PAGE FOUR _ N "DAILY TflUSAY, AN'UAfi 6, e-s :_.. - ^......v..._..... - _ _ ..._ .. _ ._a st +-5... rt .t aL1 a F.w. V .G Ad 1 .Af LA..ll. dd E . .. .. .... .._._ m..e...® m...... ... a__ _._. _ Y. .. :gym 1 .... .._._...._,. wml*x wi 'Truman Deal' LEAVING NO CHANCE for misunder- standing from any quarter, President Truman's State of the Union address yester- day placed the so-called Truman "deal" squarely behind legislation which would make the Eighty-First Congress the most progressive legislative body in history. Confident and certain tones left no doubt that Mr. Truman was fully aware of his backing and that he was atruly acting as "The President"-an encourag- ing change from the almost meek, falter- ing speeches which marked many of his major addresses in the past few years, The President took apositive step toward, fulfillment of campaign promises and even did a bit of borrowing from the Progressive Party when he demanded virtual nationali- zation of rural electrification. ("Public power," he said, "should be carried to con- suming areas by public transmission lines where necessary to provide electricity at the lowest possible rates.") With the courage he displayed through- out both his campaign for the Democratic nomination and the election campaign, he stated unequivocally that "the civil rights proposals I made to the 80th Congress ... should be enacted" by the 81st. (The pro- posals, consistently blocked by the now apparently defunct Republican-Dixiecrat Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. coalition, include repeal of the poll tax, anti-lynch laws and FEPC legislation). He asked for positive Federal aid to edu- cation, wide expansion of social security and a definite pre-paid health insurance program, and, moreover, asked that the agencies administering these programs be brought together with full departmental status. He also requested legislation to aid farmers, to expand public housing and to institute a system of Universal Military Training. But the most sweeping demands he made were for four billion dollars of new taxes- principally from corporations, for a strengthening of anti-trust laws to give small business a "chance," and for an un- qualified repeal of the Taft-Hartley Act and a reenactment of the Wagner Act, modified by the outlawing of jurisdicitional strikes, unnecessary secondary boycotts and strikes against the public interest. Altogether, the outlined, proposals indi- cate a distinct swing to the left which while not entirely unexpected reveal that the Truman campaign promises were not the empty, vote-getting claims which gen- erally make up party platforms. Yester- day's speech underscored the irrefutable sincerity and courage of the man who un- dertook to perform the seemingly im- possible job of filling Roosevelt's shoes. Despite the broad scope of his requests, and Dixiecrats and conservative Republicans notwithstanding, it looks like chances for passage of the major portion of the pro- gram-maybe even the St. Lawrence Sea- way Bill, on the fifth try-are good enough to make even the most doubtful Truman voter pat himself heartily on the back. -Naomi Stern. NIGHT EDITOR: DON McNEIL wAOl l n boon to Communism WITH THE FATE of Asia hanging in the balance, the unwarranted Dutch aggres- sion against the Indonesian Republic has undoubtedly caused great joy in the Com- munist camp. For, in the councils of the UN, in the Russian press, and over Radio Moscow, Russia can now shout to the world that the Dutch action is proof that the "imperialis- tic" nations of the West have as their objec- tive the exploitation of the Asiatic peoples. The tide of resentment has already be- gun to rise in Asia. Prime Minister Pandit Nehru of India has invited 13 other East- ern nations to a conference to consider the Indonesian problem. He has called the Dutch action "naked and unabashed aggression" and called on the Security Council to take immediate action. Reports from the Far East indicate that "Asiatic Brigades" are being formed for the purpose of coming to the aid of the In- donesians. While they are, as yet, small in number, these brigades indicate the mood of the Asiatics. Meanwhile, our State Department, given a golden opportunity to show that the United States is a champion of the op- pressed, has been content to issue a few milk-toast statements condemning aggres- sion. While we have cut off Marshall Plan aid to the Netherlands Indies, our aid to HRol- land itself continues undiminished and, bulwarked by our dollars, the Dutch feel confident that we really aren't as dis- turbed with their misdeeds as we would have the world believe. The eyes of all Asia are on Washing- ton today. Upon our final decision regard- ing the Dutch aggression depends the fu- ture good will of millions of Asiatics. If, as many believe, war with Russia is inevitable, we will need these people as allies, not en- emies. The time has come for the United States to prove its good intentions in Asia. Cutting off all aid to the Dutch until they with- draw their troops from Indonesia would be a step in the