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January 12, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-01-12

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~A7, 3~A~7 I 149

----- -- --------------- -

Editor's Note is written by Managing I1Kitor
JlIarriett Friedman
THE OLIVET COLLEGE administration
should be getting a cramp from main-
taining a foot-in-mouth position for such a
long time.
A few months ago, Prof. T. Barton Akeley
and his wife were fired, without specific.
charges, causing a student walk-out and
investigation by various academic freedom
Now five more professors have been dis-
missed, and evidently only one of them was
told why.
AFTER THE FIRST furor caused by the
recent firings-during which President
Aubrey L. Ashby maintained a "righteous"
silence-the college wailed that all they
wanted was to qualify for membership in
the North Central Association of Colleges,
and cut costs.
To do this, the college had to get rid of its
top men who command high salaries and ob-
tain young teachers with proper degrees at
lower prices-according to Dean James F.
Well, well, well.
If all is so friendly and honest, why
did these firings take place so arbitrarily
--with no immediate explanation given to
either the men involved or the public. No
charges, no hearings, no tact.
And if Ashby's reasons are so pure and
explainable, why didn't he offer to provide
hearings for those faculty men who de-
sired them.
And why was a statement issued threat-
ening that student or faculty "walkouts"
would result in "instant dismissal," and
suits for damages for unethical and un-
professional interruption of the college
Such unanswered questions damage the
"it's all above-board," claim of the college
* * *
I DO NOT know what code of ethics and
what professional standards are used by
the Olivet Trustees and administration, but
by all codes I have encountered previously,
it is the school itself which has been guilty
of "unethical and upprofessional" conduct.
President Ashby, who came to the college
from the business world about six months
ago, was quoted by Time as saying, "A col-
lege is like a business-plus . .."
I wonder if any sort of well-run bus-
iness conducts wholesale firings without
any reasons, and then expresses amaze-
ment when a few people are curious to
sae what's going on.
And what business would fire its best men
("they are capable of commanding higher
salaries than we can afford") in order to
get a lot of younger people who would ob-
viously have less experience, ability and
prestige. For if the mass of Olivet teachers
have inadequate degrees, some of these in-
structors could have been replaced, rather
than professors with prestige and authority
in the university community (including the
president of the teacher's union).
PUT ALL questions remain unanswered,
and Olivet stands on its "right" to man-
handle academic freedom.
The next step, then, would seem to be
investigation of the school and its admin-
istration by competent academic groups
such as AAUP and NCAC.
For until we get some answers, the only
answer to Dean Mathias' hope that "every-
one didn't get the wrong impression," is an
impatient: "Why didn't you think of that
in the first place."

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and reprcsent the views of the writers only.

S how Us Too

"You Know The Layout-Aspirin's In The Top Drawer"

Letters to the Editor*..


a report that should be of interest to
all students still worrying about avoiding
the inconvenience of the draft.
The story which was neither denied or
affirmed by military officials stated that
all grad students would be deferred from se-
lective service until they had completed
their studies.
The validity of the statement will not
be known until a report by a special cont-
mhittee serving in an advisory capacity to
the Seleetive Service Board makes it clear
as to what students can expect in defer-
But if the story is true, it poses the in-
teresting question of just who is unfortunate
enough to not be able -to drag up a reason
for deferment.
Men are now exempt from service if they
served for at least twelve months under the
last draft and can get out of service if they
are married before they report for induc-
They have no fears if they are pre-med
or pre-dent students and can relax if they
are enrolled in the ROTC.
No one need get excited if he is in any
of numerous "vital" occupations and can
plan his next year's vacation if he resides
on a farm doing at least part of the

Doctors, scientists and dentists even
though they are needed by the armed
forces in increasing numbers are free.
The Selective Service Act itself restrains
anyone from rushing headlong into the
Army, Navy or Marine with its 18-25 year
age limitations.

Members of the national guard
"trai" for several hours aweek
safely put their uniforms away at
end of that period


Students studying to be ordained are not
on the list of eligibles nor are any students
until they finish their current academic
Therefore a person can well ask who,
then, is going to be drafted? And instead of
complaining about the awful situation that
compels men to serve in peacetime, they can
take steps to help any unfortunate indivi-
dual take advantage of the numerous loop
holes in our so-called "war mongering" draft
A better question would be: "Why have
a draft when it would be so simple to give
a blanket exemption to everyone on the
grounds that he is an American citizen.
This would give the armed forces just as
many qualified men and would be an excel-
lent political gesture too.
-Rog Goelz.

