TIME FOR A CHANGE See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State 11a i4p FAIR, "VERY MILD VOL. LIX, No. 63 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DEC. 4, 1948 oi PRICE FIVE CENTS Chinese Reds Swing North At HwaiRiver Nationals Move South of Suchow NANKING - (P) - Communist columns on the Hwai River line 100 miles from Nanking swung back north to meet the threat of large Chinese government forces marching south from Suchow. THE GOVERNMENT'S Suchow garrison abandoned Suchow Dec. 1 and has moved possibly 40 miles south, confronted only by small Communist holding forces. This former Suchow garrison is in three army groups, the sec- ond, 13th and 16th, totalling about 250,000 men but estimat- ed to have 110,000 effective fighting troops. Its evident mission is to make contact with the government 12th army group of 100,000 men tightly encircled by an equal number of Communists 30 miles further southwest. SIXTY MILES southeast, the government sixth and eighth army groups of 80,000 men are holding a -salient north of the Hwa River line. Seven Communist columns under Gen. Chen Yi have been attacking the Hwai River sal- ient. To rescue the 12th army group, the former Suchow garrison faces the prospect of a 30-mile fighting advance, plus another 30 miles to reach the Hwait River salient. * 4 * WHEN AND WHERE the issue would be joined remained in doubt. Authoritative government military quarters meanwhile confirmed the abandonment of Suchow and its seizure by the Communists. Government quarters also dis- closed that Nanking's immediate defenses were being strengthened by ordering in some 35,000 troops from the Hankow area, 300 air miles Southwest of this capital. These reinforcements were de- scribed as now en route. * * * DESPITE repeated government vows to defend Nanking, the civil- ian populationi was steadily mov- ing to safer places. Travel of any sort was becoming increasingly dangerous, however. Reds Ejected From Berlin Election Rally Social Democrats Bounce Hecklers BERLIN -( -Fighting mad Social Democrats in West Berlin threw Communist invaders out of their election campaign rally and served defiant notice that they are "too tough" to bend under red dictatorship. The Communist hecklers, fol- lowing a week-long pattern, tried to break up one of the final ral- lies of the powerful social demo- cratic party and bumped into hard and willing fists. SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC party guards bounced a half dozen of the hecklers around. Then party physicians waiting at a specially- erected first aid station dressed the victims' cuts and bruises. Use of guards by various par- ties to protect their meetings from street fighters dates back to pre-1933 days when Nazi and Communist strong-arm gangs fought in Berlin streets. After order was restored tonght, Ernst Reuter, who is expected to be made mayor after next Sun- day's election, cried: * ~* *' "WE KNOW who our foe is but he does not know how tough we are." Reuter accused German Commu- nists of playing a Judas game: "They have sold out their own people for 30 pieces of silver." Then hie shouted: "The airlift is working day anh night, proof that the world will not desert us, We will hold out until that day when this power retreats which does not State Uni Cooperate ins May France Asks InternationalRuhr with UU On Labor Courses By DAVE THOMAS Labor will support the University's reorganized worker's educa- tion program if certain points are cleared up to labor's satisfaction, said William Kemsley, educational director of the state CIO, here last night. He and other labor leaders attended a meeting of the Worker's Educational Service advisory committee in Provost James P. Adams' office yesterday. ORGANIZED LABOR had previously declared that it would boycott the program unless it was restored exactly as it had functioned before its suspension last September. After the lengthy three-hour session the Council was reported to be agreed on the general scope of the revised program. The Council is made up of state labor leaders, University officials, and two private citizens. Courses to be offered will include collective bargaining, labor- management relations, time study, parliamentary procedure, general economics, labor law, industrial health and safety and other subjects designed to help the worker in his job and as a citizen, the Council said. M' **e Cagers Meet State n ev Big 9 Champs Open Season MinusElliott Morrill To Start Contest at Guard By ROG GOELZ The second of Michigan's de- fending champions will present its 1948 squad to the Wolverine faith- ful at 7:30 p.m. when coach Ernie McCoy sends his veteran cagers against the highly regarded Spar- tans of Michigan State. The announcement has a fa- miliar ring, for exactly three months ago the Wolverines were in the same situation. In September, the Big Nine football titlists sought first blood against the Spartans. Now the basketball champions are at- tempting the same thing. The cagers, like the Wolverine gridders, will be entering a stren- uous campaign under a first year 'head coach, McCoy, who is no newcomer, however, to the Michi- gan scene