right direction. -Leon Jaroff. New Approach JUST ABOUT one year ago at this time, the Inter-Racial Association and "Oper- ation Haircut" were topics of heated debate and screaming headlines. Campus opinion was overwhelmingly in favor of elimination of discrimination, not only in barber shops, but in all plaes. Controversy raged, however, on the meth- ods used by IRA. Many people thought that the picketing and law-violation charges did more to reinforce existing prej- udices than to eliminate them. IRA's activities this year have not been as explosive or controversial and newspaper accounts of meetings have been brief. How- ever, in terms of long-range effectiveness, the programs and projects which the group has undertaken this year will probably do much toward the ultimate elimination of prejudice and discrimination. IRA has taken over a program of the University extension service, through which members visit nearby high schools and present Anti-discrimination pro- grams. In cooperation with the Student Legislature, IRA has issued a series of in- formative anti-discrimination pamphlets which have been distributed on and near campus. Members of IRA are currently contacting managers of local theatres in an effort to arrange for inter-racial movies to be ex- hibited. The group is also planning a pro- gram to be held in conjunction with Broth- erhood Week. One of the best examples of how meet- ings can be immediately effective on the people attending was a recent program at which Professors Ronald Lippitt and Theodore Newcomb conducted "group sit- uation" experiments. All of the action taken by the group this year seems to indicate that the membership has intelligently viewed the problems they are trynig to solve, and are on the right road to reaching a solution. -Roma Lipsky. I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Ind ignatiton By SAMUEL GRAFTON THE BRITISH outburst against the al- leged Israeli incursions into Egypt con- stitutes one of the phoniest displays of moral indignation in history. The world laughs at the spectacle of the British press and British unofficial spokesmen working themselves into a lather over the presumed need for Brit- ain to come to the aid of Egypt under a mutual defense treaty. It won't wash. If these hints, or trial bal- loons, or whatever they are, come from the British Foreign Office, then it can only be said that Foreign Minister Bevin's stock of self-righteousness has grown to really mas- sive proportions. And let it be said now, before anything official has been done, that if the- British do seize upon this excuse for giving armed aid to Egypt, they will be guilty of making war on the basis of pretexts as slim as Hitler's-no better. Even as matters stand now, we can say that the outline picture of Britain's ter- rible enmity toward Israel has been com- pleted. We have seen part of the picture before, but now all the details are in, and it goes like this: 1. The Arabs are to be allowed to attack Palestine at will, without British protest, and, sometimes, with British financial and administrative help. 2. When the Arabs are winning, which doesn't seem to happen often, there is Brit- ish silence, and, usually, U.N. silence. 3. When the Arabs begin to lose, there is an instant British demand for a truce, and for withdrawal of the Israeli-always the Israeli-forces. 4. When (and it isn't proved that this yet has happened) the Israeli army drives the invaders back over the Arab borders, there are British threats of armed action in reprisal. Consider what this means: It means that every time the Arabs attack, the Jews might lose, but that the Arabs can't. It means the British are tolerating the war, then rigging it so that it can endanger only one party. If, in one of these forays, the Arabs did overrun Israel, one can imagine how much relief Israel would re- ceive from the U.N. But \should Israel, pursuing the fleeing Arabs, step foot on Arab soil, then Britain, the saying, is, will go to war. And this, too, must be said: Maybe the British actually will spring to the "defense" of Egypt. But if they do, it will be only be- cause they have the consent, express or understood, of the United States. For the United States can, if it will, prevent this horror. The Jews are given just about the right to climb into air raid shelters when the bombers come, and no more. The simple military right to strike at the base of the enemy's power is flatly denied. The Jews must, like a target, take it, again and again and again. The Arabs can always retreat to their safety zone, and prepare to try once more. And always it will be Israel's fate in .n1.i v-tr, r i .r~rv< nr~t 1 .r .. ,# MATTER OF FACT: Photosynthetic Shmoo , ---- CO J J. DAIY OFFIIAL'BLLEI \ if C4E 2 t..o By STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-Something is now going on quietly and virtually without public notice in California which may in the long run utterly overshadow in importance the current excitements in Washington. Offi- cials of the Atomic Energy Commission warn that the ifs should be emphasized. But