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January 06, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-01-06

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Latest Deadline in the State

t t




Jans, Ryder Win
Top SL Positions
Jim Jans, '49 of Detroit was elected President of the Student
Legislature last night.
The Legislature picked John Ryder as its new vice-president.
* * * *
DON ROTHSCHILD was elected treasurer while Kay Woodruff
was picked for recording secretary and Phyllis Rosen won the job of
corresponding secretary. The two new members at large chosen were
Ralph Sosin and Hugh Greenberg.
Jans, a mathematics major who will graduate in June was
active in athletics at Central High School in Detroit.



He pledged all out SL action
* * *
'Vital' Term
In Store for
New SL Body
Retiring Head Asks
Cooperation, Unity
Retiring cabinet members last
night told the Student Legislature
that it was beginning the most
vital semester of its history.
Before Blair Moody turned the
meeting over to New President Jim
Jans, he said that the place of
the Legislature on the campus
would be decided next semester.
* * *
HE ASKED that SL work with
the faculty and the administra-j
tion in the future, suggested that
members consult with their con-
stituents on matters of general
opinion and stressed that the
main job of the Legislature was
to help the student body.
The Legislature gave him a
rising round of applause and
presented him with the gavel in
recognition of his service.
Retiring Vice - President Bill
Miller said that the Legislature
should spend its time on matters
of local importance and that stu-
dents should use other channels
to express opinion. on non-campus
*! * *
OUTGOING Treasurer Dick
Burton gave a financial report
which revealed that the Legis-
lature was $1,500 in the black. He
recommended that a spring func-
tion be sponsored in order to in-
crease SL's revenue to cover its
expanding operations.
Departing cabinet members
Moody, Miller, Burton and Mrs.
Jean Fagen Yellin were given
enthusiastic ovations as they
gave up their positions.
Bill Gripman said that the Stu-
dent Experts program had not yet
received funds for operation next
the fund set aside for the orien-
tation advisors, the Experts may
be forced to turn to the Univer-
sity or other sources for funds
Gripman said. He added that the
system was ready to go into oper-
ation next month when funds are
MSC Refuses
To Zarichny
James Zarichny, the Michigan
State College senior who was sen-
tenced for contempt by the Calla-
han Committee of the State Leg-
islature last May when he refused
to state whether he was a Com-
munist, was turned back yester-
day, in an attempt to register at
the college.
Zarichny had been notified in,
December that he would not be
allowed to register for the second
quarter because he had violated
his probationary status. However,
he appeared at registration yes-
terday, and was again refused the
right to enter.
ZARICHNY was placed on dis-
ciplinary probation in January,
1947 for distributing a leaflet of
the American Youth for Democ-
racy, which was not a recognized
campus group.
No specific charge was made

by the college administration in
expelling Zarichny. .t'he Dean
of Men has discretionary right
to decide when probation has
been violated, according to
James H. Denison, Administra-

to get the political speakers ban
lifted. "It will be hard to live up to
the excellent job that Moody has
done as president."
.JANS SAID that the Legisla-
ture was already a power on cam-
pus and it could become a power'
in city and state politics as rep-
resenting student opinion.
"Where students are involved, it
is the Legislature's duty to take
an active stand."
Expansion of Legislature ser-
vices to students formed anoth-
er part of Jans' program. le
proposed that the Legislature
initiate a co-operative student
book store and push the NSA
purchase card system, whereby
students will be able to pur-
chase essential items at a re-
duced rate.
He supported expansion of Leg-
islature services such as the Fac-
ulty Rating program, the Stud-
ent Experts Plan and the Better
Business Bureau. "Increased ser-
vices will raise the prestige of the
Legislature and build up its pow-
er to serve the students," he said.
JANS SAID that the fight
against prejudice was "of vital
"It calls for a long range pro-
gram which will not show im-
mediate results, but anything we
can do is worth while."
He suggested a program in-
cluding movies and speakers on
the problems of prejudice.
The much debated election pro-
cedure used in the last election
received Jans' approal. "I will be
opven to any suggestions to im-
prove it," he said. SL currently
has a committee working on pos-
sible revision of the election pro-
Launch New
Drive TO Alter
partisan drive to change the Pres-
idential election system was
launched today by Senator Lodge
(Rep., Mass.) and others.
Lodge introduced a resolution
for a Constitutional amendment
to abolish the 162-year-old Elec-
toral College.
Joining him in sponsoring the
measure were Senators McCarran
(Dem., Nev.), Fulbright (Dem.,
Ark.), Hoey (Dem., N.C.), Spark-
man (Dem., Ala.), Stennis (Dem.,
Miss.), Kefauver (Dem., Tenn.),
Neely (Dem., W.Va.), Smith (Rep.,
N.J.), Morse (Rep., Ore.), and
Flanders (Rep., Vt.).
McCarran, Chairman of the
Senate Judiciary Committee
which will weigh the resolution,
has said the proposal has *a lot
of merit" and promised it "care-
ful study." The Judiciary Com-
mittee last year approved an iden-
tical resolution by Lodge, but it
was never voted on by the full
Today's resolution would abol-
ish the present electoral college,
but retain the electoral vote which
each state now has, equal to the
number of its senators and repre-

