See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
Students Will
Rate Faculty
Again Today
Tap Opinions in
Bus. Ad. School
The voice of the student will be
heard again today as college evalu-
ation moves forward on two fronts.
i Literary college classrooms will
grade professors for the second
consecutive day as business ad-
ministration students fill in ques-
tionnaires designed to tap stu-
dent opinion on every vital topic
that has arisen in the school.
FIRST DAY indications in the
Literary College show that stu-
dents have been taking an active
and, serious interest in exercising
their new prerogative.
While the Literary College
classes have been rating courses
and professors, exclusively, the
business student's questionnaire
hits such topics as job place-
ment, faculty counseling, li-
brary facilities, conduct of ex-
aminations, course evaluation
and curriculum.
The five page questionnaire,
reminicent of income tax forms,
does not cover personal ratings of
The newly formed Bus. Ad.
ouncil which drew up the pro-
gram after an extensive two-week
interviewing period with more
than 50 students, hopes that a fac-
ulty evaluating plan will follow.
"WHEN THE results are tabu-
lated, the Council feels it will have
a genuine basis upon which to
make recommendations to the
Dean and Faculty," according to
Bob Kash, president.
The Literary College and Bus-
iness Administration programs
proceed on the basis that stu-
dents will take a constructive
and honest approach in evaluat-
ing. Both colleges are initiat-
ing programs new in their his-
tories. -
All Members of the Literary
College staff-about 400 in all-
will be rated on an A-B-C-D-E
scale of grading. The Bus. Ad.
questionnaire is multiple choice
and fill-in with a total if 22 sec-
FOLLOWING yesterday's sys-
tern, Literary College students will
fill out the forms in the last half-
hour of classes. Approximately
3,000 student monitors will pick
up the forms in Angell Hall, Uni-
versity Hall and Natural Science
Classes not meeting on Tues-
day and Wednesday will have a
chance to rate their professors
at their first session.
The Business Administration
questionnaires will be distributed
today and will be collected today
and tomorrow. A summary of the!
findings will be posted in the
The Literary College evaluation
program will be used as an aid to
professors in improving their
teaching methods.
Garg To Wish
Merry Xmas
To Followers
"Merry Christmas to all" is the
message the Gargoyle wishes to
bring its readers in its Christmas
issue this year.
This was revealed last night,
along with the announcement
that the Garg will go on sale next
Monday, Dec. 13, by Douglass Par-
ker, managing editor of the Gar-
PARKER WENT on to say that
the Gargoyle is continuing its pol-
icy of including articles that will
appeal to a variety of tastes. We
have serious stories in addition to
those in a more humorous vein,
he continued.
"Some Colors are Bright,"
by William Weigand, '51L, is one
of the literary articles in the
forthcoming issue. It was the
wfvnner of a college short story
contest "Story" publication held
this past. summer.
This issue will also include
"Merry Christmas, 90 Proof," a
story which appeared in the 1946
Christmas issue. Parker said. It is
BERLIN - (7P) - Berlin's Anti-Communist leaders defiantly in-
stalled as Lord Mayor the man once barred from the post by the Rus-
sians-Social Democratic Leader Ernst Reuter.
IT WAS the second time in a week the Germans of the three
western sectors of the city had defied the Soviets.
They showed their feelings Sunday by their huge turnout for
the municipal elections which the Communists were boycotting.
The newly elected city council decided that Reuter, outspoken foe
of Communists, should take office immediately instead of waiting
Paton Sees NoI
Excess Pro fits
For Business
Professor Speaks to
Congressional Group
By The Associated Press
Testifying before a Congres-
sional committee in Washington,
Prof. W. A. Paton, of the econom-
ics department, said that business
is not making "an excessive prof-
it" and higher taxes scare away
The accounting expert support-
ed the testimony of Harvard econ-
omist Sumner H. Slichter who said
yesterday business is not making
the record breaking profits it
* * *
THE REASON, Prof. Patoi
is that accounting methodsj
the fact that the dollare
years ago was worth "two or
times" what it is worth now
He suggested today's inf
dollars should not be call
dollar at all-but a Z
Thus, he said, it could be
tinguished from the 1004
Prof. Paton testified bef
Senate-House economic co:
tee which is studying the
size and disposition of bu
profits which may reach $2:
000,000 after taxes this ye
Prof. Paton contended th
pot-ation tax is an "unreasor
method of taxation.
NISA Avoid
Poli tics Stn
At Convent
The issue of whether or n
dependent organizations c
fight Greek letter organizati
campus politics was ducked
regional convention of the
tional Independent Students
ciation held at Ohio State
Instead the convention
better representation for
pendents on all campuses.
