THE MICHIGAN DAMI (EDITOR'S NOTE: This column is written by Daily Managing Editor, Harriett Friedman.) "THINGS ARE SELDOM what they seem" is an apt description of the current furor in AVC. Chairman Dave Babson would have us be- lieve that the choice for AVC membership is in either accepting or rejecting Comu- aism Our investigations prove otherwise. It seems just a little naive to me to assume that all 26 of those who voted for the resolution (only 8 voted against it) which Babson describes as "Red," are Communists or even "Communist sympa- thizers." , There might just be a few people around merely acting as thinking people who don't believe in kicking Communists out of or- ganizations. Many AVC members dislike Shaffer, and do not care for Communist principles, but still feel that men have rights to choose for themselves what groups they shall be- long to. And that was the issue of the so-called "Red-line" resolution: whether John Gates, Daily Worker Editor, should have the right to decide about belonging to AVC, or whether the AVC officials should choose for him-by kicking him out. Of course, the question of whether a Communist is automatically,' by defini- tion, a seditious spy, is also involved. As far as I know, no court has ever said so, and perfectly honest members of AVC might decide to upbraid the national office for its action, without being "Communist sympathizers." Communist Shaffer did bring friends to the AVC meeting, but such pressure tactics are long-standing customs in AVC and every other political group. Any member of AVC could vote, and if Chairman Babson had been able to round up enough members on his side, the result would have been less sensational but would have been obtained by the same bloc-forcing methods. And Babson has showed that the "Com- munist-bloc" technique is not too repulsive to him to prevent his calling for aid in packing AVC from the right. The difference is that it's an easy way out to call an opponent a Communist now- adays. What it amounts to is this: Babson and se en other AVC members do not believe a Communist has a right to belong to their group. Twenty-six other members, includ- ing Ed Shaffer, and certainly some of his. friends, believed that a man should not be barred from joining a supposedly lib- eral veterans group because of his political opinions. I refuse to believe that the expression of the latter opinion, through the resolutions passed at the AVC meeting merits "Red labelling" - On a greater scale, the question is whether agreeing with Communists on a specific issue makes one either a Communist or Communist sympathizer. Chairman Babson has seen fit to attack his own organization as monopolized by Communists. I wonder what the AVC mem- bership plans to do about it. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: LEON JAROFF I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Mood Change By SAMUEL GRAFTON WOULD LIKE to try a small analysis of why the American people are, apparently, in a conservative mood. Sometimes a face-saving explanation is attempted, as in the theory that the peo- ple are turning to the right because their newspapers tell them to do so. But many of their newspapers have been telling them to -do so since about ten minutes after Roosevelt's first inauguration, and the theory does not explain why it has re- quired fifteen years for the treatment to take hold. And it is obvious that many of the issues which usually serve to keep the people on the liberal side are still very much ex- tant, lack of housing, high prices, the cost of living pinch. This leads to the startling thought that whatever impulse it is that's making the people move to the right must be even stronger than their normal desires and irritations. . And I think they're scared. I think they've taken a good square look at a fluid world, and have got the wind up, and it's hard to blame them. They see France on the verge of what might become civil war; they have an immense feeling for France, and the spectacle stupefies them; it is as if they were to see Pike's Peak crumbling in a rainstorm. And here perhaps, we can begin to under- stand why the Wallace movement has not gained more adherents. It's jubilant left- ness, its feeling that we, to a great degree, are what's wrong with the world, its con- The AVC Problem "Gr cious==HI- UIncouthI" FOR YEARS liberal organizations have been plagued with the Communist prob- lem. Through some peculiarity in their make- up, it seems that the Communists are able to work a good deal harder, with