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January 08, 1949 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-01-08

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Honor System

A MUCH-DISCUSSED question among
University students in recent weeks has
been the possible adoption of the honor
system in the literary college.
Just before vacation, a botany in-
structor decided to try out this plan in one
of his lab sections and after writing the
test on the board, left the room.
It would be wrong to say that there was
no cheating during that examination. Placed
on their honor for the first time since en-
tering college, some students regarded the
experiment as a hoax.
]lut nonetheless there were many who
treated this teacher's trial use of the honco.
system seriously. When placed on their
honor, students who had previously suc-
cumbed to the temptations of cheating re-
fused either to give or receive aid. The honor
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

system had proved its worth to a great
In the engineering college, this system
has been successfully operated for some
time. Certainly, there is not any great
difference in the moral standards of lit
and engine students that should warrant
not employing the honor system in lit
At present, the amount of cheating in
some courses in the literary college is really
appalling. Because the penalties for cheat-
ing-often expulsion-are so stiff, students
are devising new, more precautious ways of
cribbing. Signals of all sorts have been
invented; new means and apparatus for
concealing notes perfected. In fact, an issue
of Life magazine carried a four page picture
feature illustrating various ways of cheat-
ing without being caught.
In lit school, blue books are of neces-
sity becoming more heavily monitored.
Certainly, this is no credit to a great
University like ours.
The honor system may not be the per-
fect solution to the problem of cheating, but
it is certainly worth a try.
-Herb Rovner.


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Practical Senator

T WAS GOOD to hear Margaret Chase
Smith, the new Senator from Maine,
('all upon Queen Juliana of Hol-
land to stop the fighting in Indonesia.
That luncheon--meeting speech made Mrs.
Smith's first day as a United States Sena-
tor magnificent. But if now, to her plea as
a woman of sympathy, Mrs. Smith will add
the declaration as a practical Senator that
she will vote to deny all future Marshall
Plan appropriations to Holland until In-
donesia is set free, then she will really have
done a large week's work.
For somehow this issue must get to the
floors of Congress. It is intolerable that a
question which is causing America moral
unease shall not be debated in America's
national forum. It is inconceivable that
the Senate and House will stand mute,
untouched by the riptides of this discus-
sion, primly withdrawn, daintily aloof.
This Congress must do its best to halt the
Dutch, or be counted with them. That ac-
counting will take place in the minds of
the people of Asia. And so important is it,
in world terms, that the account be ren-
dered straight and true, that it would be
valid for Congress not only to cut off aid
to the Dutch, but also to appropriate several
millions for special information work to
make sure that the people of Asia hear of
the action-for they may already, in their
despair, have stopped listening.
And here we see clearly what is wrong
with Secretary Forrestal's notion that our
government ought to be empowered to
give aid to any country without making
special request, each time, of Congress.
It is vital that, somehow, the voices of the
people of the world shall get into this
equation. And there is no way that can
happen except through Congress. Only by
having our Congress echa the sentiments
of the American people, who, in turn, can
be counted upon to echo the sentiments
of the oppressed of this world, can a chain
of communication be set up between the
poorest peasant of Asia and the makers

of policy at the highest levels of our gov-
ernment. If this system of echoing cham-
bers be a tenuous means of communica-
tion, it is at least a means and it must
not be blocked and insulated and cut off.
It is not that our diplomats lack sym-
pathy. They are men like any others; they
yelp when they are hurt and smile when
they are pleased. But they are men on spe-
cific missions of winning allies and cement-
ing a planetary structure, and they can-
not allow themselves the luxuries of open
self-questioning, of giant leaps of the' spirit,
of the kind of deliberation which only a
whole people can carry out in its market-
place. They will almost certainly overesti-
mate the importance of turning a slight
frown upon the Dutch at an international
meeting, though the frown will not be seen
by the world and will be of little conse-
quence to it. To them the world must in-
evitably tend to become limited to the room
they work in, and it is for the people to re-
mind them that the world is bigger than
That is why our Congress must remain
in the picture. That is why our Congress
must undertake the pain and the hard
work of making a moral determination
on the rape of Indonesia. It cannot avoid
a task which the heart of America feels
to be necessary. If it does try to avoid it,
it will lend a further touch of false sim-
plicity to the structure of our foreign
policy, another bit of oversimplification of
the kind that can make us believe we are
solving our problems, on paper, while in
reality we are losing a world.
We are in danger of dying of neatness, in
a world filled with dark questioning and
thwarted aspiration. It is for our Congress
to give expression to these turbulent moral
currents. And the strange thing is that if
it does so it will, in spite of all seeming
surface disorder, have given an immediate
organic unity to the cause of freedom which
no schedule of money aid or arms stockpil-
ing can hope to provide.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation)

