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International Ruhr
W HILE THE U.S. complains about the
Russians setting up their own regime
in Eastern Europe, it looks like the Amer-
ican government is all set to back a revital-
ized German industrial machine-without
the support of the French.
This sounds very much like the action
of the Allies after the first World War,
when, after a few years of pseudo-con-
trol, Germany was allowed to go its own
happy way toward another war.
France has seen this once, and does not
want it to happen again. The fear of a
strong Germany is deeper in the French
consciousness than any fear of a possible
war with Russia.
The Germans were in Paris in 1870, in
the suburbs in 1914 and in control of the
capitol again in 1940. Understandably, the
French are getting tired of all these
tourists without passports.
But there are other reasons besides those
of the French, which are the result of fear.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
The plan for an internationalized Ruhr
would remove once and for all the German
war potential and would aid in the recon-
struction of Europe.
There can be no reconstruction of Eu-
rope without the steel of the Ruhr. Under
international control, steel would flow
from the biggest industrial area in Eu-
rope, to the needy countries on the basis
of need.
International control would be perfectly
complimentary to the Marshall Plan.
The crushing of the German cartels and
the de-nazification of the plant owners
would work far better under an impartial
international control than if the Germans
themselves were allowed to run their own
In our rush to build up a war poten-
tial against the threat of the Soviet, we
may be moving too quickly. We can not
afford to lose the support of the other
occupying powers-France, nor that of
neighboring countries like Belgium, Hol-
land and Luxembourg who also have felt
the threat of German militarism.
The split between the East and West must
not spread until it isolates the U.S. from
the European continent and returns us to
our status of the early 20's.
-Al Blumrosen,
Don McNeil.
^ I
C (lear Headedness
Bridge ...tthe police, related how he found his machine
and then said:
HE UNION'S second floor was pretty "Incidentally, I'm from The Daily, any-
hectic Wednesday night as the crowd thing going on tonight?"
watched the Hare Proportional Represen- "Yes, a bicycle was reported stolen and
tation System at work. now has been found by a bumble-headed
Comments flew fast and furious around University student."p
the drinking fountain: "Bloc voting brought "Thank you and goodnight," murmured
him in"; "I've got 75 votes from first plac- Scoop.
ers, but I'm expecting 200 on the second * ^*
count"; "If he had only campaigned in the
quad . . .
Then, just on the tail of "But why= didn't COMMENT of an elderly lady after the
you trade second place votes with him," a recent lecture by the Very Reverend
voice piped up: "If she had only finessed Dr. Hewlett Johnson, Dean of Canterbury:
the queen .. ." "Just what my Methodist minister has
It seems there was a bridge tournament been saying all the time'"
going on next door. s e i
Arise Ye Masses ...
Making the News,. ..
THE COMMUNISTS, it appears, have be-
OUR EAGER reporters seem more intent gun classroom infiltration.
on creating news rather than writing it. As .an indication thereof, we will men-
Witness the aspiring journalist who for- tion the continued absence of a philosophy
got he left his bicycle at the league and professor as the clock approached the quar-
reported to the police that it had been ter hour mark. At fifteen minutes after,
stolen. On the way home, he mentally re- rightists began to debate the pros and cons
traced his activities of the day, remem- of bolting in true democratic fashion.
bered he had walked to class from the A Local Avowed Communist then took the
league and of course on returning to the floor, denounced the "scabs," and called for
women's building found it sitting there as mass action.
he had left it. A revolution was achieved, and at sixteen
On reaching home, he promptly phoned after, the room was empty.
Straw to Grasp
Little Peeiliar
ED HURRIED through the crowded com-
muters' train, looking for a seat by the
window. Why it was important to have such
a seat he did not know, for he almost never
looked out. But it was one of the things
about being a commuter that you tried for
a seat by the window, a small personal
triumph in a mechanized world,
He didn't quite make it, because Martin.
reached out, grabbed his arm,. and pulled
him down into the empty space beside him-
"Hi, Martin," said Ed, to his old oppon-
ent. He was, as a matter of fact, rather
glad to see Martin. He had seen him
only once since the election, and so there
was still unfinished business between
Ed waited. He knew it would come up.
"Well, Ed," said Martin. "How do you feel,
since the election? Pretty cocky?"
"I feel all right," said Ed. "But I didn't
gethurt. The question is how do you feel?"
"As a matter of fact," said Martin, "I feel
rather peculiar about the whole thing."
