PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDfAY, SEPTEMWBER 28, 1948 I _ : Vulnerable Ones I -- - - - - - -- - WHEN ADAM STRICKER, General Mo- tors official, charged before Congress that the University's workers' education service economics course was indoctrinating students with Marxism, he set off a charge which threatens to seriously injure an in- creasingly important project. Awaiting review of the charges by the Board of Regents, the classes for this Fall have been discontinued. The Board has postponed final action until its Oc- tober meeting. Mr. Stricker's accusations, based apparently on only superficial ex- amination of the program, and denied by President Ruthven, have nevertheless laid the groundwork for the entrance of the "let them be ignorant and they won't know what they're missing" crowd. The dangers of ignorance, particularly ignorance of doctrines and ideologies foreign to our own, are plain. Firm knowledge is the best defense against empty soap box oratory and half truths. As President Ruthven said last spring: "Here at the University, we feel that we would not be doing our duty if we failed to tell them (students) what Marxism and Communism really mean." THE CASE of the worker is of particular import. It is to the worker that dicta- tors, revolutionists, fascists or Communists, advocates of any basic changes in the eco- nomic and socio-political structure come first with promises of betterment. Even with, or perhaps because of, his wealth of prac- tical experience in the so-called free enter- prise society, the worker, without theoretical Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writert only. NIGHT EDITOR: AL BLUMROSEN knowledge is all the 'more vulnerable to apparently Utopian promises. If means to better his position are denied him under one system, he will logically turn to another. If the means under one system are there, but he is either ignorant of their existence or of their use, he will again snap up the ideals of an alternative. In its short, but active history, the coun- try-wide workers' education program has attempted to provide workers with the tools he needs to achieve his objectives through the means provided in our economic society. Its success is heralded b ylabor leaders and by employers; by University professors and by political leaders in both major parties. SENATOR IRVING M. IVES, Republican from New York, and former dean of the newly established Cornell School of Indus- trial Relations has voiced strong support of workers' education before the Senate. Sen- ator Elbert D. Thomas, Democrat from Utah~ and Senators George D. Aiken and Wayne Morse, Republicans from Vermont and Ore- gon, respectively, have also taken strong, fa- vorable stands. Senator Vandenberg has called the pro- gram a "constructive undertaking" and ex- pressed great interest in its success. All these have given support to the Senate bill to grant federal funds to such a program. The suspension of the University of Michigan sponsored classes was received with alarm by leaders in the workers ed- ucation field, as was revealed Sunday on a radio discussion of the problem. The University has long been a'-leader in the workers' education field, and the sus- pension of its classes withholds knowl- edge from an important segment of American labor. The indoctrination charges against the courses are transparently weak. The value of the courses is inestimable. -Naomi Stern. I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: A bstracionist By SAMUEL GRAFTON EVERY ELECTION campaign becomes, at least in some part, a game with words, and one has the feeling that we are hitting, inato that stage now. I think, especially, of Mr. Dewey's use of the word "unity," which is a good word, a fine word, and a hard word to raise any objections against, or to sub- ject to realistic analysis, because if you do. people are likely to conclude you are the sort of man who steps on the tails of little cats and is curt with children. Yet one has the feeling that Mr. Dewey uses the word only alter having drained it of most of its content. What sort of unity does Mr. Dewey have in mind? There is a difference between unity in behalf of government action to achieve lower prices, more hydroelectric power and more hot school lunches, and unity against these objectives. Mr. Dewey does not really specify what sort of unity he wants; he appears to desire a sort of plain, unflav- ored kind of unity;,just unity unity. In other words, Mr. Dewey has taken the word "unity," emptied it of meaning, dry- cleaned