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December 05, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-12-05

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Latest Deadline in the State





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Quake Rocks
Coast Areas
Of California
Severe Shocks
Felt in 29 Palms
LOS ANGELES-(P)-A rolling
quake, centering in isolated hills
a hundred miles east of here, dam-
aged windows and sent hundreds
of persons rusing into the streets
yesterday but there were no re-
ports of death or serious injuries.
In the San Bernardino Moun-
tains north of Banning, it caused
landslides and broke chunks of
pavement on a road leading to the
Morongo Indian Reservation.
* * *
IN THE WINTER resort town of
Palm Springs, some 20 miles to
the south, police said the rear end
of a furniture store collapsed, plate
glass windows were broken, and
slate slid off a roof.
Other cities in the general area
Twenty-Nine Palms and Indio,
among them, reported severe
shocks and much consternation.
In Indio the police desk sergeant
released his, prisoners into the
jailyard, a liquor store reported
heavy damage as stocks tumbled
to the floor, and merchandise
bounced off shelves. A bank
vault was sprung in Twenty-
Nine Palms.
Seismologists reported the quake
about equal in severity to one in
April, 1947, which also centered
in a remote resert area northeast
of here. Only the isolated nature
of the country, said the experts,
prevented serious damage and pos-
sible loss of life.
* * *
THE TREMOR was felt in a
band extending from Santa Bar-
bara and Fresno on the north to
San Diego and El Centro on the
sAith, and east to the Colorado
There were reports of plaster
cracks, broken dishes and
stopped clocks in Los Angeles.
In Arlington, windows were
broken and a paint store messed
up when stock fell to the floor.
Windows were broken in the
building of the Ontario Daily
Report. A telephone operator
fainted in Los Angeles and a
shopper fainted in a Riverside
department store.
In quake-conscious Long Beach,
where Southern California's last
quake of disaster status occurred
16 years ago, residents reported
hearing a rumble preceding the
rocking tremor.
* * *
RED CROSS disastor units were
alerted throughout the metropoli-
tan area and officials said it
turned into an excellent test, al-
though none were needed.
At California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, Dr.
Charles F. Richter times the
quake's official onset at 6:43
(EST. lie said its magnitude
was 6% on a seismoiogical
scale which rates the world's
most severe quakes at 81. The
disastrous Long Beach quake of
1933 was 6 /, but occurred in a
much more populous area.
The Cal Tech scientist put the
apparent center at 100 miles
southeast of Pasadena, roughly
between the desert cities of Indio
and Twenty-Nine Palms,
Scabbard and
Blade Initiates

F Company, Fourth Regiment,
of the National Society of Scab-
bard and Blade, initiated eight
University faculty men as associ-
ate members in a recent ceremony.
The initiates include Dean.
Charles H. Peake, of the literary
college; Prof. Emerson W. Con-
lon, chairman of the aeronautical
engineering department; Prof.
Harry C. Carver, of the mathe-
matics department; and Prof. Karl
Litzenburg of the English depart-
The list concludes with Lt. Col.
Paul V. Kiehl, of the U. S. Army
,Medical Corps; Lt. Col. Lowell E.
McKelvey, of the U. S. Army Den-
tal Corps; CDR William R. Smith,
Jr., executive officer, NROTC;

Sight Suffers
In 'U'Buildings
Poor lighting facilities in more than.half of the University's class-
room buildings and libraries may be the major cause of your dete-
riorating vision or latest headache.
An extensive Daily survey, prompted by frequent complaints from
eye-sore students, has revealed amazingly low illumination in build-
ings used by thousands of students every day.
s . s s
THE MEDICAL READING room in the General Library and sev-
eral classrooms in East Hall tied for the dubious honor of having the
worst lighting facilities on campus.
Readings on the foot-candle meter used in the survey revealed
that each had illuminations of only five-foot candles in some
places where studying was done.
(Minimum illumination standards call for readings of between
-- 20 and 30 foot-candles for read-