And ThisWek.


message will enable American conserva-
tives to show what theories they live by. It
is their favorite contention that conserva-
tism is not a road-block to progress, but
more like a meter which measures out just
enough social advance to keep us going
without letting us move so fast that we
become dizzy. This useful theory can be
abused, because it allows some conservatives
to stand absolutely against progress, while
at the same time declaring themselves in
as part of the progress-machine. Just keep-
ing you from going too fast, that's all, they
may say, while perhaps sitting on your
I have a rule-of-thumb to offer which
might allow us to distinguish between the
conservative who is merely a road-block,
and the conservative who really believes
in metered progress. It seems to me that
the man who takeg one quick look at
President Truman's message and then
yells "socialism" or some similar word, is
only a road-block. le drags out the word,
and throws it across the path, like a log.
On the other hand, a man like Senator
Taft, who wants us to build, say, only half
a million houses with public funds in the
next seven years, instead of a million, may
be conceded to be a Inan who believes in
measured progress. (I am not answering,
of course, for Mr. Taft's views in other
fields such as labor, for Mr. Taft some-
times seems to be a man of several com-
partments.) The difference is between the
man who offers us an alternate method for
reaching a desired goal, and the man who
offers us only a word. It does not help even
when the word is one drawn from our most
cherished ideals, such as the word "free-
dom." For to use one of our ideals to block
a solution of our problems only endangers
the ideal.

I offer the above as a rough guide through
the headlines of the next few weeks.
FOREIGN POLICY: Since this is a phil-
osophical sort of piece, I would like to
suggest that there is another philosophical
problem which the American people Will
soon or late have to solve. Just what does
our present structure of foreign policy; the
Marshall Plan, the big armed force, and
the' Western Alliance, mean to us? Is it
a path toward an eventual agreement with
Russia? Or is it. by now, a permanent
substitute for such an agreement? Do we
still want the agreement, or are we so
satisfied with the substitute that we no
longer do want it? Is this merely some-
thing we've latched on to, for lack of
anything better, or has it become the way
we want to live?
When Jay Franklin suggested in the cur-"
rent issue of "Life" that the President want-
ed to reach an accord with Russia, Mr.
Truman entered a prompt denial. And
"Life's" own editorial comments in the issue
in which the Franklin article appeared were
also rather tart toward the idea of any quick
change of our foreign policy; it didn't seem
to warm up very much toward the notion.
But, without subscribing to all that Mr.
Franklin said, it does seem to me that
"Life," and all those who think like it have
some questions to answer.
What, in their view, is the function of our
foreign policy structure-to produce an
agreement, or to stand in place of it? Is it
a means, or has it become an end? Is our
heavy military-economic-political defense
apparatus a way toward something else, or
is it now an ultimate? Has the defense of
our way of life become our way of life, and
are we now defending the defense appar-
atus? In other, words, has our present ap-
proach to the foreign problem become, in
fact, a road-block against a settlement of it?
(Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation)

(Continued from Page 2)
Motion Pictures, auspices of the
Audio-Vi.gal Education Cnter.
Mental Hygiene: Emotional
Health, Feeling of Rejection. 5:10
p.m., Kellogg Auglitorium,
Sigma Xi: 8 p.m., Rackham
Amphitheatre. Speakers: Prof.
William S. Steere, Department of
Botany, University of Michigan.
SubjectU "Botanical Studies in
the Port Radium Region of Great
Bear Lake, N.W.T., (illustrated).
Open to the Public.
Student Legislature Cabinet
Meeting 7 p.m., Michigan Union.
Marching Band Meeting: 7:30
p.m., Harris Hall. Approval of
band jacket styles and price.
United Nations Council: 4 p.m.,
Michigan League Soda Bar. All
are invited.
Michigan Union Opera: Meet-
ing, 4 p.m., Rm. 3N, Michigan Un-
ion, for all persons interested in
working on the promotions com-
mittee of the Michigan Union
Opera to be held March 23.24 and
25, Michigan Theatre, The work
will include contact work with
radio stations, newspapers, stu
dents, alumni, and other interest-
ed groups and people.
West Quad Radio Club: Meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., radio room, fifth
floor, Williams House.
Ulr Ski Club: 7:30 p.m., 3
Angell Hall. Short meeting to
make plans and reservations fat
between semesters' trip.
Delta Sigma Pi, Professiona
Business Fraternity: Open meet
ing, 8 p.m., 130 Business Adminis
tration. A job panel discussion b
five recent graduates of the Schoo
of Business Administration in th
fields of accounting, management
industrial mnarketinv. business p01
icy and retailim. All intereste(
students are invited.
United World Federalists: Gen
eral Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Michiga
Union. Election of officers. Al
members are urged to attend.
American Institute of Electrica
Engineers and Institute of Radi
Engineers, Joint Student Branch
Mr. M. H. Fisher of the Westing
house Electric Corp. will speak o
"Industrial Applications of Roto
trol Regulators," 7:30 p.m., Michi
gan Union. .Ensian picture will b
ASCE: Meeting, 7 p.m., Rm. 3
KLMN, Michigan Union. Electio
of Officers. Ensian picture wi
be taken. Speaker: Mr. G. C
Dailey, U.S. Gypsum Co. Topi
and Movies (color): "Gypsum a
a Building Material."
Religion and Life Committe
Meeting: Executive Committe
and Committee Chairmen ar
asked to be present 7:30 p.m., Lan
Sigma Gamma Epsilon: 12:1
p.m., 3055 Natural Science. M
John C. Ferm will speak on "Cy
clothems in Pennsylvania."

