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December 10, 1948 - Image 1

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VOL. LIX, No. 68



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Chiang Army
Hit by Losses
Nationalists Say
Reds Also Suffer
NANKING-(P)--The three Chi-
nese government army groups
trapped by the Communists south-
west of Suchow are estimated to
have suffered 30,000 or more cas-
ualties in their continuing struggle
to break out southward.
Acknowledging heavy losses, au-
thoritative government military
quarters said the Communists also
had been hard hit.
*' * *
as exhausted by forced marches
of 70 to 80 miles from the Hwai
River line, 100 miles northwest of
Nanking, to the scene of the en-
Neutral military observers es-
timated that the government
groups had lost one third of
their strength since they aban-
doned Suchow Dec. 1. Fighting
strength of these troops origin-
ally was placed at 110,000, so
losses thus would exceed 30,000.
This is the same figure given by
the Communist radio in broad-
casts heard in Nanking last night.
* * * .
THE NEUTRAL observers said
the 16th army group was believed
to have been practically wiped
out. The other two groups in the
trap were the second and 13th.
Government generals were
said to be relying on the air
force in their hope of still
winning through and joining
other large government groups
farther south.
Unopposed in the air, the air
force was stalled again Thursday
by bad weather.
* * *
RELIABLE government sources
meanwhile declined to confirm
that the 12th army group had
broken out and reached the Hwai
River line after being encircled
by the Communists for nearly two
The government information
agency had reported this success
from the Suhsien area 45 miles
south of Suchow, but no other
sources had any word about it.
Nationalist quarters said Com-
munist forces of undetermined
strength were attempting to by-
pass Pengpu, main bastion of the
Hwai River line, and cross the
wide stream 40 miles to the north-
* ~* *
Hoskins Says
Aid for China
Now Useless
American aid to China now will
not halt the Communist tide,
Lewis M. Hoskins of the American
Friends Service said here last
Hoskins, who was a hospital
manager in Nationalist China,
stressed that Friends Service op-
erates both on the Communist
and Nationalist sides.
* * *
WHOLESALE capture by the
Communists of American arms
makes American aid to China's
nationalists tantamount to Amer-
ican aid to the Communists, Hos-

kins said. He estimated that there
was almost as much American-
supplied arms in the Communist
forces as on the Nationalist side.
"Communist Party leaders in
China would taunt us with this
fact constantly," Hoskins said.
"They call Truman their am-
munition maker and Chiang
Kai-Shek their quartermaster."
Alleged mismanagement of the
Nationalist forces was illustrated
by Hoskins when he indicated that
on paper the Nationalists have a
strong air arm, but inadequate
training leads them too often to
strafe their own troops.
A cf nnr~o inerninx the new I

Humphrey's Debut Termed Success
Q $: * 4

Any way you look at it,


"Open Doghouse" for HUM-
PHREY was a howling success.
Fifteen enthusiastic hounds
howed up yest'erday afternoon to
bark, eat and fight their way
through one of the wildest half
hours in Beta Theta Pi history.
* * *
CINDY the Theta Delta Chi
collie was the first guest to arrive
at Humphrey's reception, stun-
ning in a red hat and blue bib.
Then the hounds began com-
ing in droves, each dragging
a leery fraternity man on the
end of six feet of stout chain.
Reilly, the Sigma Phi great
dane arrived in a taxi, covered
with red bows.
Place cards in old English
script steered the dogs to their
places, but they never stayed.
The guests lapped up water and
dog biscuits and bit at everything
in sight, including the legs of 50
students who jammed the Beta
front hall to ponder the wierd
TINA THE Sigma Chi Dober-
man was captivating in a red
checkerboard skirt and off the
face hat. BUTCH the Phi Gam
boxer chose a snappy two piece
red and blue suit.
HUMPHREY received his
guests on the first floor land-
ing, dressed in a wing collar and
black bow tie. Photographers
from four newspapers swarmed
around the bulbous bulldog as
he chatted in thunderous tones
with each guest.
President Ruthven's boxer,
LEXY, sent her regrets, but her
eight week old son VAL, from
Theta Xi, was the noisiest al-
though smallest dog at the party.
LAMBDA CHI's mammoth Saint
Bernard MAJOR got lost at noon
yesterday and finally lumbered up
the Beta front steps at 5:30 p.m.
escorted by two Ann Arbor police-
men who reported finding him
wandering on Main Street. a