a great deal more perseverance, than their friends of a bit to the right. It is rather difficult for these latter, because they can watch their friends of a bit further right sit back and take it easy. After all, letting things stand still is much simpler than trying to give them even a little budge. Now, however, things have become much nicer for these liberals. With anti-Red a national by-word, the liberal groups can oust the pesty Communists for the na- tional good. This is exactly what the National Planning Committee of AVC did when it took the stand that Daily Worker editor Gates could no longer be a member of their organization. However, in actuality, the AVC has a clause in its preamble to back up the action. Gates' expulsion was AVC's bid to main- tain their organization on its citizens first, veterans second basis. Beginning during the war as the outlet for the young, liberal vet- eran, AVC has stood for most of the liberal issues. It has been careful, just the same, to keep politics as much out of the way as possible. In the past couple of years AVC has been much less in the forefront. It has been slipping from its position directly opposite the American Legion. In its last national convention AVC took the anti-Communist view it has held na- tionally ever since, and which culminated in the Gates expulsion. Perhaps the loss of the Communists who were insulted by the national stand resulted in the diminished show of effort of the AVC. Other veterans have undoubtedly be- come discouraged with trying to initiate re- forms. Only the college chapters of the organiza- tion have remained really vigorous in their fight for liberal causes. As the vets gaining most from their service, and united by their number seeking an education, they have best been able to do this. Our University chapter has had a par- ticularly difficult struggle between the left and the right elements. Their present of- ficers were a compromise between the two extremes. They, have taken the na- tional view as the chapter view on Com- munism. With nomination of delegates to the Na- tional Convention on its agenda the officers should also have set a discussion of th- Communist issue. Certainly this will be a foremost problem at the convention. However, the methods used to bring the matter to a vote at the Wednesday night meeting seemed typical of Communist "come-early, vote-late" tactics. We are not surprised that the AVC's officers should have labeled them as such. The planned program was diverted, and discussion was continued until the early morning hours when most of the membership had gone home to do homework or out of sheer bore- dom. It does seem ridiculous that University veterans should be represented nationally by the resolution passed at the meeting. Probably the majority of veterans at Michigan are much further right in their views than the present officers of AVC. But these students, and particularly the AVC's officers should have been ready to meet the resolution. We are a bit tired of hearing people wail about the Communists, instead of doing something about problems themselves. It will do no good for the veterans to kick out its Communists and then quietly let AVC fold up. And, if they are sincere in wanting to work for their nation and other vets, they can do it by sheer effort whether Communists are at their side or on the out- .side looking in. -Joan Katz. a r K: , t.'+ii t\ t r .. _ .^ .. ,1lt F c -.~ . (. 2 CTStOthe E'ditor The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, 'the general p01- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- ,ensing letters. Critic Errs To the Editor: ti.... ,! ~ " "' ,r l =. sp, w R$ -oc , "" - " ,- F '' Mme. -«a "', i -:.. p"SMB iME «,A SH++,GTO.t Phi cw . MyX/°" "' ' 'Y DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 1 Simplification ACCORDING TO AP dispatches, British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, speak- ing before the House of Commons on the Berlin crisis, made the statement that the Russians are people from whom you cannot buy peace with concessions. Now Mr. .Bevin cannot be blamed for attempting to oversimplify the infinitely complex diplomatic muddle existing to- day. His unqualified statement covers all Russians. It makes no distinction between the Russian people and their leaders. Thus, unwittingly, he has warmed the hearts of Russian propagandists who like to present their own version of East-West dif- ferences in ultra-simplified style, because they know that diplomatic subtleties are