See Page' 4
Latest Deadline in the State
dditional Light
romsedfor 'U'
Statement Follows Disclosure of
Poor Illumination in Classrooms
Relief is on the way for University students who suffer eyestrain
ttempting to pierce the gloom of poorly-lighted classrooms.
Following quickly on the heels of a Daily article Sunday which
evealed pitifully inadequate lighting facilities in many classrooms
nd study halls Walter Roth, University plant superintendent, dis-
losed that material for $27,000 worth of lighting improvement has
bready been ordered.
ROTH ADDED that this did
erin Split
idened by
est's Will
BERLIN - (A) -- The smash-
ng municipal election triumph of
he bitterly anti-Russian Social
mocratic Party intensified the
ast-West struggle over Berlin.
Completed now was the politi-
al division of this German me-
ropolis 100 miles behind the Iron
* * *
IN DEFIANCE of Communist
hreats the Germans of Western
erlin turned out a near record
'ote of 86.2 per cent of the elec-
orate by giving a majority to the
ial ' Democrats, a militantly
nti-Communist organization.
The Christian Democrats and
the Liberal Democrats, also are
The final results:
Social Democrats (Socialist) -
58,100 (64.5 per cent).
Christian Democrats (Conser-
atives)-258,496 (19.4 per cent).
Liberal Democrats (Conserva-
ive) - 214,224 (16,1 per cent).
THE SOCIAL Democrats showed
i gain of 13 per cent from the first
ost-war election of 1946. It pos-
ibly was the greatest victory the
arty has scored in its 80-year
Although the Communists
boycotted the election, persons
who analyzed the returns said
the size of the turnout gave di-
rect evidence that Communist
strength in Western Berlin had
been cut in half in two years.
Ernst Reutter, Social Demo-
ratic leader, will become mayor
For a picture of the new mayor
f Berlin, see Page 2.
if the new Municipal Government.
ie was barred from office by they
tussians last year.
eep him from his post, but he
ill govern only the two-thirds of
rlin occupied by the Americans,
ritish and French. In the Soviet
ector, where the election was
anned, a Communist puppet gov-
nment rules. It was hand-
icked last week. Each govern-
nent calls the other illegal.
The Social Democratic vic-
tory may increase pressure for
an economic as well as a politi-
cal split between Eastern and
Western Berlin. Paty lead-
ers long have urged the outlaw-
ing of the' Russian mark in the
Western sectors. Such an ac-
tion would leave the two parts
of the city as divided as two
Allied officials said the events
>f the last week have dimmed the
>rospects for settling the whole
East-West argument over Ber-
n. That dispute hinges in large
easure aroundatheuRussian
lockade imposed last June.
Two thousand electric power
ffice workers followed the voters
oday in choosing the West over
he East.
not include the lighting improve-
ments to be made when the class-
rooms and offices vacated by the
occupation of the new Adminis-
tration and Business Administra-
tion buildings are remodeled.
Emphasizing the difficulties
encountered in improving light-
ing facilities, Roth explained
that it would take at least $60,-
GOO just to improve the primary
electrical services in Angell Hall.
This would be exclusive of the
purchase and installation of
new fixtures.
Present primary facilities in An-
gell Hall are already handling
twice the load that was intended
when the building was first con-
structed and the addition of any
more incandescent lamps might
severely overtax them.
IF, HOWEVER, all the incan-
descent lights were replaced by
flourescent lights, roughly twice as
much light would be available with
the same load.
But Roth pointed out that
fluorescent lights are more ex-
pensive to maintain.
Incandescent light bulbs cost the
University from 8 to 10 cents
apiece in contrast to the fluores-
cent type which costs 72 cents and
has less than one-third the life of
the ordinary light bulb. This has
limited the quantity of flourescent
lighting used..
MORE THAN $22,000 has al-
ready been spent on lighting im-
provement since the end of the
war, according to Roth, despite
the difficulty until recently, of
securing adequate amounts of the
necessary equipment.
Improvements already made
in lighting facilities were list-
ed by Roth as follows:
Complete installation of flour-
escent lighting in the Architec-
ture Building.
Additional lighting service and
circuits in East Engineering
Flourescent fixtures in the West
Engineering library and in Rms.
401, 402, 403, 421, 424, 448, 201
and 206.
Fluorescent fixtures in East En-
gineering laboratories 4214, 4223
and 4227.
Flourescent lights on the main
reading-room tables in the General
Flourescent lighting on the
main reading room tables,and two
study halls in the Legal Research
Library, Work is now under way on
similar lighting in the carrells.
Lighting improvements in two
ROTC classrooms.