U Comment
On Truman's
Talk Varies
Faculty Opinions
Laud, HitSpeeh
University comment on Presi-
dent Truman's State of the Union
address ranged from unqualified
approval to an "I'll have to be
shown" attitude.
Typical opinions were expressed
by N. Marbury Efimenco, Prof. C.
Ferrel Heady and George A. Peek,
all of the political science depart-
pata en t.

Old Old Story
DETROIT-(IP-Police today
sought a thief who stole an
eight-inch figure of the Christ
Child from a Christmas man-
ger in front of City Hall.
Sisters of Charity at St.
Mary's Hospital, who annually
place the images in the city-
built crib, were philosophical
about the theft.
"After all, it's getting to be
an old story, for last year some-
one stole the sheep," one of the
Sisters explained.
China Reds
Hit Tientsin
Lull Broken
SHANGHAI - (P) - Chinese
Communists began shelling gov-
ernment positions around Tient-
sin after the Reds scornfully re-
jected Chiang Kai-Shek's peace
The artillery fire broke a two-
week lull which had settled on
China's farf lung battlefronts
amid a rising clamor for peace.
Chinese newspapers in Shanghai
reported that the attack near
Tientsin seemed to be mounting
in intensity.

longer wavering-he knows the
meaning of the mandate he re-
ceived from the people in the No-
vember election," Efimenco de-
clared in commenting' on the
Efimenco paid a personal visit
to the President last summer,
prior to the Democratic conven-
"At that time," Efimenco said,
"Mr. Truman informed me that!
he planned to continue to push
the legislative program he had
proposed to the last two Con-
gresses. I feel that his State of the
Union speech indicates a sincere
desire to carry out this program,
which might be described as a
'mild New Dealism'."
* *, *
are based on the theory that the
American economy can afford to
pay for more government services
without any lowering of the plane
of living, Efimenco added.
Mr. Truman assumes that in
the long run, government can
spend money more efficiently
than private enterprise in many
cases, he said.
Although the President is now
in a better position than he was
with the 79th and 80th Con-
gresses, it remains to be seen
whether he can. push through all
of his announced policies, accord-
ing to Prof. C. Ferrel Heady.
"MR. TRUMAN will have much
trouble in getting approval of his
civil rights and health insurance
programs," Prof. Heady said. He
added that he strongly favored
the President's taxation proposals.
Accuse Senate
Of UnfcirRatio
WASHINGTON - (/P) -Senator
Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.) accused
the Senate Democratic majority
of violating the "spirit of bipar-
tisan cooperation" in cutting
down the ratio of Republicans on
the Foreign Relations Committee.
But Senator Barkley (Dem.,
Ky.), Vice-President-elect, told
"There is absolutely no disposi-
tion to reflect on the bipartisan
foreign policy."
WITH THE Democrats in con-
trol of the new Congress, Demo-
cratic leaders set up an 8-to-5 ra-
tio for foreign committee seats-
eight for Democrats, five for Re-


SURVIVORS SEEK POSSESSION-Survivors of the tornado that battered Warren, Ark., lumber
mill town were out at daybreak seeking possessions in the ruins of their homes. This scene is
near the Bradley Lumber Co., plant in an area hard-hit by the storm. A number of communities, a
dozen or more, in the neighboring southern states were hit, but the most violent storm developed
in the lumber mill town of 7,501.
FiveYpsi Dorms To Operate inSpring


Five West Lodge dormitories at
Willow Run will stay open for
single male students for the spring
semester, provided a minimum of
350 students signify their desire
to stay there during the semes-
Francis C. Shiel, business man-
ager of Residence Halls announced
that University officials had com-
pleted arrangements with Ken-
neth C. Cavaugh, general hous-
ing manager at Willow Village.
IT IS PLANNED to keep dormi-
Israeli Drive
Report Jews Accept
Cease Fire Order

tories 6 and 8, containing single
rooms, and dormitories 3, 4 and 9,
containing double rooms, open. All
other dorms will be closed and
winterized February 4.
Already 250 men have ex-
pressed their desire to stay at
the West Lodge sections of the
village, Shiel said.
He urged that these men and
any others wishing to reside at
West Lodge to report to the village'
rental office before January 14

to arrange for their spring leases.
single students need report to the
rental office since there will be
no change in status of the approx-
imately 1,300 married students at
the village.
"It is hoped that the present
accommodations for single stu-
dents can be kept intact for use
again next fall when the Univer-
sity will need all available hous-
ing for its students," Shiel said.