Elder To Talk
On Education
For Workers
Following the disclosure that
the University's revised workers'
education program may be accept-
able to the unions, it was an-
nounced yesterday that Arthur
A. Elder, former director of the
Workers' Educational Service, will
speak at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in
the Union.
Sponsored by the campus chap-
ter of Americans for Demodratic
Action, he will discuss "The Scope
of Workers' Education."
*. *~ *
ELDER IS president of the
Michigan Federation of Teachers
(AFL), vice-president of the Na-
tional Federation of Teachers,
member of the board of directors
of the American Labor Educa-
tional Service and the executive
beard of the Workers' Educational
Workers' education, which
started more than 25 years ago
at Bryn Mawr College, has been
constantly expanding until to-
day programs are supported by
some 75 colleges and universi-
ties throughout the nation.
More than 200,000 workers have
availed themselves of the Univer-
sity workers' education program's
service since its inception four
years ago.
ELDER WAS removed from his
position as director a month and
a half ago when reorganization of
the program was voted by the
Board of Regents.
World News
By The Associated Press
- BERLIN-Nearly 2,000,000 Ger-
mans, blockaded 100 miles behind
the iron curtain, were urged to
vote "for freedom and against
Communism" in city elections.
What ordinarily would be a local
contest between rival political par-
ties has been magnified by the
East-West struggle into a giant
straw in the wind indicating which
conqueror the Germans prefer.
* *.*
BERLIN-United States Air
Force headquarters has an-
nounced an American C-54 air-
lift plane crashed at Fasberg
in the British zone of Germany,
killing all three crewmen.
CAIRO, Egypt - Rioting stu-
dents shooting Palestine and anti-
government slogans killed police
ch ief Slim Zaki Pasha with a
Police sources said three other
policemen were killed and 18
wounded, in the battle at Fuadi
University Medical School. Two
hundred fifty-nine students, most
of them injured, were arrested.
Un-American Activities Com-
mittee said an estimated 800
Moscow - trained American
Communists are "high officers
of a secret army now being
drilled to overthrow our govern-
w -.t
SNANKING-Official attention

* * *
East Hall readings were taken in
the middle of the day with all
lights in the room turned on-a
sad commentary on unwashed
windows and weak lights.
Other locations with inade-
quate lighting v - Angell Hall,
where illumina . in some of
the classrooms varied from six
to 11 foot-candles during broad
daylight; Haven Hall, with six
to nine; the Economics Bldg.,
with six to eight; and West En-
gineering with six to 10.
The General Library, where all
readings were taken at night, had
only one room with suitable light-
ing-the main reading room on
the second floor, where fluorescent
lighting has been installed.
Classrooms with the best il-
lumination were found in the East
Engineering addition and in the
new Business Administration
Bldg., where foot-candle readings
varied from 30 to 50.
IHoly Land PFlan
Approved By
UN Commattee
PARIS-(A)-A mangled Brit-
ish-American plan for a Palestine
conciliation commission was ap-
proved today by the United Na-
tions Political Committee but
final UN assembly approval was
The vote in the 58-member
committee was 25 to 21 for the
drastically amended resolution or-
iginally introduced by Britain
and supported by the United
States. Nine countries abstained
and three were absent.
* * *
ONLY A SIMPLE majority was
required for committee approval,
but a two-thirds majority of those
present and voting is necessary in
the assembly, where the same 58
nations are represented.
The Soviet bloc, with 6 votes,
was part of the 21-nation mi-
nority which voted against the
final draft. This group, includ-
ing the Arab bloc, is in a posi-
tion to kill the Commission pro-!
posal when the resolution comes
up in the Assembly early next
One of Russia's main objections
was to the arrangements for
setting up the three-nation con-
ciliation commission.
THE ARABS said one of their
reasons for opposing the resolu-
tion is because it mentions the
1947 partition plan. They said
they are opposed to any plan
which even indirectly refers to the
partition of Palestine and recog-
nition of Israel.

Explosion on
Kills 3,200
Refugees Die in
Mysterious Blast
SHANGHAI - (P) - More than
3,200 Chinese were estimated dead
or missing last night in the ex-
plosion of an overcrowded refugee
ship in the Yangtze estuary.
Lack of passenger records made
possible only the roughest figures.
The exact toll never will be known.
EVEN approximate accuracy,
however, ranks the disaster as the
greatest in modern maritime his-
tory, including single-ship casu-
alties of major wars.
Estimates of those rescued
ranged from a low of 100 to a
high of 700.
The 2,000-ton steamer Kiangya
sailed from Shgnahai Friday for
Ninghsien, 200 miles down the
coast. It exploded about 10 p.m.
Friday and sank within an hour,
all available survivors agreed.
Cause of the explosion was not
known. Guesses ranged from Com-
munist sabotage to a floating
mine or possibly overtaxed boilers.
* * *
THE LOSS was not discovered
until Saturday morning, when a
passing coastal ship sighted the
funnel and a bit of wrecked super-
structure protruding above the
shallow water.
Six Chinese tugs and former
landing craft still searched the
scene 30 miles northeast of
Shanghai tonight.
It was considered unlikely that
they would find additional surviv-
ors after more than 24 hours in
the chill, wind-lashed waters.
Merchant Steam Navigation om-
pany which operated the ship said
its top capacity was supposed to
be 1.186 persons.
They estimated that actually
it had carried as many as 4,250,
half of whom had boarded with-
out tickets.
Officials said that on many re-
cent trips since the Communist
invasion scare began, more than
4,000 persons had clambered
They conservatively estimated
3,000 missing plus 200 bodies re-
covered. _
Greek Leader
Resumes Rule
Directs Goverinent
From Hospital Bed
ATHENS - ) - Themistokles
Sophoulis, 88, has resumed work
di1recting the Greek government
from his hospital bed.
The aged premier suffered two
heart attacks last week. Doctors
said he was beyond hope of re-
covery, but he rallied and now is
expected to recover fully.
Sopholulis told top Greek mili-
tary leaders today the govern-
ment's campaign against the
Communists in' the Peloponnesus
must get under way immediately.
He has been seeing government
leaders regularly for the past two
A French heart specialist who
flew to Athens to attend Sophoul-
is has returned to Paris. The
premier is expected to leave the