Flourescent lighting in the
journalism department offices and
ALREADY on order are lighting
improvements in the Alumni Cat-
alog Office, the University High
School library, two pathology lab-
oratories in West Medical Build-
ing and two lecture rooms and
two classrooms in East Medical
Study Plan
Past Hurdle
Literary College
Group Favorable
A credit-approved Foreign Sum-
mtr Study Plan received a go-
,ahead signal yesterday.
The Executive Committee of the
Literary College reported favor-
ably on the plan which would fa-
cilitate University students study-
ing abroad during summer va-
cation periods and present plans
call for another faculty commit-
tee to study putting the program
into immediate action.
* * *
MEANWHILE, students moved
forward with plans to organize
the programs, Don Queller, '49,
and George Shepherd, '49, origi-
nators of the study plan, and Dick
Hooker, named chairman of the
group by the NSA committee of
the Student Legislature, will meet
at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, in the
League, with students interested
in working on the foreign studies
committee or studying abroad.
The plan is novel in that the
students would not be enrolled
at foreign universities, but
would study individually "in
the field" on a selected subject
as directed by a travelling
Present drafts calls for a fac-
ulty-administration committee to
coordinate the activity and se-
lect students and faculty advis-
ors. The Committee would also
be responsible for certifying credit
earned on the basis of reports or
theses submitted by the students
on completion of their summer
THOSE APPLYING for the pro-
gram must have completed 90
credits and possess a knowledge
of the language of the country
they will study to the satisfaction
of the faculty committee.
The foreign study program
will carry eight hours of credit
and students will be nominally
enrolled in the Summer Ses-
A member of the faculty would
accompany each group of stu-
dents to supervise the work and
brief them on the country in
which they are to study.
THE GROUP WILL be financed
by a fund raising campaign and
regular Summer Session tuition.
Scholarships may be provided
at the outset.
The traveling supervisors
would be members of the Summer
Session faculty and draw a regu-
lar salary. Their minimum travel
expenses would be defrayed by the
student-raised fund.
'Ensian Sale
Being Pushed
Part-payment subscriptions to
the 1949 'Ensian will be sold on
campus this week.
Booths have been set up in the
Union, Engine Arch and the Diag.
Salesmen will also contact afiili-
ated houses and dorms during the
Terms of the pay-as-you-go
plan provide for a $2 down pay-
ment, with the balance due be-
fore Feb. 15.
The 'Ensian devised the install-
ment system so that financially-
harassed students could be sure
of getting a yearbook.
400 How!
Coaches Vote
Bennie Tops
In GridPoll
'M' Coach Wins
By Wide Margin
(Sports Feature Editor)
Bennie Oosterbaan received his
second national honor within two
weeks when he was named today
1948 "Coach of the Year," after
steering the Wolverines to the
top ranking position in the final
A~P football poll.
The Michigan coach rated 61
first place votes-almost twice the
number of his closest rival, Lynn
Waldorf of California.
* * *
THUS, FOR THE second
straight year, the nation's coaches,
sending more than 260 ballots to
the sponsoring New York World-
Telegram, voted the title to a
Michigan man.
Oosterbaan succeeds "Fritz"
Crisler as top mentor of the
year, just as he replaced him as
chief football coach for the
Maize and Blue this year.
Behind Oosterbaan and Wal-
dorf came Bob Voigts of North-
western, Frank Howard of Clem-
son College, Matty Bell of South-
ern Methodist, and Tuss Mc-
Laughry of Dartmouth. In seventh
place, Notre Dame's Frank Leahy
received 11 first place votes.
* * *
THE CHOICE of Oosterbaan as
coach of the Year was based on
the Wolverines 9-0 ,record,
running their victory skein to 23
games and achieving specta~cular
records both on offense and de-
But, as the alumni at the an-
nual Michigan Bust in Detroit
said last week, "Oosterbaan is
our nomination for coach of the
year anytime." He IS Michigan
-right down to the core.
As a three-sport athlete and as
a coach, Oosterbaan has devoted
himself to the University for the
past twenty-four years. It is an
integral part of him. This strong
attachment seems to have pene-
trated every player on the team.
practice. They never griped about
staying late. There were no signs
of dissension that are bound to
creep up on "star" teams.
They played their hearts out
for Bennie, because each one
knew how much Michigan's rep-
utation meant to him. After
Ohio State kicked a field goal
to take the lead in the last
game, they realized the signifi-
cance of Bennie's feelings. They
fought for Michigan tradition
the same way spiritually that
their coach fought for it.
At the beginning of the season,
a lot of people wondered how
Oosterbaan would succeed as a
head coach.
HE KNEW the sport inside out,
and had worked with the two-
team, single-wing system under
But he was noted for being
an easy-going guy-maybe it
wouldn't pay off to be like
that ...
