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January 07, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-01-07

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411 t t an



Latest Deadline in the State


Shaffer Quit
Campus AVC
National Ruling
Causes Decision
Three student Communists quit
the campus chapter of the Amer-
ican Veterans Committee last
They were Ed Shaffer, Ed Yellin
and Bill Carter. Shaffer and
Yellin were members of the
chapter executive committee.
A RESOLUTION was carried
accepting the resignations "with
regret" and thanking them for
work they had done in the past.
Their resignations came as
the result of a decision by the
national AVC convention last
November to oust members of
the Communist Party from
In a letter explaining their ac-
tion they said, ". . . we have no
alternative but to obey the will
of the majority. Any other action
would be contrary to the demo-
cratic principles of our Party."
THE LETTER called the con-
vention decision "both unjust to
the Communist Party and dan-
gerous to AVC" because members
of the Communist Party have
many times proven by their deeds
their devotion to democracy."
Shaffer, Carter and Yellin urged
discouraged members to remain
in AVC. They said:
"The recent turn of events
has discouraged many AVC'ers.
They feel that AVC is no longer
a liberal organization and want
to resign. We urge these people
to remain in the organization
and work to make it once again
a progressive AVC."
Subsequently, a motion was
passed to contribute to the com-
mittee being formed to defend
James Zarichny, expelled Michi-
gan State student.
In an election to fill the job
of corresponding secretary, Frank
Crowley was the victor by accla-
Grad. Council
Elects Officers
At Final Meet
William Kerr, Grad., was elect-
ed president of the reorganized
Graduate School Student Council
at its last meeting of the semester
last night in the Rackham Build-
Also named to top posts were
Fred Cook, vice-president; Bar-
bara Dewey, treasurer; Marie
Poliquin, recording secretary; and
Joan Madsen, corresponding sec-
These officers will serve till the
end of next semester.
The Council also discussed the
language requirements of the
graduate school for the doctoral
A committee was set up to
formulate alternative plans for
less stringent requirements which
will be presented to the executive
committee of graduate school.
A social committee was also
formed to organize the graduate
social functions to begin the first
part of next semester.

Union Opera
Begins Casting
Casting for 40 parts in the first
Union Opera to be presented in
10 years will begin Tuesday af-
ternoon in the Union, according
to Dave Leyshon, general chair-
A definite time will be set later,
he said,
PARTS ARE OPEN in the 10-
man glee chorus, a 10-man danc-
ing chorus, as well as 20 speaking
parts. Leyshon urged all men elig-
ible to take part in activities to
tryout for the all-male opera.
Tentative director of the
show will be Fred Evans, New
York producer and director,
with years of experience in show
The Union Opera will be held
March 23, 24 and 25 at the Mich-
igan Theatre.
F3 TV2i]'" 4-1 "'% N Av 14 A&*

Truman Program Jars Congress'

* * *

* * *

* *

states union position
Delay WES
The University program of
workers' education will not re-
sume Jan. 15 as scheduled, Uni-
versity officials and union leaders
"No real understanding has yet
been reached with University of-
ficials," Victor G. Reuther, edu-
cation director of UAW-CIO, ex-
* * *
rector of the Extension Service,
said it "probably will not be much
later" than the scheduled date.
The courses were suspended
last May after a GM official
charged they were"Marxist."
In October the Board of Re-
gents decided to revamp the
program, abolishing Arthur El-
der's position as director.
CIO and AFL want the former
program reinstated and Elder re-
appointed before they consider
changes to improve the workers'
education service, Reuther said.
HE SAID the Regents' decision
was "arbitrary" and the unions
"were prepared to discuss any
changes warranted, but we never
had a chance."
"The University should show
its good faith" by starting on
the original basis and "we are
petitioning the Regents for re-
instatement of Elder," Reuther
Asked if he thought this re-
quest would be granted, Soop re-
plied "I am not in a position to
SOOP PAID tribute to the mem-
bers of the advisory committee,
which includes labor leaders and
representatives of the public, com-
mending their "cooperative atti-
The Extension Service is "mov-
ing ahead" in setting up the pro-
gram, he said.
ID's Needed
To Register
More than 700 students who
have not yet picked up their iden-
tification cards were warned to-
day by the Office of Student af-
fairs that ID cards will be needed
at registration for the Spring Se-
These cards, and duplicates for
those who have lost theirs, will be
available at the Office of Student
Affairs for the remainder of the
present semester.