it, baked it in a kiln at 2,000 degrees for four hours, and then, with a triumphant air, has presented the resultant dry husk for our improvement and delight. IN A DIFFICULT and complicated time the predilection for this kind of abstraction increases, of course. One senses it again in Mr. Dewey's declaration that it is important there be no strife between the President and Congress. Here, too, Mr. Dewey prloves him- self to be a master of abstract art, fit to rank, in his own way, with Braque and Pi- casso. IHaving noticed that in a happy, pros- perous and successful time there is, us- ually, no strife between the President and Congress, Mr. Dewey proposes that there be no strife between the President and Congress in order to insure a happy, pros- perous and, successful time. Here again, Mr. Dewey has abstracted one element from the total picture, divorced it of its human context, refined it, rarefied it, purified it, and has made it stand for the whole thing. I will not go into the matter of Mr. Dewey's fondness for talking about "effici- ency" in government without discussing such question as to whether an efficient gov- ernment is not, after all, one which, say, efficiently improves the health of all the people by vastly broadening our social in- surance plans; it is pure efficiency Mr. Dewey speaks of. As a matter of fact, I find it a little hard to stay up in these high altitudes, where, after a time, it becomes difficult to breathe the thinned atmosphere; I find I want to climb down to where people perspire, perhaps, but where there is a reas- suring reality in human sounds and sights, and aspirations and dilemmas, too. Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation) We'll Take The Short"Cut And Head 'Em Off At The Gulch Letters to the Editor DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Colossal Campwatgn THE CAMPUS CHAPTER of AVC is now completing the biggest and best mem- bership campaign in local history. Besides that, it has revitalized its present membership and assured itself of a heavy attendance at all meetings for the next 15 months. Voluntarily or involuntarily, it set it- self up as an example of what can happen under a democratic system when the majority of individual members forget, or are just too lazy, to exercise their right to vote and speak their views. Glimme--? A FAINT GLIMMER of hope has begun to pierce the-blanket of gloom surround- ing Democratic campaign headquarters. No reason for this optimism can be found in any presidential poll, for they are unani- mous in indicating that President Truman, as of today, is far out of the running. But seasoned Democratic party chiefs believe -now hold onto your hats-that there is a good chance for Thomas E. Dewey to begin his term in the White house with a Democratic majority in the Senate! This seemingly wild hope assumes greater reality when the forthcoming senatorial races are carefully considered. Democratic and Republican strategists agree that, in 13 races for the Senate, the outcomes of the 1948 elections are very much in doubt. Ten of these Senate seats ,are held by Republicans, while only three are now in Democratic possession. The important fact to consider is that a total change of only four seats from the Republican to the Democratic fold will in- sure a Democratic Senate! David Lawrence, one of the more openly Republican columnists, recently expressed his concern over the Democratic resurg- ence among the "grass root" element in the Western and some of the midwestern states. Significantly enough, many of the states where the Democratic swing has been noticed are those in which Repub- lican Senators are up for re-election. The column by Joseph Alsop on this page presents more evidence to support the con- tention of the Democratic leaders by de- scribing the trend in Minnesota and Iowa. Stay up late on election night. You may be around to witness a political rarity. --Leon Jaroff. The charges of AVC chairman, Dave Bab- son, that the recent 'hot' meeting of the group was Communst-packed were appar- ently not true. But where there is smoke, there usually is some fire. AVC was ripe for packing. Scores of mem- bers failed to attend regularly. "Now I wasn't at that particular meeting myself, but . .. That was typical of the comments of many members who found Babson's charges of intense interest. In the past, the policy of AVC has shifted back and forth several times as one group outvoted another by slight margins. You might say that AVC was circumstantially packed. Eventually the shift went too far for chairman Babson and there was an explosion. There will be fewer swings of the pen- dulum in AVC from now on. The members are or should be aware of the necessity of supporting their organizations. And the little "man-in-the-street" saw what happened when an automatic, push- button democracy was substituted for a working democracy. -Craig I. Wilson. MATTER OF FACT: Wall II Wri ttIng By JOSEPH ALSOP ST. PAUL, MINN.