Winter Carnival
eature Gala Sports
Crammers note: A-B-C is all you need to know on one subject--
Winter Carnival.
The Arboretum, Burns Park, and the Coliseum will be the back-
ground for a flurry of snow and ice contests Feb. 2 and 3 climaxed by
the Ice Show at the Coliseum.
WINTER CARNIVAL is being revived under Union-League spon-
sorship after an eight year absence from campus. The first carnivals
in 1939 and 1940 were chiefly processional skating shows, Pat McKen-
na, co-chairman of the Carnival said,
The 1949 winter sports festival with skiing, skating, tobog-
ganing, snowsculpture and dancing was inspired by the 1941 event=
which included all these and even "Silver King," ruler of the
The 1941 Carnival was planned to outstrip all former ones.
Plans were laid, the stage was set, "Silver King" (Forest Evashevski)
was chosen-and Ann Arbor had "the mildest winter in 50 years."
THIS YEAR if the weather rnan does not cooperate, he will at
least have to compfomise, the committee says.
He cannot stop "Loafer's Loft" the informal record dance
from 9 to 12 p.m. Wednesday in the "ski lodge" or the Ice Show
at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Coliseum.
The league ballroom will be the ski lodge complete with fireplace,
and sports trappings.
SPORTS CLOTHES of most any description will be the thing to
Permission until 12:30 p.m. has been granted for all women
attending the dance.
Wednesday, Feb. 2:
9:00 a.m.-Officials meet.
12:30 p.m.-Skiers check
1:30 p.m.-Women's cross
1:45 p.m.-Men's Ski
2:00 p.m.--Women's Ski
2:15 p.m.-Three legged
2:30 p.m.-Toboggan
9:00 to 12 p.m.-Loafer's
Thursday, Feb. 3:
10:00 a.m.--Judge (house)
(Flagpole on the Mall)
1:30 p.m.-Hayride leaves
(Burns Park)
2:00 p.m.-Skating party.
4:00 p.m.-Skating Races.
7:30 p.m.-Ice Show.
For another 50 cents, you can see Silver King, ruler of the carni-
val, unveilevd at the beginning of the ice show, snow or no. He will
preside over the program which includes figure skating competion,
several acts by the University Ice Skating Club, a crazy relay, a stud-
ent-faculty broomball game and the presentation of final awards, in-
eluding silver dollars for Silver King guessers.
SILVER KING, II, will climax the evening by presenting house
trophies to the houses which amass the most points on all events.
Point totals will mount by 10, 5, or 3 for first, seconds and
thirds respectively. Blue and red ribbons will be sported by first
and second place individual winners.
Events leading up to the awards will begin at 1 p.m. Wednesday
in the Arboretum if there is two inches of snow. After cross-country
skiing obstacle races, modified slalom type, and a three legged race
tobogganers will take over in a distance contest. Pile-on tobogganing
will follow.
ENTRANTS MUST BRING their own toboggans, and men must
provide their own skis. 25 pairs of skis are available to rent to women
at WAB.
Geddes entrance to the Arboretum will be used for all events.
Alpha Phi Omega, boy scout service fraternity will help officiate
at the contests.
An old fashioned atmosphere will be injected in the frolic with
horse-drawn cutter rides in the Arboretum, and a hayride beginning
at 1:30 p.m. Thursday. The hayride will carry students from the mall
to the skating party at Burns Park, which will be followed by skating
races at 4 p.m. If there is no ice, the party will be at the Coliseum,
minus the rates.
Daily-Alex Lmanian.
NAKING PLANS-Pat McKenna, Dick Slocum, and Nancy Hess, (L. to R.) are shown making plans
for Winter Carnival, the sports event which will take place Feb. 2 and 3.
See Page 4
:43 a t ty
Latest Deadline in the State
Acheson Hits
Of His Policy
Pledges To Fire
All Communists
Acheson scornfully rejected de-
scriptions of himself as an "ap-
peaser" toward Russia and prom-
ised to root any Reds out of the
State Department.
