HONOR SYSTEM See Page 2 Y A6F A6P Ar ,gat tlt COLDER SNOW FLURRIES, Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIX, No. 79 ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, SATIURAY; JANUARY 8, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS Marshall Sl g11S cheson amed to, Post Truman Charts conomic Future Goal Is Million More t obs in 1949; Tax Increase of Four Billions Asked WASHINGTON-(/P)-President Truman today set a goal of 1,000,000 more jobs and expanded production as he unfolded the eco- nomic chart he wants the nation to follow in 1949. The future can not be left to chance, he said in his annual eco- nomic report to Congress, because "dangerous inflationary pres- sures" still are at work. Accordingly he again asked for the $4,000,000,- 000 tax boost and anti-inflationary powers he outlined in his State of the Union Message. + '. * * IN THIS connection, he urged a two-year extension of rent con- trols, and elaborated on his request for powers to control prices and wages on a selective basis. He sa Erptin of Mauna Loa Hits Hawaii HILO, Hawaii -- (P) - Famed Mauna Loa volcano, erupting with a violent} burst of gas, sent streams of lava down its slope to- day toward the coffee fields and resorts on this island's western coast. Schools were dismissed at the villages of Honaunau, Hookena and Alae in the path of the west- ward advance of lava, but the slowness of the flow eased fears the villages would have to be evac- uated. * * * id these powers may never be used, -4but should be provided. Among other things, he called for repeal of the Federal excise taxes on margarine. Reiterating that corporations should bear the major load of the $4,000,000,000 tax increase, he said nevertheless the levies should be applied so as not to hamper business: expansion. :k # * FOUR STREAMS OF lava spilled from the snow-covered vol- cano, which, rises 13,680 feet above the sea. Sulphurous smoke boiled 18,000 feet above the peak when the volcano erupted yester- day. Lava streams-12 to 15 wind- ing miles long and as much as two miles wide on the west slope -oozed through the wilderness land of old lava beds. Asscociated PWress correspon- dent Don Carlson in a flight over the crater said there was no cul- tivated land or ranch property for a considerable distance ahead of the slowing rivers of fiery rock. THERE WERE three streams on the southwest and a fourth- as yet but two miles long-on the northeast slope. The northeast flow is the one worrying this city of 25,000. Hilo is 34 miles north- east of the summit. Mystery ote CompIicates Escape _rial A mysterious penciled note heightened interest in the case now before the Washtenaw Coun- ty Circuit Court of the two prison escapees whose names were prom- inent in the investigation of the Senator Hooper murder. Circuit Court Judge James R. Breakey Jr. postponed the trial of the two men, Alfred Kurner, 27, and Stanley Wrobel, 47, after he received the note which he said "explained circumstances sur- rounding the defendants' escape from the Cassidy Lake Prison Farm." ** * THE COURT did not elaborate upon the note's content, nor did he reveal how he obtained it. Nor was the note the only un- usual development in the case. Wrobel, after first pleading in- nocent to the escape charge, later changed his plea to guilty, but the court refused to accept the new pleb,, at least for the time being. WHEN JUDGE Breakey asked Wrobel to what charge he was pleading guilty, "so that I can be sure in myown mind that you un- derstand to what you are pleading guity," the prisoner steadfastly remained mute. Thereupon, the judge declared that he would not decide until 9 a.m. today whether to accept the HIS REPORT contained the of- ficial tally of the past year's eco- nomic achievements highlighted by gains in nearly all fields of in- dustry which boosted the nation's output of goods and services to a record peak of $252,700,000,00. To maintain this prosperity drive at more balanced levels, the President called on Congress to launch a "vigorous anti-in- flation program now." He said that the social program he out- lined Wednesday is a two- edged government weapon-- "anti-depression" as well as anti-inflation. Democratic leaders immediately promised a quick drive to carry out the President's economic pro- gram, but a Senate Republican chief sounded a go-slow note. * ,:* a* SENATOR Saltonstall (Rep., Mass.), deputy GOP floor leader, told a reporter: "The conclusions and recom- mendations of the President are so extensive they require a lot of study. Only after very careful consideration by every member of Congress can we be sure of a course that will bring us to the best solution." Senator O'Mahoney (Dem., Wyo.) said the President's mes- sage was "constructive and posi- tive" and should calm "the fears of a few critics who pretended to see a drift toward Socialism" in Mr. Truman's address to Congress on Wednesday. O'Mahoney heads the joint Senate-House Economic Committee which will weigh the President's report for legislative action. In today's message, Mr. Truman skirted direct reference to the size of his new budget which some Democrats say will call for about $41,900,000,000 for the fiscal year starting July 1. Indian Art Exhibit Held Over Today The