E E ItfICGIAN DiAILY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1948 I - - TUESDA. .y ,..... U lr.,...... . i9.4v. w I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: No QUIET! By SAMUEL GRAFTON WOULDN'T know about the future, for- eign or domestic. At home, soft goods are slow. They say that's bad. Maybe there will be a business dip. Maybe there won't be. I have absolutely no way of telling. And on the foreign scene today (to use a graceful transitional phrase invented by the radio industry) the Communists seem to be of a mind to establish peace in Berlin by taking all of it. The Communists never really estab- lish peace, of course, they merely establish QUIET! But since we will resist in Berlin, it isn't going to be QUIET! So there seems to be some uncertainty about the future abroad, too, just as there is uncertainty about the future at home. I feel as if I would like to make a con- tribution, in all this uncertainty, local and global. It will have to be a modest one. The only point that occurs to me, right off, is that this is going to be a very long period of uncertainty. We're in for long uncertainties, friends. We call them peace, the way the Communists call QUIET! peace. And maybe what one needs during a longe period of uncertainty is something like a code of etiquette. Here's a credo, for a time of uncertainty: 1. I will never conduct myself as if I know the answers. I will regard the situa- tion we are in, globally and locally, as part of the human predicament. I will consider that it has been brought about by the work- ings of history, and not by any particular persons. I will try to understand it in terms of forces, and not in terms of specific peo- ple. I will try to ameliorate it, but in doing so I will not try to be theory-proud. 2. I will wish that my tongue may be cut off before it can utter an explanation in racial, national or religious terms. 3. I will try to understand not only what people think, but how they feel. I will try to understand that the Russians feel insecure, and that Americans do, too; even those Americans with whom I may disagree on political and economic ques- tions. At home, also, through whatever coming economic strains and debates, I will try to understand how people feel, as well as what they think, or think they think. 4. I will set great store by methods during this uncertain period, and little store by goals. I will consider that human beings are capable of setting up decent methods, and that they are probably incapable of setting up perfect final goals. Thus I will be suspciious of the man who welcomes "a little bit of unemployment," say as a "corrective influence"; I will op- pose him because the method is indecent, regardless of the abstract beauties of the intended goal. I will apply the same test to those who are willing to keep mankind fir'a state of uproar for the purpose of pro-' ducing a Utopia. But I will have sympathy for the man who is for feeding the poor, even though he can't show us that fifty years of this would be a good thing; I will be for him because his method is decent, and because methods have more certainties in them than goals. 5. I will bitterly oppose smart-alecks, and my test of whether a man is a smart- aleck will be whether he is more inter- ested in winning an argument than in solving a problem. That is my contribution to our coming period of uncertainty. I wish it were more. (Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: CRAIG H. WILSON Faculty Evaluation A CHANCE TO TURN the tables on the profs-the first big chance ever offered in the history of the University-is yours today and tomorrow. For it's faculty evaluation day in some 2,200 Literary College classes. You can flunk all your profs-give them a row of big black "E's" if you want to. You can say that they're no good, that you waste the time you spend .Pearl Harbor FAR ACROSS the broad expanses of the indigo Pacific stands the lonely island of Iwo Jima. The only remaining signs of the horrible destruction which was wrought there five years ago is an occasional wrecked landing barge, a rust- ing mortar, a dilapidated half-track, anti row upon row of bare white crosses. Today, Pearl Harbor Day, 1948, with the world once more in a state of fev- erish tension, it is fitting that we should stop and renember again the bloody results of the treacherous Jap- anese attack seven years ago today. Today within the fringe of dark Soviet secrecy, masses of Russian soldiers stand poised for any eventuality, while in al- ready ravaged Europe and war-torn China; the long arm of 'Communism is attempting to inflict its principles on starving peoples. Here in America, once demobilized factories are again turning out war munitions, atomic scientists are searching for an even more potent weapon of destruction, while over the skies of Berlin, American planes brush daily with Soviet'fighters. It is time to stop-to