W. Engineering Bldg. Speakers:
R. F. Hanson, chairman of the De-
troit section of the A.S.M.E. and
D. E. Jahncke, national chair-
man of the junior committee.
Movie: "Wheels Across Indiana,
by Chrysler Corp. Technictl re-
ports will be given by various stu-
dents. Election of secretary and
treasurer. An opportunity will be
given to Feb. and June seniors to
apply for their Junior member-
ship. Anybody interested will be
welcome and seniors especially
are urged to attend.
Roger Williams Guild: Weekly
"chat" and tea, Guild House, 4:30-
6 p.m.
Michigan Christian Fellowship
1 Mid-week Bible Study; 8 p.m.,
Upper Room, Lane Hall.
Square Dancing Class spon-
sored by the Graduate Outing
1 Club at W.A.B., 8 p.m. Everyone
Women of the University Fac-
ulty: Tea, 4-6 p.m., Club room
Room D, Michigan League.
Coming Events
N.S.A. Committee Meeting: 4
p.n 'ihrs., Jan, 13, Rm. 3-D
- Michigan Union.
Seabee Reserves: Meeting
Members of the U.S. Naval Re
- serve Civil Engineering Corps ar
invited to attend a meeting a
7:30 p.m., Thurs., Jan. 13, 121
East Engineering Bldg., in con-
s nection with activation of Vol
unteer CB Unit 9-68. For furthe
r information call W. S. Housel
Ext. 349.
1 The Geological - Mineralogica
- Journal Club is bringing as its pe
- troleum lecturer for 1949, Pau
y Weaver, president of the Ameri
1 can Association of Petroleum Ge
f ologists. His first address, o
. Thuis., Jan. 13. 4:15 p.m., 205
- Natural Science Bldg, is entitle
d "Frontiers of Patroleum Geology.
Thursday at 8 p.m. in the sam
room he will speak on "Formatio
- of Marine Evaporites." At th
n regular Friday noon meeting o
l the Journal Club, Jan. 14, at 12:2
in 2054 N.S. his topic will be a dis
cussion of "Limestones in the Ter
l tiary along the Gulf of Mexico.
o All interested persons are invited
- Ski Patrol For Winter Carnival
n Students with some experience i
- first aid and/or skiing are neede-
- to assist with the ski patrol (firs
e aid patrol) for Winter Carniva
Members of the ski ' patrol wi
work in conjunction with Healt
- Service on Wed., Feb. 2, from 1:3
n to 5:30 p.m. Ski patrol work wi
11 not eliminate a student from car
. nival competition. Students in
.c terested in this work should ca
-s Gwen Sperlich at 2-2569 or Terr
Headington at 2-4591.
e American Ordnance Associa
e tion. "Civilian Engineering Op
e portunities in the Armed Services
e is the topic for the Jan. 13 meet
ing to be held at 7:30 p.m., Roo
3R, Michigan Union. Detroit Tan
5 Arsenal representatives who wi
r. present the discussion are:
- Mr. Roy Reinke, Chief, Eng
neering and Development Brand
Major H. D. Thomas, Chie
., Components Branch.

