PA' uuM THE iMCHIGAN DAILY mmity, svpmmm N twg-, -I I j The City Editor's_ SCRATCH PAD SEE THE LOCAL Communists and their friends are up to their old tricks of trying to capture a progressive organization and use, it for their own ends. This time they have openly invaded the campus chapter of the Americans Veterans Committee under the leadership of local commie-about-town Ed Shaffer. Avowed Communist Shaffer brought his bunch of cronies to pack the AVC meeting this week. They outvoted the rank and file mem- bership on every question and completely reversed the AVC's stand on local and na- tional issues. AVC officials were caught unawares~ by this typical example of Communist tactics at the meeting but have quickly taken steps to combat the Reds. An enviable record of service to the University, the students and the commun- ity has been compiled by the AVC in two short years. They have sponsored excellent lectures, social events, contributed $1,000 to the Community Chest and stimulated student interest in vital social and polit- ical questions. Communist control of the group would relegate this excellent program to a back seat. The AVC-under the heel of Shaffer and his friends-would be nothing more than a vehicle for Communist propaganda. Its outstanding past record forgotten, the campus AVC chapter would soon be shunned by fair-minded veterans if it fell under complete control of the Communists. AVC Chairman Dave Babson has issued a plea for all current members of the group to attend the next meeting of the group in two weeks. He also has urged any interested non-member veterans to join the group. A good turnout will enable the officers to win their battle to restore the AVC to the status of a representative body of Uni- versity veterans. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: GEORGE WALKER Plan for Utopia "How Did Atomic Energy Information Leak Out To The Damn Scientists In The First Place?" Current Movies A MAN WITH an idea but no plan, repre-. senting a party with a similar program, left us thoroughly confused about the plat- form of the Progressive Party. The idea, as Senator Glen Taylor put it yesterday, is to achieve peace with Russia and prosperity and utopia for America. The plan, the method by which this undoubtedly desirable peace, prosperity and utopia are to be achieved, did not I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: L ke Home By SAMUEL GRAFTON THEY WALKED into the park as if they knew the way very well. "How do you guess?" asked the young woman. "Is it ours tonight or isn't it?" "It'll be ours," said the young man. "It's cold tonight." He shifted a portable radio from one hand to the other. They turned a bend, and stopped before a bench in no way different from the others in the row.. "Our Bench," said the young woman. They sat down. "We'll have to stop doing this soon," said the young man. "The evenings are getting' cold." The young man switched on the radio, and drew down some high music, which sounded as if it were being strained through a piece of tinfoil. "It'll be real cozy in your mother's liv- ing .room this winter," said the young man. "Spending the evenings with the five of them, and then pulling in the cots to sleep at night." "Well, we have all this," said the young man. He pointed to the water fountain oppo- site. "There's our plumbing." "Don't forget our furniture," said the young woman. She patted the side of the park bench. "Country Chippendale." "We really shouldn't have our ten sofas all in a row," said the young man. "It seems lacking in imagination." "But we have so much space," said the young woman. "Somehow a voice, without their notic- ing it, had replaced the thin high music on the radio. It said something about working in unity with Congress. "Say, it's Dewey," said the young man. "Nice to have a radio in our living room," said the young woman. They leaned against each other and listened. "We do not have enough good homes for our people," said the radio voice solemnly. "I'll bet he's exaggerating," said the young man. "How's he going, to get new homes by working with Congress, when Congress doesn't want to spend any money for new homes," asked the young woman. Suddenly the young man sat upright. "I know what he's doing," he said. "He's doing what we're doing." "How do you mean?" "We're making believe this is our home, and he's persuaded himself that he and Congress will get us a home. It's our game, don't you see?" The young man laughed. "Country Chippendale. It's the same home, with the same high ceiling." The young woman said nothing. Another young couple came walking down the path. "It's the Smiths," said the young man. "Been our neighbors all summer." "Oh, come on in," said the young man. "Come in and warm yourself at the radio." (Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation) Ten