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January 09, 1949 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-01-09

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.,.. .._ . ...

Winter Carmval.
Entry Blanks Due
Events To Include Skiing, Ice Carving,
Tobogganing, Ice Skating Competition

- - --- _ t

Application blanks for entries
in Winter Carnival must be re-
turned to the League or Union
undergraduate offices by 5 p.m.
Houses competing in the ice
carving displays are asked to
make a note at the bottom of
the blank. No late entries will be
A list of rules and information
for the ice skating, skiing and
tobogganing competition was sent
to each house at the same time
as the application blanks.
The Geddes Street entrance to
the Arboretum will be used for the
siing and tobogganing events.
They will take place from 1 to
p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 2. Ski
patrols under the supervision of
health service will be in charge
of all first-aid.
RIBBONS WILL be awarded to
the first two individual winners
of each event. A single hous l
may enter all or any of the events.
No house may enter more than
three contestants or two teams
in a single event. Only the per-
formance of the two best con-
testants from each house will be
recognized in making awards.
The skiing competition will
be divided into three groups.
The cross country skiing will be
run in four heats; men, women,
advanced and intermediate. The
obstacle race will be a modified
slalom race. The third group
will be the couple three-legged
Tobogganing events wlil also
be in three separate groups. In

the distance tobogganing race the
entries will be classified by the
size of the toboggan.
X *-k
EACH HOUSE is asked to put
the size of the toboggan and the
number of extra toboggans they
have on the application blank
they hand in. In the men's pile
on tobogganing race, the tobog-
gan with the most men on at the
finish line will be declared the
winner. A tray sliding race will
be the final tobogganing event.
Refreshments will be served
by the committee at the events
in tle Arboretum.
An ice skating party will be
held Thursday afternoon at
Burns' Park.The skating speed
races, to begin at 4 p.m., will fol-
low the party.
THE ICE SHOW will begin at
7:30 p.m. Thursday at the Coli-
seum. The University Skating
Club will put on an exhibition.
In addition there will be some
clown acts.
The figure skating competi-
tion and crazy relay will take
place also. A broomball contest
between faculty and students
will be a feature of the evening.
Members of Phi Epsilon Kappa,
men's honorary physical educa-
tion fraternity, will be officials.
About 40 additional officials are
needed for timing and getting
things in order at the skiing and
tobogganing events. Anyone in-
terested is asked to call Gwen
Sperlich, 2-2569 or Dick Cossitt,

JOLSONS AND BABY-Al Jolson and wife, Eria, play with adopt-
ed son, Asa, 1, at Palm Springs, Calif.
Mass Meeting To Be Held,
For JGP Committee Work

All coeds who are interested in
working on a committee for the
1949 Junior Girls' Play may at-
tend a mass meeting which will
he held at 5 p.m. Wednesday in
the League Ballroom.
Any junior woman who has
paid her class dues may work on
a committee. All coeds who ex-
pect to, be eligible next semester
or who are already eligible may
participate in JGP also. No coed
may work on a committee and be
in the play itself, also, according
to Betty Jo Faulk, director.
Any coed who will be a junior
next semester, but who now ranks
as a sophomore may sign up to
work on JGP.
ANNOUNCEMENT of positions
in the play will be made in Tues-
day's Daily.
Juniorsyare needed for work
on costumes, make-up, proper-
ties, publicity, posters, scenery,
backstage, tickets and ushers
committees. "The cooperation
of every junior is needed if
this year's Junior Girls' Play is
going to be the best JGP ever,"
Union To Hold

Women Need Good Judgment
To Solve Decorating Problems

Many coeds today are faced with
the problem of managing a home
and, even if it is a one-room flat,
there is still the problem of deco-
ration, often on a limited budget.
The trouble with most women
who set out to decorate the fam-
ily homestead is that they try too
hard. The average hausfrau starts
out to select new furnishings in
a daze, bedazzled by pictures in
magazines and confused by con-
flicting advice 'from well-meaning
With admiration for Louis XIV
and Swedish Modern, French Pro-
Panhel To Hold
Mass Meeting
For Rushees
Panhellenic Association will hold
a brief compulsory meeting for all
prospective rushees at 8 p.m.
Thursday in Rackham Anrhi-
theat re.
Chr stine Blair, rushing secre-
tary of Panhellenic, will explain
details of the Michigan rushing
system to all those interested in
rushing during the second semes-
Eligibility rules will be explained
so that there will be no question
as to what will be required at
rushing registration. The expenses
of a sorority will be discussed.
Rushing indbooks will be dis-
tributed to all those present at
this meeting.
Registration Procedure will be
explained fully by the rushing