Ed was struck by something odd in
Martin's voice. This wasn't just the rou-
tine needling he was used to from the
other man.
"How do you mean, you feel peculiar?"
he asked.
k 'k *
"Well," said Martin, "I don't really know
quite what I mean. But there's our little
town. It went for Truman. And yet no-
body in the town talked Truman to me, all
summer and fall. What were they doing all
that time, kidding me?"
"I don't get you," said Ed.
"Somebody piled up that vote for the
Democrats," said Martin. "Who was it?
The people who work for me? They never
said anything, and they laughed at all my
jokes about Truman. Or maybe it was
those storekeepers. They kept agreeing
with everything I said all during the
campaign. Then they must have gone out
and voted the other way"
"So what?" said Ed.
"It's peculiar, that's all," said Martin.
"It's like an underground. I don't under-
stand the town these days. It's as if there's
something strange loose in it. It doesn't
add up any more."
Ed waited for more of Martin's worry to
spill itself out, for he felt that it was a real
"You pick up the papers now," said
Martin, "and you read suddenly about a
big new plan for national health insur-
ance. We licked all that kind of stuff, in
fair debate, with Roosevelt, and here it
is, back again, fresh as paint. I tell you
its peculiar, Ed. It's as i, there's some
strange new disease come over everybody.
They smile with you, they seem to agree
with you, and when it comes to a show-
down they want all these crazy new
things. It's as if they hadn't heard a word
you'd said."
"I don't thing it's peculiar to want better
health services," said Ed mildly.
N A'
"It's deeper than that," said Martin om-
inously. "I don't feel as if I can talk to
them any more. I walk down the street,
and I know everybody's name, and I
thought I knew all about them. But that
Truman vote must have come from some-
where. It's a peculiar thing, Ed, when you
can't figure your own place, the place you
live in."
Ed felt there were several things he could
say, but he held them, waiting.
Then Martin said, laughing, laughing
rather loudly, protecting himself by mak-
ing it a joke: "Do you thing I'm the one
who's peculiar, Ed?"
(Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation)
Go Tolerance
A GREAT MANY Americans have been
priding themselves on their tolerance
... tolerance of the Negro, tolerance of the
Jew, tolerance of any minority.
Yet few of these same people have
ever stopped to realize just what tolerance
does mean. Webster has called it "The
disposition to allow beliefs."
Therefore, tolerance carries the unmis-
takeable connotation of condescension. And
certainly, condescension is no virtue.
It might be wise for some of us to forget
about tolerance. If we are truly demo-
cratic, there is no need for it. Why kid
otrselves? In reality, tolerance is little
better than intolerance.
The average college student has what
can be correctly termed a tolerant atti-
tude toward minorities. There are few
who actually shun the Negro. In fact,
thousands of students at this University
signed petitions protesting the refusal of
all but three local barber shops to serve
Negroes. The situation is, however, para-
doxical. For while they signed these peti-
tions, they were simultaneously barring
Negroes from membership in their fra-
ternities and sororities. This was toler-
Few of us have actually stopped to con-
sider just why we are tolerant. Admittedly,
WASHINGTON.-It is just possible that a
last desperate attempt to find a settle-
ment of the ever more threatening Berlin
crisis will be made by the Western powers.
What is being discussed is a proposal that
all four powers, including the Soviets, leave
Berlin, and that a neutral commission ap-
pointed by the United Nations be substi-
tuted as the governing authority.
It is by no means certain, or even likely,
that such a radical new approach to the
Berlin question will be adopted. Yet the
following facts are interesting. The idea
has been proposed to, and considered by,
French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman.
It has not been adopted as official French
policy, but it has been informally proposed
to top British officials by a ranking
French diplomat.
Moreover, policy makers of the State De-
partment have independently conceived and
considered the same idea as, at a maximum,
a way out of the Berlin impasse, and, at a
minimum, a method of seizing the initiative
in the Berlin crisis. And it can be stated on
excellent authority that certain influential
American policy makers enthusiastically fa-
vor some such move.
The reason for this rather frantic search
for a new approach to the Berlin crisis is
perfectly simple. Dr. Juan Bramuglia's com-
mittee of currency experts will no doubt now
go through the motions of trying to find an
agreed method of introducing the Soviet
mark into Berlin as a basis of settlement.
But an agreement on currency can no longer
form a basis of settlement. Indeed, the fact
might as well be faced that there is obvi-
ously no real possibility of any effective
four-power settlement at all.
