~UP~U~E~TTWUI A w THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 1948 ,:.I ,-.r .., a du. a.m a. . .. ., .tee. hat Tartinq Vepd? fi ODDLY ENOUGH, all news stories and ed- itorials dealing with the charges of Red domination made by AVC Chairman Dave Babson have been written by persons who were not at the meeting under discussion. As one who attended and participated in the meeting, this writer seeks to correct the many erroneous statements of fact and to present the real facts to the best of his knowledge. Most serious charge leveled by Babson was that Shaffer packed the meeting with Communists and their sympathizers in order to pass a resolution condemning the expul- sion from AVC of John Gates, Daily Worker Editor. Packing is defined by Webster's as "the bringing together or the making up unfairly or fraudulently to secure a certain result." Thus, Shaffer is supposed to have brought together the 26 who upheld the resolution. Eight members opposed the resolution, and two abstained from voting. If Babson's as- sertion that the 26 proponents of the mead- ure were controlled by Shaffer is correct, simple arithmetic indicates that only ten "rank and file" members were present. Thirty-six voting members attended this meeting, approximately the average num- ber in attendance at any meeting. In ad- dition, this was the first meeting of a new semester, and opening sessions are always well-attended. Thus, it hardly seems possible that only ten regular mem- bers would be on hand. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. o 4pa/d.",,o %./ OGA.4/0 a Irons in the Fire That most of the 26 supporters of the resolution are fulltime members and men who vote according to the dictates of their own consciences would therefore not seem to be an unreasonable conclusion. Another oft-repeated untruth is the charge that many members left the meet- ing before a vote was taken on the Gates resolution in the "small hours of the morn- ing," thus allegedly permitting Shaffer's "block" to "steamroller" through the meas- ure. Actually, this resolution was passed at 11 p.m., and the meeting adjourned at 12:15. Two of the eight members who opposed the resolution, Jacob Hurwitz and Art Moskoff, have stated that no more than two or -three members left before the vote was taken. The implication-loaded charge, now re- tracted, made by Ed Tumin and Babson that the new transfers at the meeting were from Brooklyn College, is a fair indication of the validity of other actually vicious charges made by this pair. One suspects that the embarrassment which goes with being overruled by one's constituents was an important factor in deciding these two to publicly denounce all who opposed them. It is indeed ironic that the officers of an organization which has so wholeheartedly fought against Red-baiting and other tactics designed to divert the attention of the public from the more pressing problems of the' day, should themselves resort to just such deplorable actions. AVC hopes that Tumin and Babson are well satisfied with the incalculable harm they have succeeded in rendering the or- ganization. -Buddy Aronson. NIGHT EDITOR: DON McNEIL n --... No Difference? THERE SEEMS to be a widespread impres- sion-which the Progressive Party has helped create-that there is substantially nothing to choose in the coming election between Republicans and Democrats. It is partly justified, on the national level-though personally we would much prefer the sincere if sometimes bungling liberalism of President Truman to the self-satisfied conservatism of Dewey. But in state and local politics in the North the difference between Republicans and Democrats amounts to the difference between the New Deal and the Repub- lican Old Guard. It is a commonplace now to say that we are living in the shadow of Roosevelt. The social forces he symbolized, and the think- ing he stood for, are still very much alive. t But they're alive in the Democratic Party --not the Republican. In this district, for example, the voters will choose between Representative Mich- ener and Prof. Slosson. Michener, during' his sixteen years in Congress has gained a well-earned reputation for voting against every measure that stood for social prog- ress and promised benefits for the large masses of the country. His record includes votes for the Taft- Hartley Bill, the