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Regents Will
Consider Ban
On Speakers
SL, 'U' Senate
Submit Proposals
The Board of Regents will con-
sider proposals on the political
speakers ban at its monthly meet-
ing today and tomorrow.
Recommendations from the]
Student Legislature and the fac-
ulty Senate will be kept confiden-
tial until the Regents have con-
sidered them, according to spokes-
men for the groups.
"C A *
BUT INFORMED sources have
said both groups may ask for
complete repeal of the controver-
sial regulations which reads:
"Speeches in support of par-
ticular candidates of a political
party or faction will not be per-
mitted" on University property.
President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven said last night that the Re-
gents may postpone a final de-
cision on the rule until January,
but will discuss it at this meet-
said he and other members of the
cabinet will not be called into the
"We've submitted a written
proposal, as the Regents re-
quested," he said.
From all indications the Board
will make its decision at the Jan-
uary meeting if not today or to-
morrow, Moody added.
* * *
THE MEETING will climax a
four-month drive for reconsidera-
tion of the ban.
Protests became vehement
during the election campaign
when campus political leaders
blasted the ban as "restrictive"
and said it was "hamstringing"
student participation in polities.
After a huge political discussion
on the Diagonal was declared pro-
hibited under the rule, the Uni-
versity Senate voted for appoint-
ment of the committee which re-
ported back Monday.
* *C *
AND AT THE same time plans
were initiated for a student Forum
organized along the lines of the
Oxford Union debate system. SL
leaders said, however, that they
favored repeal of the political
speakers ban too.
Radio Berlin
Reopens After
French Blast
BERLIN - UP) - French engi-
neers blew up the giant transmis-
sion towers of Radio Berlin yes-
terday but only silenced tempo-
rarily Soviet Russia's most
powerful, voice in Germany.
Twelve hours after dynamite
brought the two tall . towers
crashing to earth in the French
Sector Soviet commentator Heinz
Schmidt was back on the air on
the same wave length and appar-
ently with the same broadcasting
RADIO BERLIN'S personnel
refused to say how they managed
it, but German engineers said
they . might - be using another
tower at Potsdam.
Schmidt told his radio audi-
ence the day-long interruption
of powerful Soviet broadcasting
was caused by an "order from
Washington," not by the
The French said they blew up
the towers in their sector because
they menaced American and
British planes flying into nearby
Tegel Airfield.
It took an hour and forty-five
minutes to carry out the job. The
towers - used before Germany's
defeat to transmit the propa-
ganda of Hitler, Goebbels and
other Nazi leaders-were 262 and
393 feet high, respectively.
Student Injured
As Car Hits Bike
Or-. IX TT-ie IM ciifa
Holiday Exodus
To BeginToday
Students will disappear from campus today with the evacuation-
precision of another Dunkirk.
Transportation facilities have been hurriedly mobilized to meet
the annual Christmas vacation rush and with the weatherman lolling
on the sunny side of the street, the exodus promised to be a painless
TAXICAB SERVICE is expected to be excellent-"unless weather
conditions make driving difficult," cab managers reported.
However, Willow Run Weather Bureau experts have reversed
earlier rain and snow forecasts in favor of "two or three days of
pretty fair weather." Temperature will drop to 25 degrees and the
sky will be ribboned with a few clouds.
Although reservations for special busses have been closed, com-
pany officials promise extra coaches on runs to Detroit, Chicago, To-
ledo, Flint, Bay City and Lansing.
University automobile regulations will be lifted at noon today
for the duration of the holidays according to John twin of the Office
of Student Affairs.
STUDENTS HAVE long since snapped up all reservations on
DRIVING BAN-off at noon
- * - * * *
trains leaving the city today and ticket windows are expected to be
jammed with students hoping to catch a seat on the run, ticket man-
agers reported.
NYC will have a Chicago-bound special scheduled for 1:05
p.m. and an eastbound train leaving at 3:10 p.m. to help empty
the campus.
Many students without specific transportation plans expect to
take to the open roads. With driving conditions good and University
auto restrictions temporarily suspended, hitch-hiking is expected to
be excellent.
e xe .* * * *
VACATION WILL ,FIND students dividing their time between
Christmas dinners and other pursuits. Some will hold down part time
jobs, others-bothered by their consciences-will brush up on .courses
they neglected during the fall.