think of the tre- mendous cost of world conflict-and to be a little more tolerant of conflicting polit- ical philosophies. We don't want any more Pearl Harbors or Iwo Jimas. We have enough crosses now. -Jim Brown. in their classes. By all means say it, if that's what you mean. Or you can give them all A's if you want to. But think before you jot down those "A's" or "E's" or "C's." Think about whether or not your pro- fessor has given you the best kind of teach- ing he knows how. Has he been sincere? Has he been willing to help you out? Has he known how to get the stuff out of you? Decide exactly what it is you like or dislike about him. Maybe it's just some small mannerism that annoys you and spoils for you what might otherwise be a good class. If you think your professors are fine, say so of course, but figure out why you like them, and what you like best about them. You have ten questions to answer on the blank you'll be given, which should give you plenty of room for evaluating the finer points. You might even take another look at the evaluation form printed in Sunday's Daily, and think how you'll rate each of your professors and instructors.' Why all the fuss? Well, students have been griping for a long time now about the quality of teaching here at the Uni- versity. Now we have a chance to do something about it-not by indiscriminately, unthink- ingly filling in the spaces on those evalua- tioi sheets, but by thinking about what we're doing, by weighing every factor care- fully. For what students do in these two days of evaluations can kill or breathe life into the whole program of faculty evaluation that the Literary College is beginning. If we fluff up this chance to do some- thing about this, our long-standing com- plaint, we might as well stop right now pointing accusing fingers at the Univer- sity for saddling us with mediocre instruc- tors. The whole faculty evaluation program de- pends on us-and from a long-range point- of-view, so do the future educational stand- ards of the University. -Mary Stein. KI SE Y Z I.AZEN- \ - \- ~A.), ,-'' ' >>. 0 l y ra{ NNiNMf iW iVie' Y SDAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Coming Events Business Machine and Supply Show: Horace H. Rackham Building, Dec. 9 and 10, 1 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Sponsored by The School of Business Administration. Films-Dec. 9 and 10, East Con- ference Room; 2 p.m., "Sitting Pretty"; 3 p.m., "The Bell Heard Around the World"; 4 p.m., "In Balance." Talks and discussion-Dec. 9, East Conference Room. 7 p.m., Charles Fleckenstein, Of- fice Manager, Standard Accident Insurance Company, "Standardi- zation of Procedures in the Small Office." 8 p.m., Professor Leo Schmidt, Professor of Accounting School of Business Administration, Univer- sity of Michigan. "Mechanization of Accounting." The animated sound movie KID- NEY FUNCTION IN HEALTH and KIDNEY FUNCTION IN DIS- EASE, by Doctors Corcoran, Hines and Page of Cleveland (from the Lilly Laboratories for Clinical Re- search) will be shown at 7 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 9, 231 Angell Hall. This showing, made available un- der the auspices of the Medical Staff Journal Club, is designed primarily for the Junior and Sen- ior Medical classes. Pre-medical and. Physiology students and all others interested are invited. Motion Pictures, auspices of the Audio-Visual Education Center. Family Relations: Know Your Baby, Meeting the Emotional Needs of Childhood. 4:10 p.m., Wed., Dec. 8, Kellogg Auditorium. Christmas Coffee Hour: Spon- sored by the Education Depart- ment; Thurs., Dec. 9, 4 to 5:30 p.m., Elementary School Library. All students and faculty invited. Institute of Aeronautical S- ence: 7:30 p.m., Wed., Dec. 8, Rm. 3 KLMN, Michigan Union. Speak- ers: Prof. E. W. Conlon, Prof. W. C. Nelson, and Prof. J. W. Luecht. Topic: Panel Discussion on "The Air Transport of 1955." All Aero Engineers welcome. Modern Poetry Club: 7:30 p.m., Michigan League Tearoom. Dis- cussion of MacLeish's "Ars Poe- tica" and Moore's "Poetry," in Os- car Williams' Anthology. Eta Kappa Nu invites all inac- tive members to attend the in- formal initiation of pledges at 7 p.m., Dec. 9. Basement, E. Engi- neering Bldg. Sigma Gamma Epsilon: 12:15 p.m., Wed., Dec. 8, 3056 Natural Science. Dr. G. W. Sinclair will speak on "The Margins of the Canadian Shield." Alpha Kappa Psi: ,Open Meet- ing Dec. 8, 7:30 p.m., 130 Business Administration Bldg. Mr. H. J. Phillips of United States Steel will speak. (Continued from Page 3) I .i + MUSIC + SERGE KOUSSEVITZKY opened his pro- gram with the Boston Symphony Or- chestra last night with Honegger's Sym- phony for Strings. The main theme is stated allegro, after a long introduction in which it is sug- gested, and is then developed at length with brilliant effects in the division of the string sections. The strings had a highly polished though cold tone, which is admirably