exhibition of Indian art currently being shown at the R'ackham Building will be held over for another day because of the unexpectedly large attend- ance figures. The Hindustan Association, sponsor of the exhibit, announced that the exhibition room will be open today, the last day of the showing, from 2 to 10 p.m. Minnesota Cagers Meet 'M' Tonight Big Nine Opener May Decide Race By PRES HOLMES Michigan's defending Big Nine I Champions take up where they left off last year as they tangle with undefeated Minnesota on the Gophers' home court tonight in the opening game of the Confer- ence season. The sWolverines played a do-or- die battle with Iowa the last game of the 1948 season, to take the crown in a "dream" game as far as scheduling is concerned. This year the biggest battle appears to be the first game of the season. ** * REPUTED TO BE the deciding game in establishing the favorite for this year's crown, the Gophers are given a slight edge, on the basis of pre-season performances, in tonight's contest. Minnesota has not. lost a con- test in eight starts, and in building up this record towering center Jim McIntyre has more than lived up to his lustrous no- tices. He leads the mid-west in scoring, and Is fourth in the nation with a 19.5 average. Teammate Whitey Skoog, out- standing sophomore forward, is close on his heels with a 15 point average, good enough to rate fourth in the mid-west. .* * * BUD GRANT, familiar to fans as a Gopher gridder, has shaken off his football knots and prom- ises plenty of trouble for Mich- igan tonight. Last week he dumped in 31 points against Drake and Colgate. Minnesota's guard combination features Harold Olson and Jerry Mitchell. These boys have left the point-getting duties to their three more-than-adequate mates, and have devoted their talents strict- ly to defense-an Ozzie Cowles specialty. Coach Ernie McCoy took a ten- man squad with him to Minneap- olis to put the Gophers to their first real test. The injured Boyd McCaslin made the trip and is scheduled to start, if he continues See CAGERS, Page 3 Johnson Asks For Helpers Senior Class Needs Committee Reacs Val Johnson, president of the Class of '49, has announced that seniors of the literary college, tihe architectural college, the music school or the forestry school in-1 terested in becoming chairman of one of the class committees should write him a letter. 'h, letter should be addressed to Orval Johnson, Committee1 Chairmanships, 1020 Administra- tion Building. It should centain1 pertinent information about the applicant's qualifications and in- terests. Jan. 13 is the deadline by which time all mail must be in. The eight committees listed are: Information, Activities, Pub-< licity, Senior Ball, Cap and Gown, Reunion, Finance and Announce- ments. it MUSIC FROM FRANCE: Giiette Neveu To Give Varied Program Tonight Truce Order Fails To Stop Palestine Fight OASIS IN BLIZZARD: This aerial view shows cars and trucks gathered around the only habitation in miles along a blizzard-swept northern Colorado highway. Some 343 travelers were crowded into these buildings at Rockport, Colo., from Sunday until they were rescued Jan. 5. All were stranded when the season's worst blizzard trapped them. An Army Air Force plane, which dropped: blankets and food to the marooned travelers, brought in this photo. «\ A program embracing works from the great classics to con- temporary violin music is planned by Ginette Neveu for her con- cert at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. The young French artist, hail- ed by critics as one of the top- rank violinists of the time, will open the program with Mozart's Concerto in G Major. BACH'S CHACONNE (for vio- lin alone) and Sonata in G ma- jor, Op. 30, No. 3 by Beethoven will follow. After the intermission, Miss New Blizzard Mo cves Into Stricken West DENVER-(,P)-A fresh storm of the north threatened another attack on the Western plans area which was paralyzed most of this week by a January blizzard. This wind-driven storm, which began Sunday, caused at least 18 deaths in Wyoming, Colorado and Western Nebraska. Livestock losses are estimated unofficially in the millions. The Federal weather station at Denver forecast snow and colder weather for northwestern Wyo- ming tomorrow with strong winds on the eastern plains today. A Colorado legislator, William A. Carlson, who is a Civil Air Patrol flier, told reporters today he believed stock losses would reach a million dollars in three northeastern Colorado counties alone. Carlson flew about 1,000 mile on relief missions. A rancher near Grover, Colo., found 100 cattle dead when he finally got back to his place after a trip to Denver. WorldlYNews Round- Up By The Associated Press LANSING-Governor Williams today supported initiatory legis- lation to legalize the sale and manufacture of colored oleomar- garine. PITTSBURGH - Dr. Edward U. Condon, director of the U.S. Bureau of Standards-charged with being a "weak link" in the nation's atomic security-today said ex-Pennsylvania congress- man John McDaniel should eith- er "put up or shut up." WASHINGTON - Former Congressman Frank Hook from Michigan's Upper Peninsula Neveu will perform more re- cent works for violin opening with Ravel's Piece en forme de