'NI' Pucksters Almost Home
After Fighting Blizzard Battle

TEL AVIV, Israeli troops knifed
30 miles into Egypt and then
withdrew, a government spokes-
man reported.
At the same time a ; private
source reported the Jews had ac-
cepted the United Nations Secur-
ity Council's cease fire order.
Al * *
THE PRIVATE informant pre-
dicted fighting between Jews and
Egyptians in the Negev Desert of
Southern Palestine will end soon.
It was understood Israel's ac-
ceptance of the cease-fire will
be sent to the Security Council
An Israeli Foreign Office!
spokesman who refused to be
quoted by name said Jewish
troops, which entered Egypt in a
three-day battle, had withdrawn
according to plan after killing or
wounding several hundred Egyp-
tians and taking several hundred
more prisoner.
HE SAID the Israeli force had
reached El Arish, a strong Egyp-
tian military base including air-
fields and other installations
about 90 miles from the Suez
Canal. ..
The spokesman said Egyptian
material taken or destroyed in-
cluded several Bren gun carriers,
artillery pieces, gasoline and oil
stocks and other stores.
Not Assured
University requests for con-
struction appropriations received
indefinite support in the policy
announcements of the state Re-
publican Party yesterday, follow-
ing a caucus in Lansing.
The Legislators were gathered
in the state capitol for the open-
ing session of the 1949 Legisla-

The Michigan hockey team
which had been marooned in
Cheyenne, Wyoming for over two
days by the blizzard that swept
the mid-west early in the week
was reported on its way again yes-
terday and should arrive in Ann
Arbor sometime Friday.
Also marooned at Kimbell, Neb.,
in the mid-west railroad tie-up
caused by the 40-inch snowstorm
was-head football coach Ben Oos-
Third Card .of
One-Act Plays
Given Tonight
The curtain will go up at 8 p.m.
today on the Speech Depart-
ment's third bill of one-act plays
for the year, in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
THE FIRST play, "Love and
How To Cure It," by Thornton
Wilder is under the direction of
Ruth Livingston. Included in the
cast are Josephine Henderson,
Elizabeth Ellis, Stan Challis and
Richard Entenmann.
Patricia Fritz will direct the
second play on the bill, "The
Lovely Miracle," by Paul John-
son. The cast will include Shir-
ley Dancey, Mary McCarty,
Betty Lou Robinson and Ed-
ward Dworsky.
"Man of Destiny," by George
Bernard Shaw, the last play on
the bill will be directed by Betty
Fuller. Included in the cast are
William W. Taylor, Ted Heusel,
Earl Matthews and Marilyn

terbaan and line coach Jack Blott'
who are headed for San Francisco.
* * *
THE WOLVERINE mentor was
to be feted tonight at a banquet
given by the Scripps-Howard
newspapers and the football
Writers of America honoring him
as coach of the year.
The pucksters are returning
from their vacation tour of the
West and after spending two
nights in the Cheyenne rail-
road station finally pulled out
late yesterday afternoon. It was
hoped by coach Vic Heyliger
that they would return in time
to play their scheduled contest
with Queens University tomor-
row night.
On the same train with the
hockey team is the Northwestern
University marching band return-
ing from the Rose Bowl.
Brown To Give
Persons interested in- public af-
fairs will have one more oppor-
tunity to hear Prentiss M. Brown,
former Senator from Michigan, as
he delivers his second of two lec-
tures on organization and proce-
dures of Congress at 8 p.m. today
in Rackham Lecture Hall.
Having served two terms in the
House of Representatives in addi-
tion to his term in the Senate,
Brown is able to use many per-
sonal experiences to illustrate
Congressional procedures.
In tonight's lecture the former
senator plans to trace the prog-
ress of a typical bill through our
legislative mill.