A settlement, whether on currency or on
any other issue, clearly requires an agreed,
joint four-power control of the city, as
optimistically envisaged at Potsdam. Four-
power control of course broke down in all
but name a long time ago, because of end-
less Russian obstruction. The Russians
have now thrown away the last pretense
of four-power control by refusing to allow
Mhl~ ite, ve Seen 'These.~kr
B~ef ore 1Toc)
Letters to the Editor
In these circumstances, the temptation for
the Russians to renew their tactics of bully-
ing and intimidation would be all but irre-
sistible. Any manufactured incident could
be used as a pretext for again closing the
Berlin supply lines, which would have the
immediate result of starving the city into
submission. In short, the motive of the
French proposal is obviously to achieve what
the French have always wanted-a way to
retire from the Berlin impasse "with head
high," and without any loss of face.
On the other hand, if the plan were
offered, and rejected by Moscow, Soviet
policy would be left without a leg to stand
on. If the Russians agreed to the plan,
a simultaneous withdrawal from Austria
might also be arranged, thus solving an-
other, almost forgotten but extremely
acute problem. And the danger of a Rus-
sian attack on Berlin's independence
might be considerably reduced by Anglo-
Franco-American guarantees that any in-
vasion of Berlin or re-establishment of the
blockade would be regarded as a casus
There would always be doubt, nonethe-
less, whether these guarantees would be
lived up to. The new proposal, in truth, is a
measure of the pessimism of the Western
policy makers. Even two months ago, such
a plan would not have been seriously con-
sidered, either in Washington or London.
Now it is being seriously discussed because
there is no other way out of the Berlin
impasse except to continue the air lift in-
definitely or to send an ultimatum to Mos-
cow, with attendant heavy risk of immediate
In the end, continuation of the air lift
will probably be the course chosen. If it is
costly in money to us, its political cost to
the Soviet Union is almost incalculable. But
the fact will still remain that the best in-
formed, most responsible officials on both
sides of the Atlantic are intensely gloomy
about the world outlook.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
AT Tl 7 n . r .-7
(Continued from Page 2)
tra: Serge Koussevitzky, Conduc-
tor, will give the sixth concert in
the Choral Union Series Monday,
Dec. 6, 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
Dr. Koussevitzky has arranged
the following program for his Ann
Arbor concert:
Symphony for Strings-Honeg-
ger: Two "Gymnopedies"-Satie;
Scythian Suite, "Ala and Loh"--
Prokofieff; Syirpony No. 1 m C
minor -Brahms.
Phi Sigma Photographic Ex-
hibit of Biological Subjects. West
Gallery, Rackham Building. De-
cember 1 through 8. Special
showing of kodachrome slides Dec.
6, 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
Public invited.
Museum of Art: America-the
Index of American Design, and
Ancient Peruvian Textiles, Alumni
Memorial Hall, through Dec. 28;
weekdays 9-5, Sundays 2-5 p.m.
The public is invited.
Events Today
Delta Sigma Pi, Professional
Business Fraternity: Formal Initi-
ation, 1 p.m., Michigan Union.
The Inter-Guild Council will
meet at 2:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Some
members of the United World Fed-
eralists will be present to explain
their plan for world organization.
The Gilbert and Sullivan So-
ciety will hold full dress rehearsals
for all chorus members and prin-
cipals at 7:15 p.m., Sun., Dec. 5,
and Mon., Dec. 6, Pattengill Au-
Evangelical and Reformed Stu-
dent Guild: Meet at the home of
Rev. Walter S. Press, 432 S. Fourth
Ave., 5:30 p.m. Cost Supper. A
Chinese student will speak on
'Christianity in China.'
Ann Arbor Friends: Church
meeting, 11 a.m.. Lane Hall.
Roger Williams Guild-dinner,
fellowship and program at Guild
House, 6:00 p.m. Rev. Loucks will
speak on "Our Baptist Heritage."
Michigan Christian Fellowship
presents Dr. Norton Sterett, Stu-
dent Foreign Mission Fellowship
of I.V.C.F., on the subject, "How
Shall They Hear," 4:30 p.m., Lane
Hall Basement. Refreshments.
Westminster Guild: Meet for
supper, 5:30 p.m. Exchange pro-
gram with Canterbury Guild.
Topic: 'The Episcopal Church."
Lutheran Student Association:
Meet at 5:30 p.m., Zion Lutheran
Parish Hall. Rev. Henry Yoder'
will speak on "The Church Calen-
dar." Choir Rehearsal, 4:30 p.m.