Ilabanera. Israel Great Forces End Battle Move One of the more recent arrivals to the American concert stage, Miss Neveu has been ranked by critics with the great artists of the violin for her "tone, tempera- ment and exceptional technique." * * *. AFTER MISS NEVEU'S highly successful American debut last season, many felt that the twenty-seven year old violinist provided very serious competition for older, established artists. Tickets for today's concert may be purchased at the offices of the University Musical Society, Bur- ton Tower and immediately be- fore the performance at the Hill box office. Huntley Urges Religion as Aid To Ease Crisis "We are now in a state of crisis which dates back to before 1860 and of which the atom bomb is merely a result," according to Prof. Frank L. Huntley. Huntley, a member of the Eng- lish department and chairman of the governing board of Lane Hall, made this statement to a group of students at Hillel foundation last night. * * * HUNTLEY then went on to say that to help relieve this crisis, religious education should be taught in schools and colleges. In his opinion the courses would be taught not "in religion, but about religion." Huntley urged cooperation between the state universities and colleges and the established faiths. These universities should help support guild houses near campus for student use, he said. The Yale, Iowa, Missouri and Michigan plans for religious edu- cation were discussed. Yale, Iowa and Missouri each have separate schools or departments of re- ligion. Religion courses at the University are scattered among various departments. TEL AVIV, Israel--P)-Fight- ing has sputtered again in South- ern Palestine despite an Israeli- Egyptian cease-fire order designed to lead to a permanent armistice. Israeli forces completed what the Jews said was probably the "greatest battle of movement" in Holy Land history before the deadline was reached at 2 p.m. (6 a.m. CST). IT WAS AN OPERATION which saw Israeli troops stab as deep as 48 miles into Egyptian territory. The Israeli Chief of Operations, Col. Yigal Yadin, estimated that the Egyptians in more than two weeks of fighting suffered 2,500 casualties, of whom 700 were killed and 700 captured. In sweeping operations against the Egyptians in the Negev desert, Israeli forces se- cretly repaired the old Roman road leading southwest from Beersheba and suddenly drove against the Egyptians, Yadin said. In the end he declared, nearly all Egyptian forces were hurled from Israeli soil. Rafa, the Egyp- tians' gateway to Palestine where the actual border line is in dis- pute, is partially ringed from the south and west by Israeli troops, he declared. IFC To Argue Alumni Ruling Representatives of all campus fraternities will confer with their IFC executive council and the In- terfraternity Alumni Board con- cerning the possible revision of the much-maligned 2.4 ruling at 2:30 p.m. today in the Union. Undergraduate fraternity spokesmen have termed "discrim- inatory" the ruling which threat- ens affiliated groups with social probation and suspension of rush- ing privileges if they fail to achieve a 2.4 academic average once every two to four years. These provisions, recommended by the IFC alumni group and ac- cepted by the Office of Student Affairs in 1945 were first put into effect last fall. China Waits For A nother Peace Offer NANKING -(P)-This anxious capital today awaited a second Government offer to talk peace with the Communists, who have launched heavy attacks in Central and North China. The Nanking News said an au- thoritative source disclosed the Governient will issue a "second ' peace statement." A Government spokesman said he knew nothing about it, but other sources thought it "quite probable." THE NEWS said the second statement might indicate whether Chiang Kai-Shek will, quit the presidency. It added officials hoped the statement would per- suade the Reds to abandon their "militaristic tactics." Chiang's New Year's offer to negotiate brought first a bar- rage of criticism from the Red radio, and then *a barrage of artillery fire from Communist gunners in the North and on the Central front. Reports reaching Nanking from Tientsin said heavy fighting was in progress on the city's defense perimeter. There were indications the Reds were ready to carry the city by assault. * * * ASSOCIATED PRESS corre- spondent Spencer Moosa in Pei- ping quoted pro-Government re- ports that the Nationalists were forced back on the South. Gen. Lin Piao, the Red gen- eral from Manchuria, was said to have massed 120,000 veteran troops for the assault. Red shells were exploding in the fac- tory district of Tientsin's south- ern suburbs. On the front north of Nanking, the former Suchow garrison was melting away under renewed as- sault by encircling Reds, informed sources said. Hunger and bullets were forcing the soldiers to quit. Complete surrender was predict- ed by the end of the week. * * * NO MORE THAN 150,000 re- mained of the original force of 250,000 which Chiang had counted on to move south from Suchow and help hold the Yangtze River line, they added. One unconfirmed report said Gen. Tu Yi-Ming, commander of the trapped forces, had taken off by plane from a small air strip in- side his lines and had reached