Years Past "THIS IS ABSOLUTELY my last territor- ial claim-but from it I will never re- cede." So spoke Adolph Hitler of Czechoslovakia just 10 years ago. Shortly afterwards: Munich, and the world began a dismal cavalcade of ap- peasement on a treadmill that led around and around and eventually to war. How did the world get started on this treadmill that today promises to lead us to capitulation in Berlin and war with an aggressive Russia? The Allies simply became so warped at maintaining 'peace at any price' that they submitted a brother nation to peaceful rav- aging. The agreement made at Munich was even celebrated in most European capitals- except in Prague where the people gloomily and philosophically accepted their lot as guinea pigs in a phony-peace plan. Hitler,- of course, maintained that the provinces being chopped from Czechoslo- vakia, were "predominantly German." Now, today, the British, American and French are called "Outsiders" in Berlinraffairs by the, Russians. Hitler was only trying to. bring under the rule of the Fatherland those peo- ple that rightfully belonged under it. Today, Russia claims Berlin is "part of the Eastern portion of Germany and belongs with that area under Russian control." There is little else about Munich that is important. The vital facts are those after Munich - more weary steps on the treadmill, more demands, more conces- sions, and finally war. If we are to avoid a third world war, we must stay off the treadmill that started at Munich. Steps must be taken to prove to Russia exist, or was too obscurely presentNd by the Senator. On Henry Wallace's election to the White House, the Senator beives that Russia would immediately drop her belligerent attitude and concentrate in peaceful objectives at home. What the Progressive President would do if Russia did NOT follow the pattern out- lined was not even considered by the Sen- ator. * * * WHILE THE EARLY arugments of the Progressives had their points when they condemned the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan as having war potentialities, more recent events, revealing the Progressive defense of almost all of Russia's actions, show that their constructive criticism of our foreign policy has degenerated into support of Russian imperialism. This tendency was clearly shown by Senator Taylor's explanation of the recent events in Czechoslovakia~. First, he said that "Commnunists" had taken over the country but that there were no Russians around. When questioned further, he ad- mitted that Czechoslovakia is, "under Rus- sian domination." The Senator's attitude on the rest of our foreign policy was simply that Wall Street, in the persons of Dulles, Forrestal and Dra- per, would dominate, whether Truman or Dewey were elected. * * * THE PROGRESSIVES would take all, or as the Senator said, some of the money that the Wall Streeters are spending on armaments and use it for a grand elabora- tion on Herb Hoover's Chicken In Every Pot: The Wallaceites want $100 pensions, hous- ing, roads, education and dams all over' the place. This beautiful picture will spring into focus, not because of the Progressives' hard work, but simply by the election of Henry Wallace and the subsequent return of Russia to her cave. -Al Blumrosen.. -Don McNeil. AQ M~ ' 71.. 1 .,emu ;:.., t , A A_ erg. 1 [ f ,r JJ .r+ _ _ a i - " i t i I i i 1 The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste' will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters, * * * Jck Rbbit To the Editor: ATT MR. MURRAY GRANT.: "Between the two" they no doubt can ;physically fit the shoes of the Jack Rabbit. But for pure football finesse, sheer excellence, and polished prestidigitation none could ever fill the shoes of Jack Weisenburger. In addition, Jack's 6.76 yardjs per try of last year was certainly a munificent effort and deserved my All-America nomina- tion. -Robert S. Gamble. More Knowledge To the Editor: DETAILS about courses can be helpful, but what course (if any) can be better than its in- structor (or prof.)? Why can't we spring about ten steps ahead and evaluate our teachers? Of course as objectively as possible - and then have this additional informa- tion available to all students-It is conceivable and possible isn't it? i Tst3 acK. 6+948 '*'4E ..IAS t ln v+w PotT ro. MATTER OF FACT: CINEMA' ie I '# .t the State... "THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD" with Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland. E ITHER MY TASTE for rollicking adven- ture has become somewhat jaded with the years, or else this Warner Brothers re- release isn't quite as good as my child's mind once figured it to be. Although the stomp-and-whistle crowd was apparently entranced as Robin and his Merry Men went through their well-worn paces, the picture impressed this reviewer as being a paradoxical