Unitarian Student Group: Meet
at 6:30 p.m., Unitarian Church.
Speaker: Prof. George Kish on the
subject, "Behind the Iron Cur-
Wesleyan Guild: Supper, 5:30
p.m., followed by movie on Casta-
near Project in Puerto Rico with
Howard and Jo Wolf as guest
speakers. Boxes for overseas will
be packed following the meeting.
Congregational-Disciples Guild:
Meet for 6 p.m. supper at Memo-
rial Christian Church instead of
Congregational Church. "Hail the
King," a dramatic production
written and produced by the Guild,
will be presented.
Art Cinema League presents
"Forrebique" and "Paris on the
Seine," 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
Proceeds to Hillel Foundation.
U.W.F.: Informal discussion
group in the Rehearsal Room,
Michigan League, Sun., 7:30 p.m.
Everybody welcome.
Coming Events
Tryouts for the Annual French
Play: 3-5:15 p.m., Tues., and
Thn's., of this week, Rm. 408,
Romance Language Bldg. Any stu-
dent with some knowledge of the
French language may try out.
Sociedad Hispanica: Social
hour, 4 to 5 p.m., Mon., Dec. 6, In-
tenational Center.
Graduate History Club Coffee
Hour: 4-5 p.m., Mon., Dec. 6,
Clements Library. All faculty and
graduate students cordially in-
Club 730: Members will meet at
7 p.m., December 6, in the club-
rooms at 730 Haven St. The pri-
mary business will be discussing
our return to Vaughan House next
The World Federalists Execu-
tive Council meeting, 4:15 p.m.,
Mon., Michigan Union. Written
commlittee reports requested.
Meeting open to general member-
Student Peace Fellowship, 7:30
p.m., Mon., Lane Hall.
Easy Chair Group meets at 7:30
p.m., Mon., Lane Hall.
Hiawatha Club: Meeting at the
League, 7:30 p.m., Mon., Dec. 6.
All Upper Peninsula students are
urged to attend.
Sociedad HIispanica: Dios se lo
pague," a Mexican film starring
Arturo de Cordova, will be pre-
sented at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre on Mon., and Tues., Dec.
6 and 7, 8:30 p.m. Members pay
tax only on presentation of mem-
bership cards at the box office.
University of Michigan Dames
Bowling Group meets the first and
third Monday each month. Mrs.
Robert Love of Pittsfield, Phone
25-8071 is Chairman. The group
meets at 7:45 p.m., Womens' Ath-
letic Bldg. The next meeting is on
Dec. 6.
Michigan Actuarial Club will
hold a meeting in Rm. 35 Angell
Hall, 3:15 p.m., Tues., Dec. 7. Mov-
ing pictures will be shown. All in-
terested are cordially invited.
Pershing Rifles: Meeting, not in
uniform, 7 p.m., Tues., Dec. 7,
R.O.T.C. Rifle Range. Pledges may
draw uniforms now. All fees must
be paid.
Coed Folk and Square Dancing
will meet at 7:15 p.m., Tues., Dec.
7, W.A. Bldg. All those in the
Christmas program should attend.
Science Research Club: The De-
cember meeting will be held in the
Rackham Amphitheatre; 7:30 p.m.
on Tues., Dec. 7. Program: "The
Internal Structure of Granitic
Pegmatites," E. William Heinrich,
Department of Mineralogy; "Re-
The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tions letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. Te
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* s *
Only Pity
To the Editor:
I can feel nothing but pity
for a confused, frustrated indivi-
dual like yourself. Your letter
concerning the revival of school
spirit was misleading and irra-
tional and your sarcasm was mis-
directed and definitely not funny.
-Diek Fleischman.
To the Editor:
YOUR ARTICLE on the Cook
Lctures in one of last week's
issues states: "Pragmatism, as
voiced by William James and
John Dewey is 'Distinctly Amer-
ican; Prof. Perry asserted, in con-
trast to earlier philosophies-Pur-
itanism, transcendentalism, post-
,Kantian idealism." The impres-
sion from this selected quotation
would be that Puritanism is not
American in character. Actually,
Prof. Perry simply was referring
to origins and as such Puritan-
ism, transcendentalism and post-
Kantian idealism were of course
European in their inception in
contrast to American born Prag-
matism. Prof. Perry's book Puri-
tanism and Democracy echoes V.
L. Parrington's statement that
"the two most characteristic
qualities of the American temper
are Puritanism and optimism."