Acheson is President Truman's
choice as the new Secretary of
TESTIFYING before the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee,
Acheson volunteered the comment
that lie is still "friends" with Al-
ger Hiss.
f lIe suggested, by implication,
that judgment on hiss' guilt or
innocence should await the out-
come of his perjury trial.
As the jam-packed hearing went
on, a heralded possible source of
opposition to Acheson's confirma-
tion failed to develop. Former As-
sistant Secretary of State Adolph
A. Berle, Jr., telegraphed the Sen-
ate Committee "I do not oppose
his (Acheson's) confirmation and
no implications to that effect are
. BERLE SAID it was true that
in the fall of 1944 he and Acheson
differed on Russian policy. He said
he had no confidence that Rus-
sian expansionism could be halted
by a policy of wide concessions.
'U' Auto Rules
Will Be Lifted
After Exams
Universit y autonobile regula-
tions will be lifted between semes-
ters separately for each school
and college the day that the in-
dividual school winds up its final
exam period.
John Gwin of the Office of Stu-'
dent Affairs said yesterday that
exceptions will not be made for
students who complete their work
before the last day of class exami-
REGULATIONS will go back
into effect at 8 a.m. Monday, Feb.
7, the first day of the spring se-
Here is how the schedule that
Gwin has announced works out:
ecgulations will go out of ef-
fect at noon, 'Tuesday, Jan. 25
Key Gone, Too
PASADENA - It was bad
enough when Northwestern
made off with the Rose Bowl
victory on a disputed toush-
However, Tournament of
Roses officials now claim the
Wildcats escaped with the
golden key to the city of Pasa-
c'ena and are hugging it like a
fumbled football.
The key is a gilded, three
foot long super lock opener.
"We always got it back be-
fore," they said.
Bares Stand
In Palestine
i The Associated Press
President Truman threw the
weight of American foreign policy
behind permanent peace in Pal-
estine as representatives of the
Jewish and an Arab government
sat down together on the Island
of Rhodes to selve their problems.
Truman endorsed a program
submitted to the UN Nov. 20. It
calls for 1. Establishment and
maintenance of peace in the Pal-
estine area, 2. Attainment of a po-
litical settlement contributing to
the stability and economic well-
being of the Middle East, and 3.
Reconciliation of Arab and Jewish
communities "in matters affecting
MEANWHILE, as Israelis and
Egyptians opened te talks, Dr.
R alph Bunche acting UN imedia-
tor, urged "all governmen t's" not
directly involved to ieepbands
off in order not to jeopardize the
Although Bunche named non
government, his statement was
accepted as a reference to Brit-
"I have in inid no only the
governments directly involved but
those as well whose interests impel
them to keep close surveillance on
nmdevelopments in the area," he
SDX Initiates
19 Members
Sigma Delta CLhi,aprofessional
journalism fraternity, in itiatred
three faculty ermbers and six-
teen students yesterday, before
electing officers for the Spring
The faculty men are Arthur
Gallagher, instruecto r in the
ou rnaism department and tele-
graph editor of the An Arbor
News; Elwood Lohela, of the
journalism department; Earl
IWegmann, department lecturer
STUDENTS initiated into SDX
include James . Anderson, '49,
John M. Averil, '49, Hugh C.
Boyle, '50, B. S. Brown, '49, Rob-
cit L. Chamberlain ,Ray Courage,
ert, L. Chaimberlain, Ray Courage
'49, and Alex Lmanlan '50
Income Tax
Raise Hinted
By President
Middle Bracket
To Be Affected
WASHINGTON -(A')- Presi-
dent Truman suggested by impli-
cation yesterday that Congress
increase the taxes on individual
incomes of $6,000 or more.
He told a news conference the
Treasury defines "middle brack-
et"' incomes, which he had sug-
gested as a possible source for
new revenue, as those starting at
$6,000 and going up to $25,000 or
$30,000 a year.