suited to the refined choice of material and its skillful treatment. The second movement is the most im- pressive part of the symphony. It starts with a plaintive theme which gradually rises to an emotional climax and then subsides. The playing of this movement was especially fine, maintaining a purity of tone and phrasing to heighten the ef- fect of the music. The third movement is a highly syncopated vivace somewhat dis- appointing after the high calibre of the opening sections. Dr. Koussevitzky then conducted two, Gymnopedies by Satie, orchestrated by De- bussy. These fragile, tuneful pieces were played with the delicacy and simplicity they demand, and served as a contrast to Pro- kofiev's Sythian Suite. The complex score of the Scythian Suite begins with a savagely tumultuous evoka- tion of paganism and continues with a grotesque Dance of the Dark Spirits. A mys- terious and eery tone picture, Night, and a wildly rhythmic Procession to the Sun con- clude the work. The orchestra under Dr. Koussevitzky's direction took advantage of every highlight of this brilliant score, and produced tonal range and color amazing for their clarity and fine orchestral balance regardless of volume. The end of the Pro- cession is a long screscendo. The gradual extension of sound after the forceful drive of the preceding music was stretched to a remarkable degree and led to an overwhelm- ing climax. Dr. Koussevitzkk concluded the program with his standard interpretation of Brahms' First Symphony. His approach to this work is questionable, since he changes tempi, makes frequent use of rubato and occasion- ally changes the nature of the music with- out justification. The second movement was disjointed through the slow tempo, and the emphasis given the celli and bases created unwonted bathos. This effectively makes something pedestrian of an otherwise highly melodic and moving conception. An almost unbelievable occurrence for the Boston Symphony, uncoordinated attacks finished the marring of this movement. A farewell ovation to Dr. Koussevitzky fittingly ended the evening. -R. E. Matlaw. Social Studies (Jr. H. S. and Sr. H. S.); Junior High School Eng- lish; Kindergarten; and High School Opportunity Class. Since these assignments will begin the second semester, all those inter- ested in applying should call at the Bureau of Appointments im- mediately. Occupational Information Con- ference: Mr. D. T. Jaeger, Chief of Employee Utilization Branch, Ci- vilian Personnel Division, Detroit Arsenal, will discuss employment opportunities in the Federal Civil Service; and Mr. T. E. Eggleton, Supt., Bond Dept., Aetna Casualty and Surety Co. will discuss oppor- tunities and requirements for Field Representatives in the insurance business. All students are invited; there will be opportunity for ques- tions. 4:10 p.m., Dec. 8, 231 Angell Hall. Sponsored by University Bu- reau of Appointments. Lectures University Lecture: "The Physi- ology and Chemistry of Plant Growth Hormones." Dr. Kenneth V. Themann, Professor of Plant Physiology, Harvard University; auspieces of the Department of Botany. 4:15 p.m., Tues., Dec. 7, Rackham Amphitheatre. Lecture, auspices of the School of Forestry and Conservation. "Cutting Tools for the Wood using Industries." R. D. Brooks, Field Engineer, E. C. Atkins Company, Indianapolis, Indiana 10 a.m., Wed., Dec. 8, West Conference Room, Rackham Building. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Frank Stiling, English; thesis: "A Com- mentary on Byron's Don Juan, Cantos VII-X," Tues., Dec. 7, W. Council Rm., Rackham Bldg., 7:30 p.m. Chairman, W. G. Rice. Political Science 52-Examina- tion: Wed., Dec. 8, 10 a.m. Sections 1, 2, 3 and 5 in Room 231 A.H. (Knappen, Eldersveld and Bret- ton). Sections 4, 6, 7, and 8 in Room 1025 A. H. (Vernon and Ab- bott). Public Health 115a (Dr. Otto Engelke): The quiz set for Wed., Dec. 8 has been postponed to Wed., Dec. 15. Bacteriology Seminar: 8 p.m., Wed., Dec. 8, 1528 E. Medical Bldg. Mr. Donald J. Merchant will dis- cuss "Polysaccharides and Virus Hemagglutination." Geometry Seminar: 3 p.m., Wed., Dec. 8, 3001 Angell Hall. Miss M. Comstock wlil discuss Karl Menger's Algebra of Geome- try. Concerts College Musicum; Program, un- der the direction of Louise Cuyler and assisted by Juana deLaban, Maynard Klein, and Andrew Minor, will be presented at 8:30 p.m., Dec. 8, Main Concourse of the Museum of Art, Alumni Me- morial Hall. The program, given in collaboration with the Museum of Art, will feature music of the 14th-18th centuries, and include traditional dances of the periods. It will be open to the general pub- lic. Events Today Science Research Club: The De- cember meeting will be held in the Rackham Amphitheatre, 7:30 p.m. Program: "The Internal Structure of Granitic Pegmatites," E. Wil- liam Heinrich, Department of Mineralogy; "Recent Advances in North American Archeology," Al- bert C. Spaulding, Museum