A JOINT delegation of
AIM and Assembly member
resented the University at th
Many colleges, particu
smaller ones, felt that inde
dents were forced to batt
campus politics to protect t
selves from the affiliated g
while the opposing factions
that doing this would sp
campus, AIM President J
Kallman reported.
The University of West
ginia, for example, is orgf
into affiliated and indepe
parties which spent a rei
$6,000 battling each other at
last election, Kallman said.
But in campuses like Mic
he added, the important th
to get the best men of both
on the legislature.
until Jan. 1 as customary.
THE 53 - YEAR - OLD Reuter
thus will serve out the term for
which he was elected in 1946 -
the Russians never let him take
office-and then probably will be
continued for a full term when the
new council meets in January.
This action completed the ad-
ministrative split which started
Nov. 30 when the Communists
set up a rump government in the
Soviet sector for all Berlin.
Reuter also is mayor of all Ber-
lin, technically, but he will organ-
ize his government to deal only
with the British, American and
French sectors.
* * * .
REUTER, who fought the Nazis
as hard as he is fighting the Com-
munists, made it clear he was
ready for a scrap.
* * ~
Vernon Calls
German Vote
Normal Result
The smashing success of the So-
cial Democratic Party in the re-
cent Berlin election might possibly
reflect only the normal political
thinking of the German worker,
according to Manfred C. Vernon,
of the political science depart-
"In general, German workers
favor a relatively slow, democratic
socialization program, similar to
that planned by the British Labor
Party," Vernon said. "The Social,
Democrats offer just such a pro-
gram," he added.
Undoubtedly, the Communists
lost prestige and influence in the
Western Zone of Berlin, as a re-
sult of the large anti-Communist
vote. With a Communist govern-
ment in Eastern Berlin, it is still
difficult to say how -Russia will'
react to the election results, ac-
cording to Vernon.
The very fact that there still
are two governments, guided by
conflicting ideologies, means that
the Berlin situation is .still far
from a solution, Vernon declared.
The results of an election in just
one part of the city will therefore,
in themselves, not be sufficient to
solve the problem.
Draw China
Troops iiiNet
Red Maneuver
Bans Flight, Aid
NANKING - () - A swift
Communist maneuver has trapped
the 250,000-man garrison from
Suchow, probably beyond any
hope of escape or help, govern-
ment sources admitted.
With the best of the govern-
ment's troops in all east China
thus caught in a net, defenses
were rushed along the Hwai and
Yangtze Rivers. These are the last
lines of defense before the cap-
COL. CHIANG Wei-Kuo, adopt-
ed son of President Chiang Kai-
Shek, is believed among those
trapped. His tank column helped
to break the first red drive on
Suchow, 211 miles northwest of
Meanwhile, the Communists
appear to have launched a drive
in North China against the Pei-
ping-Tientsin area.
Government sources said the
Suchow garrison, which is trying
to fight south and rejoin the de-
fenders of Nanking, now is com-
pressed in a pocket eight miles
long and five miles in depth about
50 miles southwest of Suchow.
(TRIS WOULD BE about . 90
miles from the closest government
forces rot already encircled-the
80,000 men on the Hwai River
Gen. Chen Yi, whose Commu-
nist armies of East China had
smashed to the Hwai River
line some 100 miles from Nan-
king, was credited with welding
a trap of steel for the Suchow
When the order came through
for the garrison to abandon Su-
chow and fight south, General
Chen left off his attatks along the
Hwai and rushed his main force
They intercepted the garrison,
which had been heading toward
Suhsien, 50 miles south of Su-
ECA To Face
tor Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.) said
the multi-million dollar foreign
recovery program is certain to
face "a critical showdown" early
in the new Congress.
The retiring Chairman of the
Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee declined to predict what
Congress will do about granting
further aid, but he told a report-
"My general impression is that
ECA has vividly justified its ex-
istence, but in an operation of this
magnitude there are bound to be
liabilities as well as assets.
"It is the duty of Congress to
identify both. I think Congress
owes it to itself as well as the
country to make an exhaustive
survey of the record."
1 World News
By The Associated Press
HAMBURG, Germany - Thou-
sands of Germans paraded in Kiel,
Schlswig and Flensburg in
Schleswig - Holstein today to pro-
test the demolition of torpedo
testing ranges at Eckenfoerde.
The demonstrations were peace-
ful. Shops and offices closed at
some places while labor leaders
spoke to the crowds.
x: *
Lilienthal, atomic energy com-
mission chairman, said today
that an experimental atomic en-
ergy plant may be producing
electricity within three years.
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
State Marshall underwent a suc-
cessful majoi operation and in-
formed sources said one of his
kidneys was removed.
