-
inson. She has a few specials in,
the outdoor cookery line to top off
a vigorous hiker's appetite. "Pigs
in a blanket" and "bread twists"
-to cite only a few of the attrac-

Miss de Guise is a junior in the
school of Dental Hygiene and is a
member of Delta Gamma sorority.
Mr. Granger is in the graduate
school of Electrical Engineering.
He is a member of Sigma Chi.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Arthur Bus-*
sey of Riverside, Ill., have an-
nounced the marriage of their
daughter, Barbara to Dr. Lawrence
Lawson, III, of Riverside, Ill.
Mrs. Lawson is a graduate of
the University in June, '48, and a
member of Pi Beta Phi sorority.
Dr. Lawson is an intern at the
Cook County Hospital.
Brutschey-Ma rtin
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brutschey
of Grosse Pointe announce the

marriage of their daughter, Erna-
lee, to John Martin of Mahito-
woe, Wisc.
Mrs. Martin is a graduate of the
University in June, '48 and a mem-
ber of Pi Beta Phi sorority.
Mr. Martin graduated in June
fromthe College of Engineering
and is a member of Alpha Tau
Omega fraternity.
Gu rche-Derleth
Mrs. John A. Gurche of Detroit
announces the marriage of her
daughter, Frances, to Robert Der-
leth of Marquette, Mich.
Mrs. Derleth graduated from art
school in June and is a member
of Pi Beta Phi sorority.
Mr..Derleth was a graduate stu-
dent' in 1947, a member of the
"M" Club and Chi Phi fraternity.
The wedding took place in June.

House Presidents To Attend Meeting
A meeting of all presidents of All women's residences are re-
independent women's houses is quired by the Office of the Dean
scheduled for 5 p.m. today. of Women to elect a house presi-
Dormitory presidents will meetofWmntelcahuspri-
in the Assembly Room in the Un- dent and establish quiet hours.by
dergraduate Office of the League. the end of this week.
League house presidents will meet Presidents are asked to bring
in the ABC room of the League. their eligibility. cards.

SEWING-Screen Actress Ann
Sheridan sews while vacationing
at her summer home at New
Milford, Conn.

Teams,_Clubs Organize for Sport Season

im ,

Volleyball players will begin a Omicron Pi III vs. Kappa Delta II,
lively season this week with a total Zone II team I vs. Stockwell XIV.
of ninety teams contesting. The Thursday at 7:i5 p.m.-Stock-
schedule for the week is: well XVI vs. Gamma Phi Beta I,
Wednesday at 5:10 p.m.-Delta Stockwell XVII vs. Alpha Chi
Gamma III vs. Stockwell X, Kappa Omega II.
Thursday at 8 p.m.-Stockwell
Alpha Theta II vs. Chi Omega I. IX vs. Gamma Phi Beta III, Alpha
Wednesday at 7:15 p.m.-Mo- Chi Omega III vs. Gamma Phi
sher III vs. Barbour I, Jordan VII Beta II.
vs. Kappa Delta.
Thursday at 5:10 p.m.-Alpha Archery Club - Organizational
OurP ostw r
Modernization Program
Is Now Complete!
Our laundry plant is now one of the
most modern in the state. Call 4185
for guaranteed satisfaction.

meeting will be held at 5 p.m. to-
morrow in the WAB.
Outing Club - Organizational
meeting will be held at 5 p.m.
today in the WAB.
Officials Club - A meeting will
be held at 5:10 p.m. tomorrow in
Barbour Gym (see below).
*' * * 4
National Official ratings may at-
tend the observing session of the
newly formed Officials Club at
5:10 p.m. tomorrow in Barbour
The Officials Club, managed by
Jeri Mulson, has been formed to
promote the earning of ratings by
women students. After an official
rating is obtained a coed may ref-
eree at women's intramurals and
will be paid $1.00 per game.
Other opportunities for paid of-
ficiating will also be referred to
those who have ratings.
Men's Dance Class
Tryouts for men's advanced
class in ballroom dancing will
take place at 7 p.m. today in
the League Ballroom. All men
on campus are eligible.

Office Equipment
Service Co.
(in Ulrich's Annex)
Introductory Offer
Foreign Keyboards
at no extra cost
116 So- U. Phone 2-9409

There Is No Substitute for Experience
Our fifteen years in the fraternity jewelry industry has
included design, sales management, manufacture, and selling.
We know what can and cannot be done with various dies,
materials and tools. As a result, we can interpret your party
theme to the best advantage at the lowest cost.
Add to this samples of every imporant dance program
used in the state of Michigan in the past five years, illustrated
files of thousands of available sketches, our own artist to
sketch ideas for your approval, and the new 1949 Balfour
line of clever and inexpensive party favors.
Isn't it logical that your next party should have
Stop in and talk to us, or phone for a representative.
There is never any cost or obligation for ideas.
1319 South Universitv Phone 9533


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a Specialty


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Phone 4185


____________________ __________ ______

AVC and the Communist issue
After long and bitter experience, we, the undersigned officers and members of the
University of Michigan Chapter of AVC, have reached the following conclusions and take
our stand upon them:

For after-the-game festivities and sorority teas-
you'll look far to beat this selection of slick crepe and
faille dresses in one- or two-piece styles. Your pet grand
(lame fashions in one- or two-piece styles
for sizes 9-15 and 10-40.
$1495 10$3500

1. Communists are not liberals.
serve their general or specific purposes.

Their purpose in joining any organization is to make it

2. Liberals cannot "work with" or compromise with Communists.

The history of the United


Tommie Austin Crepe
Tommie Austin designed this simple
basic crepe-perfect foil for your
best jewelry. Unadorned except
for diagonal tucking. Sizes 10-18.
Charcoal, wine, forest, royal.
Only $16.95
$395 to$095

Automobile Workers, the National Maritime Union and the American Newspaper Guild shows clearly
that Communist elements, now defeated in those organizations, acted to disrupt liberal leadership.
3. Communists in any organization must be fought openly and democratically. This is not
red-baiting. But if the organization has to spend its time fighting a Communist minority, no matter
how small, it will lose effectiveness. Witness the drop in membership in National AVC.
4. Communists, therefore, must be discouraged from joining AVC and from taking part in its
activities by democratic means, without persecution or publicity. They have no "inherent right"
to belong to AVC, in no way represent or believe in its principles, and cause incalculable harm though
but a minority of the total membership.
5. The rights of Communists as citizens to form their own organizations must be protected, at
all costs.
6. AVC cannot proceed with its positive program for this Fall, including a forum on civil liber-
ties, group discussions on veterans problems, and social affairs for new veteran students, as well as the
acquisition of a clubhouse, until the present issue has been decided once and for all by its membership
at the meeting scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 7 at the Michigan Union.

: >?;: :





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