xUNDAY, DEUEBBER 5, 1948 THE MICHIGAN DAILYA rAGE NINE NUNN- Says Surrender Would Have Spared Mussolini. COLLEGE ROUNDUP: Schools Expand Research, Hear Stars . RnOM4'-()-Awartime parti- san_ leader told an Italian court today Benito Mussolini's life would have been spared had he surrendered his North Italian forces April 24, 1945. Although his Fascist Republi-' can Government was tumbling about his ears and his hated Ger- man allies were themselves seek- ing peace terms, Mussolini chose not to take up the offer, the par- tisan, Riccardo Lombardo, said. Four days later, partisans caught the Duce and his mistress, Clar- c, etta Petacci, as they tried to es- By CRAIG WILSON i cape into them and in Milan's Switzerland, executed strung their bodies up Loreto Square. Lombardo, secretary-general of the Communist-Allied Socialist' party, testified at the trial of for- mer Field Marshal Rodolfo Gra- ziani, called the "lion of Africa" and Mussolini's last war minister. Graziani is charged with collab- orating with the Germans after the Italian armistice of Sept. 8, 1943. --/- The best buys in LINGER I E and HOSIERY bon :Z) Wait SANTA ADVISES Plans for a multi-million dollar research center at the University of Texas were realized recently when the War Assets Administra- tion promised to turn a demobil- ized war-time magnesium plant near Austin over to the institu- tion. According to the Daily Texan, the plant would create nine sep- arate research laboratories-near- ly doubling UT's present research capacity-and lead to establish- ing a Texas state civil engineering survey camp. For an extra quarter of a mil- lion, Longhorn officials believe they can install a subsidiary cam- pus with hot and cold running students and a supersonic wind- tunnel. * * But Texas professors dancing with glee had nothing on a coed group on their own campus. "The Texannes," a precision dance group, are now in their second year of tripping the light -not so fantastically. Their ef- forts include tap routines, mod- JUST RECEIVED A Big Assortment of PARKER 51's U rich's Ann Arbor's Busy Book Store ern dancing, character numbers and ballet. The group, which will consist of 14 girls after final selections of the 'team' are made, will have a proud one-year history to live up to. Last year they appeared at several campus functions and were photographed by two national publications. Incidentally, their originator is now doing pirouettes for MGM. THE FALL HURRICANES that whipped the Florida coast to shreds failed to damage newly erected dormitories on the cam- pus of the University of Miami, according to the Miami Hurri- cane. Referring to themselves, the student publications made quite a play of "Hurricane Hits Stands -Despite Hurricane." BUT TO GET BACK to ex- panding campuses, the already sprawling University of California has acquired the Goleta (Calif.) Marine Base as a new campus for its Santa Barbara College. The Santa Claus was again the War Assets Administration, ac- cording to the UCLA Bruin. The base is comfortably situated on a plateau of land overlooking the choppy blue of the Pacific. If your professor is slow re- turning bluebooks, don't think he is lazy-he may be advancing the human race with a scientific dis- covery or writing a library of books. QUIZ PAPERS had to wait six years for professor emeritus George M. McBride, of the UCLA department of geography, accord- ing to the Daily Bruin. Prof. McBride, together with representatives from Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and Peru, solved the territorial dispute over land around the upper headwaters of HOUSECOATS BEDJACKETS See for yourself the Amazon river between Ecu- AERONAUTICAL engineers at ador and Peru Georgia School of Technology re- He successfully 'sat on the ceived a shock recently when their powder-keg' and finally Ecuador brand new wind tunnel was in- gave up its claim. augurated with tests on a boat, * **according to the Technique. SCIENTISTS at the University However, the boat, souped-up of Washington didn't get their and named the "La Ha La," was grey hairs scoring exams. proven to be technically o.k. in The results of their recent ex- the tests and ran second on two periments - bombarding female regattas until the carburetor- trout with X-rays - would be something you can't test in a enough to scare the hair off many wind tunnel-exploded. persons, according to the Univer- *t*. * sity of Washington Daily. Professors at Duke University For the files of the Atomic are puzzling over the problem of Energy Commission, they found extra-sensory perception, or men- that