THE BATTLE between the Soviet ideology
and that of American democracy may
be at last shaping up. President Truman
has decided to lead the fight, courageously
we think, on the plane where it would even-
tually have to be fought anyway, regardless
of how many physical wars we fight-on
the plane of social and economic rights.
What the President asked from the 81st
Congress was a significant change from
the constitutional assurances of our po-
litical rights. He was asking for the ex-
tension of democracy-the equality of
all to that field where the menace of
Communism with its promises of Utopia
most endangered our democratic way of
If the Truman program is passed it means
that the individue.l will have not only his
freedoms of speech, assembly, petition and
religion but also. the protection of govern-
ment against sickness, unemployment, poor
housing, insecurity and the disadvantage of
too un-balanced distribution of wealth. It
will be a challenge to the Communist ideol-
ogy that economic democracy can exist: with
and be a part of the political democracy for
which the Western powers have become the
world's last bastion.
This is the ground for which the battle
has been destined. We could go to war as
the reactionaries suggest but in the final
analysis we would end where we started.
All the wars in the history of Western
civilization have failed completely when
they were attempting to do away with.an
idea, because ideas must be proven false
and killed in the mind and not on the
no man's land of warfare, sensational
newspaper publicity or Un-American Com-
The opponents of the program may cry
"Sociali m," but the world no longer shrinks
from the term. The mother who's child lies
sick because of inability to pay for medical
care does not draw back in terror when
pre-paid medical care gets a nick-name. The
worker living in the back of a car doesn't
vote Republican because the public housing
bill is termed "leftish."
Rather than shy away from these terms,
America is going towards them, confident
that it has the answer to our own prob-
lems-the compromise which will give us
the guarantees of private enterprise, the po-
litical liberty of OUR democracy, and the
security of modified Socialism.
-Don McNeil.
Welfare State
F OR THOSE who enjoy pomp and circum-
stance, the outward trappings of the
American government are singularly disap-
pointing. The address on the state of the
union is one of the world's more ancient
surviving political ceremonies. Yet, as the
thirty-second President of the United States
arrived to address the Eighty-First Con-
gress of the United States, no pages blew
trumpets, no maces were brandished, no
tradition-hallowed rites were performed.
It was hard to believe that these re-
inarkably . unremarkably-looking men -
the President, the Congressional leaders,
the Cabinet members-between them dis-
posed of more power than any other group
of men in the world. It was hard to be-
lieve that this was a moment of high
drama. Yet, in a sense, it was.
Not that the President's speech sounded
dramatic. The real drama lay simply in this,
that the President's speech underscored a
fact which even Nov. 2 failed entirely to
force home-the fact that the United States,

