UT'TER CONFUSION See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State xit1 COLD, CLOUDY VOL. LIX, No. 67 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS MoodyCalls '49 Year ofDecision Retiring SL President Greets New Representatives at First Meeting "This coming year is one of decision for student government at the University," Student Legislature President Blair Moody told newly-elected legislators last night. Greeting the new student lawmakers at their first meeting, Moody emphasized that the success of the Student Legislature de- pended on the work of the individual members-not just the officers. AT THE SAME TIME, Moody congratulated the retiring law- makers and his cabinet for what he called "The great strides taken by student government here in the past year." Moody and his cabinet will step aside to make way for * * * New Student Legislature BeginsWork The newly-elected Student Legislature got through a volume of routine business last night in spite of several parliamentary procedure tangles. The lawmakers approved ex- penditures totaling $300. Som $107 of this will go for the pur- chase of keys to be presented re- tiring legilators. THE SL ALSO voted to request the National Students' Associa- tion to hold its annual Summer convention in Ann Arbor. Some 700 delegates from throughout the nation will attend the con- fab if the NSA accepts the invi- tation. Three SL members, Dorothy Priestley, Arlynn Rosen and Rosemary Schoetz were named to the League's interviewing board. Ralph Sosin was appointed to a constitutional committee working on the proposed Michigan For- um, a speaking group modeled on the Oxford Union. NSA COMMITTEE Chairman Arlynn Rosen reported local thea- tres were willing to show anti- discrimination movies furnished them by the SL. The legislators learned that the "student experts" plan of giving course content advice to fresh- men and transfer students had struck a University snag. University officials are unwill- ing to continue to bear the costs of the program which was launched last semester, according to Bill Gripman. The Campus Action Committee will probe the situation, he said. British Say Jews Cross Arab Border PARIS - (P- Britain told the United-Nations she had inform - tion that Jewish armed forces had violated the borders of Trans- Jordan at least twice. * * BRITAIN indicated neither of the incursions was sizeable or sig- nificant, but warned she has a. treaty of mutual assistance with Trans-Jordan which requires her. to aid the little Arab kingdom in case of attack. The British report was was promptly denied by Israeli, representative Aubrey S. Eban, who called it both "unfortunate and false." Britain's warning that she stands by her ally, King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan, game as an au- thoritative Trans-Jordan source in Cairo reported the monarch will be proclaimed ruler of a United Trans-Jordan and Pales- tine Monday. , * * * RUSSIA has charged Britain is trying to build Trans-Jordan into "a powerful Near East puppet" at Israel's expense. British delegate Harold Beeley told the Security Council's seven- nation Palestine committee the, information he was relaying was "of serious concern to the United Kingdom." Winter Has Come, I !; vP. WP. ithv.rtnrlri 'r the election of new officers Jan. 5. 31 of the new members plus the 18 incumbents attended the meeting in a voting capacity. One of the new members, Robert Her- husky, '51A, was absent. /J They also heard Treasurer Dick Burton explain the duties of the cabinet, and member-at-large Al Maslin stress the importance of maintaining the enthusiasm gen- erated by the election campaign. Maslin warned that failure looms for the student government un- less members work at their jobs. AS THE CABINET members spoke, the lawmakers chatted be- tween themselves and frequently left and reentered the room. Moody also reported that a special SL committee had met three times with a group from the faculty Senate in an effort to work out a solution to the speakers' ban .He said a report had been submitted to the Re- gents. Moody did not reveal details of the report but said "you all know that we are opposed to the speak- ers' ban." According to Moody, de- tails of the plan could not be re- leased because the Regents would think the Student Legislature was bringing the pressure of public opinion to bear on them. LEGISLATORS ALSO approved a move to overhaul student elec- tion procedure. A five-man com- mittee was named to probe the election machinery and was di- rected to report its findings