in- comprehensible to the majority of Eastern Europe's peasants. The Russian propagan- dists need do no more than broadcast Mr. Bevin's statement to the Russian mass to convince them that the West considers all Russians bent on war. Mr. Bevin's misleading phrase gives Russia's leaders another opportunity to impress the masses in Russia with the fact that Western hostility does not limit it- self to Soviet policy but instead overlaps onto the people. And the Russian people, denied access to a free press and radio, cannot resonably be expected to think otherwise. Inasmuch as the Russian people have been receiving little assurance that the Western attitude toward them differs from the West- ern attitude toward the official Soviet gov- ernment, it is essential that our policy mak- ers emphasize this point in their speeches. Blanket statements like Mr. Bevin's will do nothing to allay the fear of the Russian people that the West knows little and cares less about actual conditions inside Russia. Not till the Russian people understand that they have more than a choice between two types of slavery will the West win the diplo- matic battle of Europe. -George Riviere. MATTER OF FACT: Tto Timetable Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1948 VOL. LIX, No. 5 Notices SUNDAY LIBRARY SERVICE On all Sundays during the Fall and Spring terms except during the holiday periods, and beginning with October 3, the Main Reading Room and the Pe- riodical Room of the General Library will be kept open from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Books AronWther parts of the build- ing which are needed for Sunday use will be made available in the Main Reading Room if requests are made on Saturday of an assistant in the read- ing room where the books are usually shelved. All women's Residences are remind- ed that sign-outasheets for the weeks Sept. 13 to 26, are due 5 p.m. Mon., Sept. 27, at the Undergraduate Office, Michigan League. Closing hours for women students beginning Sat., Sept. 25, will be in ac- cordance with Eastern Standard Time: Saturday night, Sept. 25, closing hour will be 12:30 am. Eastern Standard Time OR 1:30 a.m. Daylight Savings Time. Athletic Coupon Books: Wed., Sept. 29, will be the last day that Athletic Coupon Books may be purchased by University of Michigan Faculty and Employees, reduced pro- gram Students, and Students who wish these books for their wives. This will be the last day for Students to exchange coupon six for football tick- ets. They will be on sale at the Adminis- tration Bldg., Ferry Field until 4:30 p.m. on Sept. 29. No exchange or sale of coupon books will be made after Sept. 29. IFC Student Book Exchange will be open to return all unsold books to stu- dents. Hours 3-5 p.m., R .3-C Micli- gan Union. Books may be obtainld Sept. 27 thru Oct. 1. Householders who need baby sitters will receive assistant by calling the Office of the Dean of Women, 3-1511, Extension 341. The Women's Judiciary Council, con- sisting of three juniors and three sen- iors, works in conjunction with the Of- fice of the Dean of Women to formu- late house rules and acts as a disci- plinary board in casesof infraction of house rules. All University women students re- siding in organized undergraduate houses, including graduate students, must observe all house rules. The same applies to guests of residents. Any student expecting to be out of her house after 7:30 p.m. must register the occasion and place, and, if out of town, the complete address. No local telephone calls may be re- ceived or sent after 11 p.m. All local calls must be limited to five minutes. No outgoing long distance calls may be made after 11 p.m. without special ar- rangement with the house president or the house head. In case of emergency, incoming long distance calls may be received after 11 p.m. Quiet hours shall be fixed by the in- dividual houses, and their enforcement shall be supervised by the house pres- ident and the Judiciary Council. Call- ing hours for men are Monday through Friday at 3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. the hours are decided by the individ- ual house. Sunday, closing hours 11 p.m. Guests must leave premises 11 p.m. Monday, closing hours 10:30 p.m. Guests must leave premises 10:30 p.m. Tuesday, closing hours 10:30 p.m. Guests must leave premises 10:30 p.m. Wednesday, closing hour 10:30 p.m. Guests must leave premises 10:30 p.m. Thursday, closing hour 10:30 p.m. Guests must leave premises 10:30 p.m. Friday, closing hour 12:30 a.m. Guests must leavS premises 12:25 a.m. Satur- day, closing hours 12:30 a.m. Guests must leave premises 12:25 a.m. Girls who attend the following events must be in the house one-half hour after their termination: 1. Parties that are late dances by per- mission of Committee on Student Af- fairs. 