WASHINGTON - President
Truman's administration has at
least tentatively rejected pro-
noals for a blanket 15 ner cent
* - -
NIXON VIEWS FILM-Rep. Richard Nixon, (Rep., Calif.), right,
who made a dramatic flight to Washington from a Panama-
bound steamer, views microfilms of state department papers
with Robert Stripling, chief investigator for the House Un-Amer-
ican Activities Committee. The films were found on the Mary-
land farm of Whittaker Chambers, admitted. former Soviet agent.
Communist Ban Asked
ByCallahan Committee
Pre- War
rided Fire Strikes
four In Angell Hall
s rep-
e con- Fire of undetermined origin
broke out in a small paper storage
alarly room of Angell Hall's basement at
epen- 9 p.m. yesterday destroying a
le in quantity of records and cata-
hem- logues.
roups The blaze was discovered by a
s felt custodian: who extinguished it a
lit a few moments after it started.
ames Smoke from the fire spread
through four floors of the literary
. college structure.
G Vir-
rodent Church services for Catholic
ported students celebrating the feast of
their the Immaculate Conception
will be held in St. Mary's Stu-
higan, dent Chapel at 7, 8, 9 and 12
ing is p.m. today, Rev. Fr. Frank
sides MacPhillips announced.
The Michigan State Senate was
advised by the Callahan Un-
American Activities Committee to
outlaw the Communist Party, ac-
cording to Associated Press re-
"Communist activities in Mich-
*gan- constitute a clear and pres-
ent danger to the people of this
state," the. report said, and fur-
SL To Award
Two Prizes in
Plans for a Student Legislature
sponsored essay contest with
prizes of $35 and $15 were an-
nounced yesterday by Dick Hait.
The theme of the essay contest
is, "Student Government - its
Purpose in a University Society."
Hait said the purpose of the con-
test was to foster interest in stu-
dent government on campus.
DEADLINE for the submission
of the essays, which are to run
from 1,000 to 2,000 words is Janu-
ary 7, 1949. Entries will be judged
by Professors L. H. Laing and J.
W. Lederle of the political science
department and Prof. Karl Kit-
zenberg of the English depart-
First-prize in the contest is
$35 and the second best entry
will receive $15. The winning
essay will be published in The
The contest is open to all un-
dergraduate students except mem-
bers or former members of the
Legislature. Entries should be
sent to: Student Legislature Es-
say Contest, Rm. 2, University
-* * *
QUESTIONS about the contest
should be referred to Dick Hait,
1201 Brooklyn, phone 6578.
ther investigation of such activ-
ities is warranted.
* *i *
"IT IS BELIEV ED that the
most serious activities on the col-
lege and university campuses of
the state have been exposed by
the committee and corrected by
the college and university author-
President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven earlier this year lashed out
against the current trends which
... place anyone who questions
the status quo under suspicion."
He also took a backhanded slap
at the Callahan Committee by say-
ing that the election which de-
feated Sen. Callahan's bid for re-
nomination had removed a threat
to the colleges. Callahan was
chairman ,of the three-member
* * *
"THE EVIDENCE would justify
a finding," the committee report
said, "that the Communist Party
is not a political party but a fifth
column dedicated to the eventual
overthrow of the government.
"In such an event, its out-
lawry would appear Justified as
a public protective measure."
Wallacite Hits
Unless things begin to go dif-
ferently, within six months many
people will wish they had votedl
for Wallace in the last election,
Prof. Curtis D. MacDougall said
last night.
Speaking to a meeting of the
Wallace Progressives, Prof. Mac-
Dougall of Northwestern Univer-
sity's journalism school said that
there was no such thing as a
new Truman.
He expects Congress to repeal
the Taft-Hartley Act and intro-
duce some social legislation, but
warned the group not to engage
in false optimism. Truman hasn't
really changed, he said.
CROWLEY, La. -(M)-Low-
ell Rue is puzzled, even a trifle
worried today.
Returning home from a
weekend trip, he found his
huge St. Bernard dog sitting in
front of his kennel with what
Rue described as "a contented
well-fed look."
Inside the kennel Rue found
a pair of pants, a belt and a
If the owner of the pants
doesn't claim them soon, Rue
said, he's going to be mighty
worried about that well fed
Dulles Hits
Korean Acts
PARIS - (A') - John Foster
Dulles blasted Communist tactics
in Korea today and called on the
United Nations to recognize the
anti-Communist government set
up in southern Korea under U.N.
The acting chief of the U.S.
delegation spoke before the 58-
member political committee of the
General Assembly which is trying
to reach a decision on the Korean
issue before adjournment Satur-
day night.