in January. Among the problems this group will study is the possibil- ity of scrapping the present sys- tem of proportional representa- tion in voting, elimination of pe- titioning and a districting sys- tem for campus elections. Committee members include Chairman Bill Miller, Howard Johnson, Knight Houghton, Jim Jans and Dick Burton. LEGISLATORS also heard Bill Gripman explain that he had tak- en an all-campus "postcard ref- erendum" on his proposal to re- store school spirit through class games and revived traditions. Gripman sent letters to every living unit on the campus ex- plaining his plain and asking that' a vote be takenin the house and the results returned to him via? postcard. lie said the results would be tabulated in time for next Wednesday's meeting of the SL Jet Iaii (.ra4e ANCHORAGE, Alaska-#P)-An Air Force jet plane crashed atl Fort Richardson in a gigantic flash of orange flame.c The craft piled into the districtl engineers' warehouse, which was swept at once by the blaze. Chinese Say 12th Army Eludes Reds Weather Break Frees Air Arm NANKING-(P)-The 110,000- man 12th Army Group - desper- ately needed to defend Nanking- was reported to have broken out of a Communist trap which held it fast for two weeks on the Su- chow front. There also were contradictory reports over whether the bigger Suchow garrison of 250,000 men still is trapped, as the Commu- nists insist. * * * A FRONT LINE dispatch said this force again is moving south against "some resistance." A big break for the govern- ment in the battle to save Nan- king was the break in the weather. Clear skies loosed the Air Force bombers and fighters - the gov- ernment's best weapon - which carried out a storm of raids of the type which saved Suchow when the Reds first assaulted that bas- tion in November. THE PLANES were grounded by wintry weather while the Com- munists captured Suchow, 211 miles northwest of Nanking, and wove a net around the 12th Army group and the withdrawing Su- chow garrison. Associated Press correspon- dent Harld Milks in a dispatch from the front quoted military sources as saying the 12th joined up yesterday with the ,ixth Army group from the south near Kuchen, about 130 miles northwest of Nanking. He wrote from Pengpu, head- quarters for the new Hwai River line. Pengpu is 25 miles south of Kuchen. HE SAID Pengpu anxiously awaited confirmation from the field of the junction. Gen. Liu Chih, commander-in-chief of East China forces, was believed to have gone north to meet Gen. Huang Wei, commander of the 12th Army group. The 12th Army Group was brought up from Hankow more than two weeks ago in an effort to save the situation around Su- chow. It promptly fell into a trap set by wily Gen. Liu Po-Cheng, com- mander of the Communist armies of central China, south of Suh- sien, which is about 30 miles northwest of Kuchen. Plan Today for Foreign Study Literary Committee ApprovesProgram Students interested in working on the newly-approved Foreign Summer Study Plan or in taking advantage of its provisions will meet at 7:30 p.m. today in the League. The Executive Committee of the Literary College reported favor- ably on the program, and present plans call for another faculty committee to study putting it into immediate action. The plan is novel in that stu- dents would not be enrolled in foreign universities, but would study individually "in the field" on a selected subject as directed by a traveling supervisor.- Eight hours of credit will be given. House P Red Spy Rings in U. S. Charged Flynn-Flanr NEW YORK - (R) -"Man- hattan Episode," a real-life story starring Errol Flynn, end- ed its New York run with the screen actor paying $50 for kicking a cop in the shins. Flynn, who showed up in court a day late, explained that he had failed to appear at the propert time because he had overslept after sitting up all night worrying about the af- f air. Editor Says At Least 10' Worked Here Daily-Dave Mayer. THREE'S A FAMILY-In the Oosterbaan home, Coach of the Year Bennie can always find his two best fans, wife Delmas and daughter Anna. Four-year-old Anna has already learned all the words of P'The Victors." 