they agree that the experiments being carried on in California under the auspices of the commission could lead to political and eco- nomic consequences as overwhelming as those which have resulted from the inven- tion of the atomic bomb itself. The objective which these experiments arc designed to achieve sounds remarkably like the scientific counterpart of L'il Abner's famous Shmoo. For the scientists are trying to find ways to control or to duplicate the mysterious process of photo- synthesis, on which the whole cycle of life on earth depends. Success would mean nothing less than the capability of artificially producing unlimited quantities of food to feed an increasingly-starva- tion-threatened world. And already the scientists know enoug to assert that suc- cess, although not certain, is now seriously possible. Photosynthesis iS, of course, the process by which plants are enabled to store the energy of the sun in the form of energy- iving foods. Although the general theory has been familiar to school-children for years, no one has ever really understood the process in detail. Now, however, a radioactive byproduct of atomic energy, called Carbon 14, has pro- vided a tool through which the dark mys- teries of the process may be traced. Using this radioactive tool, two scientists, Dr. Mel- vin Calvin and Dr. Andrew Benson, work- ing for the Atomic Energy Commission in the University of California, have already made startling progress. Indeed, acording to Br. Calvin, the point has already been reached where the Trinidad to test the possibilities of farming the sea. While this sea-faring project is remark- able enough, Dr. Calvin is convinced as a consequence of his researches with Carbon 14 that even more is theoretically possible. In the words of that usually sober journal, "The London Economist," "When all the details of the chemical reactions are known, it should be possible to set up industrial factories not unlike many modern chem- ical plants, to produce by artificial photo- synthesis the carbohydrates, sugars, proteins and fuels the world so badly needs." In other words, the green plant would simply be by-passed entirely. Artificial photosynthesis in a factory would repro- duce the process whereby the sugar cane, for example, transforms carbon dioxide gas and water into sugar. Using sunlight and a few basic chemicals, food factories would turn out food in whatever quantity might be desired in the same way that Detroit turns out automobiles. Calvin and his fellow scientists talk of this head-spinning idea as a perfectly seri- ous theoretical possibility. But here, of course, a warning is necessary. Mass artifi- cial production of food is theoretically pos- sible in the same sense that the atomic bomb was theoretically possible before the Manhattan District came into existence. A somewhat comparable national effort would be necessary before artificial food produc- tion entered the realm of the practical at any time in the near future. Calvin guesses-and it is of course merely' an informed guess ;-that with such an ef- fort the trick" might be' turned in four or five years. All this may seem at first blush far removed from the political field. Yet it is pretty obvious that the political conse- quences of the little-noticed experiments of Dr. Calvin and his colleagues could be downright staggering. (Cont1vued from Page 2) 3543 Chemistry Bldg., Chairman, L. C. Anderson. Astronomical Colloquium: 4:15 p.m., Fri., Jan. 7, Observatory. Speaker: Miss Ruth Hedeman; Subject: "Current Status of Mi- cro-Wave Astronomy." Seminar in Applied Mathe- matics: 4:15 p.m., Thurs., 247 W. Engineering Bldg. Prof. J. Britton will speak on A Solution of a Certain Integral Equation; Re- marks on a New Table of LaPlace Transforms. Directed Teaching, Qualifying Examination: All students expect- ing to do directed teaching in the spring term are required to pass a qualifying examination in the subject in which they expect to teach. This examination, for all fields other than science, will be held on Saturday, Jan. 8, at 8:30 a.m. Students will meet in the au- ditorium of the University High School. The examination will consume about four hours' time; promptness is therefore essential. Please bring bluebooks. Students who expect to do their directed teaching in science (bi- ology, chemistry, physics, general science) will take the examina- tion at 1 p.m., Sat., Jan. 8, 1011 University High School. Notice to Students Planning to do Directed Teaching: Students expecting to do directed teaching for the secondary-school certifi- cate in the spring term, are re- quested to secure assignments in Rm. 2442, University Elementary School, Thurs., Jan. 13, according to the following schedule: English, 8:30-9:30 Social Studies, 9:30-10:30 Science and Mathematics, 10:30-11:30 All foreign languages, 11:30- 12 All others, and any having con- flicts at scheduled hours, 2-3 or by appointment. It is suggested that all students who have not yet made applica- tion for the teachers' certificate in the School of Education office do so before reporting