the number of misshapen tal telepathy. offspring increased tremendous- Willing Harvard scholars have ly among Rainbow trout after been asked to each, each night the parent fish were irradiated guess at the arrangement of through the body with X-rays. five different extra - sensory That may sound trivial-but symbols which are arranged in the heaviest dose was 2,500 roent- a pattern each day by Duke fac- gens, virtually nothing compared ulty men, according to the Har- to the initial flash of gamma rays vard Crimson. after an atom bomb explosion! The students figure out what *:*t*they think the formation is and ASTRONOMERS at Cornell are daily mail their answer to the getting a lesson in music from experimenters. the "Singing Stars," according to Although there is no yellow con- the Cornell Daily Sun. vertible, refrigerator, new-coat-of- Using a modified Army radar paint-for-your-house and a trip- antenna and a 22 megacycle re- to-Hawaii-for-two for anyone who ceiver, they can record on graph gets the answers correct, if enough paper, high-frequencies from dis- students can get the pattern any- tant points of energy. Even stars where near right regularly, they that cannot be seen with the most will either prove the intellectual powerful telescopes record faint, powers of Harvard men or put but tell-tale marks on the graph. Western Union out of buisiness. HUBERT HUMPHREY: New Minneapolis Mayor Is Onetinie Professor- MINNEAPOLIS-(J)-When he search for a candidate to replace was professor of political science President Truman. When the hunt at MacAlester College in St. Paul, failed he was practical politician Hubert Humphrey advised his stu- enough to go all out for Truman. dents: "Get into politics, regardless of Now that the election is over, party. Take an interest in your Humphrey says frankly that he local government. Get in and thinks his party is on the spot. pitch-don't just be jeering from "The next four years will be the sidelines." hectic," he says, "but a liberal I 9 H o h o a program such as was written into IN 1943 HE took his own ad- the Democratic platform must be vice and ran for mayor in Min- worked into the legislative pro- neapolis as a Democrat. He lost, gram. The party is now on the but two years later tried again spot for performance." and won. In 1947 he was reelected Born in Wallace, S.D., Hum- by the largest plurality ever given phrey holds a pharmacy degree a candidate for mayor. from the University of Denver and From that post-traditionally liberal arts degrees from the Uni- a political dead end-he has versities of Minnesota and Louis- vaulted to the United States iana. He is a member of Phi Beta Senate at the age of 37, defeat- Kappa, national scholastic so- ing Senator Joseph Ball, Repub- ciety. lican. Humphrey is most at home on - the platform. Some say he will _t foIs make a speech at the drop of aW hat-and drop the hat himself. ,. But as mayor of Minneapolis he " acted too. He first turned his at- tention to law enforcement. He is credited with cleaning up the city. He made a reputation as an arbi- trator in labor-management dis- putes. He is immensely popular with labor * * * - HE FOUND time too to serve as national vice chairman of Ameri- cans for Democratic Action. He was one of the leaders in the r tSm s a a i ,0 a -Q)KIr- o0.s , ® , . " ' NOVICE or EXPERT 0 " * You'll Be in Perfect Form With Winter Outdoor Togs from COLLEGE SHO0P . ;. tfA 0 n s x 4 l NOTICE Pre-Medical Students A CHART LISTING THE SUB- JECT REQUIREMENTS FOR AMA APPROVED MEDICAL SCHOOLS IS AVAILABLE TO YOU AGAIN THIS FALL . . . due to the suPr port of executives and students in 35 U.S. universities. It shows each school's require- ments and number of semester hrs. per subject recommended. IT. CAN GUIDE YOU IN CHOOSING PRE-MED SUBJECTS ... AND APPLYING TO MEDI- CAL SCHOOLS FOR WHICH YOU .HAVE A BETTER CHANCE OF ACCEPTANCE. Chart available on request by sending one dollar with your name and address to: RICE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES Dept. 3 5615 Woodlawn Ave., Chic. 37, III. AUDREY BUTTERY President of Delta Delta Delta ti "._: A...V Jantzen "Speedstar" Sweater thick, hand-knit style wool ski sweater with tri -color body stripes ... added tuck- in length. In green, red and gray; black, white and yellow. Sizes 34 to 40. 14.95 "Ski Banner" Jacket . . . by White Stag . . . Zipper Zelan- treated wind - breaker in al black, platinum or bold stripes. Sizes white with 10 to 20. 14.95 Serge Ski or green. 12.95 .White Stag Trousers in Wool navy Snow time . . . time to take to the outdoors w _ r es _ rw