Panhel To Hold Prospective Rushee Meeting Tomorrow Panhellenic Association will hold a brief compulsory meeting for all prospective rushees for the spring semester at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Packham Amphitheatre. Mary Stierer, president of Panhellenic, will speak on "Attitudes Toward Rushing." She will explain Panhellenic and its relation to- wards rushing. The attitude of the sorority and the rushee towards rushing will also be discussed. CHRISTINE BLAIR, rushing secretary of Panhellenic, will explain IE MICHIGAN DAuAmhs ... .:.s -... JGP Calls Mass Meeting of Junior Girls V 1To Form Production Committees Today Mortar Board Will Sponsor 'Pa Of f'Dance J-Hop escorts will be customar- ily repaid again this year with the annual "Pay-Off" dance to be held from 9 p.m. to midnight Sat- urday, Feb. 12 in the League ball- room... Sponsored by Mortar Board,I womens' senior honorary society, the dance is a traditional coed bid affair to which men are in- vited by their J-Hop dates. As an informal ball, it pro- vides a fitting climax to the J- Hop whirl. Men are relieved from habitually reaching into their pockets to provide the current girl friend with amusement. Proceeds of the dance will go toward the Mortar Board schol- arships which are given each year at Installation Night. Awarded to juniors on the basis of activities and scholarship, the amount and number of the scholarships are determifed -by the profits of the annual "Pay-Off" dance. details of the Michigan rushing system. Eligibility rules will be clarified so that there will be no question as to what will be re- quired at rushing registration. Contact rules will also be ex- plained. Miss Ethel McCormick, social director of the League, will speak. Rushing handbooks will be dis- tributed to all those present at the meeting. This handbook has been pre- pared early so that rushees will be able to ask questions not an- swered by this booklet at the next meeting, according to Miss Stier- er. All those who are unabel to attend this meeting may pick up their rushing booklets in the League Undergraduate Office. The second and final compul- sory meeting for prospective rushees will be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 9, in Rackham Amphitheatre. Details of the rush- ing schedule, the opening teas, parties, final desserts and clothes for the parties will be explained. The "argyle industry" spurted. ahead when a national magazine recently pictured the Eisenhower grandson in baby pink and blue argyle sweater. Now knitted argyle outfits are the latest word in fashion for toddling tots. Committees for the 1949 pro- duction of the Jnior Girls' Play will be organized at a mass meet- ing at 5 p.m. today in the League Ballroom. At least 150 juniors are needed for committee work. According to Virginia Vampbell, general chair- man, "The cooperation of every junior is needed if this year's JGP is to be a success." ANY JUNIOR WOMAN who has paid her class dues may work J GP Central Committee will meet from 4. to 5 paig, today in tile League. on a. committee. No COec work on a committee andt the play itself, according to Jo Faulk, director. In ay be in Betty dance; Sally Mitts, assistant McPherson, publicity, Jean Russ, dance; Nancy Williams, make-up. Daily publicity; Marilyn Stone, Other members are Katherine posters; Phil Bohnsack, stage Mills, music; Louise Steele, lyrics; manager; Rita Schubot, assistant Nancy Cupples, programs; Sally stage manager; Marilyn Bates, Goodyear, properties; Kathleen tickets; Lois Kennedy, ushering. I Woe, poor ADAM, > if EVE had A E BLO U SES NeC It. n i hOi! a/ IKRN7ST iKERN 0 CROWI.EY MILNER Free booklet: WARDROBE TRCKS". Write Judy Bond, Inc., Dept. G, 1315 Broadway, New York 18 DiIy- DaVe Mayer- RECREATION ROOM-Students and the history faculty meet informally at one of the modern - ized student-faculty teas held monthly in the Grand Rapids Room. Any coed who will be a junior next semester but who now ranks as a sophomore may sign up to work on JGP. Juniors are needed for work on costumes, make-up, properties, pyublicity, posters, scenery, k !a e k s tag}e, tickets, and ushers. At the mass meeting today each committee chairman will explain the work which each committee will do. Committee work will start oII"x semester. VIRGINIA CAMPBELL is 8en- eral chairman of JGP. Her coi- mittee includes Pat Lewis, assist- ant: cihairman: Betty Jo Faulk, di- rucctor; Dorothy Fogel, assistant director; Jo Wilson, secretary; Shirley Osgood; treasurer; Laura Nasset, costumes; Marcia Ames~, Union'Holds Bridge Bout In Ballroom The last session this semester of£ n n - 1 ;ae, d-, - FOR WOMEN ONLY: i I o<=;;>o<;;;;:>o o<:::;:> m o;;;;;>o;;;:::>o:::::::o m o =:>o <;; or the OPE ment will 1 day in the - ion. Z it w p you! ioThe tou o the Union. t he first- 0 LOV Y mest. S members v still enter. for The mai test is to ture regic J-Hop Weekend the Nation -Tournamer - cago. By comp fJcdents on b roader rE taeler' eauDetroit an( 601 E. LIBERTY PHONE 8878 enough ex /.,m