-inley Hooper.
Lust Straw
To the Editor:
about League's decreasing ca-
pacity of generosity: the prefer-
ential semi-permeability of the
second as well as the change of
the site and 'quality of the paper
napkin in the cafeteria.
Are both temporary or some-
thing else will happen next?
-Bacon Ke.
What Value
To the Editor:
IF THE THURSDAY night meet-
ing of the AVC is typical of
the dissension that exists within
the group on the local and na-
tional levels, then of what value
is such an organization to the
veteran? How can prospective
members, after sitting in on such
a farce, feel that their interests
and problems will have unified
backing when there are several
factions in the group that are
discordant and inconsistent in
their aims?
To the outside visitors who sat
in on the evening, the affair
'proved to be an amusing comedy.
On the one side, the players took
their cue from J. Parnell Thomas.
On the other side, as one of the
members remarked, dictatorial
methods of the present Czecho-
slovakian regime were used to
conduct the procedure. If there
were any members present who
had a contribution to make to-
ward the good of the organiza-
tion, they were lost in the ex-
treme parliamentary bickering
that the two major factions en-
gaged in to obstruct the prog-
ress of each other and of the
meeting. Is it a wonder why the
national membership of AVC has
cent Advances in North American
Archeology," Albert C. Spaulding,
Museum of Anthropology; Initia-
tion of new members.
I.Z.F.A. Study Group 7:45 p.m.,
Tues., Dec. 7, Michigan Union, Rm.
University of Michigan Dames
Handicraft Group will meet at the
home of Mrs. Harry Geitgey, 2010,
Frieze St., Dec. 7, 8 p.m. Project
for the evening will be Norwegian
weaving on huck .toweling. Assist-
ing hostesses will be Mrs. C. V.
Carter, Mrs. William Felts, and
Mrs. Warren Pi'itchard. Transpor-
tation chairman is Mrs. H. R. Se-
crest, Phone 2-3810.
Are Cinema League presents
"Que Dios Se 1o Pague," 8:30 p.m.,
Tues., and Wed., Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre. Proceeds to Socie-
dad Hispanica. All seats reserved,
phone 6300.
tumbled down so terrifically in
the last three years?
There are still many veterans
who desire to affiliate themselves
with an organization that is one
in purpose, that has a coherent,
constructive, and consistent pol-
icy. AVC's local chapter is doing
a splendid job of instilling hesi-
tation, doubt, and complete ne-
gation of veterans organizations
in the minds of possible members.
Keep up the good work!
-Stephen M. Velkoff.
A sham ed
To the Editor:
F JEFFERSON, Lincoln, and
Holmes were alive today they
would be ashamed. They would be
ashamed of the direction that
American political thought is tak-
ing, away from the principles for
which they fought courageously.
They would be ashamed of the
trial of the twelve Communists
--an outright attack on the
American ideal of free speech and
The twelve Communists are not
charged (as many would believe)
with any overt act to overthrow
the government. They are not be-
ing indicted on the possibility
that they are even conspiring to
overthrow the government.'The
charge against them is merely
that they have organized a polit-
ical party that believes in the
theories of Marxism-Leninism.
What is really on trial then is
the right to hold a certain idea.
If the communists are convict-
ed, free speech and unimpaired
thought will be convicted with
them. Freedom of thought and
speech assumes the right to hold
any idea no matter how contrary
it is to the principles underlying
our government. In fact, what is
freedom of speech when it means
that you can only talk for some-
thing and not against it? Its real
test is when it canhold up iii the
face of an overwhelming majority
There are those, however, who
would say that sometimes free
speech and thought have to be
limited because certain ideas that
are expressed are dangerous. They
are afraid that the "gullible"
American mind will succumb to
demagogues with lofty promises.
Suchipeople are not democrats.
A basic assumption of democracy
is the ability of the people to
choose what form of government
they want and need. A limiting
of free speech and thought, no
matter how small, denies this
With the conviction of the
Communists the American belief
in free speech and thought would
be lost. The trial is aimed at more
than the Communists. It is aimed
at our democratic way of life.
Americanism, not Communism, is
in the prisoner's box.
-Joe Savin
And Others.
Fifty-Ninth Year
- -N
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control od
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor
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Allegra Pasqualetti ....Associate Editor
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Swami! Mr. Merrie disappeared! POUF--
No! It's stilltin the brazier! Wait; oc-
Wait, Gus! can find a rational explanation-