combination of ac- tion-and tedium. Agile Errol is kept busy throughout, swinging from trees, shooting a seemingly unlimited supply of arrows and, naturally, falling at intervals into hasty embraces with the lovely Olivia. She is a tower of goodness and virtue unhappily cast among the troup of rats occupying Nottingham Castle during the absence of the Good King Richard. Nonetheless, the picture definitely retains some appeal even for those screen addicts who have become more sophisticated since they first saw it-not to mention for red- blooded lovers of high adventure. The old legend comes violently to life in lushly technicolored Sherwood Forest. Basil Rath- bone is terribly nasty, the sword duels are frequent and fierce, and the whole gaudy spectacle leaves one exhausted, but fairly satisfied that he has gotten his four-bit's worth. -Bob White. ** * 'At the Michigan.. . ANNA KARENINA, with Vivien Leigh and Ralph Richardson. MAYBE HIGH expectations is the natural forerunner of disappointment, but Anna Karenina is a movie one attends all primed for great things and comes away from- feeling that somebody watered the punch. The general idea is there, and the charac- ters all have the right names and costumes and take trains to and from the proper cities,! but there the similarity between the screen version and Tolstoy's great classic ends. The pathos and dramatic conviction of the book has become so lost in the shuffle that one is tempted to ask just what all the fuss is about. For Vivien Leigh, although a lovely young lady, is a stilted Anna, whose renunciation of the world for love seldom gets beyond a picture of a vacillating female who wants to have her cake and eat it too. r e At Hill Auditorium .. . "PANIC," Viviane Romance, Michel Si- mon, Paul Bernard. HERE IS AN effort of the Frenchmen that turns out to be very good, if not better. "Panic" has the quality of startling you into the realization that there is still such a thing as a good movie, the reasons being: 1. The plot gets under way the instant the picture htas-6lIfe' is no introductory scenery or slow mental build-up. 2. The sets and backgrounds are not con- structed of cardboard on studio sound stages, but are obviously the real thing. 3. The dialogue is precise and clipped- there are no lengthy speeches-yet the pic- ture conveys a wealth of irony, pathos, and bitter humor. The story opens with a murder, and it is revealed early that Mr. Bernard is the assassin. Viviane Romance (could that possibly be her real name?) as his girl, does everything in her power to protect him from discovery. Together, they work on Mr. Simon, who plays an eccentric man divorced from all normal life, and by planting evidence in his room, the two make the townspeople think that Si- mon is the murderer. Events pile up until finally the entire village rises up against him, and there is a good five minutes of suspense that has been unequalled on this side of the blue for quite some time. Even when we thought it was finished, they pulled out a couple of trump cards. The film was well cast, except perhaps in the case of Miss Romance, who wasn't quite sure whether she was a good girl or other- wise. The only inadequacy was in the sub- titles, which had the bad habit of not being there at parts where we would very much have liked them. -Alex Lindsay. IT SO HA~jfPENS 0 Politics? And It Was... AN EVENING or so ago, the Associated Press appeared to be offering extra spe- cial service these days of campaign talks. A few hours after sending over a long story on Dewey's latest bit of oratory, which, ac- cording to press language was the "first night lead," the operator began to send over a second report of the speech. It was en- titled "second light lead." * * * Spatial Relations ... PEAKING , OF FRESHMEN, we were recently stopped by a worried young man who asked us if we knew where he en*d fndA &nralj. TTAL (We.avelyeon- Dewey and Berlint By STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-Prediction has never been riskier than in these grim times. Yet it requires no supernatural powers to foresee the most likely course of events' in the next six or eight weeks. Bar some sudden, unanticipated reversal of Soviet policy, the final Western approach to Moscow will lead to no settlement of the Berlin crisis. The issue will then be referred to the United Nations, meeting in Paris. The Western Allies will present their case, while Mr. Vish- insky shouts that the Soviets want nothing so much as a peace treaty for all Germany and the withdrawal of all troops. He will simultaneously reject all terms on which a peace treaty might be accepted by the Western powers. And the Soviet authorities in eastern Germany will continue to build up a German armed force for the seizure of power if the Western occupation forces are withdrawn. * * * * THIS MUCH