vincial and American Colonial, she
usually ends up in a heap some-
where in between in no-man's
land. Often the trouble stems
from an atte.npt to reproduce a
room pictured in a favorite publi-
cation down to the last tieback,
without stopping to consider how
it fits the needs of her own family.
"PEOPLE DON'T buy a house
or furniture often enough to know
how to go about it. They get so
much advice they are dizzy," re-
ports Dan Cooper, well-known de-
signer of home furnishings.
Perhaps it would be a good
idea to keep these suggestions in
mind if ever faced with the
problem of planning a house:
Lots of parties demand a living}
room that encourages sociability,
with furniture arranged to accom-
modate groups of people; plenty
of coffee tables, serving tables,
and such.
THE "HERMIT" type, who en-
joys reading and music will plan
in a different manner. The most
comfortable chair and the best
light will be conveniently situated
near the bookshelves for pleasant
Windows and artificial light-
ing will be arranged to give the
best light for the piano.
No particular room will be set
aside for dining with meals served
informally in the living room or
kitchen. The extra space can be
used for a library or music room.
Common sense is more practical
than current decorator's patter in
planning a home, After all, who's
going to live in it?-not the man
next door!



Ball Saturday
Each semester when final exam-
inations roll around, the Union
holds its traditional Bluebook Ball.
This semester the dance is being
held from 9 p.m. to midnight Sat-
urday in the Union Ballroom..
The purpose of such a gay af-
fair at such a "blue" time is to
bring needed relief to those shat-
tered nerves. A few hours of re-
laxation through dancing should
be just what the doctor would
So that dancers' minds will
not stray too far from the time#
at hand, a huge bluebook will
be mounted over the band-
stand. The walls of the ball-
room will be covered with repli-
cas of the traditional classrooin
Regular sized blbooks will find
th-nselves in a new capaMcity whe
they are hung crouid the ball-
room from ovrhead streamers.
As an added attraction, prizes will
be given away during intermission.
Frank Tinker and his orches-
tra will be on hand to provide
the soothing dance mnusie neces-
sary to carry thoughts to "fjr '*j
away lade'."
General chlairn a o Ithe dan e
is Ted Smith. Ass itiug him will
be Irv Barill, Richard Cossitt, lkob-
ert Graham, Robert Greager and
William Race.

according to Virginia Campbell,
general chairman.
At the meeting there will be
talks by committee chairmen to
explain the work that each com-
mittee does. Miss Ethel MacCor-
mick will also speak. Work on all
committees will begin next semes-
eral chairman of JGP. Her com-
mittee included Pat Lewis, assist-
ant chairman; Betty Jo Faulk, di-
rector; Jo Wilson, secretary; Shir-
ley Osgood, treasurer; Laura Nas-
set, costumes; Marcia Ames,
dance, Sally Mitts, assistant
dance; Nancy Williams, make-up.
The list continues with Kather-
ine Mills, music; Louise Steel,
lyrics; Nancy Cupples, programs;
Sally Goodyear, properties; Kath-
leen McPherson, publicity; Jean
Puss, Daily publicity; Marilyn
Stone, posters; Phil Bohnsack,
stage manager; Rita Schubot, as-
sistant stage manager; Marilyn
Bates, tickets; Lois Kennedy, ush-
WAA Notices
Play in the basketball tourna-
rnent will continue this week with
the following teams scheduled:
Monday at 5:10 p.m.-Vaughan
II vs. Tri Delta I, Delta Zeta II vs.
Vaughan I; 7:15 p.m.-Newberry
I vs. Barbour I, Jordan VI vs.
Stockwell II; 8 p.m.-Jordan I
vs. Mosher IV.
Tuesday at 5:10 p.m.-Alpha
Phi III vs. Sigma Delta Tau I,
Kappa Kappa Gamma V vs.
Stockwell VI; 7:15 p.b. - Alpha
Omicron Pi I vs. Jordan III,
Kappa Delta II vs. Newberry II,
Morris House vs. Stockwell VII in
Waterman Gym, Stockwell IX vs.
Chi Omega III in Waterman Gym.
Wednesday at 5:10 p.m.-Alpha
Xi Delta II vs. Alpha Phi I, Jor-
dan VIII vs. Stockwell XI; 7:15
p.m.-Pi Beta Phi III vs. Alpha
Gamma Delta I, Jordan VIII vs.
Alpha Chi Omega I; 8 p.m.-Kap-
pa Delta I vs. Chi Omega I, Bar-
bour HI vs. Gamma Phi Beta I.
Thursday at 5:10 p.m. --An
Arbor Girls vs. Kappa Alpha
'Iheta IIl. Alpha Omicron Pi II vs.
Pi Beta Phi IV; 7:15 p.m.-Pi
Beta Phi II vs. Delta Gamma II,
Pi Beta Phi I vs. Stockwell IV.
Open House
'I'he last League open louse
for the semester will be held
[rom 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. today
in the Grand Rapids room
of the League.