Canada and France Prevent Council
Consideration; Session Ending Near
PARIS - (IP) - Israel's hopes for admission into the United Na-
tions at this session of the General Assembly have been dealt a severe
The Security Council cancelled a meeting called for today at
which Israel hoped for actions on its membership bid.
THIS DEVELOPMENT came as Jewish informants said Israel
may soon unlatch a trap on 1,200 Egyptian troops encircled at Faluja
in the Negev.
The Israeli move was interpreted as possibly advancing nego-
tiations for an Arab-Jewish armistice in the Holy Land and the
membership application.
The Security Council's scheduled meeting today was tied directly
to progress on the Palestine issue
._in t.ho A bon l.

Daily-Bill Ohlinger.
Dean Walter B. Rea dropped in at MOONSHINE. RUM, the Chi
to officially welcome Humphrey to Psi.
camps onbehlf o th Unier- There were no serious casual-
camus on behalf of the Univer- ties-not even any long fights, and
sity. "The party is unique in every it was evident at the reception's
sense," he yelled, leaping aside as end that with local dogs, HUM-
MIKE of the Acacia house lunged PHREY is "in."

F oreign Study
Program Goes
Into High Gear
Requirements Set
By LiteraryCollege
The new Literary College For-
eign Summer Study Plan moved
into high gear last night when in-
terested students formed an NSA
subcommittee to activate the pro-
* *
political science department, who
heads a faculty committee to ad-
minister the program, announced
requirements for entering the for-
eign study plan.
Students must have more
than 90 hours credit-yet still
be enrolled in the literary col-
lege. They must have a scholas-
tic average of 3.0 or circum-
stances that would warrant an
exception to the rule.
They must have a command of
the language of the nation they
wish to study in.
A DETAILED outline of the
work to be done and a recom-
mendation from a member of the
department the student is ma-
joring in-or strong secondary
subject-must be supplied to the
faculty group, which will makeI
the final decision of who goes.
The three-man group includes
Prof. Horace M. Miner, of the
sociology department, and Prof.
Benjamin W. Wheeler, of the
history department.
The finance committee of the
NSA subcommittee will conduct a
fund-raising campaign to support
the program, which would send'
students to Europe during the
eight week summer term to work
for a maximum= of eight hours
credit from the University.
been assured, interest in Univer-
sity Foreign Study Scholarships,
to supplement student - raised

Negro Marxist Demands
Nationhood, Self-Government
Negroes in the Southern "Black Belt" should be allowed nation-
hood and self-government, although that need not mean actual
separation from the United States, Harry Haywood, Negro Marxist
author, said in a lecture yesterday.
Speaking before a meeting of the Inter-Racial Association, Hay-
wood asserted that political boundaries should be redrawn to make
predominantly Negro communities in the South politically effective.
HE CHARGED that present electoral districts are arawn so that
the Negro vote is divided and impotent.
Haywood maintained that "Negroes wouldn't necessarily
separate from the United States if given self-determination, but
self-determination should include the right of separation."
The speaker, who is author of the recently published book "Negro
Liberation," declared that the Southern "poor whites and Negroes
must unite against the Wall Street backed Bourbon oligarchy in the
South to achieve freedom and prosperity."
POINTING TO SOVIET RUSSIA and its Eastern European sat-
ellites as the "only place where race questions have been solved,"
Haywood continually emphasized that land reform and self-gov-
ernment are the two things most needed to free Southern Negroes
and poor whites from their "enslavement."
Haywood expressed the opinion that no lasting integration of
Negroes in the American melting pot is taking place at the present
time, and said that any lessening of discrimination against Negroes
at present is "insignificant."

