VULNERABLE ONES See Page 4 5wC~ l :43 ti14p SUNNY AND PLEASANT Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIX, No. 7 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Chambers Sued 'B3y Alger Hiss Ex-State Department Official Wants $50,000 for 'Communist' Label BALTIMORE-(M)-Alger Hiss, former State Department official, filed a $50,000 slander and libel suit in federal court against Whittaker Chambers. Chambers, an Associate Editor of Time Magazine, identified Hiss in testimony before the House Un-American activities committee in Washington, as active in Communist activities several years ago. HISS CHARGED in his complaint that Chambers made "untrue, false and defamatory statements" about him before the committee on Aug. 3, 7, 17, 25 and 30 and on the Mutual Broadcasting Network's "Meet the Press" program Aug. 27. After appearances of both before the committee, Hiss chal- lenged Chambers to repeat his statements publicly beyond protec- tion of Congressional immunity. Chambers issued a three-sentence comment on the suit from his Westminster home. Chambers said: "I WELCOME MR. HISS' daring suit. I do not minimize the audacity or the ferocity of the forces which work through him. But I do not believe that Mr. Hiss or anybody else can use the means of justice to defeat the ends of justice." Hiss commented after his suit was filed by lawyers that "I ' am glad that my case is now in the hands of the court." Hiss Was Not Communistic In 1945 Says Prof. Preuss "Alger Hiss never showed any Communist leanings whatsoever in the three years that I worked with him," Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the political science department said yesterday. Whittaker Chambers' accusations came as a "complete surprise" to Prof. Preuss who worked with Hiss in the office of Special Political Affairs before and during the San Francisco Conference. HISS MIGHT HAVE been guilty of ill judgment at San Francisco, but that is certainly no basis for the accusation that he is a Commu- nist, Prof. Preuss said. ' Our entrance to the UN was based on the idea that no world organization could succeed without the presence of all of the world's great powers and so we went to San Francisco ready to make certain concessions to Russia, Prof. Preuss pointed out. "It turned out that we were too optimistic about Russia," Prof. Preuss said, "aut the idea of cooperating with her was prevalent throughout Washington in 1945 in both Congress and the Admin- istration. * * * * HISS WAS SIMPLY carrying out this policy, formed on a higher level and generally accepted at the time, he said. "If this makes a man a Communist, there were a lot of them in Washington, in both parties," Prof. Preuss added. Prof. Preuss pointed out Hiss' background-graduate of Harvard Law School, secretary to Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes and his subse- quent record-as showing no tendency toward Communism. * * * * ' "IN ALL THE TIME I worked with him, there was never any hint of Communist sympathies," he said. Accusations without proof, based on the testimony of a former Communist and refuted by a man with Hiss' record bring the matter down to a question of who can be believed, he said. "Unless Chambers' claims can be proved, I will believe Hiss." City To Tr One Way Traffic SLoopin State Street District East-West Conflict May Kill UN- Bevin House Group Lists Scientists in Atom Leak Want Communist For Espionage WASHINGTON - (P) - Spy trials for four persons-including two atom bomb scientists and a Communist party official - were urged today by the House Un- American Activities Committee. A 36-page report, in which the Committee said it has been able so far only to "scratch the sur- face" of atomic spy activities in this country, recommended these legal actions: * * * 1. PROSECUTION of Steve Nel- son, Communist Party organizer in Pennsylvania, on charges of outright espionage, and citation of Nelson for contempt of Congress for refusing to answer committee questions. 2. Prosecution of Dr. Clar- ence L. Hiskey, his former wife, Marcia Sand Hiskey, and Dr. John H. Chapin on charges of conspiracy to commit espionage. Hiskey and Chapin were atomic bomb project scientists during the war. Thewcommittee accused the latter trio of conspiring with one Arthur Adams to pass along to Adams secret information on their work in New York and Chicago on development of explosive deriva- tives of uranium. The report iden- tified Adams as an active spy for Moscow and said he is presumed now to be in Russia. K W W ALTHOUGH IT called for Dr. Chapin's prosecution along with the others, it called him a coop-~ erative witness and recorded hist denial that he ever gave Adams1 any secrets. The