Mundt-Nixon Bill, for in- creasing funds of the Thomas Committee, for restricting social security, for exempting railroads from anti-trust laws, for weakened rent control laws and against the extension of reciprocal trade, against more equitable DP legislation, against the anti-inflation amendment, and against appropriating funds for the TVA steam plant. Prof. Slosson's record for liberalism and. action in behalf of free expression on .the other hand, is something to be looked up to in this day of Thomas, Ferguson and company. However, the very fact that the Progres- sives are running their own candidate in this district automatically means that Prof. Slosson will lose a portion of the votes from the liberal elements of the community. This of course parallels the situation on the national level. Maybe, as the Progres- sives contend, it won't make much differ, ence in Washington if the Truman forces or the Dewey men are in the saddle, but in many local elections, exemplified by the one in our own second Congressional dis- trict, it will make the difference between men like Michener, and men like Prof. Slos- son. -Phil Dawson. -Fredrica Winters. Ajpostrophe O BRAVE NEW world! O happy breed of men Who unto Washington swarmed then. Planners, adjusters, directors of things to come, The economics student, prince; professors, kings. All whining and bold lies, cannot less the sum Of what these men did. The opposition brings The charge which all America does know. That CCC graduate became CIO. SHINING WORLD that we envision still Where Free Man strides grandly up an endless hill, Man not bothered by who owned a Ford, and when, By whom sold and for what end. Free man will shine like New Dealers of old And all that glitters will not be "Moscow Gold." -Mary Ann Homer. THE COLD WAR has resumed here on the campus after a summertime calm. Local politicos are revamping their organi- zations, defining their programs, and mak- ing ready to fight for these programs and against their opponents. Sometimes they get off balance. Some- times they get so embroiled in fighting opponents within and without their groups that positive action and positive programs go begging. Let's look at the recent squabbles in the local chapter of the American Veterans Committee. There was a forum scheduled to deal with the place of the veteran on campus three years after the war's end. Four and a half hours of a very heated meeting saw the forum cancelled while the ever re- current Communist issue held the spot- light. A pending discussion of civil rights was cancelled as well because one of the factions refused to give in to the Uni- versity's ban on a particular speaker. For the two-odd years of its existence here, AVC has been the giant of campus political clubs. It's been the most mature and the most effective organization on the campus. Now, for a while at least, there is stale- mate. THERE has been dissension before. AVC is, in fact, more ripe for dissension than most any other group. It is after all, the melting pot of the campus political scene. On nights that AVC has not scheduled meet- ings, its members splinter off into the va- rious organizations that make up the uni- versity's vast political network. But none of the dissension has been fatal in the past. Compromises in form have been made, compromises in principle avoided. And there is little reason to be- lieve that such will not be the case again. Heads were hot after last week's meeting. Chairman Dave Babson saw his viewpoint defeated by what he claimed was a packed house of Ed Shaffer's cronies. They all, allegedly rammed through a motion cen- suring the national committee for its dis- missal of Communist John Gates, Daily Worker editor. In retrospect, it seemed that "packing the meeting" amounted to a device whereby the sponsor of a motion urged like-minded members to attend the meeting and to support him. It was merely a case of out- voting the opposition. These were called Communist tactics. If these be Communist tactics, majority rule is a Communist tactic. F OR ANOTHER paradox, take Ed Shaffer's statement on the cancellation of the civil liberties forum. The University's refusal to, allow indicted Communist Carl Winter to speak here made a mockery of the civil rights forum and it was cancelled he said. It looks from here as if Shaffer made a mockery of