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January 04, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-01-04

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Latest Deadline in the State



WAHNTN(P-h 1tCongress Opens. ...........g.....-.
tdry for the Truman Administration-a vote which smashed the
power of the House Rues committ e to bloc te Truma tDe eal. *4. :~.: . .. ... ~.
resolution curbing the authority of this "traffic cop" committee, ...,
which historically has determined whether a bill shall go to the House s.. ...*
floor for avote or gather dust in a pigeonhole.
* * * * ~
the Truma progrmf scal and labor legislationia <btale4

xj~. Traffi a
compel James Nichols to get
his house out of the middle of
Wila Ross a contractor,
street. Property owners ob-
jected and Ross is alleged to
have abandoned the project.
Nihols contend Ryos is re

City Council
On Zone Plan
Ann Arbor's ~City Council
ducked action last night on a zon-
ing ordinance- amendment, which
'would cut off higher class resi-
dential areas from student use,
after brick-bats pro and con were
hurled at the group in a fiery or-
dinance hearing. ..
The amendment, pertainig to
"AA" residential areas, will "ex-
chide fraternities and sororities,
student clubs, heague houses and
student chapels or organizations
where the accessory or secondary
use thereof is religious In charac-
* * *
STUDENTS, a University
spokesman, and townspeople on
both sides of the hotly debated is-.
sue were heard by the Council.
Later, in regular session, Al-
derman A. D. Moore, who heads
the Council ordinance commit-
tee, and is also professor of elec-
trical engineering, asked the
Council to "retain the amend-
ment to a later meeting." The
amendment was up for final
Aid. Moore called for a joint
Commission, which wroe te
amendment, and all members of
the Council, to go over the pro-
posed change.
THERE WAS NO indication as
to how the Council felt about
adoption of the amendment. Ap-
proval by the ordinance commit-
tee before submission is not re-
quired and Ald. Moore would give
no personal comment on the
Opinions expressed in the
hearing were varle4 ajnd came
from a range of sources:
Three spokesmen for religious
organizations on campus chal-
lenged inclusion of "student chap-
els," saying they served the same
functions as churches, whlcJ1
could not be legally excluded from
any zoned area.
* * *
TOWNSPEOPLE pointed to
cases where the value of property
surrounding fraternties and so-
rorities had "dropped moren than
$100,000." Others commented that
affiliated residences had added to
the attractiveness of their neigh-
borhoods. A third said that the
present crowded conditions In "A"
residential areas, due to Greek-
group expansion and a land-hun-
gry University, would cease "be-
cause the present function of (af-
fiit d gu s) in the cornm u-
Marilyn Flinn, '5OJEd, presi-
dent of Pan-Hel, and Bruce
Lockwood, president of IFO, ar-
gued that expansion of student
resident groups and the Uni-
versity had left their organiza-
tion "cooped up" in "A" resi-
dential areas. They said the
amendment would be "discrim-

This was one of two major de-
The other development oc-
curred in the Republican camp
where the Senate GOP beat down
a rebgllion of "Young Turks" seek-
ing to unseat Senator Taft ol
Ohio as Republican Policy Cone-
mittee chairman, and put Senatox
Lodge of Massachusetts in his
IN THE HOUSE, Republican
leaders sought in vain to build a
Republican - Democrat coalition
big enough to block the change in
the Rules Committee's . powers.
Some Democrats, notably from the
South, did line, up against the
change; but some Republicans
voted for it.
Capitol Hill straItegists saw
two salient facts emerge from
the action: -
1. Repeal ,of the 'Iaft-Hartley
Act came a step closer, since most
members of the House Rules
committee, Democrats and Repub-
licans alike, had voted for that
law over President Truman's bit-
ter opposition.
* * *
sharply away from the old party-
line tradition in the official vote,
possibly auguring a new trend in
Tree Deaths
Over Holidays
Professor Drowned
In HurnAccidenLOI CIOI
The Christmas holidays brought
death to two University profes-
sors of long standing and a si-
dent in the engineering college.
Prof. John W. Eaton, of the
German depai'tment, and Richard
0. Miller, a junior from Ferndale,
lost their lives in accidents. fol-
lowed by Prof. Roy H1. Holnes, of
the sociology department, who
died of a heart ailment.
* * *
PROF. EATON, former chair-
man of the German department,
was drowned in the Huron River
Dec. 26, along with his small son
Michael, whom he was trying to
On ice skates at the time of
the accident, Prof. Eaton was
pulling his small son Michael on
the Ice near the Geddes Ave.
bridge, when the thinly-frozen
film gave way and MIchael fell
into the river.
Falling in himself in a futile
attempt at rescue, Prof. Eaton
was still clutching the sled when
the bodies were found the next
day, four feet from the place they
College and the Univerity of Db
lin, and a bachelor of laws from
Saskatchewan University, Prof.
Eaton had previously taught at
the University of Bristol; Queen's
University, Canada; and the Uni-
versity of Saskatchewan.
He was chairman of the Ger-
man department here from 1929