2. Choral Union Concerts and May Festival Concerts. 3. Oratorical Association Lectures. 4. Dramatic Season lays. 5. Their own class functions, which have been authorized by University au- thorities. 6. Play production, special lectures, and functions in the Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre. Note: Freshmen must attend plays on week-end nights when such plays run throughout the week. Any student who finds that she may be more than thirty minutes late over any late permission shall notify her house director of her expected lateness and probable time of return to the house. Any girl who violates the house rules and is brought before the Judiciary Council may be placed on social pro- bation. Undergraduate women: Each organ- ized undergraduateswomen's residence is required to choose a house president and to establish quite hours by the end of the second week of classes. The names of the house director, president, and signout sheet official (if a person other than the president is in charge of these), and a list of quiet hours must be turned in to the Women's Ju- diciary Council, Undergraduate Office, Michigan League by Fri., Oct. 1. This applies to all dormitories, sororities, and league houses where undergrad- uate women reside. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Stanley Cohen, Biological Chemistry; thesis: "The Nitrogenous Metabolism of the Earthwormn," 1 :15 p.m., Mon., Sept. 27, 313 W. Medical Bldg. Chairman, H. B. Lewis. Quiz Sections for Philosophy 34 are posted outside Rm. 205 Mason Hall, 348 W. Engineering Bldg.; Philosophy 31 outside Rm. 205 Mason Hall. Malwina ties Seminars: organiza- uional meeting, 4 p m., Mon., Sept. 27, "a. 3011 Angell Hall. Physics courses 181 and 183 meet on Tues., Sept. 28. Course 181, 10 a.m., Rm. 1047. Course 183, 1 p.m., Rm. 2051. Concerts Carillon Recital: Percival Price, Uni- versity Carillonneur, 2:15 pn., Sun., Sept. 26. Events Today Saturday Luncheon Discussion group 12:15 p.m.. Lane Hall. For reservations call Lane Hall before 10 a.m. today. Coming Events Undergraduate Psychology Society: Dr. Theodore Newcomb, Sociology and Psychology Departments, will speak on "Some Aspects of Human Motivation in Groups," 7:30 p.m., Mon., Sept. 27, Kellogg Auditorium. Alpha Kappa Psi, professional busi- ness fraternity: Open house for pros- pective pledges, 2-4 p.m., Sun., Sept. 26, chapter house. International Center Reception for new foreign students, 7:30 p.m., Mon., Sept. 27, League Ballroom: Gilbert and Sullivan society: Meet- ing, 3 p.m., Sun., Sept. 26, Michigan League. Graduate Outing Club: Meet for hik- ing, Sun., Sept. 26, 2:30 p.m., north- west entrance, Rackham Bldg. Sign up at Rackham check desk before noon Saturday., U. of M. Hot Record Society: Meeting, 8 p.m., Sun., Sept. 26, Michigan League. Election of officers. Russian Circle Get-Acquainted meet- Miss Gloria Hunter, in her eval-1 uation of the film, Anna Karenina, ! has somge to-be-expected remarks to make about the movie as a+ whole, but in her last paragraph she is not only unperceptive but has made one obvious mistake in fact and perhaps a second and even more ludicrous one. She refers to the film as a Hol- lywood product. It is not. It was produced in England with an English cast. Her dismissal of Ralph Richard- son, his "only claim to fame seems to be a very trick (an unintelli- gible expression) mustache," Is not only a mistatement of fact but shows an amazing lack of sen- sitivity or critical grasp. Ralph. Richardson's principal "claim to fame" is his acting abil- ity as a member of London's Old Vic Theater, an organization whose reputation must have reached Miss Hunter, not his "trick mustache." How Miss Hunter managed to miss the intelligence and. reality of Richardson's Karenin I do not know. This one part was han- dled not' only well but brilliantly in contrast with the rather medi- ocre level of the rest of the act- ing. Miss Hunter complains that Karenin is not shown as a "Great Lover." He is not supposed to be a great lover, but rather, a man who loves greatly. Is it possible Miss Hunter that you were so occupied with your popcorn that you have confused Ralph Richardson, who played Karenin, Miss Leigh's husband, with Kieron Moore, who played Prince Vronsly, Miss