himself. Allegedly the forum as not to be off in the clouds. It was to deal with civil liberties violations, espe- cially those close to home. When a man is refused permission to speak at a civil liberties forum and the refusal is con- sidered a violation of civil liberties, the forum takes on new meaning and import- ance. Efforts should have been doubled to make it succeed even without Winters. Instead it was cancelled. We suggest that Mr. Babson and his sup- porters and Mr. Shaffer and his group take stock of themselves. We suggest that they both "pack" the next meeting with lots of members and continue to "pack" similarly every meeting from here on in. If the Shaffer element cannot reconcile itself with Babson and his followers or vice versa both ought to go off by themselves and to try to get something constructive done. -Ben Zwerling. I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Party Systelin/ By SAMUEL GRAFTON WE AMERICANS are grateful for out two- party system and are accustomed, some- times a little smugly, to give thanks that we are not as other peoples who are dragged down by the weight of eight parties, ten parties, or sometimes in hot years with lots of rainfall, twelve parties. However the two-party system is of itself no safeguard against political confusion. We start with the fact that we now have a Democratic president and a Re- publican Congress. But, if a few doubtful shifts in West Virginia, Oklahoma, Idaho, Wyoming, Minnesota, Illinois, etc., we are quite likely to come out of the next elec- tion with a Republican President and a Democratic Senate. This is confusing enough, but it is only the top layer of our political confusion. There is more below. Both major party candidates are appealing today largely to the independent voter, the voter who has no firm affiliation with either party. This means that both parties have sprung leaks of recent years. With the two candidates going, at least on the verbal level, in opposite directions from their parties, and with the parties playing a complicated game of puss in the corner between the executive and the legislative establishments, the two-party system seems to be vying quite success- The Thinker WATCH FOR crTE R AY F R3016SS A- OPEN NGO D~daC0o awdo ltSTINCTIVE LAMPSAIS & OBJES V'Amr FANCY FNANCE _r -- ----- -- -- - C y ti News of the Week International FIFTY-EIGHT DELEGATES gathered at Paris this week to open, with misgivings, the United Nations General Assembly. Notably missing was Russian Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov. At its first session, the Assembly elected Dr. Herbert Evatt, Australia, as President, heard the United States give complete support to late Count Folke Bernadotte's plan for a Palestine settlement, and put on the agenda every issue that Russia op- posed. * * * * PALESTINE.... In Palestine, strife continued, with some outbreaks of fighting and two major developments. The Jewish extremist group, Irgun Zvai Leumi, was dissolved by Israel's government, and King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan announced that all of Palestine was part of his Trans- Jordan nation, including Israel. * * * BERLIN ... . With neither side of the Berlin blockade budging a bit this week, Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin stated in the British House of Com- mons that the Western Allies intend to stake peace on an unyielding stand in Berlin. NATIONAL .... The Presidential campaign speeches began this week, with both 'Dewey and Truman speaking in Iowa and then spreading out to cover the West. Highlights were the Dewey talk backing military development of Atomic Power and the Truman talk call- ing for the "Unity of the Left and not toss away votes on a "powerless" third party. At Youngstown, Ohio, Henry Wallace said that if "Russia stiffles freedom and encourages dictatorship those charges are equally true of the foreign policy of Truman and Dewey." Running mate Glen Taylor swept through Washtenaw County speaking at Willow Run, the Union, and Ann Arbor's West Park, calling for election of Henry Wallace, and charging that the Democrats and the G.O.P. were de- liberately trying "to provoke war with the Russians." * * * National HURRICANE ... . A tropical hurricane raked the South East Coast of the nation this week, causing damage upwards of 25,000,000 and