IN HIS STATE of the Union
message the President asked for
$4,000,000,000 in new taxes. H
said this should come principally
from additional corporation tax-
es, with a portion coming from
revised estate and gift taxes.
He also said in the same mes-
sage that consideration should
be given to raising personal in-
come levies on "middle and up-
per bracket" incomes. He did
not specify the range exactly.
When a reporter tried to clear
this up, Mr. Truman mentioned
the Treasury minimum as $6,000
for the middle bracket, but he
added with a smile it all depends
on the point of view. If you make
$6,000, you probably want the
middle bracket to start at $10,000.
A reporter wanted to know how
Mr. 'Truman felt about the late
President Roosevelt's proposal to
limit indivi dual incomes after
tax s to $;25,000 a year.
Festival Will
Begin Today
The Paganini Quartet, hailed as
the "greatest string quartet ever
produced in America," will open
the ninth annual Chamber Music
Fes tival at 8:30 p.m. today in
Rackham Auditorium.
The Festival will continue with
performances of the Quartet at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow and 2:30 p.m.
Sunday, also in Rackham Audi-
Major classics as well as some of
the finest modern chamber music
has been programmed by the
Quartet for their second appear-
ance in the annual Festival here.
J-Hop Social Whirl Awaited
Elliot Lawrence, CharlieSpivak To Provide Music
Climaxing a five day social
whirl, thousands of students and
guests will gather here for the
traditionally huge, pre-semester
SI-Hop weekend Feb. 4 and 5.
Nationally known as the high
spot on Michigan's social calen-"
dar, the two-day affair will center:
around four and a half hours of
continuous dance music by pian- :
ist Elliot Lawrence and trumpeter
Charlie Spivak in the star be
decked, blue-lighted I-M Build
House parties, League and
Unionsdances, and post-dance
z breakfasts with little time to
nurse bruises remaining from
Winter Carnival doings will
round out the weekend for those
who can live out the 4 a.m. cur-
Working under a five-week
handicap held by last year's J-
Hop Committee, the Class of '50
",staff under the leadership of
Joyce Atchison has completed ar-
rangements to make their J-Hop
a memorable one.
Private booths decorated in the
x Stairway to the Stars" mood
will serve as gathering spots
around the ballroom for frater-
State Budget
Chops Funds
To University
Governor Drops
'U' Building Plan
LANSING-(M)-In his annual
budget message to the Legislature,
Gov. Williams chopped $700,000
from University operating fund
requests and failed entirely to
include funds for its proposed ex-
pansion program.
Of the $539,000,000 budget, the
Governor recommended $11,800,-
000 for the University, which rep-
resented a substantial .
over last year's $9,750,000 figure.
THE FISCAL program will put
the state $61 million in the red.
An $80 million operating deficit
will be reduced from a surplus
over the current fiscal year.
The Governor told ar cold and
fearful Legislature that reduced
services or deficit financing
were the only alternatives to
additional taxes.
He said the deficit would re-
sult from "inherited" reasons
rather than his wide program of
social legislation.
* * *
AT THE University, hopes for
an $8 million expansion program
-including four new buildings
and drawing up plans for three
more-visibly dimmed when the
Governor forgot funds for con-
struction on either University or
MSC campuses.
($500,492 was also clipped
from MSC's hopedfor $8,500,-
492 operation request.)
Plans called for the construc-
tion of an addition to Angell Hall,
an addition to the General Li-
brary, an addition to the heating
plant and a new motor vehicle
service building.
THE GOVERNOR told the Leg-
islaturehe would return Feb. 1,
with another message outlining
specific proposals for new taxes.
Republicans, who were not
surprised to see red ink in the
budget, saw red.
In the Senate, where the GOP
majority is in complete control,
sentiment was heavily against ad-
ditional taxes.
House members eyed the pros-
pect fearfully but conceded pri-
vately there may be no alternative.