proposed prosecutionst would be under the 1917 Espion- age Act, which provides a max- imum penalty of death or up to 30 years imprisonment. Homecoming; Guests Reeeive Aid from SL Homecoming weekend will not find visiting alumni reserving sleeping spots on local park benches. The Varsity Committee of the Student Legislature, working in conjunction with the Alumni As- sociation, announced plans to cat- alog all available room space in Ann Arbor and vicinity that would be available for the Oct. 30 wek- end. All homeowners with rooms to let were asked to call committee chairman Betty Clark, at 25631 after 7 p.m. any night this week. Deadline for setting up the list,1 which will be sent to alumni1 groups all over the nation, will bec this weekend, Miss Clark said. Listings will be accepted up tot the moment of the Homecoming Illinois contest although they can- not be mailed out, she said. The committee also plans tot have the list available at the time of the game for alumni coming to town without having made reser- vations. Committee Urges Spy Ci JACK RICHARDSON (left) local goat raiser presents President Harry S. Truman (center) an angora goat at Uvalde, Tex., after Truman arrived to have breakfast with former vice-president John N. Garner at Garner's home.~ The lettering on the goat's blanket says "Dewey's Goat." . * * * UN Approval Of Peace Plan Asked by Bevin Arabs Decry Forcing Palestine Settlement PARIS - (M -British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin called on the United Nations to approve speedily Count Folke Bernadotte's Palestine peace plan. He termed it the "best hope for healing the breach" between the Arabs and the Jews. Spokesmen for the Arab nations expressed opposition to any im- position of a Palestine settlement by force. Sir Mohammed Zafr'ullah Khan, foreign minister for Pakis- tan, assailed Israel as a "cancer in the Middle East that must be removed. BEVIN OPENED Britain's policy declaration to the 58-nation as- sembly with a review of the Holy Land situation. He noted that the United States and France also are backing the plan put forward by the assasinated U.N. mediator. The Arabs oppose it and the Jews have criticized some parts. "We (the British) have de- cided to support Count Berna- dotte's plan in its entirety and we would urge speed in dealing ith it," he said. THE POLL was understood to have taken into account such ma- jor issues in the pan as these: Arab aceeptance of the State of Israel, Arab insistence on the right of Arab refugees to return to their homes in Jewish terri- tory, Arab agreement on giving Western Galilee to Israel; Jewish agreement to give the Negeb to the Arabs, the interna- tionalization of Jerusalem, the po- litical future of the Arab section of Palestine, and the Jewish de- sire for a corridor from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Meanwhile in Lake Success, Dr. Ralph Bunche, acting United Na- tions mediator in Palestine, ap- pealed to the General Assembly today to approve Count Folke Ber- nadotte's recommendations. World News At a Glance TEL AVIV, Israel - F') - An Arab plane in which two British correspondents were killed was shot down by an Israeli fighter when it failed to heed a warning to land, a government statement said. HOF, Germany - (/P)- Four members of an American con- stabulary unit were arrested by Soviet border guards after ersing the Russian zonal Candidates Speak Peace, Praise Ordinary Folks' BONHAM, Tex. - (A') - Plresi- dent Truman rejected a Republi- can "lullaby" of unity and pledged the Democrats to unite the nation for the benefit of the "ordinary folks." Campaigning from daybreak on into the night into northernI Texas, Mr. Truman said nothing he can say about the Republicans "is as bad as their record." He said it would be "disastrous" for the Republican party to say whom it is working for." THE TRUMAN TRAIN came here from Dallas where Walter Bedell Smith, American ambassa- dor to Moscow, joined the Presi- dent for a personal conference on the Berlin crisis and the Russian situation. In a speech at Dallas the President pledged: "The Democratic party will) unite the American people-and it will unite them, not for the bene- fit of big business, but for the benefit of the ordinary folks in this country who have made this country great." D)ewe y SEATTLE - ( P) - Gov. Thomas E. Dewey charted tonight a vast development of the nation's natural resources to provide "more power to wage the peace." 1-"WE SHALL press forward in the fields of reclamation, drain- age, soil conservation, flood con-! trol. 2-"Encourage the expansion of existing power facilities." 3-"Open up our rivers to wider use for navigation. 