Nanking. Junior Girls Play Tryout Call Issued Additional JGP tryouts will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. today, in the ABC room of the League. The list for appointments will be in the Undergraduate office to- day. Ginny Campell, JGP chair- man, urged all who have not signed, or who have failed to spec- ify a time, to sign up this morn- ing. Kid Stuff BOSTON-(A'P'-=4 little baby treatment-diapers and all-is all that is needed to curb rowdyism and vandalism. Judge John H. Connelly of Boston has had excellent re- sults with his own, original, method of punishment. It consists of sentencing the rowdies to live the lives of ba- bies for 24 hours during which they wear diapers, drink from nippled bottles, and play in a baby pen. Judge Connolly said that no one ever subjected to the "cure" came back to his juve- nile court. Truman Says Tough Poliey To Continue Appointment of Acheson Hailed Emphatically dening any cof- tening of the "tough" policy toward Russia, President Truman yesterday announced the ap- pointment of Dean Acheson as Secretary of State and James E. Webb as undersecretary of State. The announcement of Acheson's appointment followed on the heels of Truman's disclosure that the aging and ill George C. Marshall had resigned from the cabinet post. WEBB, 42-year-old Budget Di- rector, will assume the post for- merly held by Robert A. Lovett who resigned for "personalrea- sons,"' meaning that he wants to get back to private life. Answering a published report that he is trying, against Cabi- net opposition, to soften our policy toward Russia in a new approach to peace, Truman bluntly asserted that American foreign policy is undergoing no change. He labeled the report, which ap- peared in a Life Magazine arti- cle by columnist Jay Franklin, "without foundation." Franklin who helped 'write some of Mr. Truman's campaign speeches, had written in an earlier article that the election blasted the "whole Byrnes - Marshall - Forrestal pro- gram." * * * THE ANNOUNCEMENT that Acheson, 55-year-old Washington and New York lawyer who re- signed as undersecretary of State June 30, 1947, would replace Marshall came as no surprise In most Washington circles. He had been in the sp'culaton from the start and especially since Marshall had a kidney removed last month. Immediate reaction to his appointment was mostly favor- able. Cordell Hull, former See- retary of State, called Acheson a man of "outstanding ability." Senator Connally (Dem., Tex.), new chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, expressed pleasure while calling Mar- shall's departure regrettable. Senator Wiley (Rep., Wis.) said he expectedl some "concern" among Senators over frequent changes in the State Department which, he said, have prevented "consistency" in foreign policy. In accepting Marshall's resigna- tion, Mr. Truman paid about the highest praise it would be possible for a President to apply to an as- sociate. He said that Marshall was virtually an "indispensable man." * * * Preuss, Abbott Hail Acheson- Appointment'' By PAUL BRENTLINGER University political science ex- perts hailed the appointment of Dean Acheson to succeed Gen. Marshall as Secretary of State as 'an excellent choice.' Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the political science department, a former member of the State De- partment, said that for many years Acheson has done'an ex- cellent job in running the depart- ment while the Secretary has been absent on official business. * *I * "THE PEOPLE of the State Department have a great deal of confidence in Acheson. As under- secretary, he enjoyed excellent re- lations with Congress in the past,' and this is very important in con-- ducting our foreign affairs dur- ing this period of our history," according to Prof. Preuss. "Acheson is a level headed man, he gets along well with people, and he has had an ex- cellent background to prepare him for his job as head of -the department," Prof. Preuss. add- ed. PREDICTIONS AGAIN! Experts See Snow for COming Witer Carnival Best guesses of Willow Run meterorologists and local rule-of- corn weather prophets agree that it will probably be a "white" Winter Carnival. They will not guarantee "snow, continued cold" for the first big winter sports event on campus since 1941, but records and recollections indicate that there is usually enough snow Feb. 2 and 3. to slide skates, skis, to- ing, three-man toboggan races, and chair relays and broomball for skaters, as well as a dance and house displays. After skiing and tobogganing contests in the Arboretum all day Wednesday, everybody can warm up with a dance in the "ski lodge" at the League Wednesday night. * : *4 * HOUSE DISPLAYS will be indad Thursdamorning. Ex- EVERYBODY GETS IN ACT: Paul Bunyan Ox Grazes on State Street 01 A blue ox, a giant St. Bernard! dog and a band of drum-beating lumberjacks caused a traffic jam three blocks long on State St. last night. Tht? imbrianktr nnd " nbp_"o "Everybody wants to get into the act," Paul Miller, '15F, com- plained bitterly from his pre- carious position as end-man in the blue ox. Front-man Dave 'Paul Bunyan Formal' who haven't been asked as yet," he stated. A Daily spot check of wom- en's residences supported Tob- ,.mann qcntentin.