bringing sudden death to nine people. UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES. . . . William W. Remington, on suspension from the Commerce Department, pressed Elizabeth T. Bentley, ex-Communist testifier, for a retraction of charges that he was Communist, threatening a libel suit. Elsewhere, Sen. Homer Ferguson charged that his investigation had been thwarted by Attorney General Clark; Rep. McDowell said that Committee investigation would lead to indictments on Saturday, and Rep. Herbert reported that the Committee had turned up no evidence at all. In Chicago, George Pirinsky, executive secretary of the American- Slav Congress was arrested on a warrant charging him, an alien, with belonging to an organization advocating overthrow of the gov- ernment. * * *4 Local ENROLLMENT, ... The University reported a record breaking 20,533 students had enrolled last week and that the figure might go to 21,000. Dean James B. Edmonson said that large enrollments would not endanger the present educational standard, in the first lecture of a new graduate course on higher education. * * * STRIKE . . . At Olivet College, students picketed and faculty fought this week for the reinstatement of T. Barton Akeley and his wife Margaret who had been discharged from the faculty, allegedly for "ultra- liberal- ism." Olivet President Aubrey L. Ashby, said the strikers were a mi- nority, gave students until 4 p.m. Tuesday to register. At weekend they were still out. * * * AVC.... The American Veterans Committee was the center of some name calling thi sweek, as a bloc lend by AVC President Dave Bab- son charged that Ed Shaffer, avowed Communist, had tried to pack the first chapter meeting of the fall, in order to get some resolutions passed. At week-end, the Daily had been stormed with irate AVCers denying and supporting Babson's claims. HOUSING .... With an unexpected flood of students, every bit of space, from at- tic to basements of University housing facilities had been filled with students this week. Cots and davenports were in use, Vice-President Robert P. Briggs flew to Washington and got two Willow Run dorms re-opened, and the University went on the radio with an appeal for help. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Company, Inc., has established a schol- arship of $500 to be used during the current school year. The scholarship will be awarded to a highly recommend- ed student in Aeronautical or Mechan- ical Engineering who has completed his junior year at the University. Ap- plications should be in letter form, giv- ing a brief statement of qualifications and experience in regard to both schol- astic work and any outside experience they may have had. Any service record should be mentioned. Senior Mechan- icals will address their letters of ap- plication to Prof. R. S. Hawley, Rm. 221 W. Eng. Bldg.; E. W. Conlon, Rm. 1501 E. Eng. Bldg. Applications will be re- ceived up to Oct. 8. Aeronautical Engineering Students: There is available one $500 Richard L. Perry Memorial Fellowship to students in Aeronautical Engineering who are in need of financial assistance and who show definite promise in this field. In the selection of a candidate preference will be given to veteran pilots. Appli- cations should be in letter form, giving a statement of services in the armed forces, and addressed to Prof. E. W. Conlon, Rm. 1501 E. Eng. Bldg. Appli- cations will be received up to Oct. 8. Juniors, Seniors and Graduates: Two Frank P. Sheehan scholarships are available in the Department of Aero- nautical Engineering. The selection of candidates for these scholarships is made very largely on the basis of scho- lastic standing. Applicants should ad- dress letters to Prof. E. W. Conlon, Rm. 1561 E. Eng. Bldg., giving a brief state- ment of their qualifications and ex- perience they may have had A state- ment should also be made about their plans for further study in Aero. Eng. Any service record should be mention- ed. Applications will be received up to Oct. 8. Rhodes Scholarships: All students interested in Rhodes Scholarships will meet wed., Sept. 29, Rm. 2003, Angell Hall, 4:15 p.m. University community Center, 1045 Midway, Wilow Run Village. Sun., Sept. 26, 10:45 a.m., Interde- nominational church; 4-6 p.m., Episco- pal student group tea; 8-9 p.m., Church sponsored discussion group. Mon., Sept. 27, 8 p.m., Non-partisan information committee. Tues., Sept. 28, 8 p.m.. "Interior De- sign and Decoration," speaker from Hudson's. Sponsored by the Wives' Club. Open to the public. Thurs., Sept. 30, 8 p.m., Arts and Crafts Group. Organizational meeting. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Stanley Cohen, Biological Chemistry; thesis: "The Nitrogenous Metabolism of the Earthworm," 1:15 p.m., Mon., Sept. 27, 313 W. Medical Bldg. Chairman, H. B. Lewis. Seminar in Algebraic Numbers: Or- ganizational meeting, Tues., Sept. 28, 3 p.m., Rm. 3006 Angell Hall. Mathematics Seminars: organiza- tional meeting, 4 p.m., Mon., Sept. 27, Rm. 3011 Angell Hall. Organic Chemistry Seminar: Mon., Sept. 27, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 2308, Chem. Bldg. Topic, "The Structure of Cin- chona Alkaloids." Speaker, W. R. Vau- ghan. Physles courses 181 and 183 meet on Tues., Sept. 28. Course 181, 10 a.m., Rm. 1041. Course 183, 1 p.m., Rm. 2051. Applications for Grants in Support of Research Projects: Faculty members, who wish to apply for grants from the Research Funds in support of research projects during the next fiscal year, should file their applications in the Office of the Grad- uate School by Fri., Oct. 8. Application forms will be mailed or can be obtained at Rm. 1006 Rackham Bldg., telephone 372. Concerts Carillon Recital: Percival Price, Uni- versity Carillonneur, 2:15 p.m., Sun., Sept. 26. Events Today The Gilbert & Sullivan Society will hold tryouts for principals in "Yoe- man of the Guard," 3 p.m., Michigan League. Room will be posted. Blue-Jeans Party: 3 p.m., Sun., Sept. 26, Hillel Foundation. U. of M. Hot Record Society: Meeting, 8 p.m., Michigan League. Election of ofcers. Michigan Christian Fellowship: 4:30 p.m., basement Lane Hall. Speaker: Mr. Cleo Burton, Regional Staff Member, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. "World Upsetters and their Philoso- phy. Lutheran Student Association: 5:30 p.m., Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. Sup- per, 6 p.m. Speaker: Dean Alice Lloyd, "The Campus Looks at Religion." Westminster Guild: Supper 5:30 p.m., Social Hal; Speaker: Mr. William Hen- derson. "The A B C.'s of Christianity." Congregational-Disciples Guild: Sup- per at 6:00 p.m., Congregational Church. Series of skits: "This is Your Guild." Meeting closes with a short worship service. Roger Williams Guild: Supper pro- gram, 6:00 p.m., featuring student panel on "Summer Service Dividents." Wesleyan: 5:30 p.m. Speaker Mr. De- Witt Baldwin, program director of Stu- dent Religious Association. "The Guild as a Factor in International Relation- ship." Supper and fellowship, 6:30 p.m. Unitarian Student Group: 6:30 p.m., snack supper. Rev. Redman will lead discussion, "Unitarianism and Stu- dent Life." Canterbury Club: 5:30 p.m., supper. Discussion led by Mr. J. Fletcher Plant. Executive Vice-President, Austin Co. "Christian Missions Today." 8 p.m. eve- ning prayer service. Coming Events La p'tite causette meets every Mon. and Thurs., 3:30 p.m., cafeteria of the Michigan League. All students inter- ested in learning how to speak French in a friendly and informal atmosphere are cordially invited. International Center Reception for new foreign students, 7:30 p.m., Mon., Sept. 27, League Ballroom. Undergraduate Psychology Society: Dr. Theodore Newcomb, Sociology and Psychology Departments, will speak on "Some Aspects of Human Motivation, in Groups," 7:30 p.m., Mon., Sept. 27, Kellogg Auditorium. Russian Circle Get-Acquainted meet- ing 8 p.m. Mon., Sept. 27, International Center. The Gilbert & Sullivan Society will hear tryouts for principals in "Yeomen of the Guard" Mon., Sept. 27, 8 p.m., Michigan League. Full rehearsal and separate meeting for technical staff Tues., Sept. 28, 7:30 p.m., Michigan League. Rooms will be posted.. IFC House Presidents meeting Tues., Sept 28, Rm. 3C, Michingan Union. Agenda: Scholarship, Rushing and So- cial Program. Meeting of Assembly and A.I.M.'s Governing Boards, Tues., Sept. 28, 3 p.m., Michigan League, to make fur- ther plans for the A-Hop on Oct. 16. First Meeting A.S.C.E. Student Chap- ter, Tues., Sept. 28, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3K- L-M Michigan Union. Speaker: R. L. McNamee, of Drury, McNamee & Por- ter, Consulting Engineers. Topic: "The Practice of the Consult- ing Engineer." A.S.H. and V.E.