4-"In the use of our timber re- sources we shall be guided by the principle of selective cutting and sustained yield. * * * 5-"THE FEDERAL authorities will recognize the principles of the western water law. 6-"We shall develop our rivers on a regional basis. 7-"In every step we shall seek to protect fish and wild- life. 8-"Government responsibility will be placed in charge of capable men and women who will act without bureaucratic red tape. 'Man Bites Dog' Here is a different kind of traffic accident that should be eligible for Bob Ripley's famous "Believe It or Not" feature. Motorist Thomas T. Phipps reported to City Police that his car received minor damages when another vehicle struck it. When asked about the iden- tity of the damaging vehicle, Phipps told the police his car was damaged not by a huge truck or even by another auto but by a bicycle. NatiorSees .Labor Class Sts pen9s ion Experts Support Worker Courses National concern has focused on the University's extension courses for labor, suspended last Friday by the Board of Regents. Washington commentator Jim Crowley asked a trio of experts on workers' education programs to participate in his weekly broadcast last Sunday. The three were: PROF. JAMES J. Healey, Di- rector of Trade Union Fellowships at Harvard, Prof. Anthony Lu- chek, assistant director of the Penn State labor education exten- sion program, w h o formerly taught economics here; Hilda Worthington Smith, former Dean of Bryn Mawr who founded the first workers' school at Hudson Shore, N. Y. and is now executive secretary of the national Committee for the Ex- tension of Labor Education. Crowley asked the panel to ex- plain "what labor education is all about." "IT ATTEMPTS to meet the needs of workers with little formal schooling who want to understand economic and business problems that affect them," Miss Smith said. Workers' education programs aim to take this knowledge out of the university class room into the places where workers meet -and to put it in language they can understand, Prof. Luchek explained. "If everybody's for labor edu- cation, why did the Board of Re- gents suspend classes - who's against it?" Crowley asked. MANY EMPLOYERS feel that education for labor is merely a sharpening of weapons," Prof. Healey said. "They think the workers are learning how to wage a class war," he explained. "But that's a very superficial view-most labor education pro- grame teach the workers what un- ion obligations are as well as what their rights are," Prof. Lucheck said. "WORKERS Education at- tempts to get labor to understand the problems and point of view of employers," Prof. Healey ex- plained. "And workers' education pro- grams include courses of prac- tical value in understanding the employers' problems," Prof. Healey said. "Many employers in Pennsyl- vania are strongly in back of our workers' education p r o g r a m there," Prof. Luchek said. Trials C Double Veto May Quash Berlin Issue Minister Proposes RegionalBasis PARIS - (P)-Britain's Ernest Bevin warned that the United Na- tions may fall apart over the East- West conflict and the possibility arose that a double veto by Russia will keep the Berlin crisis out of the Security Council. The foreign secretary told the U.N. Assembly that Russia alone will be to blame if the black fury of an atomic war grips the world. If it is impossible to work on a world basis, he declared, "we must proceed on a regional basis." S* *' * ACCUSING Russia of insincer- ity, untruthfulness and evasion, he said: "It is better to have our dif- ficulties now than to live in a fool's paradise." He added: "If the black fury, the incal- culable disaster of atomic war should fall upon us, all I can say is, that one power . .. will alone be responsible for the evils which may be visited upon man- kind." A delegate from Soviet-domi- nated Poland told a reporter to- night that Russia may invoke the BONHAM, Tex. - Ambassador Walter Bedell Smith conferred with President Truman and said relations with Russia are very "critical" but not on the verge of war. double veto to block council ac- ceptance of the Western Powers' Berlin case and thus snuff our airing of the charges against Russia at the very start. HIS STATEMENT came as the three powers moved swiftly for emergency council handling of the situation. The Western Powers complet- ed their notes to the Council charging Russia with threaten- ing world peace through her road, rail and river blockade of the battered German capital. Meanwhile the Daily Herald quoted Andrei Vishinsky, Deputy Soviet Foreign Minister, today as saying "we shall not abandon the United Nations." The Moscow radio described Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin's speech before