cratie leaders in Congress began
to jam the legislative hoppers
with bills to carry out President
Truman's "fair deal" program,
but fights were brewing in every
Republican cries of "socialism"
and "bankruptcy" still echoed on
Capitol Hill as the lawmakers
awaited a new set of blueprints
from the White House tomorrow:
the President's annual economic'
MR. TRUMAN is not expected
to deliver the report in person-
as he did his controversial tax-
welfare-labor program yesterday
-since it customarily runs to
great length.
The message is based on re-
commendations from the Pres-
ident's Economic Advisory
Council, headed by Dr. Edwin
G. Nourse.
Meanwhile, administration
Democrats hastened to write Mr.
Truman's sweeping proposals in-
to bill form, hoping to capitalizel
on the "first 100 days" of com-
parative harmony they expect in
the new Democratic-controlled
81st Congress.
* * *
to whip the President's many
legislative proposals into shape
before the Republicans, thrust
back into their old minority role
after two years in the saddle,
could rally and perhaps form a
powerful coalition with anti-ad-'
ministration southern Democrats.
Already blocked out for ac-
tion on Mr. Truman's program

Williams Asks
Aid forColleges
Legislature Friendly to Governor's
Broad Social Reform Program
LANSING - (P) - The state legislature has given a friendly re-
ception to Gov. G. Mennen Williams' program of broad social reform
which contains provisions for increased financial aid to colleges and
Gov. Williams also asked for a public housing measure, stand-
by rent controls, a Fair Employment Practices Law, and a host of
labor-conscious recommendations.
HE SAID his budget would include substantial increase for col-
leges and universities.
This has given additional hope to University of Michigan
officials who have asked for
more than eight million dollars
for capital improvements. Chinese Reds
If granted the funds would be
used to construct additions to the
General Library and Angell Hall; R e Fire
and to draw up plans for School ofsum e
Muiici an~d Medical Research

PRESIDENT LAUNCHES PROGRAM-Storms were brewing in Congress yesterday as Democratie
leaders sought to jam through Harry S. Truman's "fair deal" program and Republicans uttered
protesting cries of "bankruptcy" and "socialism." The President, shown here delivering his state of
the union message Wednesday, will present his annual economic message today.
* 41 * ' 4 * * *

were bills for pre-paid medical
care, housing, repeal of the
Taft-Hartley Act, increased
minimum wages, Social Secur-
ity expansion, and a measure
which might put the govern-
ment into the steel business.
Somewhat less urgency, if not
actual coolness, was displayed
toward other major proposals by,
the President: notably his call for

a $4,000,000,000 tax boost, civil
rights laws, Universal Military
Training, Federal aid to educa-
tion, and standby price-wage
(D-Utah), chairman of the Sen-
ate Labor Committee, led off the
Senate attack on the Taft-Hart-
ley Labor law, introducing a re-
pealer bill and proposing restora-

tion of the old Wagner Labor Re-
lations Act.
The Senate Agriculture Com-
mittee split wide open over farm
price supports - whether they
should be fixedat 90 per cent of
parity, or be flexible.
President Truman uncovered
the disagreement with his request
to Congress to aim at farm abun-
dance and parity through price

AEC To Bild
Second Plant
At Oak Ridge
Expansion Will Cost
70 Million Dollars
OAK RIDGE, Tenn.--(AP)-The
Atomic Energy Commission an-
nounced a $70,000,000 expansion
program soon will be launched at
the atomic energy plant here.
Chairman David E. Lilienthal
said work on a new uranium pro-
duction plant will get underway
in about six months.
years, he said, it would add "very
substantially" to the nation's out-
put of the basic elements of the
atomic bomb and other weapons.
Lilienthal told Oak Ridge
residents in a public address
that the new addition, plus oth-
ers already underway, "serve to
emphasize" that the war-born
city "is now the world's capital
in the peacetime uses of atomic
The AEC chairman did not
elaborate on the major purposes
of the new uranium plant other
than to say it would bolster the
nation's security.
At the same time he stressed
the expanding peaceful uses of
Oak Ridge products such as radio-
isotopes-energy-producing mate-
rials which are used in medical
and scientific research.
Lilienthal revealed that a $20,-
000,000 program is now being
drafted to establish a permanent
Oak Ridge national laboratory.

Brown Doubts Price Lid
Effective in Peacetime

It is doubtful if price controls
can ever be effective in time of
peace because of the difficulty of
administering and e n f o r c in g
them, according to Prentiss M.
Brown, former U.S. Senator and
OPA director.
Brown expressed this opinion
in a lecture on Congressional pro-
cedures which he gave here last
HE TRACED the passage of
the 1942 price control bills
through Congress in order to
show the intricacies of legisla-
tive procedure, and aired his
views on current price problems
while doing so.
In connection with price
control policies, the former
Senator said that "there seems
to be a slight downward trend
in prices now. We may well get
back to a normal economy
without a severe depression."
In my opinion, Chester Bowles
should have removed price con-
trols on some commodities be-
fore he did, while Congress un-
doubtedly removed them on many
essential items too quickly," he
Brown declared that the public
World INVews
By The Associated Press
DENVER-A blizzard relaxed its
icy grip on the western plains to-
day to reveal a toll ofat least 15
Six persons were dead in Colo-
rado, seven in Wyoming and two
in Western Nebraska.
* * *