Leigh's lover? You understand, of course, that Miss Leigh played Anna Karenina. John Popplestone Packing Plan To The Editor: BEFORE all of the good citi- zens of the state become con- vinced that Communists are tak- ing over the University of Michi- gan campus, perhaps we should consider a few additional facts about the situation in, the Ameri- can Veterans Committee chapter here. Very true, the meeting which passed a "party-line resolution" was "packed" by about thirty sup- porters of Ed Shaffer, one of the campus' three admitted Commu- nists. What is probably not too evi- dent off the campus is that this figure is very close to the full sup- port which Shaffer can muster. Further, there was nothing il- legal about Shaffer's packing of the meeting. He had a "hard core" of about thirty. When the vote was taken there were only about 40 members left, although the chapter has a membership of over 100. When the students who repre- sent the other point of view fail to show up (and I was among that number), Shaffer can win by de- fault as has been evident before. The situation is analogous to our national elections. When there is a small vote, a minority can elect an extremist Congress. With a large turnout, the decision is. more truly representative of the group, whether it be the cam- pus AVC chapter or the nation at large. There can be little doubt that a meeting of the full membership will reverse Shaffer's resolution. The solution to this problem lies not with the "Callahan-type" of mind or in the passage of the Mundt-Nixon bill, but in the awakening of a larger portion of the so-called "right-wing liber- ing 8 p.m. Mon., Sept. 27, International Center. Classes in Hebrew: Meeting, 8 p.m. Wed., Sept. 29, Hillel Foundation. Blue-Jeans Party: 3 p.m., Sun., Sept. 26, Hillel Foundation. Hillel News: Open staff meeting, 4 p.m., Tues., Sept. 28, Hillel Foundation. Wallace Progressives: Open meeting, 7 p.m., Mon., Sept. 23, Michigan Union. Fifty-Ninth Year als" and in their expenditure of a fraction of the energy which the Communists exhibit on the other side. TOM WALSH AVC member To the Editor: THE AMERICAN Veteran Com- mittee reversed itself at the recent explosive meeting by can- celling the proposed Civil Rights forum. The reason is that the forum will not be held until the Board of Regents' ban on political speakers is lifted. In the mean- time, a- vigorous campaign aimed at removal of the ban will be waged. The cancellation of the Civil Rights forum is one of the issues that demonstrates clearly the fundamental split that threat- ens the campus chapter of AVC and over which the present fight is now waging. One group in AVC (this group held the majority at the last meet- ing) wants the forum cancelled until the ban is lifted so that men like Carl Winter could speak' on campus. They would fight the Re- gents' ban but would not hold the forum. The summerhexecutive commit- tee voted to hold the forum in which it would publicly, before a student audience, blast the Re- gents' ruling and expose and ex- plain other breaches of civil lib- erties. It also favors a campaign against the ban. The group that voted to cancel the forum has motives other than defending civil liberties. That group is more interested in de- fending the indicted Communists as such than fighting for civil liberties generally. This group who claims to be a champion of civil liberties is now willing to forego a civil liberties forum completely because the Uni- versity has breached those liber- ties. In this respect their stand parallels the position taken by some of the same individuals on the Czech rally last semester. Then as now, civil liberties were breached but they were unwilling to participate in an open forum. They prefer no forum to a forum without Mr. Winter. In this re- spect it is evident that that group in AVC is intent on using the campus chapter for its own pur- poses. I write to expose that group whose aims are not the aims of AVC. I expose this present issue because no matter how righteous their stand appears, the intent is perverted. This is a plea for the veterans on campus to aid us who intend to fight this un-AVC-like element in the campus chapter. -William Young. By STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON -- The comfortable Cri- mean dacha of Josef Stalin, according to reliable reports, has lately been receiving a steady stream of satellite Communist lead- ers. Romania's Ana Pauker was the first to make the pilgrimage, shortly after the Bel- grade conference, but