in a time of booming prosperity, has taken
a sudden, wholly unanticipated, and deci-
sive turn to the left.
For one thing is clear. There were kind
words, undoubtedly sincerely meant, about
business and free enterprise. But the Presi-
dent's recwmmendations to Congress were
well to the left of any recommendations
which have ever been made to that body
by any President, including Truman's pre-
The address on the state of the union
was, indeed, a blueprint for a peculiarly
American version of what in Europe
would probably be called "social democ-
racy"-.J ustice William Douglas has
dubbed it the "social welfare state." The
basic premise behind every word the Presi-
dent spoke was simply that in every field
affecting the public welfare, from health
and housing and prices to the production
of steel, the state must assume the ulti-
mate responsibility.
In an ideological sense, the President
ventured further to the left in his steel pro-
posal than in regard to any other issue. He,
asked that the government be given the
power, in certain circumstances, to build,
operate and own steel plants. Peace-time
government ownership and operation of a
part of a basic industry does have perfectly
genuine socialist overtones.
It remains to be seen how far the Eighty-
First Congress will go in translating the
Truman program into law. It is still, of
course, really too early to guess-the Con-
gress has not yet had time to shake down.
But according to experienced observers. on

News of the Week

"All Aboard"
14,z T
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China . . .
Withdrawal of the U.S. Marines from China was rumored and
later denied as the tottering Chiang Kai-Shek regime staggered
under Communist blows amid rising Chinese clamor for peace.
But William C. Bullitt, a former U.S. diplomat, reported to Con-
gress that it is "not yet too late" to save Chiang, if "American
direction and control exercised by a fighting general" is imposed on
the Nationalist armies.
* * *
Indonesia,. .
Dutch forces continued their mop-up of remaining pockets of
resistance and announced that all of the principal military objectives
had been captured.
Reaction to the Dutch moves came from India where Prime
Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru invited 13 Eastern nations to
participate in a conference on Indonesia. He called the Dutch action
"naked and unabashed aggression."
At week's end the U.S. again called on the Netherlands to prove
"by prompt, specific actions" its declared intention of granting self-
rule to the people of Indonesia.



., i



Israel ...
The U.S. urged both Israel and Egypt to take no military actions
"extending the hostilities" in Palestine.
Speculation ran high about what action Britain might take under
her mutual defense pact with Egypt. But with the news of Egypt's
agreement to direct peace negotiations with Israel and the Jewish
state's acceptance of a UN cease-fire order, the possibility of peace
was not excluded.
* *- * *
State of the Union .. .
President Truman's State-of-the-Union message to Congress was
greeted by cries of "socialism" from angry Republicans but gained
support of most Democrats.
The "Fair Deal" calls for an additional tax load of $4 billion,
universal military training, repeal of the Taft-Hartley Act, the full
civil rights program demanded earlier by the President, natural
resources and river control, public power, health insurance, extended
social security and federal aid to education and housing.
New Secretary of State ...
Dean Acheson was appointed Secretary of State to replace George
C. Marshall, who resigned on account of ill health. The new Under-
secretary is James E. Webb, former budget director, replacing Robert
A. Lovett who resigned with Marshall, effective Jan. 20.
Foreign policy was expected to continue unchanged.
* * * *
New Administration Building
Students returned from vacation to find University Hall still
standing but almost empty; almost all administrative officers evacuat-
ed and settled into their new offices in the Administration Building.
* * * *
Deaths ...
Classes resined after vacation without two professors and one
student who died during the holidays. Prof. J. W. Eaton of thy
German department and Richard O. Miller, '50E, died in accidcnts
while Prof. Roy H. Holmes of the sociology department succumbed
to a heart ailment.
Assistant Provost '
Appointment of former budget director John A. Perkins to the
newly-created office of assistant provost was announced. Perkins, a
former professor of political science and director of the Institute of
Public Administration here, was appointed to the state post by former
Gov. Kim Sigler.
University Budget ...
A University budget of $12,500,000 and a request for more than
$8,000,000 for capital outlays was submitted to the State Legislature.
Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss said the administration hopes to
add the first 73 of 400 new faculty members.
Student Legislature Officers . . .
The newly-elected Student Legislature chose Jim Jans, '49, of De-
troit, as president. Other cabinet members are: John Ryder, '50,
vice-president; Don Rothschild, '51BAd., treasurer; Kay Woodruff, '50,
recording secretary; Phyllis Rosen, '50, corresponding secretary; Ralph
Sosin, '50, and Hugh Greenberg, '51, members-at-large.
Campus Communists...
Three student Communists resigned from the campus chapter
of the Americans Veterans Committee in line with a national AVC
vote to oust all Communists. The three were former MYDA chairman
Ed Shaffer, Grad., Ed Yellin, '50, and Bill Carter, '50A.