-If the states of Iowa and Minnesota are at all indicative, the Republican party had better watch its step. There is little reason here to doubt that Governor Thomas E. Dewey will defeat Pres- ident Harry S. Truman. But in this mid- western area, which is the very heart of Re- publican strength in the country, one can already see the handwriting on the wall. The handwriting announces the eventual doom of the peculiar brand of Republicanism peddled by the Eightieth Congress. Here in Minnesota, the polls actually show Truman ahead of Dewey by a mod- est margin, while the Democratic sena- torial nominee, Mayor Hubert Humphrey of Minneapolis, leads Senator Joseph Ball by a thumping 49 to 39. Partly, these results may be explained by the state's obstinate loyalty to Franklin Roosevelt in 1944, when the Midwest as a whole, plumped for the Republicans. But in the main, the only possible inference is that in Minnesota it is Truman who is riding on Humphrey's coat-tails. Under the circumstances, Ball is a poor match for Humphrey. The real struggle is for the dominant farm vote, since the labor groups hate Ball like poison anyway. The farmers do not like labor's attachment to Humphrey. But the farmers get hot under the collar when Humphrey points out, for example, that Ball went along with the Re- publican economizers in slashing the rural electrification program. Rural electrifica- tion and the New Deal farm programs are what held Minnesota for Roosevelt in 1944. At the request of Minnesota national committeeman Roy Dunn, Dewey is com- ing to Minnesota to announce his ardent admiration for everything the New Deal did for the farmers, with special emphasis on R.E.A. Most competent judges here be- lieve that Dewey will end by carrying the state. Current Movies 1'' 'te At the Michigan ... KEY LARGO, with Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart. K EY LARGO is about as good a movie as interesting story, fine acting and able direction can turn out. Maxwell Anderson's tale of a few hours of terror during a Flor- ida hurricane has been superbly cast, with Edward G. Robinson doing one of the best jobs of his career as Johnny Rocco, the racket king whose gun and wiles can manip- ulate nearly everything but the elements. The picture depicts only the final after- noon of the Rocco gang's stay, but against the limited setting of the storm bound hotel each character stands out in clear focus to enact a story that is fast moving, sus- penseful, and nicely spiced with moments of terror. Lauren and Humphrey have a minimum of lines for all their star billing, and fortunately none of the stirring speeches and future appointments in remote cafes that used to characterize their pictures. The unsavory tough guys that surround Rocco are each a masterpiece of individuality, and Claire Trevor will be remembered as a real actress if she never does another picture. As the once famous songstress protege of Rocco, now sunk to alcoholism, she takes every scene she is in, and it is her final russe that shapes the end of this most in- teresting movie. -Gloria Hunter. ** * At the State ... "MELODY TIME," a Walt Disney musical comedy. THIS SHORT LITTLE feature would be better if it were shorter. In other words, it definitely has its mo- ments, but seems to be encumbered with much that is more in the line of torture than entertainment. A sort of half-baked pop "Fantasia," the thing is a series of eight semi-sur- realistic sequences-three of which are vaguely reminiscent of the Disney of yore. A quick session in the cutting room could make exceptionally fine short subjects out Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angel Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1948 VOL. LIX, No. 7 Notices Regents' Meeting: Oct. 16, 9 a m.aCom- munications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than Oct. 7. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary Athletic Coupon Books: wed., Sept. 29, will be the last day that Athletic Coupon Books may be purchased by University of Michigan Faculty and Employees, reduced pro- gram Students, and Students who wish these books for their wives. This will be the last day for Students to exchange coupon six for football tick- ets. They will be on sale at the Adminis- tration Bldg., Ferry Field until 4:30 p.m. on Sept. 29. No exchange or sale of coupon books will be made after Sept. 29. Student Loan Prints: Students may pick up their prints at Rm. 206 Uni- versity Hall, Tuesday through Friday, Sept. 28-Oct. 1, between 9 a.m. and 12 noon and 1:30 to 5 p.m. Bring 3x5 white claim card with you Juniors, Seniors and Graduates: Two Frank P. Sheehan scholarships are available in the Department of Aero- nautical Engineering. The selection of candidates for these scholarships is made very largely on the basis of scho- lastic standing. Applicants should ad- dress letters to Prof. E. W. Conlon, Rm. 1561 E. En. Bldg., giving a brief state- ment of their qualifications and ex- perience they may have had A state- ment should also be made about their plans for further study in Aero. Eng. Any service record should be mention- ed. Applications will be received up to Oct. i8. Aeronautical Engineering Students: There is available one $500 Richard L. Perry Memorial Fellowship to students in Aeronautical Engineering who are in need of financial assistance and who show definite promise in this field. In the selection of a candidate preference will be given to veteran pilots. Appli- cations should be in letter form, giving a statement of services in the armed forces, and addressed to Prof. E. W. Conlon, Rm. 1501 E. Eng. Bldg. Appli- cations will be received up to Oct. 8. Seniors in Aeronautical and Mechan- ican Engineering: The Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc., has established ascol- arship of $500 to be used during the current school year. The scholarship will be awarded to a highly recommend- ed student in Aeronautical or Mechan- ical Engineering who has completed his junior year at the University. Ap- plications should be in letter form, giv- ing a brief statement of qualifications and experience in regard to both schol- astic work and any outside experience they may have had. Any service record should be mentioned. Senior Mechan- icals will address their letters of ap- plication toProf. R. S. Hawley, Rm. 221 W. Eng. Bldg.; E, W. Conlon, Rm. 1501 E. Eng. Bldg. Applications will be re- ceived up to Oct. 8. Academic Notices Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Courses may not be elected for credit after the end of the second week. Sat- urday, October 2, is the last day on which new elections may be approved. The willingness of an instructor to ad- mit later will not affect the operation of this rule. * Doctoral Examination for Donald Ross Pearce, English; thesis: "The Signifi- cance of Ireland in the Work of W. B. Yeats," 7:15 p.m., Wed., Sept. 29, East Council Room. Rackham Bldg., Chair- man C. D. Thorpe. Seminar in Algebraic Numbers: Or- ganizational meeting, Tues., Sept. 28, 3 p.m., Rm. 3006 Angell Hall. Bacteriology 312 Seminar, Wed., Sept. 29, 8 p.m., Rm. 1538 E. Medical Bldg. Dr. Frederick G. Novy will open the seminar series. Geometry Seminar: 3 p.m., Wed., Sept. 29. in Rm 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. K. B. Leisenring will speak on "Elementary Geometry in the Min- kowskian Plane." Exhibitions Drawings and Water Colors from the collection of John S. Newberry Jr., and Prints by the Graphic Circle: Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Hall, daily 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sundays 2-5 p.m. The public is invited Events Today Choral Union Rehearsal: The first regular rehearsal of the University Choral Union will be held in Rm. B, Haven Hall, Tues., Sept. 28, 7 p.m. All members are required to be in their seats on time. IFC House Presidents meeting Tues- Rm. 3C, Michigan Union. Agenda: Scholarhsip, Rushing and Social Pro- gram. Students in the School of Business Administration meet in Rm. 102 Archi- t ecture Bldg., 7:30 p.m., to discuss pro- posed Business Administration Coun-] ci. Journalism Society open meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3 K in the Union. Election of officers. Stump Speakers' Society: Sigma Rho Tau Business meeting, 7:30 p.m., 3rd floor, Michigan Union. Committee chairmen will be elected. Quarterdeck Society: Meeting, open to all members of the department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engi- neering. 