or to hardwood tactics. Like head football boss Bennie C Music Lot CINCINNATI-(P)-A tion Army band playi Old Rugged Cross" in a department store w~ denly fronted by a mx thrust a handful o money at the musician "I have always loved to Salvation Army ba explained, "because t their whole heart and their music." It was James C. head of the American tion of Musicians. Bdud getI By Servi Sqelh , x , , THIS ANNOUNCEMENT presumably quieted labor's fears that the new program would be a watered-down version with only general humane subjects being taught. Labor has insisted that any program which they would sup- port must contain principally courses which could be practically applied to their economic efforts. be of Kemsley expressed confidence that the controversial points can ironed out by January 15, the tentative date for the resumption the program. S * * 4 VICTOR REUTHER, educational director of the UAW-CIO, was also optimistic over the possibilities of a settlement of the debated questions. "Labor will support the program if the solution of the final details move in the direction started today," he said. Reuther had previously labeled the revised program as "com- pletely unacceptable." Provost Adams commended the cooperative spirit shown by the Advisory Council. "Genuine progress has been made," he declared. A number of helpful suggestions were made by the Council at this meeting, he said. "With this kind of cooperative effort, the program should be very beneficial and one in which all our people will take pride," he predicted. COMMUNIST AIRS CASE: Gates Asserts Attempt Made To Outlaw VParty CHRISTMAS IS FOR EVERYBODY--Children in University Hospital won't be done out of a holiday celebration if you help Galens' Christmas Drive today. Funds from thq drive pay for a Christmas party, and the Galens' Childrens' Workshop, a corner of which is pictured above. Equipment in the shop is used by the children under supervision in the construction of wooden, plastic, leather afnd cloth articles. * * * * DRIVE ENDS TODAY: eChildren at U' Hospital By BUDDY ARONSON The indictment of the 12 Amer- ican Communist leaders is aimed at outlawing the Communist Party in the U. S., declared John Gates, Daily Worker editor, in an inter- view yesterday with a Daily re- porter. Gates, one of the 12 Commu- nists awaiting federal trial in New York on Jan. 12, stopped off in Ann Arbor during his mid-western speaking tour, in which he is Pre- senting his case to labor unions and other organizations. * * * "WE ARE NOT accused of any acts, merely of ideas," said the softspoken veteran of the Spanish and Second World Wars. Citing the' two indictments against the group, Gates said the first, a collective indictment, "charges us only with conspir- ing to form a political party which advocates Marxism and Leninism.", "The individual indictment charges us with being members of a political party which advocates Marxism and Leninism," he said. "The accusation is upheld that we are guilty merely because we are members of the party, the ef- fect is to outlaw the Party, de- spite denials by those who favor the indictments, Gates empha- sized. 4 " * "THIS IS NOT law at all, but the absence of law," he charged. Asked what he thought the con- sequences of a conviction would be, Gates replied, "History shows that the supression of the Commu- nist Party has always led to the loss of democratic liberties.". Fascism, he said, has always beenathe inevitable result. Gates charged the government with two ulterior motives in in- dicting himself and his 11 as- sociates, including William Z. Foster, American Communist Party Chairman, and Carl Win- ter, chairman of the Michigan Communist Party. He said that the action was a vote-getting device, "Purposely in- troduced in July in the midst of the election campaign when Tru- Gates said that his solution to the cold war was for the U. S. to sit down and negotiate with Rus- sia, either in the United Nations or out of it. Hemisphere Defense Pact Takes Effect, WASHINGTON-(A')-A defense pact designed to muster the com- bined strength of the American republics against any aggressor went into force today. Secretary of State Marshall said the action "will be noted with interest far beyond the American continent." 4 * * THE AGREEMENT for collec- tive action in case of attack was drafted last year at Rio De Jan- eiro. It became effective today when Costa Rica gave the pact its necessary two-thirds depos- it of ratifications. She was 14th out of 21 nations to act. Costa Rica's ambassador, Mario Esquivel, signed the documents in a ceremony at the Pan American Union here. The Wolverine Club will pre- sent a halftime program of ef.