But most will relax and enjoy a well-earned holiday away
from the rigidity of classroom schedules and "inconvenient late
hours and bans of one sort or another."
However-Come Jan. 3: business as usual.
*- * *' *A
Ann Arbor To Become Ghost
Town as Yule Holidays Begin
' Pucksters Hammer
Hiss Denies
Perjury Guilt
In SpyCase
House Accused of
Ruin of Film Roll
NEW YORK-UP)-Alger Hiss
has formally pleaded innocent to
perjury charges. At the same time,
a Justice Department official
claimed the House Un-American
Activities Committee may have
bungled a chance to indict a war-
time spy ring.
Hiss, onetime high - ranking
State Department official, spoke
out in loud, clear tones-"I plead
not guilty to both counts"-at his
arraignment. He had been accused
of lying when he testified he had
not made secret papers available
to unauthorized peersons.
THE JUSTICE Department of-
ficial, who would not permit use
of his name, told newsmen a
House committee investigator had
ruined one roll of films of vital
government documents.
This occurred, the official
said, as the roll was being re-
moved from a hollow pumpkin
on Whittaker Chambers' Mary-
land farm.
"So far the FBI has been un-
able to produce what was on the
(one roll of) film," the official
said. "The bungling amateur in-
vestigator-and I use the word
adviedly-may have prevented
the possible indictment of an en-
tire wartime espionage ring."
* * *
HOWEVER, the House commit-
tee angrily retorted in a Wash-
ington statement a short while
later that the Justice Department
spokesman's assertion was a "pat-
ent fabrication" and a "vicious,
sneak attack."
Amid this exchange, U.S. Attor-
ney John F. X. McGohey an-
nounced that a subcommittee of
the House group would hold a
hearing at the Federal Courthouse
-where the Federal grand jury
sits here-and in Washington Rep.
Mundt (Rep., S.D.), acting com-
mittee chairman, said Rep. Mc-
Dowell (Rep., Pa.) would ques-
tion witnesses.
Med School
Gets P$32,100
Federal Grant
The University medical school
received a grant of $32,100 yester-
day from the Federal Govern-
ment to develop and expand psy-
chiatric training for undergradu-
ate medical students, it was an-
nounced last night in Washing-
ton, D.C.
The grant to the University was
one of 42 such allotments of Fed-
eral funds totaling $1,498,333 to
medical schools in various parts
of the country.
* * *
DR. RAYMOND W. Waggoner,
chairman of the University medi-
cal school's psychiatry depart-
ment and director of the Neuro-
Psychiatric Institute here, said
the University's grant will be
used to hire an additional assist-
ant professor and instructor in
No provisions for student fel-
lowships are made in the grant.
Funds for the program will be
spread over a three year period,
with the first allotment becoming
available for the 1949-50 school
December Technic
Sale Ens Todav
WAITING-Pictured above are two impatient Christmas gifts. They just couldn't wait until Dee-
cember 25 before making public appearances. The creature on the right is going to a psychologist,
while his friend will be presented to a restaurant owner. The Post Office has requested that such
gifts be delivered in person rather than through the mails.
Marines Will
Protect U.S.
]Lives in China
American Support
Denied ToChiang
United States served notice that
American Marines at Shanghai
Will protect American lives but
will not take sides in the Chinese
Civil War.
This government thus erected
another barrier against involve-
ment in the conflict in which Gen-
eralissimo Chian Kai-Shek has
appealed, thus far futilely, for in-
creased American aid.
affirmed its policy of political
neutrality with respect to reported
negotiations in Nanking for the
formation of a coalitionChinese
government which would replace
Chiang's regime. The implication
was that this government would
not make any move to help keep
the Generalissimo in power.
Meanwhile on the Nanking
front government counter-at-
tacks outside the walls of be-
leaguered Peiping and conflict-
ing announcements over the es-
cape or destruction of a trapped
army group northwest of Nan-
king featured rumor-wild Chi-
nese war news.-
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek
remained secluded. A reliable
source said he was studying sug-
gestions that he step aside to per-
mit negotiations with the rampant
Communists, but nothing had de-
NEWSPAPERS, especially in
Shanghai, bannered all day yes-
terday that Communists had cap-
tured Peiping and the northern
commander, Gen. Fu Tso-Yi.