Yale Group
SEATTLE-/P) -Fourteen per-
sons, 11 of them Yale University
students returning to New Haven
after the holidays, died in the
crash and fire of a chartered
transport plane at Boeing Field
here. The other three were the
crew of the DC-3.
The plane carried 27 students
and 16 of them escaped.
A "dozen students were pulled
to safety from the flaming wreck
by mechanics and air line em-
ployes at the field. The others
apparently got out unaided.
WITNESSES said the field was
icy and a light fog hanging over
it at the time of the 10p.m.,
R. D. Bedinger, Regional Ad-
ministrator of the CAA, said the
pilot, William Chavers of Seattle,
was warned twice by the control
tower that conditions were "be-
low minimums" required for take-
Officials of the air charter
service, which operated the
plane, said they disagreed with
Bedinger's conclusions after
reading a transcript of the con-
versations between the plane's
officers and the control tower.
"We had full confidence in both
Mr. Leland and pilot William
Chavers," a company official said.
preme Court ruled today that
states can ban the closed shop.
It upheld enactments by three
states which forbid employers,
acting alone or in cooperation
with unions, to restrict employ-
ment to union members. The
practice Is generally known as the
closed sop.
SIXTEEN STATES have closed
shop prohibitions or regulations.
At Issue were an act passed by the
North Carolina Legislature in 1947
and constitutional amendments
adiopted by Nebraska and Arizona
in 1946. -
The anti-closed shop section
of the Taft-Hartley law was not
directly involved. The cowrt's
opinion, however, is expected to
be widely quoted in the fm-
pending debates in Congress on
repeal of that act.
The closed shop ban has been
generally regarded as likely to be
dropped or substantially modified
when Congress considers Presi-
dent Truman's degnand for Taft-
Hartley repeal.
Student Draft
WASHINGTON - Pressure is
mounting in the nation's capitol to
draft all students.
The Association of American
Universities has recommended
that medical students and other
specialists be drafted right along

SHANGHAI --(A) -Withdrawal
of the U.S. Marines from Tsingtao
was announce coincide wih
The Leathernecks explained of-
f icially they were withdrawing be-
zause the reeling Chinese govern-
ment has decided to negotiate a
settlementm wistthe resurgent
is no longer needed."
.(where was no confirmation
imn ediately from Chinese Gov-
United States embassyrin Nan
king. At any rate, it was the
first official announcement that
he Chinese government is suing
The Shanghai City Council
openly radioed a peace plea direct
to the Communists-going over
.she head of President Chiang Kai-
Jhek's unsettled central govern-
ment in Nanking.
MEANTIME, in Nanking, Gen.
Chang Chin-Chung, a leading
cabinet member, gave a remark-
able "peace" dinner for several
hundred public officials and edu-
The Chiang government itself
was silent. The Nanking garri-
son clapped a secret mnilitary
censorship on outgoing news
The battlefields, on wvhich the
Communists have been winning,
lay virtually silent, as they have
for two weeks.
The Marine announcement said
that some 3,000 Marines would be
put aboard naval vessels in Tsing-
tao Harbor to await further order
for movement-expected prior to
Jan. 25.
* * *
that headquarters of Vice-Ad-
miral Oscar C. Badger will remain
in Tsngtao
Nearly 5,000 Marines are in
Chn a. Th e L ah ern ec k force
rival of 1,250 from Guam. On
Dec. 16, '700 Marines of the
Ninth Regiment were sent from
Tsingtao to Shanghai to pro-
tect American lives and inter-
Soviet Report
Western Powers demanded that
Moscow say how many German
war prisoners Russia still holds
and whether she plans to release
them as pledged.
The United States said that
Moscow has violated a four-power
agreement to release all by the
end of 1948.
* * *
THE AMERICAN demand for
"specific information," including
the number of Germans who have