-American Society of Heating and Ventlating Engineers. Stu- dent Chapter Meeting Tues., Sept. 28, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union, Rm. 3L. Open to all students interested in Heating andAir Conditioning. Students in the School of Business Administration are urged to meet in Rm. 102 Architecture Bldg., 7:30 p.m., Tues., Sept. 28, to discuss proposed Business Administration Council. Toledo Club: meeting, Tues., Sept. 28, 7:30 p.m., Michigan League. All Tole- doans are welcome. Stump Speakers' Society: Sigma Rho Tau Business Meeting, Tues., Sept. 28, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union, third floor right. Committee chairmen will be elected and activi- ties for the semester discussed. Journalism Society open meeting, 7:30 p.m., Tues., Sept. 28, Rm. 3 K in the Union. Election of officers I.Z.F.A. Study Groups: First meeting Tues., Sept, 28, Rm 3 M, Michigan Un- ion, 8 p.m. First "get acquainted" meeting of the Deutscher Verein : Thurs., Sept. 30 at 8 p.m., Michigan Union. Room num- ber will be announced on Union bul- letin board. All interested students and faculty invited. 1 I Fifty-Ninth Year I + BOOKS +1- WISTERIA COTTAGE, by Robert Coates (212 pp., Harcourt, Brace Company, $2.50). M. & " NOVEL of Criminal Impulse," as this latest Coates story is sub-titled, follows one Richard Baurie as he gradually moves from the world of reality and joins the ranks of the criminally insane. This concise little novel does not be- long in the common thriller category, however. It is much too well-done for that. Nor is it a mystery story. Instead, Mr. Coates begins by infering plainly what is going to happen, and from there the reader sits almost as fascinated as in a Dostoevsky novel while this tale of horror and perversity unfolds. The setting of Wisteria Cottage is on Long Island Sound, and when Richard first sees the place, he thinks "the house, in its deep, brooding emptiness, its almost sullen isola- tion, holds a dreamlike invitation. 'Peace- and calm,' he said, savoring the words, and the words themselves had never seemed lovelier." But it is hardly peace and loveli- ness that Richard and his three proteges, a mother and two daughters, experience that situation entirely through the thoughts and feelings of one character) and at the same time to impose an impartial frame of reference as the psychiatrist reinter- prets some of Richard's wilder fantasies. "The elder daughter, Louisa," the psychia- trist states, "was brisk, direct, glibly sophis- ticated, and neurotic enough to be a little avid in her pursuit of pleasure. But as far as can be detelrmined the excesses which Richard attributed to her, and deplored- and was also, of course, fascinated by- were in great part imaginary." Thus you will discover in this compelling story how a summer at an ordinary cottage is spent by four seemingly ordinary people and how by a diabolical trick of fate, the vacation is ended in so much bloodiness and death that even Lizzie Borden might be envious. But don't begin this the day before your Economics bluebook or you may never get around to Econ. --Carol Anderson. *' * * * New Books at General Library AVRILL, GERALD-Ridge Runner, Story of a Maine Woodsman. Philadelphia, Lip- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harriett Friedman .. .Managing Editor Dick Maloy..............City Editor Naomi Stern........ Editorial Director Allegra Pasqualetti . ...Associate Editor Arthur Higbee.......Associate Editor Harold Jackson ......Associate Editor Murray Grant..........Sports Editor Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed. Bev Bussey ......Sports Feature Writer Audrey Buttery......Women's Editor Business Staff Richard Halt .......Business Manager Jean Leonard .... Advertising Manager William Culman .....Finance Manager Cole Christian .... Circulation Manager Bess Hayes ..................Librarian Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member Associated Collegiate Press 1948-49 BARNABY it almost seems that nothing short CL A NG of a catastrophe will draw attention o the overcrowded condition here. And get the school annex built and- LA G! CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! CLANG6I What's that bell? .1 CLANG! CL NG! CLANG! CLA G! CLANG! Barnaby! A firebell! A fire! A holocaust! A catastrophe!