'robe Committee Hears '* * * * * Cool Customer? Not Bennie By BEV BUSSEY Sports Feature Editor Bennie Oosterbaan, referred to by the late Fielding H. Yost as "Mr. Ree-laxation," is not, in reality, the cool customer he's supposed to be--"he's nervous as a cat." This comes from no less an authority than Delmas Oooster- baan, wife of Michigan's Coach of the Year. IN HIS QUIET home on Shad- ford Road, Bennie lets his hair down. According to the Mrs., he doesn't believe in showing his feelings in front of other people. lie worries constantly. Two minutes after one game's over, he starts thinking about the next. Even a couple of weeks after the end of the season, he has an emotional hangover that eventually jazzles out by it- self. Mrs. Obsterbaan has learned, however, to take everything in stride. .In fact, she has spent the last 16 years perfecting the art of being "a coach's wife" and still maintaning her mental equili- brium. SHE NOW takes lightly the things her better half does. During the season he gets very little sleep. In the middle of the night, Benni always gets hun- gry. "He'll trip over his shoes and bump into every picture lined clown the staircase wall. Upstairs I can hear him rummaging through the icc-box or looking for the cocoa in the cupboard," sle mused. )URING Tl midnight "raid , the Oosterbaans' four-year-old daughter wakes up. So they car-' ry on brief "through the wall" conversations. Bennie knocks and says, "Go to sleep, Anna." And she raps back, "You go to sleep, too," daddy." During the season, that's about the only time they get a chance to long practice sessions, and mov- ies to keep him occupied. He has dinners to attend and speeches to make throughout the state. Mrs. "Bennie" smiled when she said "I wonder what it's like to be married to a nice, steady ditch- digger," BUT, SHE married a man who began to coach immediately upon graduation. It happened this way. "We had both signed up for a geology course called Gems and Precious Stones," she remem- bered. It was a snap for Mrs. Ooster- baan. She wound up the course with an "emerald" from Bennie. (And Bennie did all right, too-- he wound up with the "gem" of the class.) * * * THEY HAVE always lived in Ann Arbor. Mrs. Oosterbaan, rather than establishing an athletic museum for the numerous trophies her husband won;, has fixed up a bright, comfortable home with antique furnishings in every room. See DAILY, Page 6 Elder Hits U' Actions Onl WES Federal funds for workers' edu- cation will probably - be provided by the 81st Congress-and if they are "I don't think the University should qualify because of the ir- responsibility it has shown," Ar- thur A. Elder told Americans for Democratic Action last night. In reply to a question on the future of the University's pro- gram, the former director of the Workers' Educational Service said he is hopeful but not optimistic." ELDER, WHO is president of the Michigan Federation ot) Teachers (AFL), explained that the former program "was shut down without reference to the group it was supposed to serve" and the reorganized program "will be satisfactory to those who shut it down." He reiterated statements that .the Regents' decision to revamp the workers' courses was made without adequate in- vestigation and without con- sulting the program's advisory committee. (Labor leaders have also chargedthe decision was prompt- ed by General Motors employe Adam K. Stricker's criticism of the courses as "Marxist.") * *. ELDER SPOKE on "The Scope of Worker's Education." In de- scribing the British workers' edu- cation services, he pointed out that manual workers are well- represented in the House of Com- mons. ,They are able to hold their own there, in spite of a lack of college education, because Brit- ain has a well-worked-out sys- tem for providing educational services to workers in their off- hours, he explained. Elder contrasted the British system, a "voluntary association of individuals and organizations working through local authori- ties," with U. S. workers' educa- tion, which "has been developed through universities." BUT THE University's program was similar to the British idea be- cause it worked through local groups, he said. "The important thing is to establish a relationship with the workers," Elder explained. This also helps the University's public relations, he pointed out. * * * ASKED IF labor groups will try to get representation on the Board of Regents at the spring elections, Elder said he had heard they would. It "would be good for the State and good for the Univer- sity, too," he said. Labor rep- resentatives are "very sympa- thetic to larger needs." "That will be illustrated in the next couple of months." Chambers Case Testimony Given WASHINGTON-(6)-Magazine Editor Isaac Don Levine, confi- dant of former Reds, told Con- gressional spy investigators he knows at least 10 Soviet rings op- erated in the United States. Levine told the House Un-Amer- ican Activities Committee he thinks there "are many more