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December 07, 1948 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-12-07

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TUES 4D'AY, frl IEWRI . 119

7L ---_7 -Y-4"

Japanese Hit Pearl Harbor
Seven Years Ago Today

What happened seven years ago
Japanese fighters and bombers
screamed down on Army and
Navy bases at Pearl Harbor, Oahu,
T.H., on Sunday, Dec. 7, 1941. And
for the second time in 25 years
the nation went to war.
A DAILY EXTRA, which hit
the streets at 4 p.m. Monday told
bewildered students of the disas-
ter and of U.S. vessels hit or sink-
ing off the Philippines, another
seized in the Yangtze River, and
warships sunk in an Anglo-Amer-
ican sea battle with the Japanese.
Australia had declared war on
Japan and both Congress and the
British Parliament hastily sched-
uled special sessions which result-

ed in war declarations.
Jap planes were sighted
Hongkong and Singapore.
home, private plane flying,


Pearl Harbor'
News Flash
To Beaired
A recording of the actual news
flash of the Japanese attack on
Pearl Harbor which was broadcast
over the combined NBC Red and
Blue networks on Dec. 7, 1941, will
be featured on this week's Jour-
nal of the Air._
Broadcast at 7:30 p.m., over
Station WHRV, the Journal's spe-
cial Pearl Harbor Day feature will
also present a recording of the
late Franklin D. Roosevelt's Dec-
laration of War on Dec. 8, 1941.
of a documentary show, "Mile-
stones on the Road to Peace," pro-
duced by Prof. Garnet Garrison
of the Speech Department when
he was a program director for the
National Broadcasting Company.
The show, hailed by critics all
over the country for the use of
such historical recordings, was
broadcast on the eve of VE Day,
May 8, 1945.
Also featured on the Journal
will be an interview with assist-
ant dean of women, Mary Brom-
age, on displaced persons. For-
mer training officer of over-
seas relief workers, Dean Brom-
age will discuss the functions of
the UNRRA program with in-
terviewer, Pollee Thomson.
Items about the Galens tag drive
and the new prefabricated houses
will round out the program.
* * *
DIRECTED BY Jim Lynch, the
Journal cast will include Jack
Jensen, Tom Walsh, Nafe Katter,
Bob White, Carolyn Daugherty,
Don Frankman, Bill Swisher, and
Ruth Livingston. The script is by
Margery Zaller, Jim Reiss, Sey-
mour Sonkin and Barbara Barnes.
Pickets Ring Press Plant
The firing of a printing press-
man and pressman's apprentice
resulted in an International Print-
ing Pressman's Union strike at the
Ann Arbor Press, with a 15-man
picket line established yesterday.

stopped, as the nation girded it-
self for battle.
* * *
UNIVERSITY faculty members
were glued to their radios most of
Sunday and were ready with in-
ternretative analyses for The
Least surprised was Prof.
Preston W. Slosson, of the his-
tory department, who had pre-
dicted that the United States
would become involved from the
Far East in the titanic struggle.
Professor William Haber, of the
economics department, prophe-
sied that labor leaders who
were "unaware of the gravity of
the previous situation," would
cooperate more fully now.
Most of them were relieved that
the change from peace to war had
been clear-cut.
* *" *
normal academic routine.
Men worried a little more
about-the draft and how army-
proof educational deferments
would be. The chairman of the
Ann Arbor draft board predict-
ed a lower draft age and relax-
ation of qualifications.
Least disturbed were two "Iron
Man" students then dueling it out
to see who could stay awake the
longest. More than 100hours had
passed, but wearing dark glasses
and needing a shave the nodding
pair continued their battle to win
a $5 wager.
Discuss Job
Representatives from an in-
surance company and an arsenal
will speak on job opportunities for
graduating students at 4 p.m. to-
day in Rm. 231 Angell Hall.
D. T. Jaeger, chief of the Civil-
ian Personnel Division of the De-
troit Arsenal, will talk on oppor-
tunities in the federal govern-
T. A. Eggleston, of the Aetna
Casualty and Surety Company of
Hartford, Conn. will discuss the
requirements and opportunities
for field representatives in the in-
surance business.
These meetings, held once a
week to acquaint graduating stu-
dents with opportunities in busi-
ness and government, are being
sponsored by the University Bu-
real of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information.
Expert Lectures
On Botany Today
"The Physiology and Chemistry
of Plant Growth Hormones" will
be the topic of a lecture by Prof.
Kenneth V. Thimann, of the bot-
any department at Harvard Uni-
versity 4:15 p.m. today in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
The lecture, which is sponsored
by botany department is open to
the public.
Prof. Thimann is considered an
authority on plant physiology and
hos been recently elected to the
National Academy of Science in
recognition for his research con-
tributions on plant hormones.