of An- thropology. Initiation of new members. Volunteer Naval Reserve Re- search: Meeting for organizing a unit of the Volunteer Naval Re- search, 7:30 p.m., 35 Angell Hall. Membership is open to officers and enlisted personnel including Waves of the Reserve engaged in research, research administration, and development. Tau Beta Pi: Initiation, 5 p.m., Michigan Union. Banquet, 6:30 p.m. The Gilbert and Sullivan Socie- ty will present "Yeomen of the Guard," Tues., Wed., and Thurs., Dec. 7, 8, and 9, at 8 p.m., Patten- gill Auditorium. Tickets will be on sale in University Hall and at the door. Sociedad Hispanica: Dios se lo pague," a Mexican film starring Arturo de Cordova, will be pre- sented at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, 8:30 p.m. Members pay tax only on presentation of mem- bership cards at the box office. Tryouts for the Annual French Play: 3-5:15 today and Thursday, 408 Romance Language Bldg. Any student with some knowledge of the French language may try out. Undergraduates Physics Club: Meeting of the program commit- tee, 8 p.m., Physics library. Pershing Rifles: Meeting, not in uniform, 7 p.m. R.O.T.C. Rifle Range.nPledges may draw uni- [orms now. All fees must be paid. Sigma Rho Tau, Engineering Speaking: Meeting, 7 p.m., 2084 East Engineering Bldg. This meeting features the quar- ter-finals of the extensive round- robin debating tournament, the two finalist teams vieing for the championship next Tuesday. Coed Folk and Square Dancing will meet at 7:15 p.m., W.A. Bldg. All those in the Christmas pro- gram should attend. Polonia Club: Meeting 8:30 p.m., International Center. Students of Polish descent invited. Square Dance Group: 7 p.m., Lane Hall. Christian Science Organization: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hal. I.Z.F.A. Study Group: 7:45 p.m., Michigan Union, Rm. 3A. Wallace Progressives: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Michigan League. Prof. Curtis MacDougall of Northwest- ern University will speak. - University of Michigan Dames Handicraft Group will meet at the home of Mrs. Harry Geitgey, 2010, Frieze St., 8 p.m. Project: Norwe- gian weaving on huck toweling. Transportation chairman, Mrs. H. R. Secrest, Phone 2-3810. xettem TO THE EDITOR The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they arereceived all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. * * * Addition To the Editor: [N REFERENCE to your article on the church census, we heartily recommend the writer either take a course in the math department emphasizing addition, or straighten out his facts. The article states that 23,048 students expressed a religious preference. Supposing for the mo- ment we have that great number, we strongly doubt that all have a definite preference. Then ih the breakdown listed, we find that it adds up to exactly 14,078. Shouldn't it add up to our 23 thousand. figure? Finally, under "other religious groups" are listed agnostic and atheist. Even if the point were stretched considerably, we think agnostics and atheists would hardly consider themselves "re- ligious groups." Incidentally, we'd like an an- swer7to the 23 thousand equaling 14,078. -Ed Phluke, R. M. Lauer. On Reviewers To the Editor: T REMAINS a total myste why The Daily does not have reviewers who know their jobs. The review (one of many) of Mr. Phil Dawson on Mr. Serkin's per- formance is indeed lamentable. To anyone who heard the concert it is nothing, to anyone who didn't it still is nothing. Mr. Dawson might as well pack up and go home, or take some lessons in how to be a reviewer. Miss Carol Anderson, in her re- view of "Farrebique" doesn't do much better. Poor little Miss An- derson obviously does not have any culture, much less French cul- ture, hersel, or she could not have written such a pathetic ex- cuse for a review. The fact that people in France who have made a career of reviewing their own films acclaimed "Farrebique," and saw in it what the picture was meant to show (which Miss An- derson did not see) doesn't seem to impress, bother, or otherwise matter to Miss Anderson or The Daily. Poor Miss Anderson. Poor Mr. Dawson. Poor defenseless "Farre- bique." Poor Mr. Serkin. The poor, sad, ole Michigan Daily! -John H. Cosgrove. Delta Business Meeting, Chapter Sigma Pi, Fraternity: Wed., Dec. House. Professional Business 8, 8 p.m., JCIINJEMA At Lydia Mendelssohn... DIOS SE LO PAGUE, with Arturo de Cor- dova and Zully Moreno. Directed by Luis Amadori. F YOU WANT another glimpse of the Hollywood 'B' picture's fur-clad dam- sels, gripping casinos, and gaudily Roman- esque interiors, you'll find our Argentine friends have gone into these props with a relish. The plot concerns an ex-convict (he was framed, of course( who leads a double life alternating between beggar and aris- tocrat. The money he earns begging-he's a begger with ideas-not only keeps him in mansions, but leaves him plenty for jewels to