than ten." REP. McDOWELL (Rep., Pa.), a committee member, remarked: "Some of us feel there were 132 in the United States." McDowell did not go on from there. Levine, editor of Plain Talk Magazine, appeared before the committee to expand on previous testimony about his relationship with Whittaker Chambers, who describes himself as a former courier for a Red underground op, erating in America before the war. "I BELIEVE," LEVINE said, "Mr. Chambers dealt with only 10 per cent and I think that is only a liberal estimate. "Papers were rifled from 30 or 40 departments and shipped in dozens and dozens of special- ly constructed suitcases to Mos- cow. They were shipped from MexicoCanada and Europe." As Levine testified,-the commit- tee's chief investigator, Robert E. Stripling, told reporters he was going to New York tomorrow to appear before a grand jury in- quiring into espionage. * * s STRIPLING SAID the grand jury had asked him to come. The New York jury has been questioning Chambers and Alger Hiss, former State Department of- ficial named by Chambers as a leader of a pre-war Communist underground. Hiss has disputed Chambers' statement. Speaking with an accent, the Russian-born Levine told the House group that Chambers held back stolen U.S. government doc- uments from Soviet agents as a safeguard "in case of any horror" to himself or his family. * * * THIS MAY BE the explanation of the mystery of why Chambers failed to disclose earlier the "top secret" papers which were turned up in a hollowed-out pumpkin on his Maryland farm last week. Among other incidents, Levine related details of a inner and evening interview between Cham- bers and former Assistant Secre- tary of State A. A. Berle, Jr., Sept. 2, 1939. Chambers, self-described one- time Communist courier, went to Berle, Levine said, to lay before the government evidence he had of a Soviet spy ring operating in government departments. Committee investigator Robert E. Stripling asked Levine whether Chambers ever had told him he had documentary evidence to back up his spy ring story. "Yes, sir," Levine replied. "He told me there was such evidence. He mentioned microfilm and in a general way spoke of documents without going into detail." Special Trains To Aid iM Rush Two special trains will leave Ann Arbor next Friday afternoon to accommodate University stu- dents homeward bound for the Christmas holidays. The New York Central System has announced a westbound spe- cial to Chicago will leave at 1:05 p.m. and an eastbound special World News At A Glance By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-Secretary of State Marshall today was reported recovering satisfactorily from the operation which removed a kidney. PARIS-The UN Political Committee approved a resolution endorsing the Republic of Korea which has been set up in the American zone after elections supervised by a special United Na- tions commission. The vote was 41 to 6, with the Soviet bloc alone opposing. * * * * DETROIT'--Michigan Bell Telephone Co. settled a long contract dispute with union representatives of more than 10,000 switchboard operators and accounting employes. Terms of the one-year agreement include wage' increases of $4 to $6 a week, immediate reinstatement of 22 long-suspended cmployes and a no-strike. clause, NEW BETA BULL: Humphrey Gets Etiquette Pointers at Ruthven Tea Humphrey, the Beta bulldog, will welcome the social lions of the ceampus dogworld at a recep- tion this afternoon, bolstered by some timely tips on etiquette he gathered at yesterday's Ruthven te a . Anxious to receive Iis13 3fra- ternity dog guests in true Emily Post style, Humphrey decided to drop in and see how the Ruthvens do it. PARTING H1S teeth and slick- inar hn.1, t hs fin,' hP rlt'or.v~vi Rflat on how the reception was run. (E3)fore leaving, Humphrey got some etiquette tips for his own party from Barbara Ream, '99, who masterminds all Ruthven teas. * *. * "THE GUESTS all ought to meet the chaperone, but be sure each dog has a license before you introduce him to the dogcatcher," she warned. The "Open Doghouse" will get underway at 5 p.m. today. Pho- CAIIRO-The Palestine Arab government turned thumbs down on making King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan ruler over Palestine. WASHINGTON-President Truman will lc asked to umnire the mounting row betwecn Marshall Plan offi ?a s and the Maritime Commission. * * * * 'SERIOUS STUDENT A TTITUDE' Facuity Rating G es Off Without Hitch - - Evaluation programs in the lit- seriously. "If the questionnaires STUDENTS were pleased with