hospital as soon as inclement
weather clears.I

rasa gU L, A .vr ,-o
The drubbing the Wolverines
handed Michigan State last night
definitely establishes Michigan's
intentions to hang on to the Con-
ference title which they annexed k
last year.
* * *

Shek (right), wife of the generalissimo of China, leaves Walter
Reed hospital in Washington, D.C., with Mrs. George C. Marshall,
her hostess, after a conference with Secretary of State Marshall.
It was her second visit with the secretary at the hospital where
he is under observation following his recent return from Europe.
Mne. Chiang Makes Appeal
For $3Billion 'Resce' Aid

Team Impressive
In McCoy'sDebut
Harrison Leads Scoring with 14;
Morrill, Roberts Control Rebounds
Michigan blew the lid off the 1948-49 basketball season last night
as they bombarded a hapless Michigan State quintet 66-33 at Yost
Field House.
A near-capacity crowd watched the Wolverines run rings- around
the Spartans as they out shot, out hit and out did the East Lansing
squad, and made Coach Ernie McCoy's debut a booming success.
SORELY LACKING in a unified attack and totally unable to get
plays started the Spartans fell an easy victim to McCoy's crew.
This game was a far cry from
the , rough and tumble affair
held a year ago when Michigan
played against the Spartans at UnAnieican
E~t Lansin and Inst 52-48.

Chiang Kai-Shek is appealing
here for the United States to res-
cue China from Communism with
a program which would cost an
estimated $3,000,000,000 over the
next three years.
This presentation of China's
program comes from top Chinese
officials who would not permit di-
rect quotation.
THE PROGRAM covers four
points. It has been presented by
Chinese Ambassador Wellington
Koo to President Truman as well
as used by Mme. Chiang Kai-Shek
for her appeals here.
The Chinese first lady has
conferred twice now with Sec-
retary of State Marshall and
will call on President and Mrs.
Truman early next week.
Persons familiar with her ap-
proach to her mission ofobtain-
ing America~n aid report that she
is stressing (1)the need for great-
er understanding here of China's
plight, (2) the Chinese belief the#t
it is not yet too late to save the
situation, and (3) the contention
that the Chinese government of
her husband, Generalissimo Chi.-
ang Kai-Shek, is fighting not only
for itself but for the United States
and all other anti-Communist na-
* ~
HER PURPOSE is to obtain if
possible American action along
four lines:
1. An immediate declaration of
American support for Chiang
Kai-Shek's anti-Communist war.
The Chinese contend this would
reinspire their forces by provid-
ing assurance of American back-

I ing with the implicit promise
greater American aid.


2. A tremendous speed-up in
the delivery of military supplies
before action by Congress on
any new program. The State
Department reports that the
$125,000,000 of the present mili-
tary aid program is now almost
used up except for about $10,-
3. Sending to China a military
leader of great prominence to run
the supply services for the Chi-
nese army, extend and operate
military training and assume di-
rection of strategic planning.
4. Laying down a military and
eccnomic aid program for a pe-
riod of three years at a billion
dollars a year, including expenses
of the military mission.
Orchestra To
G e 0o-r
The Ann Arbor Civic Orchestra
will present its 118th public con-
cert at 3.45 p.m. today at Ann
Arbor High School.
Directed by Joseph E. Maddy,
professor of radio music instruc-
tion, the orchestra will feature
Genevieve Shanklin, '495M, as
violin soloist. Miss Shanklin, ac-
companied by the orchestra, will
play three movements from Lalo's
"Symphonic Espagnole."
Also included in the program
will be "Blue Danube Waltzes,"
by Johann Strauss, and selections
from "Yeoman of the Guard," by