the United Nations as "an attempt to veil his rejec- tion of Soviet proposals for peace and security." Berliners Tell Allies 'Agree Or Leave City' BERLIN-(P)-The Berlin city government told the quarreling should get together on a Berlin settlement or all get out of the city and let the Germans run it. Berliners looked to the United Nations as a last desperate chance for a peaceful settlement of the east-west dispute over the block- aded city, but most people felt there was little hope. The German press was almost unanimously pessimistic that the U.N. could succeed where direct negotiations had failed. The Oom- munist press claimed Berlin was none of the United Nations' busi- ness and warned its intervention might wreck the world peace or- ganization. The building of a Western Ger- man government in the British, French and American occupation zones will be speeded as a counter- thrust against the growing Soviet pressure on Germany. Junior Board Petitions Due Petitions for the junior position Heavy streams of campus-bound traffic including many University faculty members and not-so-many student motorists will act as guinea pigs tomorrow in an eight hour traffic experiment. The University's givers and seekers of higher knowledge who daily drive to school will be forced to follow the leader from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. tomorrow in a "one- way loop" rerouting the block bordered by S. State, E. Liberty, Maynard and E. William Streets. * *.* When the eight hour traffic Gopher Sales Begin Today Four-hundred combined rail- road and game tickets to Michi- gan-Minnesota football game, Os- tober 23 in Minneapolis will go on sale today from 8 a.m. to noon and from 1-4 p.m. in front of Rm. 2, U. Hall. Price of the combined tickets is $36.50 and for the railroad tickets' alone, $33. Reservations for the special non-stop train will be taken this week only at the booth. Women students making the trip have automatic permission, but must fill out a special card' when purchasing the ticket, giving their expected address in Minne- alieviation plan is unleashed at 8 a.m. tomorrok, it will eliminate all but two stop streets at the busy campus intersection often called a "pedestrian's peril." * * * A MOTORIST driving south on State Street from the north and intent on reaching the Michigan Union area will turn right off State onto Liberty, left onto May- nard, left onto William and then right onto State street to pro- seed south again. 1 Olivet Strikers Continue To Defy, Evictwon Order (Special to The Daily) Student strikers at Olivet college have defied an official utlina- Im to move out of university dormitories and the battle of Olivet has become a stalemate. As The Daily went to press 50 of the 74 striking students who re- fused to register were ordered to leave by the college officials had over- stayed by 24 hours the zero hour before which they were to have va- vated the dormitories. THE 50 HAD ALL paid token fees to reserve rooms in the dormi- tories, and maintained they had every right. to remain. Thus far Olivet authorities made no eviction attempts. Twelve other students who. had not paid token feed have left for home, it was learned. "We are standing pat on our protest over the unwarranted dismissal of Prof. and Mrs. Akeley," John Vanderlind, chairman of the Student Action Committee, told The Daily. MEANWHILE OLIVET college officials are dispatching tele- grams backed up by letters to the parents of the striking students asking that their sons and daughters be recalled for improper regis- tration. Registration for fall rushing will reopen from 3-5 p.m. to- day on the third floor of the Union, according to Jim Ely, rushing chairman. 1 SPREAD THE WORD Foreign Students Promote Understanding --- Colligan By PHYLLIS KULICK "Foreign students are better propagandists of American ideals when they return to their native lands than any other medium of communication." Dr. Francis J. Colligan, Chief of the Division of International Ex- change of Persons, Department of State welcomed newly arrived for- eign students with these words last night at the Tenth Anniversary Celebration of International Center. 'VICKIE' G;ETS NEW LOOK: Coeds Take Over Men's Dormitory There's a "new look" at Victor Vaughn House this fall. Some 185 women have taken over the former men's dorm and have even renamed it "Vickie Vaughn." They like the place fine, Closets in the dorm were built for men's suits, Vaughan-ites say. There're neither long enough nor wide enough for a University woman's wardrobe. I, V belt and ribbon hangers, for one thing. But it has its problems. They still haven't figured what to do with the electric razor outlets in each room. i