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations,tthegeneral pol-
icy i% to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *
Ile s rffl P~s
Re: Indrin menis
To the Editor:
SUNDAY'S DAILY reports the
firing of five more professors
at Olivet "in accordance with its
(the college's) own policy." If the
firing of Prof. and Mrs. Akeley
a few months ago for "ultra-lib-
eral views" is what is meant by
"policy," then it seems that these
five men, one of whom was the
Socialist's candidate for Vce-Pres-
ident in November, were also fired
for their political views.
And who would dispute the au-
thority or justice ofthe Olivet
administration in making a per-
son's political views the reason for
depriving him of his livelihood?
Have not political, economic, and
social ideas become subject to the
approval of a criminal court?
Then certainly a colle adminis-
tration may pass upon the ideas
of its own faculty. That makes
The indictments of twelve Com-
munists in New York for "teach-
ing and advocating" provide the
basis for actions such as ex-
pelling Jim Zarichny from MSC
(for, incidentally, expressing his
opposition to those indictments
off the campus), and the whole-
professors at Olivet. The 162-year
old guarantee that the American
people shall have the inviolabe
right to choose political, socia
and economic ideas for themselves
has been broken. A twelve-man
criminal court has usurped that
right. Ideas may not be classed
"criminal." Americans who ex
press them may be jailed for ter
years, student expelled for listen-
ing to them, professors fired.
The legal basis for outlawing
ideas has been established. It'
true, the trial of the twelve Com
munists has not yet come up. Bu
the trial is of little significance
If these men are acquitted, i
will only mean that the court ha
said that the expression of thes
particular ideas is not a crime
The indictments establish the au-
thority of the courts to label idea
criminal or not.
So the firing of professors, th
expulsion of students, indicting o
minority political leaders for thi
1ideas they hold are all parts o
the same pattern: the invalida
tion of the Bill of Rights. Thes
issues are one and inseparable
They must be fought as one.
- -Marvin x. Gladstone.
t To the Editor:
- THINK THAT the barrage o
propaganda we have been ex
r posed to in the "Letters to th
Editor" column has finally re
ceived its answer. I am referrin
particularly to that series of let
1 ters sent in during the last fe'
- weeks, claiming that the consti
Il tutional rights of free America
- citizens were being abused in tl
- form of the indictment of tweh
n Communist leaders. We have eve
4 had leaflets shoved into our hanc
d as we passed the Michigan Ur
ion, which claimed that there w
e a comparison between these tweh
n men and the Twelve Apostles wh
e taught a doctrine of love for the
,f fellow men, not one of hate.
p Of course, we realize that thi
- trial is being turned into a firs
- rate subject for Communist
,, propaganda claiming that it is
j clear-cut case of "persecutior
against a select group of men. Ii

n Mr. D. T. Jaeger, Personnel Di
d vision.
t Students of the Technical Co
. leges are invited.
.h U. of M. Rifle Club: Meeting -
0 discuss national and club matche,
11 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Jan. 13, RO'I
- range.
ll International Center weekly tb
y for all foreign students ar
American friends, 4:30-6 p.
Thurs., Jan. 13, Internation,
- Centei. Hostesses: Mrs. Albe
- Marckwardt and Mrs.. Edwa
" Groesbeck.
m U. of M. Dames Sewing Groul
k Meet at the home of Mrs. Robe
ll Hanes, 518 E. William St., 8 p.r
Thurs., Jan. 13. Guest speake
i- Mrs. Blanche Kauffman, 314
h. Liberty St. New Chairman will1
f, chosen. For transportation, cE
Mrs. Steven Spear, 6408.

variably there are claims that
freedom of speech is being cur-
tailed. For once and for all, let's
get the charge right. These men
have been indicted by the Grand
Jury because they consider enough
evidence to exist to prove that
these men were engaged in sub-
versive activities and had plotted
to overthrow the government of
the United States by force or
violence. Now then, since when
is it unconstitutional for this gov-
f ernment to protect itself from
such action?
The final proof of the constitu-
tionality of this action by the
Grand Jury is that the indictment
has been upheld by the United
States Supreme Court. Let us iot
have any more false and unfound-
ed claims of curtailment of free-
dom of speech. Any such claims
are going to look pretty sick from
here on in.
--Richard F. Schults.
To the Editor:
THE OTHER morning about 2
o'clock Wallace "Progressives"
stole stealthily throughrthe halls,
stopping at every room and
slipping under it a sheet of paper.
This paper enlisted our aid in re-
instatement, by petition, an ex-
student of MSC. It also asked us
to write to Attorney General Tom
Clark and ask him to drop the
proceedings against the 12 indict-
ed Communist leaders.
It is up to us as America's fu-
ture leaders to realize that these
and similar underground tactic,
employed by this group should be
halted. These young radicals
Sstatedthat Americans are losing
their rights of free speech,
thought and assembly! I cannot
perceive how they can consider
themselves "Americans" when
they openly worship a paganistic
organization such as the "polit-
buro." If I were to go to Russia,
start a democratic organization,
send out literature, and in general
condemn the government because
we the people were not enjoying
the people's rights, I wonder how
long it would be before I would be
chained in one of "the people's"
g-salt mines.
It is up to us to realize that the
- larger the lie, the easier to make
the unsuspecting public accept it
as the truth. Education, which we
s are now pursuing, is the only hope
we have for a free America in the
e future. Unless the public reads
" fully and understands what Com-
munism means and stands for,
s America will suffer the same fate
that the small European coun-
tries have met.
The motto on this paper whicl
i prompted this letter was: "Save
the Bill of Rights . . . Write to-
e day!
. Let us change the word "write"
to READ andiuse as our motto
"Save the Bill of Rights..
Karl Q. Ehinger.