THE GAME got off to a very
slow start with neither team be-
ing particularly effective or able
to work the ball ii to get a shot.
Bob Harrison, who led the
Wolverine scorers for the even-
ing with 14 points, offered his
solution to the problem by sink-
ing two long set shots from al-
most the center line.
Michigan moved out in front
8-2 in the first five minutes and
from then on it was merely a case
of Michigan ,sinking two to every
one that the Spartans managed
to dunk. At halftime the Maize
and Blue led 35-18.
* * *
ONE OF THE reasons the Spar-
tans couldn't match the Wolver-
ines' pace was Michigan's com-
plete control of the backboards.-
Hal "Lefty" Morrill and Capt. Bill
Roberts were outstanding on de-
fense. They consistently swept
clean both backboards, and this
was reflected in the shot statistics.
The Wolverines took 118
shots at the hoop and connect-
ed for 31 per cent, while the
Spartans loosed only 82 shots
and had 26 per cent complete.
Michigan's hopes looked dim as
the two teams took- to the floor.
Hal Morrill had tape extending
about a foot each way from his
left knee. Bill Roberts was trussed
up similarly on his right leg, and
Mack Suprunowicz had a sturdy
tape brace over his right shoulder
and chest.
Harrison and Morrill started at
guard, Roberts at center, and
Boyd McCaslin and Suprunowicz
at forward. Pete Elliott, Bill Mi-
kulich, Leo Vander Kuy, and Irv
Wisniewski saw action in the first
ray, Bill Doyle, and Bob Olson
were sent in to play midway in
the second half and finished the
game for the Wolverines.
An encouraging note for
See 'M' CAGERS, Page 2
Over the Top!
Galens went over the top on
its annual Christmas Drive to
support the Children's Work-
shop at University Hospital.
With a goal of $5,000, the
honorary medical society col-
lected $5,463, Howard Manz,
'49M, chairman of the drive

Group Claims
Spy Evidence
louse Un-American Activities
ommittee said today it has evi-
fence singling out the person who
assed on the government secrets
which were found in a hollow
>umpkin on a Maryland farm.
The evidence will be presented
when the committee reopens its
nvestigation of an alleged pre-
war Communist spy ring operat-
ng in Washington. The hearings
ire to begin at 2 p.m. Tuesday.
3ommittee's chief investigator,
nnounced the hearings after a
telephone conversation with Rep.
Mundt (Rep., S.D.) in South Da-
It was Stripling, too, who said
the evidence is available to put
the finger on the person who
turned over the microfilmed
documents which were found In
the pumpkin at the farm house
of Whittaker Chambers, an ad-
mitted former Communist cour-
Stripling said Chambers will be
one of the witnesses at the hear-
ings. Subpoenas have been issued
for the appearance of an unspeci-
fied number of other witnesses,
ncluding handwriting experts and
other technicians.
*' * *
STRIPLING made it clear that
the No. 1 aim of the committee
would be to present evidence
showing who gave the secrets to
Chambers, who said he quit the
Reds in 1938.
"The purpose is to bring to a
conclusion the hearings the com-
mittee has had in progress 'sev-
eral months on the Hiss-Cham-
bers matters," he said.
* * * -
Mundt Tinks
Russians Got
Secret Facts
MADISON, S.D.-(P)-Rep. Karl
E. Mundt (Rep., S.D.) said last
night he felt certain that Com-
munist agents got "all ormost
of" the secret information on mic-
rofilms turned up at the Mary-
land farm of Whittaker Cham-
"After all, Chambers admits he
was on the Communist payroll at
the time," Mundt declared at his
home here. "And he wasn't draw-
ing his pay for gathering pumpkin
'f *
finding of the films in a pumpkin
with the cap cut out but reset.
Chambers deniedany of the In-
formation had reached Commu-
nist hands.
Mundt, acting chairman of
the House Un-American Activ-
ities Committee, said the first
target at the committee meet-
ing Tuesday in Washington
would be "finding out just how
far this secret data went" after
it was remo'ed from state de-
partment files.
"Then we want to know where
and who this purveyor of the na-
tion's secrets is, and then how he
got them out of the files," Mundt

Koussevitzky To Lead Boston Symphony Here

Serge Koussevitzky will make his
last appearance here as director
of the Boston Symphony when he
leads the orchestra at 8:30 p.m.
tomorrow in Hill Auditorium,
Every audience during this last,
tour of Koussevitzky's has given
the conductor a rising ovation up-
on his entrance into the audito-

ger's String Symphony; "Two
Gymnopedies" by Satie, orches-
trated by Debussy; and Scythian
Suite, "Ala and Lolli," Op. 20 by
After the intermission, the
orchestra will play "Brahams'
Symphony No. I in C minor,
Koussevitzky is considered the
mboirnment of his theory that a

is this dream come alive. Kous-
sevitzky has directed the Music
Center for the past eight years. '
The trustees of the Boston
Symphony have called Koussevitz-
ky's 25 years with the orchestra
"the most brilliant leadership and
the most devoted service which
the orchestra has ever enjoyed
frm. ,n- - dv ,,

can institution, thoroughly iden-
tifying himself with the United
States of which he is now a citizen.
In addition to marking his
25th year leading the orchestra,
tomorrow's concert will make
the 18th consecutive annual ap-
pearance in Ann Arbor for the
. -- _- i, fit'


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