THE MICHWIAN hAILY =AGE SEVENMEN wxwmwmiwm HAVING TROUBLE? Wise Words for Christmas Shoppers Do... By DUSTI WAGNER Now is the time when every good coed must come to the aid of her man-of-the-moment with a suitable Christmas gift within her pocketbook range. Because giving gifts occurs at least twice a year, this business of buying him a present some- times exhausts the usual possi- bilities after about one birthday and one Christmas go by. * * * BY THAT TIME, if he smokes, he's already got pipes, tobacco pouch and humidor-or a cigar- ette case and lighter. He may not have matches with his name on them, however. These are decorative, useful and person- alized but not expensive. Blue match cartons with his first name in gold would prove both useful and patriotic for that Michigan man. Most men have an ample sup- ply of ties (their favorite acces- sory) but a great many don't have initialed tie-clips and matched belt buckles. These are within college budget limitations also, and are offered in several good-looking sytles. , , , , , ' Nearly every man ,has at least one hobby or sports interest. If a woman is buying one of her current flames a gift, she gen- erally knows his interests well enough by that time to have some insight into these bobbies. * * * TWO IDEAL places for brows- ing in the very atmosphere of his recreational pursuits are sporting goods or equipment stores and record shops. An hour or so spent in either of these locales will of- ten bring to light a dozen good ideas. In both the sports and musi- cal lines, books by experts are always appreciated. Whether he likes serious music or jazz and be-bop, the field of records is almost unlimited. Skiing goggles, handball gloves, bowling shoes, ice skating or hockey equipment, jackets for winter sports and an endless list Don't... DOLL DOCTOR-Many a lit- tle girl will have her doll baby with her at Christmas thanks to the "Doll Surgeon" who spe- cializes in replacing broken arms and missing eyes. * * * of other accessories can be found according to the sport. * * * IF STAMPS or rare books are among his collectors' items, there are stores which carry these things. In case some of these are not available in Ann Arbor, De- troit is the place to seek them. Identification bracelets, beer mugs and University or frater- nity jewelry are nearly always welcome. Crests may be en- graved on the items, or may be stamped, with his name, on sta- tionery. In case the man-of-the-mno- ment has already announced his intention of becoming a coed's man-for-life, she has even more choice. University rings with in- itials or crest are suitable. Beyond that, it's strictly a matter of per- sonal taste. * * * PERHAPS the most important thing in gift-seeking for a man is to consider his budget as well as one's own. Three is nothing more embarrassing to a man than an expensive gift which he can't match. Christmas shopping may be a headache but a little buying wis- dom can solve all those problems. By keeping in mind what not to buy for Christmas most shop- pers can find an appropriate gift for every relative and friend. PROBABLY the least liked of all gifts for men is the faithful tie. It is the last minute shopper who turns up with this gift. Member- ship in the thousands of local "Tie for Christmas Clubs," will probably break all records in this inflationary year. On the other hand, ties and other such apparel are good buys for women this year. The new styles, scarves and flouncy bow ties haven't been in the vogue long enough to reach the con- ventional gift lists. Among the worst gifts for wo- men are manicure and cosmetic sets. Beautifully boxed sets to match milady's boudoir may re- pose unused on dresser tops for years. -Off shade lipsticks and in- correctly textured powder usually make up the unwanted gift sets. PERFUMES are a matter of personal taste, so colognes and perfumes rate a big "no" unless the giver has lots of scentsibility. Though pictures of one's own beaming countenance may solve the what to get question, most photographs grace the rear bed- room or the attic to collect dust. Gifts for college students may present a special problem. Too many fond relatives come up with an inappropriate book or magazine subscription. Only embarrass- ment can follow when some male student's monthly copy of, "Boy's Life" ar i'ds at the West Quad. Another way to avoid the scorn of college men is to forget those boxes of gooey sweet after-shave preparations. Most men don't like them. Artists FPut Yule Spirit In Greetings The latest innovation in Christ- mas cards will allow the lasting appreciation of the season's pic- torial beauty. The American Artists Group will introduce framed Christmas cards for the first time this year. The frames are designed with button-backs so that a written message may be placed inside. They are of uniform size so that groupings of the individual pic- tures will be possible. * * * THE FIRST series of cards will include full-color. reproductions of paintings by America's fore- most contemporary artists. The pictures capture the beauty of this country, the activities and the interests of its people. Some of the notable artists whose works will be presented on the cards are Alexander Brook, Gladys Rockmore Davis, Henry McFee, Adolph Dehn, Rockwell Kent, Gordon Grant and Dale Nichols. Another series which the group has planned to issue will feature color reproductions of master- pieces from the National Gallery of Art in Washington. Classics by Giotto, Raphael, El Greco, Rem- brandt, Fabriano, Corot, Cezanne and others will reflect Christ- mas spirit as seen in each of the artists' immortal ways. * * * THE PAINTINGS on the cards have been carefully selected to meet the tastes of all greeting card senders. Interpretations of the lighter humorous mood of the holiday, the religious spirit, the season's typical outdoor beauty and the gay home-comings and old-fashioned country Christ- mases appear on the cards. Still others treat the season in urban terms or, through the eyes of the sportsmen. Styles range from the academic to the ultra-modern. The major purpose behind the new type of Christmas greeting is to widen the appreciation and enjoyment of art, particularly contemporary works. CHRISTMAS GIFTS?