7 p.m., Rm. 3D, Michigan Un- ion. Prof. L. A. Baier, guest speaker. Toledo .Club: aneeting, 7:30 p.m., Michigan League. All Toledoans are welcome. Gilbert and Sullivan Society: Full re- hearsal of principals and chorus, 7:30 p.m., Michigan League. Technical per- sonnel report for separate meeting. First Meeting A.S.C.E ,Student Chap- ter, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3K-L-M Michigan Union. Speaker: R. L. McNamee, of Drury, McNamee & Porter, Consulting Engineers Topic: "The Practice of the Consult- ing Engineer." B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation: Hil- lel News: Open staff meeting, 4 p.m. Hillel Foundation. Polonia Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., In- ternational Center. Election of offi- cers. IZ.F.A. Study Groups: First meeting Rm. 3-M, Michigan Union, 8 p.m. Student Religious Association Execu- tive Committee meet at 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Coming Events Rhodes Scholarships: Meeting, Wed.' Sept. 29, Rm. 2003, Angell Hall, 4:15 p.m. Tau Beta Pi: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Sept. 30, Rm. 3505, E. Engineer- ing Bldg. Delta Sigma Pi, Professional Business Fraternity: Business meeting, Wed., Sept. 29, 8 p.m., Chapter House. Institute of Aeronautical Science: First meeting of semester Wed. Sept. 29, (Continued on Page 6) Aerodynamic Seminar: 4 p.m., Sept. 29, Rm. 1508 E. Engineering Topics: Linearized Supersonic around axisymmetric bodies. Wed., Bldg. flow The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. Anti-Barnaby To the Editor: HAVE SOMETHING to say which is indeed of great import to the students of this University. For the past two years I have read The Daily assiduously. At this time, as one who is sincerely inter- ested in the problems of good journalism, I feel it is incumbent upon me to request a change. I refer, of course, to that piece of literary tripe which appears on the editorial page and masque- rades as a comic strip. I wish to go on record as unequivocally stating that this miscarriage of humor is a hoax. It is a fraud per- petrated upon the naive comic- lovers of this community by a crowd of pseudo-intellectuals who think Barnaby is real literature. This bunch of frustrated literati gambols about the campus glee- fully shouting, "Did you see B. today? Wasn't it just too, too gay the way he criticized Truman's speech? Did you get the meta- physical significance of the sec- ond box." All I can get out of Barnaby is that it is the tale of a Mongolian idiot who has a cretin for a fa- ther. The latter after being indi- rectly connected with the title character for the past four or five years, has never once lifted him- self from his armchair to scientifi- cally investigate the possible ex- istence of his offspring's Fairy Godfather. Now I freely admit that such a plot might serve as the basis of a mildly amusing story. But to drag this inanity out over a period of years is sheer torture. In accord with the above, I move that a movement get under way; that petitions be placed on the diag; that pickets block the Stu- dent Publications Building; all with the avowed purpose of forc- ing Barnaby out and bringing in that greatest of all comics, Li'l Abner. -Howard (Howie) Planeder (EDITORS NOTE: According to rules appied by syndicates which handle comic strip services, The Daily may not publish any strip which appears in a Detroit news- paper. ** * Pro-Taylor To the Edito LAST WEEK I heard Sen. Glen Taylor speak. The following day I read a commentary on the address printed on this page. I should like to congratulate the authors on their nonchalance in brushing aside the salient facts. They do become annoying after a while, like nails sticking through the heel of a shoe. However, a little pink talc does a good job of soothing. I am curious, though, to know why such a vague treatment was given to so factual a talk. Why was theresno mention of Taylor's references? An article from the N.Y. Times stated that Europe was feeling the effects of over-produc- tion and that businessmen were worried about the financial crisis in their countries. The Times, in- cidentally, received a large grant under the Marshall Plan (ECA), therefore it is definitely not acting in selfish interest when it prints a condemnation of this plan in its columns. Yet it allowed this ar- ticle to be placed in print. In all fairness to the Times, I should add that the piece was withdrawn after the first edition. Evidently the editors realized the error of their ways. Our industrialists are having their surplus goods purchased at remarkable prices, sent overseas as free items to compete with for- eign producers (who are being driven bankrupt by the competi- tion), and thus are able to control the means of