To Hear Talk
On Elecuoias
Prof. Curtis D. MacDougall of
Northwestern University will speak
at a meeting of the Young Pro-
gressives to be held at 7:30 p.m.
today in the League.
The topic of his address is
"Young Progressives - Election-
Prof. MacDougall was Demo-
cratic candidate for the House of
Representatives in 1944 and Pro-
gressivencandidate for the Senate
in 1948.
He is at present teaching jour-
nalism at Northwestern Univer-
sity. Prof. MacDougall is the au-
thor of "Rleporting for Beginners."
'Interpretative Reporting," "News-
room Problems and Policies,"
"Covering the Courts," and
"Hoaxes." These texts have been
used here at the University.
di r

It won't lengthen your Christ-
mas shopping list but it may
lengthen the lives of some of the
cold, shivering men, women, and
children in Europe.
This is the appeal of the Ann
Arbor Society of Friends for their
two week clothin- l;drive launched
this week.
"OLD CLOTHING and shoes
which may be cluttering up your
closet would make the most ap-
preciated gift of all for the poor
in Europe," Jack Huebler, public-
ity chairman for Quaker group,
"It doesn't matter what con-
dition they are in," he emipha-
sized, "because the Friends will
wash, mend, press, and pack
them at a work party following
the drive."


YEOMEN OF THE GUARD--Principal characters snapped by a Daily photographer at an informal
rehearsal. Standing, from left to right: Joyce Ed tar, Al Johnson, Cohleen Jensen, Rowland Mc-
Laughlin, Jimmie Lobaugh, Dick Norling, Jim D iolittle, Director Maynard Klein. Seated: Doris
Kays, Bob Elson, Roge Appleby, Dorothy Dunc in, Jim Ueberhorst.
*" t* * * * * *T*h
'Yeomen of the Guard' Starts Tonight


Ann Arbor Friends Launch
Clothing Driive To AidEurope

(o o i~ & in

F 1I

Warm clothes-sweaters, coats,
dresses--are especially needed, he
pointed out, although anything
that can be made wearable will be
dition, are being collected, he said,
"but, of course clothes are most
Collection headquarters for the
drive will be Tuckaway House,
on the corner of Liberty and
Maynard Streets, he announced.
The clothing which is collected,
will be distributed to the needy
through the American Friends
Service committee with headquar-
ters in France, Germany, Poland,
Finland, Italy and Czechoslovakia,
he said.

Red-coated guardsmen begin a
tour of duty on the ramparts of
the Pattengill Auditorium stage at
8 p.m. tonight, as "Yeomen of the
Guard"' begins a three days en-
gagement in Ann Arbor.
ered by many critics as the best
creation of Messrs. Gilbert and
Sullivan, features a cast of ap-
proximately 75 persons, in addi-
tion to a thirty piece orchestra,
conducted on, alternate nights by
Prof. Klein and Wilson.
'U' Prof Gives
Coed Aid Fund'
A special scholarship for women
preparing for careers in interna-
tional affairs has been established
at the Fletcher School of Law and
Diplomacy by Dean and Mrs.
Ivan C. Crawford of the College
of Engineering, the Medford,
Mass. school announced yesterday.
The annual scholarship has
been provided by Dean and Mrs.
Crawford in memory of their
daughter Jean Anne Crawford
who graduated from Fletcher in
An annual stipend of $400 will
be provided by the scholarship.
Miss Crawford was fatally in-
jured while assigned as a Red
Cross correspondent accompany-
ing the Hoover Commission in-
vestigating food supply problems
in Holland and Belgium.
She was a correspondent for
Newsweek, Ann Arbor News,
Washington Post, and the Na-
tional Broadcasting Company.
Child Films Slated
Two films on family relations,
"Know Your Baby," and "Meeting
the Emotional Needs of Child-
hood," will be shown at 4:10 p.m.,
tomorrow, in Kellogg Auditorium.
They are sponsored by the
Audio-Visual Education Center
and are open to the public.

Costumes for "Yeomen"
promise to provide all sorts of
eye appeal for local audiences.
A stage setting which includes
a replica of the Tower of Lon-
don as well as a gigantic heads-
man's block will furnish an au-
thentic medieval background
for the sparkling music andj
action of the opera.
The plot of "Yeomen" deals
with a strolling entertainer and'
his girl friend who attempt to
save the life of a gentleman
scheduled to feel the keen edge of
the headsman's weapon.
THE INTRICACIES of this plot
and the complicated love affair
which arise in the coairse of the

action are guaranteed to keep
spectators on the edges of' their
seats as they try to figure out
whether or not the axe will fall.
Some good seats for all three
performances-tonight, tomorrow,
night and Thursday-are still
available, at 90 cents and $1.20.
They are on sale at the University
Hall ticket booth, and will be sold
at the Pattengill box office each
evening before the performance.




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