had largely placed the blame for
high prices on the Republican
Congress, although government-l
al action which removed wage
ceilings shortly after the war's
end may have affected the rise in
our price level.
Brown's appearance here wasj
sponsored by the political sciencej
U.S. Demands
Dutch Action
Proposed Indonesian
Self RuleExpected
United States prodded the Neth-
erlands government to prove by
prompt, specific actions its de-
clared intention to grant self rule
to the people of. Indonesia.
* * *
Lovett made the U.S. views known
in a letter addressed to CIO Pres-
ident Philip Murray.
Murray had written Secretary
Marshall last month praising
American steps to end what
the labor official called Dutch
"aggression" in the East In-
Lovett declared that peace in
the strife-torn Asiatic islands will
be impossible "unless the trust
and cooperation of the Indonesian
people, including the republican
elements which have been in the
van of the nationalist government,
are enlisted."
* * *
THEREFORE, he said, the
United States hopes that the
Netherlands government will
"make concrete demonstration of
its intention to satisfy the legiti-
mate aspirations of the Irtdones-
ians for self rule.
R. J. Weber Dies
MT. CLEMENS, Mich.-lP)-
Robert J. Weber, 78, father of
Walter Weber, University of
Michigan freshman football
coach, died suddenly here today.

See Jewish
In Egypt
LONDON - () - Israeli troops
have established a fortified
strongpoint five miles inside
Egypt, a British Foreign Office
spokesman has charged.
The obvious deduction, the in-
formant added, is that "the Jews
intend to stay inside Egyptian
(The acting U.N. mediator,
Dr. Ralph Bunche, announced
at Lake Success that Egypt has
agreed for the first time to di-
rect negotiations with Israel for
an armistice in Palestine. In
Tel Aviv, an Israeli Army
spokesman said the Jewish state
has agreed to an immediate
(Bunche set the cease-fire dead-
line for noon GMT. (6 a.m.CST)
(Dispatches from Tel Aviv had
said an earlier deadline passed
with fighting still going on, but
that it was expected the order
would be heeded momentarily.
The blame was placed on a com-
munications snarl which prevent-
ed Tel Aviv from receiving a reply
from Egypt.)
MEANWHILE, sources in Tel
Aviv declared Israeli units had
intercepted an Egyptian troop
train in Palestine nine miles north
of the frontier town of Raf a.
The Egyptian prisoners taken
probably constituted the largest
single day's bag of the current
Negev fighting, it was said. The
exact number was not given.
Accounts reaching London and
Tel Aviv made it clear that Egypt's
military position has worsened.
The two main routes from Cairo
to Palestine now are said to be
cut by Jewish forces.
The interception of the Egyp-
tian troop train indicated the
coastal route from Cairo to the
Southern Palestine coastal city of
Gaza has been cut.
The second route-the old des-
ert trail to Beersheba-is the one
the British Foreign Office spokes-
man said Israeli troops had
blocked with their strongpoint in-
side Egypt.

* * *
AN ADDITIONAL 73 faculty
members would be hired by. the
University of Michigan if the full
fund request passes legislativez
Democratic Gov. Williams'
message requesting additional
funds for colleges and univer-t
sities in the state echoed a sim-t
ilar statement of policy madeĀ£
earlier this week by Republican
party leaders.
The major question raised by1
the G.O.P. leaders was the issue
of finances, on which the new
governor delayed recommenda-1
* * 1
STATE FISCAL experts have
estimated the 1949-50 budget atF
$60,000,000 in the red now. E
The Veteran Rep. John P.
Espie, chairman of the House
Ways and Means Committee,
said "some of the things the
governor proposed are good, but
some of them you couldn't do
even if you had the money."
Rep. Robert M. Montgomery, of
Lansing, the Republican floor
leader, said "I think we can go
along with quite, a substantial
part" of the Governor's program.
k .X *
WILLIAMS' message to the
lawmakers today was not widely
different in many respects than
the policy statement enunciated;
by the G.O.P. Legislative Caucus.
His most unusual proposal
was that the state assist local
governments to finance and
construction of 20,000 housing
units for 80,000 persons.
Williams also asked the Legis-
lature to adopt "stand-by" rent
control laws for use if Congress
abandons Federal control and a
Fair, Employment Practice
(FEPC) Law modeled after the
New York State act.
The Governor, as expected of a
labor-backed candidate, had a
host of labor recommendations.
HE ASKED for a "substantial"
increase in the present $21 week-
ly maximum workmen's compen-
sation award, medical care for
injured workers as long as they
need it (the limt now is one year)
and disability benefits which last
as long as the disability.
Noting that workers in Intra-
State Commerce in Michigan lack
"guarantees" of the right to or-
ganize and to bargain collectively,
Williams called for prompt
"remedy" of that lack. This was
taken as meaning a "little Wagner
J.Hop Sales Open
For Tardy Daters
Sale of tickets to the annual
two-day J-Hop, to be held from
9:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. Friday and
Saturday, Feb. 4 and 5, will open
today to upperclassmen and grad-
uate students who neglected to
make application.
Students will be required to
show ID cards. Tickets will be sold
on the main floor of the new Ad-
ministration Building at last
year's price at $7.50.
Sales will end today for holders
of accepted applications.