Red Stand
Ont 'RIghts'
PARIS - (AP) - Mrs. Eleanor
Roosevelt gave Russia's Andrei Vi-
shinsky a lecture on world coop-
eration and human rights.
She spoke in the UN General
Assembly debate on the Declara-
tion of Human Rights.
* * *
VISmINSKY, THE Soviet Dep-
uty Foreign Minister, served no-
tice Russia would not recognize
the Declaration if it passed the
Assembly in its present form.
Departing from a prepared
address, Mrs. Roosevelt advised
Vishinsky to "bow to the will of
the majority."
She said the last minute at-
tempt by Russia to postpone adop-
tion of the Declaration of Human
Rights or riddle it with.. Amend-
ments is "somewhat of an imposi-
tion on the Assembly."
* * *
"WE IN THE United States ad-
mire those who fight for their
convictions. The Soviet Delega-
tion ha's fought for its convictic l's.
But sometimes we must bow to
the will of the majority.
"Doing so we do not give up our
convictions, so we believe when
we make a good fight and the ma-
jority is against us perhaps it is
better to try and cooperate."
She was applauded loudly by the
U.S. Revises
Plane in Japan
United States threw overboard its
controversial plan for breakijig up
Japan's industrial combines.
The decision was announced to
the 11-nation far eastern commis-
sion with the explanation that the
proposal is "outmoded" and that
its aims already have been largely
carried out by Gen. Douglas Mac-
Arthur and the Japanese govern-
* '4 *
THE COMMISSION, which sets
the Allies' basic policies for the
occupation of Japan handed So-
viet Russia a 10 to 1 rebuff at the
same session.
It turned down a Soviet pro-
posal for a new system of inter-
national control to prevent re-
vival of Japan's war industry

in Le Assemixy.
THE PALESTINE case is ex-
pected to come up in the Assembly,
when that body ends action on the
Declaration on Human Rights.
The Assembly, however, is sched-
uled to end its session tomorrow.
The relation between the As-
sembly and Council deliberations
is this:
France and Canada, two
Council members with key votes
on the Israeli application, want
nothing done in the Council
until they see how the Assembly
will act on the plan for a three-
nation Palestine conciliation
Therefore, say these delegates,
there is no point in having the
Council meet on the Israeli appli-
cation until the Assembly has de-
cided whether to set up a concili-
atory commission.
* * *
meeting was cancelled, a special
Palestine committee of the Coun-
cil will meet, today to hear more
reports on its order of Nov. 4 for
withdrawal of Israeli troops from
the southern desert.
The Council's Palestine com-
mittee postponed its meeting for
24 hours until tomrorow to give
time for truce observers to check
on British reports of Jewish troop
movements in the Negev toward
the Red Sea and along the Trans-
Jordan border.
Hullfish Urges
New 3 R's'
For Education
We are living in a technological,
atomic age, and we must adjust
our education and values to its
needs, Prof. H. Gordon Hullfish
of the Ohio State University edu-
cational philosophy department
declared last night.
* * *
SPEAKING ON "Democratic
Education and World Crisis," at
Kellogg Auditorium Prof. Hullfish
proposed a new "three R's" of ed-
ucation in the new age:
Respect for the individual as
a person, respect for cooperation
to keep the integrity of the in-
dividual, and respect for the
ability of human intelligence's
ability to solve human problems.
Prof. Hullfish emphasized that
these new three R's could not be
taught from books, but must be
learned through the association of
students and professors in the
class and in the community.

ACCUSED-Alger Hiss mounts
steps of Federal Courthouse,
New York to appear before a
federal grand jury investigating
subversive activities.
Mayer Tells
.Reason for
S us pens ion
LOS ANGELES-(-4)-Louis B.
Mayer, head of MGM studio, tes-
tified that after Congressional
hearings on Communism in Holly-
wood it was necessary for the film
industry to take some action be-
cause a threatened federal cen-
sorship of the screen developed.
Mayer was called to tell a fed-
eral jury the circumstances of the
suspension by his studio of film
writer Lester Cole from his $1,3501
a week job after Cole refused to
tell the Un-American Activities
Committee whether or not he was
a Communist.
THE STUDIO chief was asked
his attitude on a policy decision
of studios to discharge any em-
ployes found in contempt of Con-
gress because of the refusal to an-
swer the committee's questions.
"There was a threat of fed-
eral censorship at that time,"
replied Mayer. "The public
wouldn't be appeased unless
something was done. The indus-
try belongs to the public, like
Cole is sueing MGM for rein-
statement. His notice of suspen-
sion said he would not be returned
to the payroll until he was ac-
quitted of contempt of Congress
or swore that he was not a Com-
'Of Mice and Men'
Presented Today
John Steinbeck's "Of Mice and
Men" will be presented by the Art
Cinema League and Inter-Racial
Association at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.
today and tomorrow in the Archi-
tectural Auditorium.
Burgess Meredith and Lon
Chaney Jr. appear in the film as
a couple of migratory workers
while Betty Fields is cast as a