In a dispatch timed at 7 p.m.
General Fu's headquarters an-
nounced successful counterattacks
just outside the Pieping walls,
denying the surrender. Points
three and one-half to six miles
outside Peiping were listed as re-
captured, including the damaged
electric power plant for dark Pei-
Loaded Trains Assure
Happy Yule Overseas
DAYTON, O.-(P)-Americans laden with food and the Yuletide
spirit have flooded Christmas trains with gifts for 43 nations.
Officials of Christian Rural Overseas Program said the outpour-
ing of national generosity was so great that in many states trains
must now be split into sections.
* * * *
CONTIBUTIONS ARE COMING IN from areas where formal
organizations had not been set up to handle the gifts. Small quan-
tities of such wide variety of commodities have been contributed that
processing is necessary before trains can be assembled.
Original plans called for state dedications of a crop train
prior to Christmas and another c
dedication Christmas Day at the
port of departure. Prced et RIenen 1
Ann Arbor becomes just an-
other ghost town when University
-tudents scatter for the Christ-
mas holiday.
According to a Daily survey of
Ann Arbor merchants and Uni-
versity officials, the old town just
isn't the same place.
LOCAL EATING establishp-
mients, in general, will be closed
down for at least part of the va-
vation. The manager of one
popular coffee spot, describing
the "dead" atmosphere of Cam-
pus Town, said, "It's senseless to
stay open.'
After a month of frayed
nerves and greying hair, har-
ried post office officials antici-
pate a sudden drop in the vol-
ume of mail next Thursday.
With their facilities pushed to
capacity by the Christmas rush,
they especially look forward to a
decrease in the number of laun-
dry cases in the mail-the first
indication of the post-Christmas
LOCAL PUB owners report
that although there will be a
vastly different atmosphere with
the departure of the students, the
townspeople will then have a
chance to enjoy the Ann Arbor
high spots.
Clinton E. Castor, owner of
the students' favorite beer
haunt, commented on the ap-
parent lack of Christmas spir-
its. "Students just have too
many blue books and when
they return after vacation, they
will have exams to worry
In the students' absence, resi-
dence halls will get a thorough
cleaning and dieticians, after
five-day vacations, will take in-
ventory and plan menues for
next semester.
Approximately 29 women stu-
dents, mostly from foreign coun-
tries, will spend the vacation at
Helen Newberry and about 50
men students, including 13 Latin-
Americans, will live at Allen-
Rumsey in West Quad. No meals
will be served, but it is hoped the
townspeople will invite them into
their homes for dinners.
Crop officials said the big dona-
tions have delayed the schedules
and will make it necessary in
many instances to ship a compar-
atively small number of cars from
half a dozen points in a state in-
stead of assembling them into one
large train.
* * *
SPONSORS said a total of 2,000
carloads still is expected, with
corn leading the contributions and
wheat and soy beans following in
Each state has planned one or
more dedication services as its
train is assembled for movement
to a port. Then simultaneous ded-
ications will be held Christmas
Day at each of the ports from
where relief goods will be shipped
French .delay
FRANKFORT, Germany -(I
-The French have blocked com-
pletion of an occupation statute
which would serve as an interim
peace treaty for Western Ger-
Reliable sources in Paris mean-
while, report that France is con-
sidering sending a "Mission to
Washington" to discuss impor-
tant issues such as control of the
Ruhr, France's economic ills and
need for dollars, and the project-
ed Atlantic Defense Pact.
Of Labor Law
Taft-Hartley 'Dead
Duck' Says Morse
tor Morse (Rep., Ore.) says the
Taft-Hartley Labor Act is a "dead
He made' his comment as the
CIO invited the American Feder-
ation of Labor and the Railroad
Brotherhoods to join in a united
front for repeal of the law in the
new Congress.'
HE PREDICTED that the "real
fight" over labor laws in the next
Congress will center up revising
of the original National Labor
Relations or Wagner Act.