seems predictable with reasonable certainty. But after that comes a great darkness. or what happens after the United Nations supports the West and Dewey is elected? Only one thing is clear. That is that Dewey is almost certain to be confronted, perhaps even before he is officially inaugurated, with a decision more crucial than any which has faced any newly elected President in our history. It is conceivable, to be sure, that with the end of the Amer- ican political campaign, the time of decision will at least be postponed. Last spring, before the Berlin blockade, an interesting assessment of future Soviet policy was made by the experts and submitted to the National Security Council. According to this assessment, Soviet foreign policy this summer and autumn would be based squarely on the assumption that the Presidenitial campaign in this country was certain largely to paralyze Amer- ican leadership in world affairs. The dominant faction in the Politburo, it was believed, had become convinced that the cam- paign presented the Soviet Union with the best possible oppor- tunity for seizing control of Berlin. The experts' assessment of Soviet policy seems to have been borne out by events. And this in turn suggests the hope that with the campaign over and a new Administration firmly in the saddle the Soviets will cautiously relax their pressure. They might suddenly revert to the same basis for settlement as that proposed by Stalin himself in Moscow at the end of August. * * * * YET THIS IS NO MORE than a hope, and a slim one into the bargain. The Soviet position in Berlin has been hardened by events and the bitter wrangling in Paris will harden it further. And if the blockade is not lifted, Dewey, and indeed the whole Western World in which he will become the most powerful single figure, will be face to face with the ultimate choice, which has been postponed for so long. This is whether to evacuate Berlin or to risk an immediate war. Although the French, who are on the firing line, are more hesi- tant, there is very little disposition either in Washington or Londor to yield to Soviet pressure. Contrary to the general impression, such sentiment as there is for evacuation in official Washington exist among a minority of the military. Any course other than evacuation runs this military argument, might lead to war and the West i not ready for war. Berlin is a militarily untenable position. Moreover, it is argued, the airlift puts in jeopardly the bulk of British an American air transport, since in case of war the transport plane committed to the airlift could be quickly destroyed by bombing, b parachutists or by fighter planes. This is a military view-held, it must be emphasized, only by a small minority of the military-and Berlin is essentially a polit- ical problem. And there is little doubt that Dewey and his advisers share the conviction of the Administration policy makers that a backdown in Berlin could lead in the end only to a back- down in Vienna and everywhere else, or to war. This in turn suggests that very soon after the election, Dewey, in concert with the British and French leaders, will have to find some way to lance the Berlin boil. The fact must be faced that there is no safe and easy way in, which the boil can be lanced. There has been talk of economic sanctions to bring peaceful counter-pressure on the Soviet Union. But preliminary studies indicate that such measures would be wholly ineffective, if only because the Soviet Union is already, by choice of its leaders, virtually isolated economically from the non-Soviet world. Thus it seems likely that after the election, Dewey will have to choose some direct and decisive course of action to convince the Politburo that we mean to stand upon our rights. Such action will obviously involve the risk of war. But the wisest heads, in Paris and London as in Washington, believe that firm action will not lead to war but to peace, just as firm action taken in time might have spared the world the agony of the last war. (Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) Letters to the Editor. (Informally if no other way-pre- ferably in black and white). -D. Nak. EDITOR'S NOTE: Eta Kappa Nu, an electrical engineering honor so- ciety, has taken one step in this direction by instituting a faculty evaluation program in the electrical engineering dept.) ROMANCE, says President Bryn J. Hovde of the New School for Social Research, is being squeezed to death because modern apartments are too small. He re- veals that he is naive. Why, love has never needed room for its blooming. It will feed on a glance across the street with- out ever a word's being spoken, as with Dante and Beatrice, or it will flame between a Tristan and Isolde in the prow of a tiny boat. It will sing its high poetry in the cramped quarters of Juliet's bal- cony, or go to its knees with ten- derness in the small garret of a Camille. MANKIND'S ingenuity has de- vised a score of schemes to try to stifle romance-schemes like Spain's duenna system, which de- nies all privacy. Still love peren- nially stubborn, insists on break- ing thrrough. President Hovde may know his sociology, but he underestimates the human heart. Thelove that laughs at locksmiths will laugh as well at lack of room. -St. Louis Star Times. Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1948 VOL. LIX, No. 4 Notices Time Change At 12:01 a.m., Sun., Sept. 26, the Uni- versity time system will be changed from Daylight Saving Time to Eastern Standard Time and University activi- ties will thereafter operate on Eastern Standard Time. Closing. hours for women students beginning Sat., Sept. 25, will be in ac- 2ordance with Eastern Standard Time. rhis meng that on Saturday night, Sept. 25, ,.the closing hour will be 12:30 a.m..Eastern Standard Time OR 1:30 '.m. Diylight Saving Time. Football game broadcast entertain- nents have been authorized for the ichigan State game on Sat., Sept. 25, between,2:30 and 5:30 p.m. for the fol- owing -house groups: Alpha Delta Phi, Delta Kappa Ep- ,ilon, Nu Sigma Nu, Psi Upsilon, Win- ;hell House. Approvedstudent sponsored social >vents for the coming week-end: sept. 24 Congregaational-Disciples Guild, Lu- :heran Student Association, Mosher Hall, Owen House, Phi Sigma Kappa. Sept. 25 Alpha Kappa Kappa, Beta Theta P1, Phi Rho Sigma, Theta Xi, Phi Chi Graduate students who plan to en- ter the Hopwood contests in therspring must be enrolled this semester in a writing course giving graduate credit either in the department of English Language and Literaturenor in the de- partment of Journalism. Sports Instruction for Women All vacancies available in the re- 4uired physical education classes for gomen will be open for election. Since these are limited, students should reg- tster immediately in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium. Women Students All students not required to take chysical education who wiuld like to ave some instruction in dancing, meet ?~riday, 2-3 p.m., Barbour Gymnasium: Academic Notices English 78: Prof. Boys' class (for- nerly Prof. Price's) starting Fri., Sept. :4, will meet in Rm. 3217 Angell Hall, instead of 406 Library. English 165 will meet in 2203 Angell c1aul Friday and thereafter. French 295, Students in French Lit- erature of the 19th and 20th Centuries, will meet Tuesday and Thursday, at 9 p.m., in Room 310 Romance Languages Bldg. The first meeting will be on Tues., Sept. 28. Speech 41, section 5, meeting at 2 p.m.,, 'Xll- meet in 4208 Angell Hall Friday of this week only. Events Today German Coffee Hour: 3-4:30 p.m., ri., Michigan League Coke Bar. Students and faculty members invited. Lutheran Student Association Party, 8:30 p.m., Zion Luestra~n Parish Hall. JDAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Roger Williams Guild treasure hunt: 8:30 p.m. Meet at the Guild House. Coming Events Alpha, Kappa Psi, professional busi- ness fraternity: Open house for pros- pective pledges, 2-4 p.m., Sun., Sept. 26, at the chapter house Graduate Outing Club: Meet for hik- ing, Sun., Sept. 26, 2:30 p.m., northwest entrance Rackham Bldg. Sign up at Rackham check desk before noon Sat- urday. All graduate students welcome. ROTC Rifle Team candidates report to the Rifle Range, Quartermaster Bldg. (on campus), 7 p.m. Mon., Sept. 27. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation: Sab- bath Evening Services, 7:45 p.m. Fire- side Discussion, 8:30 p.m. on "The Le- gend of Henry Ford." Social hour. Polonia Club: Open meeting, 7:30 p.m., Tues.., International Center. Dis- cussion of plans for a picnic after the Oregon game. Newrmembers urged to attend. Fifty-Ninth Year I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor Dick Maloy ...............City Editor Naomi Stern........Editorial Director Allegra Pasqualetti ....Associate Editor Arthur Higbee.......Associate Editor Harold Jackson......Associate Editor Murray Grant.......... Sports Editor Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed. Bev Bussey ......Sports Feature Writer Audrey Buttery......Women's Editor Business Staff Richard Hait.......Business Manager Jean Leonard .... Advertising Manager William Culman .....Finance Manager Cole Christian .... Circulation Manager Bess Hayes ..................Librarian Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor,Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member Associated Collegiate Press 1948-49 2; BARNABY / And there's a loudspeaker in all of the classrooms. So the Principal can talk to us. And a man was fixing it. See? Tss, tss! The wire of the mike-What an impractical inkwell! Get me something She went away and left us again- 1 know who it REALLY was i I