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all1
members of the University. Notices
for the -Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LIX, No. 79
University personnel paid on a
monthly salary basis may request
to have their salary checks sent
to either the Ann Arbor Bank or
the State Savings Bank. This re-
quest should be signed at the Pay-
roll window of the Cashier's Of..
fice in the Administration Build-
Committee on Student Affairs:
Meeting, 3 p.m., Tues., Jan. 11,
Regents' Room, 1011 Angell Hall.
Identification Cards are re-
quired of all students who wish to
register for the Spring Semester.
Any students who have not called
for ID cards may do so in the Of-
fice of Student Affairs before the
end of the present semester. In-
formation regarding duplication
of lost ID cards may be obtained
from the above office.
Women students attending Paul
Bunyan dance Jan. 8 have 1:30
a.m. permission. Calling hours will
not be extended.
Summer Placement: Registra-
tion meeting for students inter-
ested in summer employment,
4:10 p.m., Tues., Jan. 11, West
Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall.
University Lectures in Journal-
ism: Prof. Clyde R. Miller, foun-
der and director of the Institute
for Propaganda Analysis, will ad-
dress journalism students and
other interested students on the
subject-, "Why Public Opinion
Polls 'antj Propaganda Sometimes
Backfire," 3 p.m., Mon., Jan. 10,
Rm. B, Haven Hall. Coffeeahour.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Paul
Henry Eschmeyer, Zoology; the-
sis: "Reproduction and Migration
of the Yellow Pikeperch, Stizoste-
dion Vitreum Vitreum, in Michi-
gan," 9 a.m., Sat., Jan. 8, 3091
Natural Science Bldg. Chairman,
R. M. Bailey.
Doctoral Examination for Paul
Richard Annear, Astronomy;
thesis: "An Investigation of Ga-
lactic Structure in a Region of
Cygnus," 9:30 a.m., Sat., Jan. 8,
Observatory. Chairman, D. B. Mc-
Cancellation of Recital: .The
student recital by James Merrill,
pianist, previously announced for
8 p.m., Mon., Jan. 10, Rackhamn
Assembly Hall, has been post-
poned until a later date.
Student Recital: J. Bertram
Strickland, Organist, will present
a program at 4:15 p.m., Sun., Jan.
9, Hill Auditorium, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for
the Bachelor of Music degree. A
pupil of Frederick Marriott, Mr.
Strickland will play works by
Pachelbel, Bach, Franck, Peeters,
Dupre, and Sowerby. The public is
Events Today
Institute of Aeronautical Sci-
ences: Annual Banquet, 6 p.m.,

Michigan Union. Guest Speaker:
Colonel Dregne, U.S.A.F., Selfridge
Field, Michigan. Topic: "Opera-
tional Engineering." Tickets on
sale in 1507 E. Engineering Bldg.
Saturday Luncheon Discussion
Group: 12:15 p.m., Lane Hall.
Conming Events
Michigan Union Opera: Meet-
ing at 3 p.m., Sun., Jan. 9, Rm.
3A, Michigan Union, for all per-
sons interested in working on the
promotions committee of the
Michigan Union Opera to be held
March 23, 24 and 25, Michigan
Theatre. The work will include
contact work with radio stations
newspapers, students, alumni, and
other interested people and
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Na-
tional professional and Honorary
Music Fraternity: Meeting, 7
p.m., Mon., Jan. 10, Michigan Un-