On Garrisons
NANKING-3P)-Chinese Com-
munists appeared to be replying
to Chiang Kai-Shek's peace of-
fer with thunderous artillery fire.
Reports reaching Nanking said
the Reds had resumed attacks on
the former Suchow garrison after
a lull of nearly two weeks. This
force has been trapped for weeks
150 miles or so northwest of Nan-
hai press dispatches had said the
Communists in North China also
had begun shelling Tientsin's de-
fenses. Tientsin is under siege
along with Peiping. Peiping, how-
ever, remained quiet.)
The Reds were said to have
begun shelling the tightly-en-
circled force after a vocal bar-
rage to surrender was fired
from batteries of loudspeakers
wheeled up to the front lines,
The Suchow garrison originally
was said to number 20,000 e
but there wsas one 'report -that 'If',
may have lost 100,000 men.
GEN. SUN Yuan Liang, who
commanded the Army group, re-
portedly escaped to Hankow. The
independent newspaper People's
Daily quoted him as saying the
force had been cut to 150,000 to
200,000. He said the men had eat-
en all therhorses and hundreds
were deserting.
Meanwhile, information di-
rector Shen Chang-Huan told
reporters that Chinese Com-
munist radio attacks on Presi-
dent Chiang's peace proposal
were no reply "either formal
or informal."
Meanwhile, the official Chinese
central news agency reported to-
day the big island of Formosa is
being turned into a strong-hld
against the Chinese Communists.
Formosa is being built into a
"stronghold for the regeneration
of the people."
Bullitt Holds
We Can Still
Rescue China
C. Bullitt reported to Congress
that nationalist China's forces
will require "American direction
and control, exercised by a fight'
ing general" to defeat the Com-
He said "it is very late" but
"not yet too late" to save China
from the Communists.
* * *
BULLITT, a former U.S. diplo-
mat, made his report to the joint
Senate-House committee on For-
eign Economic Cooperation. The
group sent him to the Far East
as a special representative last
After reporting to the com-
mittee at a closed door session,
Bullitt told reporters . he
thought an American; general
with a staff of 600 officers
should be sent to China.
He said: "I believe General
MacArthur could do the job in
less time than ony other general."
IN CONCLUSION, Bullitt re-
"1. The economic cooperation
mission should be highly com-

Coeds Prefer Short Men
Who'll Rise to Occasion

gating commission has
mended commutation

of the

How tall can you get?
Not tall enough to suit the av-
erage University coed who is per-
fectly willing to go out with men
wearing elevator shoes, according
to a Daily spot check.
NINE OUT OF every ten coeds
told The Daily they would date
fellows wearing elevator shoes.
But short stuff would really
have to be "on his toes," they
"There will have to be lots of
compensating factors," one coed
warned. Personality and a super-
duper "line" were suggested.
A-J: ~

would not mind going
an Adlerized student.
* 4 *

out with

opposition was one coed who
lashed out:
"If short men don't like their
own physical appearance, they
must be lacking something psy-
"They had better adopt some
form of compensation," she
However, campus half-pints
had better forget their newly-
foundbhopes for a social rise: you
can buy a pair of elevated shoes in
Ann Arbor as easily as you can

death sentences given 12 mem-
bers of a Nazi force which mas-
sacred American soldiers near
Malmedy, Belgium.
The recommendation for life
imprisonment instead of death,
came from a commission ap-
pointed by army secretary Roy-
NEWARK, N. J.-The U.S. gov-
ernment has seized a cargo of
five crated military planes which
it listed as an illegal arms ship-
ment believed bound for Egypt.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Roger
M. Yanceytsaid the declaration on
the planes showed them bound for
"Djibuti, Abyssinia," but that the


Local New Year's Resolutions Fade

< - i

The New Year began just one
short week ago-but already fac-

made by a lit school coed. "I re-i
solved to give up smoking," she

veloper of the famous Kahn test

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