Clark Claims
Group Acted
Chairman Mundt
man Administration asked - in
vain-that House investigators
step aside in the spy hunt and
leave it to the Justice Department
"for reasons of internal security."
The Justice Department accused
the House Un-American Activities.
Committee of exploiting "prema-
ture and ill-advised" publicity in
its Red spy hearing.
* * *
Clark said that "unlike the com-
mittee, the Department of Justice
recognizes its responsibility to
proceed withinthe framework of
the Constitution."
"We will present and try any
violations of the laws of the
United States in the proper for-
ums and not in the newspa-
pers," Clark said.
"Premature and ill-advised pubs
licity can and will seriously im-
pair the administration of justice,
without any corresponding bene-
fit to the country."
that Assistant Attorney General
Alexander M. Campbell has!
written a letter to the House
group stating that the Depart,
ment and the United States At-
torney George Morris Fay "re-
spectfully" request:
1. "That the House Un-Aimer-
lean Activities Committee re-
frain from interviewing and
questioning witnesses who had
in the past or who might in the
future be called to testifybe-
fore the federal grand jury in
New York for reasons of inter:
nal security, and the °uecMi-
ful prosecution of any case
which might be developed.
2. "That the House Uil-Amer-
ican Activities Committee re-
frain from releasing any infor-
mation which it has regarding
said investigation."
The House Committee promptly
and formally rejected Campbell's
proposal that it stop interviewing
and questioning witnesses who
have appeared or might be called
by the federal grand jury. ,
(Rep., S.D.), fired a letter back
to Campbell, saying that the com-
mittee acted unanimously and re-
garded the request "an utterly un-
reasonable attack upon the pre-
rogatives of the UnitedhStates
Monitor Editor
Will Discuss
Erwin D. Canham, editor of the
Christian Science Monitr, will.
give two journalism series lectures
on world affairs today.
He will speak on "The Ameri-
an Press and World Crisis" at
p.m. in Rmn. , Haven Hall. Hif
second address, "Can We Achieve
Peace?" will be given at 8 p.m.
in Rackham Lecture Hall.
A former Rhodes Scholar, Can-
ham has been with the Christian
Science Monitor for 23 years. He
became editor in 1945.

He made a 25,000-mile tour of
the Far East last year at the
invitation of Secretary of War
Robert Patterson.
Canham is also a former mem-
ber of two UNESCO commissions.
Besides conducting a Weekly
news interpretation broadcast for
a national network, he is pres-
ident of the American Society of
Newspaper Editors.
Applications Open
For J-Hop Booths
Applications for booths at the
Class of '50's J-Hop, to be held
Friday and Saturday, Feb. 4 and
5 in the Intramural Building,
must be made before 9 a.m. Mon-
day, the newly elected J-Hop
Committee has announced.

Forsythe Calls 'U' Health Service Guinea Pig

S 4 *

Students at the University have
a basis on which to judge the
workings of centralized medical
care right under their noses, ac-
cording to Health Service Director
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe.
"The University Health Servicef
is a type of medical system which
fulfills the general principles forf
which a government-controlled2
health program is advocated-an

<(" '

ices-medical, dental, nursing,
X-ray, laboratories-are gath-
ered under one roof where peo-
ple may take advantage of
them on a distributed cost basis.
"Students here have first-hand
experience with this type of or-
ganization," Dr. Forsythe said,
"and can judge for themselves as
to its effectiveness and complete-
A health center in society, based

treated by their own physicians,
or go to government-sponsored
health centers.
Under the proposed insurance
plan, national health care would
be partially financed by com-
pulsory payroll deductions sim-
ilar to Social Security charges,
with the remaining funds sup-
plied by the government.
Most energetic opposition to a

individualism, and also .fear limi-
tation of salaries and regimenta-
Doctors who have had past.
experience with medical care
controlled by government agen-
cies, have been shown that such
control frequently disturbs serv-
ice, Dr. Forsythe said.
"But if modern scientific med-
ical care is to reach the greatest
number of people, centralization

t "4*;.



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