Shanghai late Wednesday night
had warned of the attack, declar-
ing that "a general assault on be-r
sieged Peiping, Tientsin andt
Tangku (seaport for Tientsin) isi
Meanwhile in Tsingtao, a re-
liable Chinese journalist report-
ed that the U.S. Marines were
preparing to leave their bar-
racks at Shantung University,
despite official denials. -
Y. C. Jao, editor of the EnglishI
language Tsingtao People's Her-1
ald, reported that "The Univer-z
sity is proceeding with prepara-I
tions to take over on Jan. 25."
* * *
"REPORTS HERE," Jao said,j
"were that some Marines will re-t
main afloat here but others will
be transferred to Guam."
* * *
Fifield Doubts
Coalition Setup
For Chinese
"There is very little possibility
of a coalition government in China,
at this time," according to Prof
Russell H. Fifield of the Political
Science Department.
Referring to Chiang Kai-Shek's
recent offer to negotiate with the
Communists, Prof. Fifield ex-
pressed the belief that any coali-
tion government would be Com-
munist dominated.
DISCUSSING .the possibility
that the Chinese Generalissimo
might step down to facilitate ne-
gotiations, . Prof. Fifield asserted
that because of his increasing un-
popularity, he eventually will have
to step down. He pointed out that
his unpopularity can be attributed
to his failure to make sweeping re.
forms while fighting the Civil War!
When asked whether the Chi-
nese Nationalists can hold out
in Nanking, Prof. Fifield said,
"It's just a matter of time un-
til both Nanking and Shanghai
are taken by the Communists."
Although there .have been con-
sistent reports that the Chinese
Communists are not directly con-,
trolled by Moscow, Prof. Fifield
believes that all indications point
to their loyalty to the Cominform.
Fifield termed American policy
in China as one of "watchful wait-

Present Bills
Seek Health Plan,
Civil Rights in '49
By The Associated Press
President Truman's supporters
on Capitol Hill rushed to intro-
duce bills to carry out his de-
ma~nds today, following his State
f the Union message in which he
presented his 1949 program to the
81st Congress,
broadened Social Security cover-
age and bigger benefits, pre-paid
medical and health insurance,
1,000,000 public housing units in
seven years, civil rights legisla-
tion, repeal of the Taft-Hartley
Bill and Universal Military Train-
ing in his 3,500 word message
He also asked the Congress to
increase taxes by $4,000,000,000
to help finance the vast social
and economic program which
he called a "fair deal."
His request for increased taxes
met a cool reception. Legislators
said they wanted to study it care-
fully. The tax boost would be
aimed chiefly at corporations.
* * *
IN THE SENATE, Senator My-
ers started the legislative ball
rolling on the labor front by In-
troducing a bill to raise the min-
imum wage from 40 cents to 75
cents an hour.
At the same time, Senator
Thomas, Chairman of the Labor
Committee said he will offer a
Taft-Hartley repeal measure t-
Fifteen minutes after the Pres-
ident finished his address seven
Democratic senators introduced
legislation designed to meet his
requests for far-reaching housing
REP. SPENCE announced he
will sponsor an identical bill in
the House today.
The Senate Bill provides for
a 40-year, $18,000,000,000 pro-
gram of public housing, slum
clearance, farm home construc-
tion and housing research.
The President also got a quick
response to his request for a
broader Social Security program
and prepaid medical insurance,
supporters in both houses imme-
diately proposing legislation.
* * *
Grath and Murray and Represen-
tative Dingell sponsored the bills
jointly which would provide health
insurance for 85 per cent of the
population and extend Social Se-
curity coverage to some 5,000,000
additional persons.
The Housing Bill brought an
immediate response from Sen-
ator Taft who said that he and
other GOP senators were ad-
vised only an hour before the
Senate met that an "Adminis-
tration sponsored" bill would
be introduced.
Taft said the bill contained
"substantial changes from the
Taft-Ellender-Wagner Bill which
died in the 80th Congress, but
said, "I regret very much that
I was unable to add my name to
President's speech was having its
repercussions among business and
labor leaders.
His proposal that the govern-
ment consider going into the
steel business was countered by
industry claims that its own ex-
pansion program will meet de-

Spokesmen for labor unions
hailed his request for Taft-Hart-
ley repeal as fulfillment of his
campaign pledge and promised
their cooperation in working with
Congress on "constructive"
amendments to the Wagner Act.
Registration Data
Made Available
T.iterarv colleg and eduatinn

National tNews Round-Up
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The United States today gave further notice
of its disapproval of Dutch military action in Indonesia by recalling
its delegate to a mediation group set up by the UN Security Council.
The Security Council had ordered a halt in the Indonesian fight-
ing 11 days ago, but the Dutch did not issue a general cease-fire order
until today. Dutch troopsIhave now completed their occupation of
the principal Indonesian towns.
WASHINGTON-Rigid loyalty tests for workers on atomic
energy projects were prescribed today.
They are intended "to insure the most effective application
of the policies designed to maintain the security of the project,"
the Atomic Energy Commission said.
._ .... *.*,, .

Fraternities Wait AlumniGrade Ruling

The fate of eight camnus fra-

THE IFC ALUMNI suggested
that failire In ahieve a 2.4 aver-

AFFILIATED spokesmen termed
+ am-aAh +. rnmiraan1- l c'nr-im



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