for their as- signment. Concerts Organ Recital: Patricia Ann Baumgarten, student of organ under Frederick Marriott, will be heard in recital at 8 p.m., Thurs., Jan. 6, Hill Auditorium. Her pro- gram will include compositions by Buxtehude, Bach, Willan, Peeters and Dupre, and will be open to the general public. It is played in par- tial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Bachelor of Music. Organ Recital: Elva Wakefield, student in the School of Music, will present a program in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree at 8 p.m., Fri., Jan. 7, Hill Auditorium. Miss Wakefield has been studying with Frederick Marriott, and has planned a program to include compositions by Bach, Schumann,' Karg-Elert, Mendelssohn, Vierne, Jongen, and Franck. The general+ public is invited. Events Toda Bill of One-Act Plays will be presented tonight and tomorrow at Letters to the Editor.. 8 p.m. in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by the department of speech. Admission is free to the public. Three plays will be given, including "Love and How To Cure It," by Thornton Wilder, "The Lovely Miracle," by Paul John- son, and "Man of Destiny," by George Bernard Shaw. No tickets will be required for admission, the doors of the theare being open at 7:30 p.m. and closed promptly at 8 o'clock. Movie to be presented by Phi Lambda Upsilon for chemists and chemical engineers and all others interested, 4:15 p.m., 1400 Chem- istry Bldg. Film: "The Modest Miracle (The Story of Vitamin B1).'' Ordnance Film Hour: The last Ordnance Film Hour of this se- mester, 7:30 p.m., 301 W. Engi- neering Annex. Films: "Storage and Handling of War Gas," and "How Good is a Gun?" Due to limited seating and the re- stricted nature of films shown at- tendance is limited to Ordnance ROTC students and Reserve Offi- cers. Gilbert and Sullivan Society: Meeting for all members, 7 p.m., Michigan League. All scores will be turned in for refunds, money for tickets must be paid, orders for pictures will be taken, business and plans will be discussed, and possibly recordings of the show will be played. International Center weekly te for all foreign students and Ameri- can friends, 4:30-6 p.m., Interna- tional Center. Hostesses: Mrs. Cal- vin 0. Davis and Mrs. Moreau C. Hunt. Michigan Crib, Pre-Law Soci- ety: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. Installation of new officers. Mr. Russel A. Smith, secretary of the Law School, will speak on "Labor Law and Its Opportunities." Tau Beta Pi: Meeting, 7 p.m., Michigan Union. Election of of- ficers. Graduate School Record Con- cert: 7:45 p.m., East Lounge, Rackham Bldg. Bach: Suite No. 2 in B Minor; Caratelli, flute; Pittsburgh Sym- phony; Reiner, conducting. Boccherini: Concerto in B Flat; Casals, cello; London Symphony; Ronald, conducting. Beethoven, Sonata No. 27 in E Minor, Op. 90; Petri, piano. Mozart: Concerto No. 15 in B Flat, k450: Long, piano; National Symphony; Neel, conducting. Stravinsky: Symphony in 3 Movements, 1945; N.Y. Philhar- nonic; Stravinsky, conducting. All graduate students invited; silence requested. Graduate Student Council: Meet- ing, 7:30 p.m., West Lecture Hall, Rackham. Election of officers. Forester's Club: Election of new officers. Debate on the subject of controlled burning by the U.S. Forest Service. The affirmative will be upheld by Prof. John Car- row and the negative by Prof. S. W. Allen. Dean Dana will sum- marize the results. 7:30 p.m., Natural Science Auditorium. The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for pubication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. ** * Health Problem To the Editor: PERMIT ME, a recent graduate of the University of Michigan Medical School, to comment on an article in The Daily by a physician of theiUniversity Health Service, in which he made cer- tain statements relevant to the current problem of national health., This physician, who has done an excellent job in student health, has taken it upon himself to com- pare, in the same breath, the problems in this country with the problems involved in a university. This, it seems to me, is difficult to do. His practice, in that health service, has been among people in the early adultyears, the so- called "cream of the crop" and has not involved any more than the dispensary care of minor ail- ments, the diagnosis of major ill- ness and the immediate transfer to the University hospital of the latter group. He has not been con- cerned the long-time, year in, year out, problem of the elederly woman, the sickly child, the in- digent worker, the psycho-neu- rotic middle-aged woman, etc. By the very fact that he has remained in this type of work (and a very important work it is) he has eliminated his having to worry about finances, long hours, night calls. He has not engaged in a practice where individualism is present. And yet-he feels quali- fied to state that doctors object to "working under government su- pervision" because of a fear of regimentation, loss of individual- ism and fear of lower fee.s I main- tam he is far over-reaching him- self in making such a statement. This interview, and the state- ments therein, are typical of the propaganda being disseminated by the proponents of socialized med- icine-broad general statements, made by people not in a position to understand the problem, and yet prominent enough to be im- pressive. To this type of news- paper writing, I place myself on record as being unalterably op- posed - and I know I am not alone. I suggest-why do you not Alpha Phi Omega, National Service Fraternity: Meeting for all members, concerning registration, other urgent projects. 