* * *
DULLES SAID it was the duty
of U.N. members to demonstrate
their solidarity with the govern-
nent of the Republic of Korea
and bolster it against threats from
the Communists in . northern
He urged the assembly to
create another Korean Commis-
sion to work toward unifying
the southern zone, occupied by
the United States, with the
north where the Russians have
set up the Communist-dominat-
ed People's Democratic Repub-
Elsewhere in the U.N.:
* *.*
1..THE SECURITY Council's
committee on new members sent
Israel's bid for U.N. membership
back to the council without rec-
2. The assembly's social com-
mittee completed action on a
U.N. declaration of human
rights. It must be approved by
the full Assembly.
of WES Will
Workers' education will hold
the spotlight when Arthur Elder,
recently-released director of the
University's WES, speaks at 8 p.m.
today in the Union.
Elder, who is president of the
Michigan Federation of Teachers
(AFL), and a director of the
American Labor Educational Serv-
ice, is also on the national board
of ADA, which is sponsoring his
local appearance.
Before his dismissal from the
University's WES as part of its
recent reorganization, Elder led
a program emphasizing 25 sub-
jects of practical and theoretical
importance to workers, declared
by a General Motors executive to
be teaching "Marxist" doctrines.
While Elder headed the WES
program, it reached more than
200,000 workers in Michigan
through classes, forums, confer-
ences, broadcasts and movies.
Probers Get
Hidden Notes
Of Chambers
Secret Papers
Found on Farm
State Department official ex-
pressed belief tonight that foreign
nations cracked a "top secret"
pre-war government code with
the aid of papers sneaked out of
the department ten years ago.
A quest for new suspects was
launched by the House Un-Amer-
ican Activities Committee after
several present and former offi-
cials testified as to the delicate
nature of the "pumpkin papers."
* * *
sistant Secretary of State John E.
Peurifoy as saying:
"What I regard as most seri-
ous about this whole thing is
the fact that these documents
were taken out of the state de-
partment in 1937 or '38, and to
me that means that our codes
were being read by foreign na-
tions during the whole period."
Puerifoy's estimate of the im-
portance of the documents was
shared by former Undesecretary
Sumner Welles, who said the pa-
pers could have been used to
break thedcode used by the state
* * s
ulated immediately that the code
may have fallen into the hands
of the Russians, Germans and
Rep. Mundt (Rep., S.;S .>)Y
acting chairman, told -eporters
the committee seeks to check on
evidence that "at least three
persons" piped confidential gv-
ernment documents before the
war to Whittaker Chambers,
then a Communist courier.
The committee said yesterday
that Chambers made a sworn
statement that Alger Hiss, then
State Department official, pro-
cured some documents which
Chambers gave a Soviet agent.
Hiss denies it.
* * *
microfilms turned up lastThurs-
ay night in a pumpkin shell on
the Maryland farm of Chambers
when the committee demanded of
Chambers everything he had of
an espionage nature.
Committee members say the
documents were sneaked out of
department files and turned
over to Chambers, a self-de-
scribed Communist spy ring
courier of the '30's. He later re-
nounced Communism and now
is a Time Magazine senior edi-
One puzzler has been why
Chambers hadn't yielded up the
documents before. A committee
aide said yesterday that Cham-
bers is a Quaker and didn't wish
to hurt anyone.
Red Leader
Another of the 12 Communist
leaders under indictment by the
Federal Government visited Ann
Arbor- yesterday.
He was Carl Winters, chairman
of the Communist Party in Mich-
igan. He appeared at a private
meeting in the home of a student
where he criticized charges
brought against thed12 indicted
His visit followed that of Daily
Worker Editor John Gates who
made similar criticisms here last
Winters said the Communist
Party does not wish to overthrow
the government of the United
States. And he charged that the
indictment was an invasion of
the constitutional rights of free
speech and thought.
Achording to Winters the Com-
munist party is being singled out
for attack because the govern-
mat is nla-noa. tirwa . a
Beta Bulldog Will Make Debut
At Canine Coning Out Party
lv .
The elite of the local dog world
will gather at an elaborate recep-
tion tomorrow afternoon to for-
mally meet Humphrey, the new
Beta bulldog.
Believing it a serious breach of
animal etiquette merely to fling
their new mascot, unannounced,
into campus canine society, Beta
Theta Pi is holding a special
"Open Doghouse" to officially
launch Humphrey's social career.
* * *
Humphrey will be in white tie
for his debut before the local
hounds. The Betas plan to serve
bones and water to each guest.
Each dog is allowed to bring one
gentleman escort, preferably pow-
have invited the dogcatcher of
Ann Arbor and his wife. Since
lady dogs will be present, they
have obtained official party per-
mission from the University for
Koussevitzky Attacks Soviet Music Gag
The whole world is suffering
Lm.r tha r.. rinin,.hanc m a
not free to talk as he wanted,
Koussevitzky explained.
Americans suffer from these
posers," he said. "The best of
these are just as good as any
comnosers in the world today."