Bulgaria's Dimitrov, Hungary's Rakosi and Czech'oslovakia's Gottwald and Klementis have followed her, to pay homage to the aging dictator and to receive his orders. For some reason no Polish leader, so far as is known, has yet made the pilgrimage. The dacha has doubtless been the scene of discussions on Berlin and the question of the succession to the dead Andrei Zhda- nov's post in the Cominform has probably also been considered. But the chief pur- pose of the satellite pilgrimage to Crimea, it is believed, has been to settle the fate of the rebellious Marshal Tito. And, from information now available, a fairly ac- curate picture of Stalin's timetable for Tito can be pieced together. The timetable has already been upset by the shooting some weeks ago of Yugoslav General Arso Yevanovitch, Tito's war-time comrade-in-arms, as he attempted to cross the Yugoslav frontier. Yevanovitch, it has now been learned, had been chosen by Mos- cow to become the instrument of Tito's downfall, and his successor. He had served with the Red Army and was considered en-, tirely loyal to the Kremlin. Accordingly, ar- rangements were made for him to leave Belgrade on the plane of Madame Pauker, Tito's arch-enemy, at the end of the Danube conference. He was then to be groomed to lead an anti-Tito putsch, with the full sup- port of the Kremlin and the satellites. * * * THE PLAN MISFIRED. The O.Z.N.A., the efficient Yugoslav secret police, discov- ered what was up before the Pauker plane took off. Yevanovitch tried to escape but he was caught and shot, not, it is believed, by a simple frontier guard, but by a special duty to kill Tito if the opportunity arises. The O.Z.N.A. will certainly have its hands full in protecting the life of the Yugoslav dictator. Meanwhile, the economic squeeze on Yu- goslavia by the Soviet sphere will be further tightened in an effort to weaken Tito's hold on his country. Already Russia, Albania and Romania have cut off supplies including the oil which Tito desperately needs. If nec- essary, the Kremlin will certainly order the extension of this blockade to all the satellite countries, although this will be economically painful, especially to Hungary and Czecho- slovakia. * * * SUCH ARE almost certainly the Krem- lin's plans, which have now been con- veyed to the satellite leaders in Crimea. Their scope suggests how very painful a thorn in the Kremlin's side Tito must be. The plain fact is that the Kremlin con- siders a wholly reliable Yugoslavia stra- tegically essential in case of war. But what are the West's plans for Tito? For it is pretty obvious that for economic reasons alone Tito cannot indefinitely hold out against this kind of pressure from the East, without some measure of economic support from the West. Tito has the wherewithal, including copper and bauxite, for fairly extensive trade with the West, provided he is willing to trade. And, bar a wholly unanticipated reconcilia- tion with Moscow, the pressures which the Kremlin is already bringing to bear will cer- tainly force Tito to turn more and more to the West for economic support. That support should be, and almost certainly will be, forthcoming. No one suggests that Tito has suddenly become a simon-pure demo- crat. But in the context of the grim struggle which is now in progress, we must support Tito simply because it is in our interest to, support Tito. (Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune Inc.) Edited and managed by students of, the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor Dick Maloy.............City Editor Naomi Stern........Editorial Director Allegra Pasqualetti ....Associate Editor Arthur Higbee.........Associate Editor Harold Jackson.......Associate Editor Murray Grant.......... Sports Editor Bud Weidenthal . .Associate Sports Ed. Bev Bussey ......Sports Feature Writer Audrey Buttery......Women's Editor Business Staff Richard Hait .......Business Manager Jean Leonard .... Advertising Manager William Culman .....Finance Manager Cole Christian .... Circulation Manager Bess Hayes.................Librarian Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper, All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor,rMichigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member Associated Collegiate Press 1948-49 BARNABY The children are quite all right. We'll leave them alone again for a while. To adjust to each other and to the Kindergarten room- C 0 t I can't wait for th K all day. That Kin E R won't last much I ie Principal dergarten tea longer, m'boy-- II I