7 p.m., Michigan Union. Young Democrats: Business meet- ing, 7 p.m., Michigan Union. U. of M. Radio Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., 1084 E. Engineering Bldg. Mr. Phil Rogers, W5KJQ, will speak on the Communication Engineer's place in Industry. U. of M. Rifle Club: Firing, 7- 9:30 p.m., ROTC range. Deutscher Verein: Annual eve- ning classical music, 8 p.m., Rack- ham Assembly Room. Ensian pic- ture will be taken. La p'tite causette: 3:30 p.m., Grill Room, Michigan League. A.D.A.: Executive Meeting for officers and committee heads, 4:30 p.m., Michigan Union. U. of M. Dames Execative Board: Meeting, 8 p.m., at the home of Mrs. C. V. Carter, 1130 Hill St. Coming Events Undergraduate Psychological Society: The trip to the Pontiac State Hospital sponsored by the U.P.S. will leave Ann Arbor at 12:30 p.m., Fri., Jan. 7. Buses will be parked on the east side of Hill Auditorium. Members of the U.P.S. will have their fares paid from the treasury. Non-members will be required to pay a fare to cover the round trip. Roger Williams Guild: Party, 8:30 .p.m., Fri., Jan. 7, Guild House. Mathematics: A meeting to dis- cuss Preliminary Examinations for the Ph.D. degree and the Summaries, 4:10 p.m., Tues., Jan. 11, 3201 Angell Hall. All interest- ed persons invited. interview a private practitioj an economist, a medical statb cian, and being a newspaper de ing in facts, instead of attrac red herrings? -R. C. Barlow, '45 "I *y Thought Control To the Editor: On what day did this cou become totalitarian? Was it b in 1861 when Abraham Linc declared that, "This country vi its institutions belongs to the p. ple who inhabit it. Whenever t shall grow weary of the exi ing government, they can ex cise their constitutional rights amending it or their revoluti ary right to dismember or ov throw it?" Or was it back in January 1949 when 12 men came to t for advocating an,,unpopular p osophy? To which of these da can we ascribe thought-cont that sifting of collective ideas an arbitrary power? At the preent time, we are the midst of the greatest col hunt in history, the search Red. We claim that Comniun brooks no opposition and i we proceed to indict those differ with our views. But this moral inconsistenct not the only evident contra tion in our actions. The susp sion of the Bill of Rights is more dangerous action. We h indicted men who have forn groups to further their id who have attempted to convi other people ofmthe desirabi of their doctrines, and who h printed matter proclaiming t ideology. While these actions in accordance with the Amendment, they are allegie contrary to the Smith Act! while our Constitution "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of spe or of the press . ." the Sn Act declares ". . it shall bei lawful for any persons to kn ingly or wilfully advocate, a Thus, action alone is no lon under control by law, but thou becomes its companion. The plications within the indictme (brought under the Smith A should terrify any person ci cerned with a true evaluation Civil Rights and Democracy.C ly the people have the right taste the forbidden fruit of id and to consume or reject them they so desire. It is in the m ket-place of ideas that this c belongsand not in a court-ro For that reason, and betai a firm belief in Democracy quires an active fight for Civil Rights of all, those we ag with and those that we disp with, I urge an immediate wi drawal of the indictments agai the 12 Communist leaders. -Hy Bersha ifty-Ninth Year 1 Edited and managed by studen the University of Michigan under authority of the Board in Control Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harriett Friedman ...Managing E_ Dick Maloy Ed Naomi Stern ........Editorial Dire Allegra Pasqualetti ....Associate Ed Arthur Higbee.......Associate Ed Murray Grant.........Sports Ed Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Bev Bussey ......Sports Feature W Audrey Buttery........Women'a Edi Bess Hayes .................Librar Business Staff Richard Hal......Business Man Jean Leonard -:. .Advertising Man William Culman .....Finance Mans Cole Christian ....Circulation Mani Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Pre The Associated Press is exctusi entitled to the use for republicat of all news dispatches credited to it otherwise credited to this newapa- All rights of republication of all matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Arbor, Michigan, as second-clas matter. Subscription during the school year by carrier, $5.00, by $8.00. BARNABY