Fifty-Ninth Year

As SMalin Sees ft


. 'a

Looking Back

Three faculty wives were named as pa-
tronesses for the Freshman Dance Friday
night. It was not expected that Dr. Vaugh-
an's lecture for the benefit of the Ladies'
Library will interfere with the attendance
at the dance.
The University Glee, Banjo and Mandolin
Clubs were practising two nights a week in
preparation of a concert program, and the
chances seemed good for the clubs' mak-
ing a trip in the spring. The trips had been
cancelled the past few years because of mis-
conduct of some members of the '95 clubs.
A name suggesting humor, "The Gar-
goyle," was chosen for Michigan's new hu-
mor and light literature magazine. It was
hoped above all else that the new venture,
which was expected to become a permanent
periodical, would avoid "the staid and pro-
The material that had been submitted was
said to be better in quality than quantity,

WASHINGTON-Anyone who wishes to
understand the underlying assumptionsI
on which American foreign policy is based
should study with care a long article in
the current issue of the quarterly mag-
azine, "Foreign Affairs." The article is as
important in its way as the famous "Sources
of Soviet Conduct" signed by "x," which
appeared more than a year ago, and which
was written by the State Department's chief
planner, George F. Kennan.
The article in the current issue, called
"Stalin on Revolution," is signed "Histor-
icus." Actually, it was written by George
Morgan, first secretary of the American
Embassy in Moscow. Like Kennan, Mor-
gan is a foreign service officer, and also
like Kennan, he is one of the State De-
partment's small group of Soviet ex-
perts, who since the war have exercised
a decisive influence on American foreign
policy. Moreover, it is probable that since
Morgan is an active foreign service officer,
the publication of the article was approved
by the State Department.
What Morgan has done is to cull from the
published writings and speeches of Josef
Stalin a remarkably complete blueprint of
the political theology which motivates the
Soviet dictator. It is impossible briefly to
summarize the picture which Morgan paints
of the way in which Stalin sees the world
and the way in which he intends to change
the world. Certain main points do, however,
The first is that Stalin is wholly con-
inced that war. hetween the Soviet bloc

two "world centers," a "socialist center,"
based on the Soviet Union, and a "capitalist
center, based on the United States. He fore-
sees a "struggle between these two centers
for the possession of the world economy
which will decide the fate of capitalism and
Communism in the whole world." And this
struggle will culminate in a "series of ter-
rible collisions" before the conflict is finally
resolved in favor or Communism.
Second, Stalin undoubtedly expects what,
he calls the "law of ebb and flow" to set
in, the wave of Communist expansion to
cease, and the remainder of the non-Com-
munist world to become temporarily stab-
Third, the Soviet Union, as the "social-
ist center," must be urgently prepared to
serve as the main "base" for Communist
expansion when the next revolutionary
tide sets in. Morgan concludes from Stal-
in's writing that the United States figures
in Stalin's thinking "as the center around
which the capitalist system will form
for the final war to the death between
the two systems," but Morgan believes
that the evidence suggests that this "cli-
mactic struggle will not be risked before
fifteen or twenty years have elapsed."
Thus the unquestioning assumption by
Stalin (and all his potential successors)
that wardis inevitable is the tragic fact with
which the world must live. This conviction,
however, is predicated on the belief that the
non-Soviet system must inescapably lead to
eonnmic colinne hideous mass suffering.

Edited and managed by stuaents ox
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ................City Editot
Naomi Stern........Editorial Director
Aliegra Pasqualetti ,=.. Associate Editor
Arthur Higbee ........Associate Editoi
Murray Grant..........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey ......Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery.......Women's Editor
Bess Hayes................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Halt .......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
William Culman .....Finance Manager
Cole Christian ....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is excluslvell
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper,
All rights of republication of all other
mattersherein are also reserved,
Entered at the Post Office at Azmn
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mal
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by n*aU1

A.S.M.E.: Meeting 7:30


L y l.,l i a a+. " u. .i vv .. rj ..... .. y


Nothing in my Fairy °
Godfathers handbook --

At your request, m'boy.
As a boon. So you'd have

And Mom says Pop won't
be able to get home from u


Barnaby, have you
ever thought how

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