bedeck his lady. I'm afraid the local beggars are going to find they can't make a dime from -now on. They're awfully sparse with their sub- titles on this one, too. Not only are dozens of conversations and witty comments skipped, but repartees with several different persons are sometimes condensed into one sub-title. Those fairly fluent in Spanish will find the dialogue easy to understand, how- ever, unlike some of the Mexican films with CURRENT MOVIES At tthe Michigan ... GOOD SAM, with Gary Cooper and Ann Sheridan'. LED ("Makes you feel good all over") Mc- Carey has apparently turned out an- other box-office bestseller. It's a. peculiar sort of picture-alternating with disconcerting abandon between hilarity and pathos. As one leaves the theatre, how- ever, there is the general impression that he has seen a fairly successful comedy. Good Sam is a likeable, bumbling fellow who carries the "it is better to give than to receive" dictum to such an extreme that even the local rector is left speechless. This, obviously, could lead to some re- freshingly horse-laughable sequences, and with Gary Cooper in the title role, very few such chances are left unexploited. Ann Sheridan is very well cast here, and she proves-for the first time in our mem- ory-that she is an exceedingly versatile actress. In the comedy sequences, she is ap- propriately Martha Raye-ish; when the times comes for tears, she sheds them neatly and naturally. Further to the picture's credit, there Is a seldom equalled abundance of hilarious- lv familiar character narts--the neonle well-acted, absorbing, entertaining ... and, whataya want-egg in your beer? --Bob White. ** . . ~"0 At the State... FOREVER AMBER, with Linda Darnell and Cornell Wilde. BY NOW IT IS sheer redundancy to devote good newsprint to Forever Amber. Sel- dom has so much fuss been made about so little, and like "Unconquered" it will prob- ably be with us until every last sequin and sword is paid for. Its curiosity-provoking reputation will lure you, and the technicolor, costumes, and George Saunder's attempts to liven things up will give you a fair return on the popular price admission of this round. But the Amber of her sexy serial of sin has had her tongue and travels cleaned up beyond the point of easy recognition. Even the much commended fire and plague sequences are thrown in as a mere dit and dab between the major suitors salvaged for the screenplay. Yet stripped of its colorful but often tedious trappings, the central theme stands out more clearly. It is the essentially tragic story of a will- ful woman who built her whole life about an a -a alcrcl a f ..vnf. r - ." Graduate History Club: Meet- ing, Wed., Dec. 8, 8 p.m., Clements Library. Dr. Irving Leonard, Chairman of the Dept. of Ro- mance Languages and Literature, will speak. Undergraduate Psychological Society: Nomination and primary election of officers will be followed by a panel discussion on "The Home" by Dr. Guetzkow of the Psychology department, Prof. Hawley of the Sociology depart- ment and Prof. Titiev of the An- thropology department,,Wed., Dec. 8, Michigan Union. Meeting at 7:15 p.m.; program at 7:45 p.m. American Society of Heating & Ventilating Engineers: There will be a meeting at the Michigan Un- ion on Wed., Dec. 8, 7:30 p.m. Ullr Ski Club: Meeting, Wed., Dec. 8, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. 30 minute sound color movie on skiing in Aspen, Colorado, by Dick Durrance. Square Dancing Class, spon- sored by the Graduate Outing Club, at W.A.B., Wed., Dec. 8, 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. United World Federalists Speak- ers Bureau: Meeting 8 p.m., Wed., Michigan League. Students and faculty members interested are in becoming members are invited. I.Z.F.A.: Wednesday Study Group: 7:45 p.m. Wed., Dec. 8, Michigan Union, 3rd floor corri- dor, Michigan Union. Women of the University Facul- ty: Weekly tea, Wed., Dec. 9, 4 to 6 p.m., Michigan League. Fifty-Ninth Year 1 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor Dick Maloy .............City Editor Naomi Stern .........Editorial Director Allegra Pasqualetti ....Associate Editor Arthur Higbee ........Associate Editor Murray Grant.......... Sports Editor Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed, Bev Bussey ......Sports Feature Writer Audrey Buttery........Women's Editor Bess Hayes ..................Librarian Business Stafff Richard Halt ......Business Manages Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manages William Culman .....Finance Manager Cole Christian ....Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper, All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription luring the regular school year by carrier. *5.00, by mail, !6.00. BARNARI~ SSwami, did Mr. Merriegive you ri a - nr-- An...n A n ..anf r rTf ,r~. ' H-e staid'"Zaka Abbat a!" And he vanished,I ITh j~epohrfers! Mr. Merrie's &isappearrncebias 4 II 1,