died in Soviet captivity, was con-
tamned in a note delivered today
by the embassy in Moscow to the
Soviet foreign office, the State
Department announced. Simiar
notes were presented by Britain
and France.
had sent home 'an "overwhelm-
ing majority" of its Germans.
In a dispatch from Moscow, it
"The repatriation of the re-
mainder1 is proceeding accordn
goverean and Is to be corn-

Courtesy The Ann Arbor News.
* * *

* *

-I y---rn aler istTss uessul

SUmivers ity lphysici ts ainnouiiccdl
last Thursday thai, they bad suc-
vesshlly conducted a prium iina ry
test of their 300,000,000 eJlectroi i
volt synchrotron.
Planned and built by Professors
H. R. Crane and David M. Denni-
son of the physics department for
sub-nuclear research with syn-
teic cosmic rays, the synchro-
tron has been -under construction
in the basement of the Physics
Building for more than two years.
IESUi TS 01' Thursday'' tests
indica ted that the machine will
be ready within a shor.t time for
a final, over-all test,
'The synchrotron is similar to
the more publicized cyclotron,
ibut is designed specifically to
fire a high-speed stream of elec-

trons rather than the protrons
which the cyclotron uses,.
lBy use of the apparatus, "e
searchers expect to accelerate the
electrons in a "race track" path
to a speed nearly equalling the
speed of light (186,000 miles per
second) and bombard them
against metallic targets.
* * 4
"IT IS DIFFICULT to say what
research resutwl be, Profs
"Electrons are everywhere about
us and much is known about their
behavior but almost nothing about
their basic structure.
"We know that when electrons
are speeded up to tremendous
speeds and used as projectiles
they can split the nuclei of

atoms. It is a new and relatively
untouched field of investigation
which is ojened up by the syn-
In formation already possessed
as to what happens whlen elec-
trons, moving at terrific speeds,
collide with atomic nuclei has
been gained laboridusly through
the study of real cosmic rays, the
two physicists declared.-
that the intensity of cosmic rays
falling upon the earth is minute
compared to the 'bombardmpn't
that will be produced by the syn-
"This great intensity and par-
ticularly the controllability of
the electron beam produced -by

the synchrotron will make pos-
sible many important experi-
ments whiek would be completely
impracticable with natural cos-
mic rays," they indicated.
One of the things they hope
to observe is the creation of mys-
terious new particles called me-
sons. "There is not the slightest
doubt the electrons in the electron
beam will also do many things we
as yet do not even suspect," the
physicists added.
* * *
In Thursday's tests, the elec-
trons were given their inmtial start
by a "kick" from an electron gun
which towers overn the ''race
track." The gun can deliver up to
500,000 volts but much lower volt-
age is used during testing opera-
from the gun, electrons en-
lered a" evac"ated glass tube
having the shape of a slightly
squarish doughnut about ten
Suce"so"t est was indicat-
ed by a glow which appeared at
the end of the third section of the
"race track" as the electrons col-
lided with a piece of glass coated
with a fluorescent material which
blockcd the end of the tube.
4 k4
WHEN THE machine ise work
ing a lul powr th eletron

Miehixarnua Noted for Redskin Ritual

of a serP.'s of ;articles on meni's hn -
orary societies at time Uniiversity,.
E~ach spring a group of seniors
don war paint and amid wild war
whoops (dash to 'Tappan Gonk
wil mh m vhe in itia te tum'nblinr2

affiliation with campus organi za -
tions- .
Since its formation in 1.902
Michigainna has followed a
policy of exerting its influence
on campus affairs through the
actionis qf intlividual members-

mnenbers. A close knit alumni or-
ganization of the "old braves,"
now numbering more than 1,000,
is maintained,
One of the rmost honored chan-'
ters in Michigamua history was
nato F e i s fI rwhe o r th nnat

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