"We want to make sure that
the Legislature pendulum does
not this time swing too far in the
opposite direction," he said.
Morse was one of three Re-
publican senators who voted
against passage of the Taft-
Hartley Act and then supported
President Truman's futile veto
of it.
CIO appeal for a united front
was made by its president, Philip
Murray. He wrote to the heads of
the AFL and Independent Rail-
road unions urging an early con-
ference "for the purpose of coor-
dinating our efforts in support of
a common program of legislative
Celley, Gacek
Pace Victors
In 12- Rout
Canadian Defeat
Worst of Series
(Special to The Daily)
CHICAGO - Michigan's hockey
team virtually tore the roof off
the Chicago Stadium last night
as it completely outclassed the
University of Toronto sextet, 12-
The Wolverines never looked
better as they rolled up the larg-
est score of the 13-game series
between the two schools and won
the William Thompson Memorial
Trophy for the second straight
IN TURNING IN the victory,
Michigan gained the edge in the
battle for the mythical North
American title. The two teams
meet again tonight in Ann Arbor.
Six Wolverines figured in the
scoring with both Neil Celey
and Wally Gacek turning in the
"hat trick." Celley with four
goals and two assists led the
Michigan point getters.
Al Renfrew tallied twice for
Michigan and Gill Burford, Wally
Grant and Sam Stedman each got
one goal.
MICHIGAN could do no wrong.
Their passing was brilliant ant,
their defense was outstanding.
Both goalie Jack McDonald and
Paul Milanowski, who replaced
him in the cage halfway in the
third period looked especially
good. McDonald was at his best
when the Wolverines were short-
handed and made several sensa-
tional saves.
The first period proved to be
Toronto's undoing as the Maize
and Blue pucksters lit the red
light seven times. Grant started
the parade almost as soon as the
game began, with a goal from
Celley and Burford at 0:57.
Toronto's defense couldn't stop
the Michigan powerhouse and be-
fore the five minute mark had
been reached, the Wolverines had
tallied three more times. Ren-
frew tallied from Gordie McMil-
lan and Gacek at 2:07, Gacek
from McMillan at 3:48 and Bur-
ford from Grant and Celley at
* * *
tallies half way in the period,
scoring at 9:21 and 10:10, assists
going to Grant and Starrak.
Sixteen seconds later, To-
ronto got its onlygoal, when
Dick Howson tallied on a pass
from his brother Don.
See CELLEY, Page 3
'Ensian Photo
Contest Gets
New Deadline
Pictures students will take dur-
ing the Christmas vacations now
have a chance of appearing in the
1949 Michiganensian.
This was made possible by ex-
tension of the 'Ensian photog-
raphy contest, which was an-
nounced yesterday. The deadline
was advanced to Jan. 14, 1949.
BILL OSTERMAN, 'Ensian as-
sistant promotions manager, made
the announcement of the exten-
sion at the request of Alex Lman-
Lmaian, who is the Michi-
ganensian photography editor,
said he asked for the postpone-
ment of the contest so that in-
terested students could devote
more time to the pictures they
are taking, and take more of
He added the request that pho-
'U' Grad's UniqueAds Attract Public
World News At A Glance
TEL AVIV, Israel - (P) - A proposed constitution for the new
state of Israel is expected to be published next week, it was learned
Then it will be handed by a constitutional parliamentary com-
mittee to the Israeli Constituent Assembly which will be chosen in
nationwide elections Jan. 25.
* * * I * * *
"1940 Studebaker Champion 2-
door sedan. Dandruff Grey. Radio
and heater. Good engine. Phil
Hanson was almost killed last
week when the brakes failed."
With ads like this in The Daily
Classifieds, Phil Hanson, energetic
University graduate, has built up
a promising business in used cars
in Ann Arbor.
"I am actually building up a
The ads have had such results
that a national advertising agency
has contacted Hanson and wants
to print them in its monthly mag-
azine as an example of what can
be done.
Hanson figured out the dif-
ferent advertising campaign as a
was an armored corps officer and
attended several automotive me-
chanics schools where he learned
the engineering side. Oddly
enough, he majored in history and'
geography at Michigan.
The used car business is a
hard one for one man to handle