- tertainment at the basketball game tonight, Don Greenfield, Publicity Director announced. Joe Stone will MC the show and Adele Hager will play the banjo and sing songs as part of the program. Oosterbaan, McCoy played. his basketball for Michigan. And lke Oosterbaan, McCoy has been as- sistant coach in both sports. Al- though always a bridesmand, Mc- Coy turned the tables by inherit- ing the head coach's halter from Ozzie Cowles. In tonight's introductory game Michigan will start five regulars from last season, and the only fa- miliar face missing from the line up will be Pete Elliott, *who is still rounding into form after his late start following the football season. Rangy Hal Morrill will start in place of Elliott and is expected to show the same form that paced Michigan to last year's title. Veterans Mack" Suprunowicz and Boyd McCaslin will hold down Michigan's offensive positions and both figured high in Conference scoring last year. Suprunowicz was the spearhead of last year's squad, and made the top showing for the Wolverines in their NCAA playoff game against Holy Cross. At center, McCoy can count on big (6'7") Bill Roberts who rivaled McIntyre of Minnesota for confer- ence honors. Bob Harrison and Hal Morrill will hold down the guard positions to round out the Michigan quin- tet. Both turned in stellar per- formances against Ohio State and Iowa last year. The Wolverines start this year's campaign with strong reserve strength in Bill Mikulich and Bill Bauerle at forwakds; and Joe Stottlebauer at guard. Encouraging to McCoy is the fast rounding into shape of Pete Elliott stellar guard on last year's champion quintet. See SEASONED, Page 3 By FREDERICA WINTERS Today, for the last time this year, you will have a chance to be given a Galens Christmas Drive tag. which shows that you have helped the honorary medical so- ciety give a Merry Christmas and Perry Defines U.S. Aspects Of Democracy Americans find it hard to un- derstand Soviet Russia's claim to democracy because the United States has stressed political as- pects of democracy while the Rus- sians stress social aspects. Prof. Ralph Barton Perry, noted philosopher from Harvard Uni- versity, gave this interpretation in the final Cook Series lecture yes- terday, on "American Democracy." "DEMOCRACY CONSISTS of two distinct but inter-dependent parts," he explained, "which may be designated as political and so- cial democracy." He defined control of govern- ment by the people-at-large as the essence of the political type. "In a true democracy each citi- zen shares both in the political control and in the benefits of so- ciety," Prof. Perry declared, al- though, he added, "they need not advance abreast." * * * SELFISHNESS, the original sin, and massed uniformity of com- munication, Prof. Perry warned, are the chief enemies of American democracy. Freedom of thought, including free communication, assembly and association, he believes, is the most prized freedom. Racial prejudice, police-state type investigations and cliches he declared are "the dark clouds" endangering it. a Happier New Year to the child- ren in University Hospital. Twenty collection buckets, manned by members of Galens, are located all over campus and the downtown area ready to re- ceive your contribution. NICKELS, dimes,,quarters and dollars go into those buckets, and Christmas parties, toys, victrolas, games, bicycles, books, and play equipment of all kinds come out. Since 1928 Galens has sup- ported the Children's Workshop at 'U' Hospital. Here, hospital- ized youngsters take part in group and individual activities designed to help them learn new skills and develop the ones they have. The licensed teacher in the Shop, also financed by Galens, helps children with individual projects and coordinates play and learning units in which many children participate. ONE OF THESE units is the study of bees, for which Galens has provided a bee hive, and books and pictures dealing with bees. Recently the youngsters com- pleted a uniton the making of bread which started with a movie on the subject and ended with the children eating minia- ture loaves of bread which they had baked with the aid of the teacher. A new recording machine is now being used so that children can record their voices. Often the records are given to youngsters' parents while the children are still in the hospital. IRA Jam Session The Inter Racial Association will sponsor a jam session at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the League. Presented as a benefit drive for I.R.A. activities, the program will feature top-flight jazz artists. There will be an,admission charge of $.42. The program is open to the public. WASHINGTON-(P)- Truman, struggling w year's budget, clamped "silence" order today Armed Forces and othe seeking to convince t they need more money. Family quarrels abo should be kept in the fa the sense of a letter h the Army, Navy and A and all other governm cies. * * * THE LETTER urged partments to "exercise caution" in talking abo affairs and said the pu to "prevent any premE nouncements." At the White Hous said the letter was "no on the departments. 