ion. Picture for the Ensian will be
taken at 7:15. Dress-business
U.W.F. Informal discussion group,
7:30 p.m., Sun., Jan. 9, Garden
(Continued on Page 4)
Xe ttep4
The Daily accords its readers the
privileg9 of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they arereceived all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address,
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
Play the Irash
To the Editor:
M R. CRISLER in a recent con-
ference with Coach "Moose"
Krause of Notre Dame stated that
Michigan had no room for Notre.
Dame on its schedule, because
Michigan is compelled to play 6
conference games, a team from
each coast, to satisfy alumni, and
Michigan State to satisfy State
rooters-and the legislature.
Since State has been accepted
in the Big Nine, Michigan will
continue to play them; only now
as a conference foe,rthereby leav-
ing a date open for Notre Dame
for 1950. And since Michigan has
one of the best Frosh squads in
its history coming up, they will be
loaded until at least '52. As I'm
from Detroit, I get the argument
everytime I go home. Everyone is
tired of it along with myself and
since petitions were circulating on
your campus to get the Athletic
Department to schedule Notre
Dame, it is apparent that Mich-
igan students are fed up too and
in favor of such a move. The way
is clear now and all it would take
would be somebody with influence
to investigate such a move-how
about yourself, Mr. Editor?
"Notre Dame will play anyone,
anytime, any place"; but if action
isn't taken immediately, dates will
conflict. Why not go all out for a
Michigan vs. Notre Dame game
for 1950.
-Bill Auhut,
Notre Dame, Ind.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Mchgan has
arranged for completetschedules un-
til 1953, at which time Michigan
State officially enters the Western
Conference. Then, it will be up to
the Faculty Representatives to de-
cide whether the Sig Ten will be
able to play six or seven conference
foes. If six is the number, then and
only then may Michigan consider
scheduling Notre Dame in anything
but a post-season contest.)
Ifi d li o 46,
Ffty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.

Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ................City Editor
Naomi Stern........Editorial Director
Aliegra Pascualettl ... .Associate Editor
Arthur Higbee ........Associate Editor
Murray Grant..........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed,
Bev Busseyr....Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery...... Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ..................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Halt......Business Manager
Jean Leonard . .. .Advertising Manager
SWilliam Culman ......Finance Manager
Cole Christian .....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusivel5
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper,
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mall
Subscription Luring the regular
school year by carrier. $6.00, by maU,

I - --- - - = --- It

WITH the what-1.-t'tk ntx , o! ist>e> r
problem on everybody's mind these
days, we think the following conversation
worthy of note:
Sophomore (to two upperclassmen)
What do you think of psychology of adver-
First Upperclassm a (to other upperclass-
marl: Say, we took thOt course, didn't we
Patty? What was it about?
'I* * * *
W ITHv1 MOSTi' TEriM p mer alreay turnedI
in, we thick it' : ,> to telthe story
of the coed who, in l th course of ber re-
searching, caime upon a book that seemed
to Dave a wealth of information on her
topic. Very pleased, she charged the book,
took it home and settled down for a good

afternoon's work. She read almost half
the book before she discovered that it was
the assigned text for the course.
I)isillnsiunent . .
WE KNOW SOME people whose six year'
old son stood up fine when told that
Santa Claus wasn't real, but they're still
afraid to break the news to him that
Wallace lost the election. .
,54, W ha11?.
F 'T l.110,3 who missed it, we hereby re-
print the following socially sigificailt
article which appeared in The Daily the
other day:
"FROZEN JAW, New Mexico--TIie Amer-
ican economy produced a total of 1,483,-
000,000 tons of raw material in 1939.
Officials estimated that that would
amount to 2,966,000,000,000 pounds."


AMAMI ALIPED( (Verdi's "La Tra-
viata") Maria Cebotari, Giovanni Mali-
f ero and Mariano Stabile.

knowledge of I) tmas' "Camille," upon
which the opera is based:
Serious Alfredo meets the gay heroine
at a paxty and wins her love until the
second act when his father convinces her
that their living together is doing the


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It's going fo snow, Pop-


We ARE in for a snowstorm-P
It looks like Mr. O'Mollev m Fnirv

S l gK

What's THAT?


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