--No, just a collection of corkscrews gath- ered by Charles Brown of New York. Over a period of 30 years he has garnered 70 pieces from all parts of the world. No two of them are alike. Ancient World Used Mistletoe But Modernt Mant Added Kiss New York, -()- Storekeepers expect this Christmas season to be the biggest ever-but for the first time since the war they'll be making a real bid for your busi- ness. Last December retail sales reached a staggering total of $12,641,000,000-the., highest for any month on record. This year merchants are confi- dent December sales will be even better. Some forecasters set the gain at 10 to 15 percent over a year ago, saying they expect sales to reach about $14,000*,000,000. BESIDES the high level of na- tional income, retailers give these reasons for their optimism: sup- plies of goods are better and more varied than they have been in years, there are more eye-catch- ing special gift items, prices are higher but values are better, and there is a greater range of mod- erate-priced gifts. Merchants are stressing the .moderate price levels-for months consumers have been turning aside from high priced luxury goods. They realize that the day has gone when the con- sumer would buy a gift no mat- ter what its price. Competition is back in full force. Merchants have recognized that in their selection of goods. They also plan bigger Christmas promotions than in many years- and plan to start them earlier than usual this year. * * * MANUFACTURERS, too, have been giving more thoughts to the consumer. They have set out to develop new, fresh ideas. Toilet goods makers have come out with a wide variety of mod- erate priced cosmetic kits, toilet sets and novelties. "There is a marked awareness of the value of Christmas gift A COSTLY XMAS? Stores Set for Yuletide; Competition Aids Buyers packaging among cutlery and kitchen 'tool manufacturers," said Julien Elfenbein, editor of House Furnishings Review, a trade publication. Towel manufacturers again are offering Christmas-packaged gift sets which disappeared during the war - and notion departments have everything from casual slip- pers to kitchen bowl covers in gift garb. With lingerie a favorite gift item for women, one corset com- pany is introducing in time for Christmas selling a new washable nylon velvet blouse-brassiere. A first-of-its-kind article, the com- pany said, the garment can be worn as a blouse for daytime or evening. * * * "PRACTICAL gifts will domi- nate sales increases," said the In- ternational Statistical Bureau, private research firm, in a sum- mary of the Christmas outlook. That idea is borne out in a survey of consumers in 31 cities by Sales Management Trade Magazine. The poll showed that women are asking for household goods and clothing as Christmas gifts, while men list wearing apparel as their first choice. Beyond that, women list jewelry as their third choice, and automobiles are sec- ond in line with men. After that men will take radio-television- phonograph sets. When it comes to the children, toy manufacturers expect sales to reach anew high around $300,- 000,000 And there again, there is stress on moderate priced items. Toy makers say the sup. ply of good quality moderate priced toys is far greater than a year ago. Mistletoe, like kissing, has been around for many centuries. The ancient Mediterranean world made good use of both kiss- ing and mistletoe, but never in connection with each other. It remained for modern man to shape and convert them to their present relationshi p. * * * MISTLETOE did not just hap- pen, it is handed down to us by many generations of foreign tra- dition and custom which date back as far as ancient Greece. scended to Hell and safely re- turned, merely by plucking a branch of it. In olden days, if two enemies accidentally met beneath it in the forest, they laid down their weap- ons and maintained a truce until the following day. BECAUSE OF this tradition, mistletoe has been placed over the doorway on Christmas. An en- trance through this door is meant to imply a pledge of peace and friendship, sealed by a friendly greeting. To no oiw's regret, current cus- tom requires the greeting to be in the form of a kiss. Even cloudy stories vived. Aneas though mistletoe has a, origin, many legendary of its power have sur- While fighting in Troy, is reported to have de- -_._..v---- . __ _____ __- _._ __ _ __ ___...__.n_ ___ __._._. _._._ _..._ _.___ _ _ ____. _-T_-_-- i I: ri._ s _ _ I Hitch a Ride With a Classified 9/fl!. en'. PLEFISE NOTE: S uar C tvyt ! ue Gad I7eceive ddora6le FOR THAT MAKE AN IMPRESSION, / \ u ii f I ' Crepe - Nylon - Satin - Jersey NIGHTIES Nighties of every style-peignoires, tailored off shoulder-or with sweetheart and V necklines. Also cotton flannels and brushed rayon gowns. Sizes 32 to 40. $4.50 to $14.95. Cvpi4 tjn a4 Xierie! And Easy on the Budget Spirited gifts for the loveliest ladies on your gift list. Lingerie lovelies for Mom, Sis, your roommate- or wife. Everything from gowns and pajamas to bed jackets and slips. Her favorite fabrics, colors and styles-don't miss Ann Arbor's most complete selection' Lace Trim or Tailored SLIPS a x< THIS CHRISTMAS GIVE HER wlfr Jewelry at Christmas time gives endless years of pleasure. A lifetime remembrance for every loved one may be found in dependable watches, fine diamonds and many other beautiful gifts for men and women. Choose your gift from our wide variety of Jewelry gifts to say Merry Christmas in 1948. ,. ,._._. . <: f r . < k ,. White, maize, pink, tea rose or blue slips of nylon, rayon crepe or satin-as well as rayon Jersey. Sizes 32 to 52. $3.90 to $191'5' FlannedRayoi-Cottoii PAJAMAS Butcher boy or nan-tailor'd cotton print or rayon-also cotton flannel. Pastels or prints with long or short sleeves. Sizes 32-40. $4.50 to $8'95, MEN! FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, WE WILL BE OPEN MONDAY EVENING UNTIL 9:00 P.M. \ ~.,.5~'g 4 r n o 5 i'L'o o -A FLANNEL II w Ith long 3 kA urLo U . ui Nylo, Cotou~or 111r f w 11 ints for the I'a"ii gChiristmas Tree. *I 'h(, La(dy fL/t itfor Wirf ', * liar ns for Awu 'l ui, *M ooraciuw;i d C("iff JLiiks ,for Nephe'w at college. N -V ' y a d . ® GOWNS honte nlghtlea $4 t0 to $5:594 770 III I I I .. --=_ ,.. I