Disclose Plans
Of Registration
Rules for next semester's regis-
tration were outlined yesterday
by Assistant Registrar Edward G.
Groesbeck, while Senior Class
president Val Johnson revealed
plans for collection of class dues
during the registration period.
Groesback emphasized that
students must present ID cards
to h amittd ito Waiermn
. I
Will Feature I Dorm Contracts Upheld;
Stories, Photos 'U Denies Releases to Men
The J-Hop Daily-to be sold onj
campus Feb. 1, the first day of
next semester's classes--promises
to be one of the greau.est souvenir
eiditions in history.
Chuck full of picures and sto-
ries about THE social event of the
season, the J-Hop Daily will in-
clude the names of those attend-
ing as well as the finest in humor
and cartoons. A special pictorial
section will also review the high-
lights of the Winter Carnival.
The edition is published by vol-
unteer staff members who return
to school the beginning of regis-
tration week. This year's issue
will be edited by Harold Jackson.
Jim Dangl will be business man-
A University crackdown on the
practice of terminating dormitory
residence hall contracts in the
middle of the school year has
raised a howl of protest from ttu-
The crackdown came to light
this week when a number of
newly-pledged fraternity men re-
quested permission to leave the
dormitories and move into their
fraternity houses. A number of
independent men also asked to
leave the dorms for the second se-
PERMISSION was refused by
Residence Halls Business Manag-
er Francis Shiel who said that a
student signs a yearly dormitory
contract in good faith and is ex-
pected to stay there until it ex-
Until this semester residence
halls officials had been glad to
cancel room contracts when re-
quested by students because of
the acute housing shortage. Now
Shiel feels that the housing sit-
uation has eased and refuses
to let students cancel second se-
mester dormitory contracts.
Both West Quad President Ray
Oknonski and East Quad Presi-
dent Jerry Ryan are opposed to
the University's policy.
Daily To Issue
Call forTalent
The Daily will issue its semi-
annual call for tryouts the first
Wednesday and Thursday of next
Writers for the editorial, sports
and women's staffs, and business
staff workers may join the staff
at that time.
IN ADDITION, The Daily may
open its doors for the first time
to students interested in radio
Under a proposed extension of
The Daily's news coverage, radio
newscasts, reaching almost every
dormitory on campus direct from
The Daily city room, may begin
next semester.
Any student of at least second
semester freshman standing,
who is eligible to participate in
extra-curricular activities may
work on The Daily.
The first tryout meeting for
students interested in writing on
the editorial staff, which covers
campus and city news, the wom-
en's staff, the' sports staff or the
proposed radio staff will be held
at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 9, in
the Student Publications Building.
Business staff and Gargoyle
tryouts will meet at 4 p.m. Thurs-
day, Feb. 10.
for the School of Forestry anu
Conservation and the College
of Pharmacy.
University Professors Comment on Duggan's Death
Freshmen in Law,
able to drive after
iesday, Jan. 26.
School will be
6 p.m., Wed-
REGULATIONS will be lifted
ror the senior class of Law School
tad for all classes of the engineer-
_ng college, the architecture
wrhoan n t]c uration chonl at r5
"Mr. Duggan either jumped or
accidentally fell."
With this terse announcement,
the New York police department
closed the case of former State
Departnnt official Lawrence
nuavann whoul u ei: 1 stoAries to
York sponsored by the Insti-
tute of International Education
to discuss problems of exchange
students between U.S. and for-
eign countries, Duggan bad
been president of the Institute
since resigning from the State
Referring to the disclosure by
the Un - American Activities
Committee, immediately after
Iiggan's death, that Duggan
had heen linked with a Comn-
Smniist spy ring, Dean Sawyer
stated. "The Committee's action
In the State Department with
Duggan, stated that "Lawrence
Duggan was not the type of
man to commit suicide." He
particularly condemned the ac-
tion of the Un-American Activ-
ities Committee.
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