There were two groups, how-
ever, who never doubted his abil-
ity-the football players whom he
directed and joked with, and the
old-time M men who felt that
anytihng Oosterbaan did was okay
-for Oosterbaan IS Michigan.
Chinese Reds
NANKING-(P)-The Chinese
Communists announced they had
trapped and were rapidly destroy-
ing three Government a r m y
groups which abandoned Suchow
to try to aid another encircled
group 60 mile southwest.
This was the force which had
been the Government's main reli-
.," - ^M _. 1a P"m- vi.- -- fa
Elder To Talk
On Education
For Workers
Arthur Elder, former director of
the Workers' Educational Service
will speak on "The Scope of
Workers' Education" at 7:30 p.m.
tomorrow in the Union.
His appearance will be spon-
sored by the campus chapter of
Americans for Democratic Ac-
Elder is president of the Mich-
igan Federation of Teachers
(AFL) vice-president of the Na-
tional Federation of Teachers,
member of the board of directors
of the American Labor Education-
al Service and the executive board
of the Workers' Educational Bu-
He was relieved of his position
as director of the WES several
weeks ago when the Regents voted
to reorganize the program.
More than 200,000 workers have
availed themselves of the Uni-
versity Workers' Education Serv-
ice since its inception four years
Workers' Education has been
expanding with 75 colleges
throughout the nation now having
such programs.
Fire Fighters Quell Blaze
In Historic 'Deke' Chapel
The Inner Sanctum of Delta
Kappa Epsilon was rudely defiled
yesterday when firemen struggled
to extinguish a blaze that swept
under the roof of the 70 year fra-
ternity chapel causing an esti-
mated $3,000 damages.
More than 300 students watched
as firemen equipped with smoke-
masks broke into the structure
and fired smog guns and conven-
tional water sprays into the smok-
ing second floor. Portions of the
building's roof and front, stained-
glass window were hacked away
as firemen sought the origin of
the fire.
Traffic Deaths
Two persons were killed and
four others injured in traffic acci-
dents in the Ann Arbor area over
the weekend as the state-wide
death toll reached 15.
No University students were in-
volved in the mishaps.
two hours, the blaze was brought
under control and Deke men en-
tered their traditional gathering
place to survey the wreckage.
Their last chapter meeting
had been held there Saturday.
Today they expect to complete'
the job of inventorying water-'
soaked books, furniture and "sen-
timental treasures" of Deke-dom.
Chapter members were unable to
estimate the loss in personal be-
longing in the fire. They said the
building was insured.
THE BLAZE only added an-
other page to the illustrious his-
tory of the old building, which
was erected in 1870 for the mod-
est sum of,$3,000 with funds con-
tributed by the classes of 1855-80.
At that time, the organizationI
had no chapter house and they
met behind the high brick wall
at half-past Midnight on al-
ternate Saturdays.
And the tale goes that a quer-
ulous rookie cop once loitered in
the alley behind the chapel hop-
ing to*figure out its apparent
mystery. His vigil was disruptde
when a flying beer can bounced
off his head.
In the tiny court-yard, before
the entrance, are small tombstones
-each one marking the grave of a
long-since passed away mascot of
the fraternity.
O'Brien Appointed
Miinial iudĀ±ae
Experts Differ
On Religious,
Training Plan
The literary college curriculum
may include more courses in re-
ligious training next semester, but
faculty and religious men disagree
on how to provide the training.
Faculty and administration
members like increasing courses in
established departments as drawn
up by a faculty committee last
Religious leaders want a sep-
arate religious department similar
to the one at the University of
DEAN LLOYD S. Woodburne,,
of the literary college, said he pre-
ferred the recommendation of the
faculty committee which would
provide for the non-sectarian,
non-theological courses. Objective
courses could provide students
with an intellectual foundation
for their beliefs," he said.
Father Frank McPhillips, of
St. Mary's Chapel commented
that courses about religion are
of interest, but that they are of
"little practical value in train-
ing an individual for a moral
"It's like training a soldier for
war by teaching him the history
of warfare," he said.
* * *
Presbyterian church, who spent
several years in the University of
Iowa religion department, also fa-
vored a separate department.
"After all, we've had the other
system here all along," he said.
"A man may know the history of
Faculty Grading Begins Today
The first faculty evaluation pro-'
gram in University history will
get underway today when stu-
dents in 2,200 Literary Colleg
classrooms begin a two-day rating
mous, and professors have been
asked to leave the classrooms
while students are grading them.
Student evaluations are part of
a lone-ranee- namnrehensivP no.t-
omy, oriental languages and
Russian classes.
Monitors for German, Scandi-
navian, French, Spanish, Italian,
PArtnan1e. fine arts .nnnmics.
the department to which the
individual instructor belongs.
Monitors for evening classes
should pick up forms before 5:15
n m of the day the class meets.