7 less, it set off a series tives by the Secretarie three Armed Services personnel to keep the arguments out of thi eye. The Army even+ the relevant figures as The letter came in1 of a rising number of stories describing the r each service to Mr. Trun posal that the overal budget for the next f beginning next July 1,1 to $15,000,000,000. Mundt Rev SecurityLt WASHINGTON - ( House Un-American Committee declared tha of microfilms, found in pumpkin on a Maryl offers conclusive evid national security inform "fed out of the Stat ment" before the war. Rep. Mundt (Rep.,E made the announceme half of the committee microfilms were obtai Whittaker Chambers, scribed former Comm now is a senior editor Magazine. Mundt's statement r "These microfilms1 the object of a ten-y by agents of the U.S. g and provide definite pr of the most extensive rings in the history oft States." TOni i-.. er B onnet Gives g "The 3-Point Plan front of as sud- t. n For Control f paper is. to listen German Owners nids," he hey gut Favored by U.S. soul into WASHINGTON -()- France Petrillo' proposed a three-point plan to the Federa- United States to keep the Ruhr from serving again as a German war arsenal. The French formula would con- (a lk tinue international controls even after occupation troops have left Germany. ces* * * FRENCH AMBASSADOR Hen- ri Bonnet told newsmen the plan Id is "also in the interest of Ger- many-and I want to emphasie that because we want to see Ger- -President many's economy eventually' inte- ith next grated into the economy of Eur- a virtual O2-". on the Bonnet presented the plan in r agencies a formal note to Under Secre- he public retary of State Lovett. ut money Earlier this week, France had amily, was objected vigorously to a British- re sent to American program to hand over ir Force- limited control of the vast Ruhr ent agen- industries to the Germans. The French assembly, mindful of the Ruhr's war-making potentialities, the de- voted 377-181 last night to re- extreme pudiate any such action. ut budget ' * * rpose was BUT LOVETT made it clear to ature an- hewsmen in Washington yester- day that the United States-while e, it was determined to prevent a rebirth of ot a gag" German military might-pans 1g Neverthe- go ahead with the program ocf of direc- limited German management as a es of the stimulus to Germany's post-war to their recovery. ir money e public France has insisted that Ger- classified many must never regain full s secret. control of the Ruhr which pro- the midst vided 70 per cent of Hitler's published armants. 'eaction of "We think the proposals we are man's pro- making now are exteremely mod- l military erate," the French ambassador iscal year, told reporters. "We think'they are be limited in the interest of Europe and also the United States. THE FRENCH note comes but ''~ two days after the State Depart- h ment sent France a note which turned down French objections to the British-American plan. t) - The Bonnet said the French go- Activities ernment's proposals called for: t a bunch n a hollow De-cartelization of the many and farm German combines and corpora- ence that tions in the Ruhr-"a very im- nation was portant point." e Depart- Continued allied control over production of coal, steel and coke S.D.), who industries and a voice in distribu- nt on be- tion of investments these factories said the might make. ned from a self-de- * * L o unist who o r on Time For Palestine have been ear search ets ", overnment roofone espionage PARIS-(P)-The UN Political the United Committee virtually approved a British proposal setting up a three- nation Palestine conciliation Commission without specific di- rectives after defeating another British proposal designed to unite Arab Palestine to Trans-Jordan. h t COMMITTEE DECSION kill- ing the British plan which would have thrown Arab Palestine into the lap of Abdullah came as re- hnson for ports from the Middle East said ritten on the ruler might proclaim himself canvas of monarch of a United Palestine and remided Trans-Jordan in a few days. reminded The committee thus knocked "vote for out the last important refer- ence to the Bernadotte Plan in Domnangue the American-supported Mrt- ere broad- ish resolution on Palestine. on and men On the basis of the Political Committee's actions Australian, New Zealand, American and Rus- sian informants said it was in- 'ASSOCIA TION PROBLEM'S SOLUTION': Johnson Sees His Election Aid in Prejudice Fi 1- - < Val Johnson, new senior class president, believes his position as the first Negro elected to such a post on the campus, will do a great deal to improve race rela- tionships. "'I think it's really a matter of getting acquainted with the dif- ferent races," Johnson told The Daily. "I've always believed asso- ciation and acquaintance were the real solutions to the problem." and fails to do the type of job he promised," he said. The tall, wiry, 21 year old sen- ior who lives at Greene House, East Quad, is looking forward to a career in the foreign service or exhorting and importing in Latin America. HIS HOME is in Detroit where he was treasurer of his senior "I don't feel dubious about being the first Negro to hold such a position here," Johnson said, "because I've had lots of experience in being the first in a great many situations." Johnson believes that if a Negro succeeds among others of differ- ent races, he stands out because there is no tendency towards stereotyping. He recalls children dorms with "Val Jol Senior president wt them, and a telephone all seniors who were by a recorded poem to Val Johnson." The voices of Norris and Kay Woodruff w cast to the senior wome respectively. *_ . *- .* i .:. <_:: A I i