production of these "co-operating" nations. Does it seem unnatural to wonder just who benefits by ECA? But this is only one of the many documentations that Sen. Taylor quoted. His accusations were neither vague nor illogical, al- though they were delineated as such. I admit that it requires time for a correct and proper analysis and I hOpe that next time The Daily will choose two men who are in less of a hurry. -Hy Bershad. Fifty-Ninth Year t Re: AVC -K To the Editor: I NOTE WITH NO satisfaction. that in The Daily's news cov- erage of Saturday's counter- charges in l'affaire Babson, it ' neglected to inform that among the 14 protesters were some who, at Wednesday's AVC meeting, had voted along with Babson and Tu- min. As one who voted against both Shaffer's resolutions, and against discontinuing the proposed forum, I would like it clearly known that I did so on the dictates of my own conscience, after exercising a re- i flective process that was in nq wise controlled by either Babson, Tumin, or other alien ideologies. I especially want this fact made public because I fear that history will pronounce men guilty by as- sociation with the injudicious, fal- lacious, and libelous statements made by these two. Around the latter, in particular do I resent the lying slur cast on Brooklyn College, and all the attendant im- plications which the remark was designed to convey. Closing the barn door rather late, when they had to produce the facts they had to admit that not one of the "packees" were former Brooklyn students, and as a matter of fact, there were only two Brooklyn stu- dents present. But if they now try and tell you that these two voted "on orders from Brooklyn,"' don't you believe it-because they split, I voting my convictions, he voting his. Would that I possessed the narrowness of a Tumin or Babson, that I might simplify complex issues and decide which of us has broken the old school tie. -Arthur Moskoff. To the Editor: WISH to commend the Amer- ican Veterans' Committee for its fight against the Shaffer boys. Whether or not the Commies are trying to infiltrate into other AVC chapters is unknown to me. This is my first semester at Michigan and I've never met Shaffer or any of "his" fellow-travellers, but the tactics used in the attempt to gain control of the AVC chapter is a familiar pattern. Come early in mass, stay late, harp on minor and petty points until the regular AVC members leave because of the late hours. Then they can do their work. I plead that all AVC members turn out for the next meeting and stay until its completion. I also, plead that non-AVC vets join to help their ex-service buddies win their fight. The principles of the, AVC are fine. Let's keep 'em lib- eral but let's keep it American. -Seymour Muskovitz. i Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harriett Friedman ... Managing Editor Dick Maloy................City Editor Naomi Stern .........Editorial Director Allegra Pasqualetti .... Associate Editor Arthur Higbee.......Associate Editor Harold Jackson.......Associate Editor Murray Grant..........Sports Editor Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed. Bev Bussey ......Sports Feature Writer Audrey Buttery......Women's Editor Business Staff Richard Hait .......Business Manager Jean Leonard .... Advertising Manager William Cuiman. Finance Manager Cole Christian .... Circulation Manager Bess Hayes ..................Librarian Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other, matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Looking Back 15 YEARS AGO TODAY: The death of Ring Lardner made Daily Staffers recall the great writer when as a shy student he wrote poems for The Daily back in 1916. Later as a visiting alumnus and a famous writer Lardner would return to the University with a poem-a circumstance that caused harried night editors to shout, "well, anyway, we'll have one story to print next fall when Ring Lardner comes to town." 10 YEARS AGO TODAY: Michigan renewed football relations with Yale after a lapse of 55 years with an "On To Yale~" train trio sponnred bhy the Union. Member Associated Collegiate Press 1948-49 p. i BARNABY CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! LLAN ! CL The children! Eeeek! My baby! They're gone! NG! CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! CL The firebel! ... The kids in the Kindergarten! And the | LG! CLANG! CLANG CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! CLANGi How could I start a fire by pressing a button? Absurd! You're lucky, Barnal*, having a Fairy Godfather of my 11