Panhel Honors
Affiliated Coeds
At Program
Panhellenic Association wil l
present Recognition Night, an an-
nual program honoring affiliated
women for activities and scholar-
ship, at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Rackham Amphitheatre.
The theme of the program will
be Panhellenic newspaper, "Pipes
of Pan." The program has been
planned to bring the audience into
the heart of a thriving newspaper,
according to Betsy Bousfield, gen-
eral chairman.
Ira A. Smith, registrar of the
University, will present the Pan-
hellenic Scholarship Cup, which
is awarded annually to the soror-
ity with the highest scholastic
average. Gamma Phi Beta was
the winner of this award last year.3
Cup will be presented by Dr. Mar-
garet Bell to the sorority havingl
the highest number of activity
points. This award was made to
Kappa Kappa Gamma last year.
Individual awards will be
made to the sophomore, junior,
and senior women having the
most activity participation
points in their classes.
Participation in sports is not
included, in house activities as it
has been in the past. A separate
award will be made in the spring.
furnished by Alpha Phi, winners
of the Lantern Night Song Con-
test. Miss Ethel MacCormick,
Dean Mary Bromage, and Miss
Margaret Morgan will present an
original skit.
Miss Bousfield is general chair-
man. Members of her committee
are Edith Andrews, finance; Joyce
Atchison, program; Mary Helen
King, patrons; Pat Dressler, pub-E
H illel To Present
Record Concert
At 8 p.m. tonigklt Hillel will
present the second in a seies of
The program will consist of the
following recorded works: Beetho-
ven's "Leonore Overture No. 3;"
Tchaikowsky's "Symphony No. 5;"
and Rimsky-Korsakov's "Cappri-
cio Espagnol."
A group of Jewish songs sung
by members of I.Z.F.A. will con-
clude the evening's entertainment.
Refreshments will be served.

Only The Finest Quality
At Prices That Are Fair

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Berger
of S. Seventh St., have announ-
ced the marriage of their daught-
er, Mary Delora, to Harvey H.
Richards, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey H. Richards of Mountain
Home, Arkansas.
Mrs. Richards is a senior in the
education school and a member
of Alpha Xi Delta.
Mr. Richards is in Law School.
The couple was married Christ-

A Fashion Prophecy
I Are's the dress that is sweeping the
continent and the United States, too
. its separate back panel achieves
the walking grace of a full skirt,
while retaining slim line flattery.
The rounded shoulders and young
high waistline add extra verve
to this tissue faille for junior sizes
Atst $25.00

;r ,

mas Day in the First Methodist
Churcl, Mountain Home.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Roden of
Grand Rapids have announced
the engagement of their daught-
er, Laurel, to Bernard Sklar, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sklar of
New York City.
Miss Roden is a junior in the
literary college. Mr. Sklar will
graduate this month and then en-
ter medical school.

Mr. and Mrs. Graeme Reid of
New Jersey have announced the
engagement of their daughter,
Jacqueline, to H. Jerry Corson,
son of Mrs. Hazel W. Corson of
New York.
Miss Reid will graduate this
June from the literary college
and is affiliated with Gamma Phi
Mr. Corson is a graduate of Le-
high and New York University.

of Balenciaga's
Back Panel Dress
:' s . t ,



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