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December 01, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-12-01

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Latest Deadline in the State


Regimein Berlin
BERLIN-GW)-The Communists split Berlin wide open by naming
their own rump government.
The putsch was steamrollered througn a hand-picked convention
in a musical comedy theatre in the Soviet sector. The chairman read
the ticket in rapid fire style, all fists shot into the air at his call for a
show of hands, and the meeting and election were over in an hour
and a half.
* * * *
THEN ABOUT I00,000 sympathizers held a somewhat placid

rally in the chill damp air of Un
* * * C
Red Regime
Threatens UN
Berlin Hopes
Professors Doubtful
Over Soviet Sincerity
Russian backing of the recently
established rump government in
Berlin has quashed much of the
optimism created by an earlier
announcement of Soviet accept-
ance of a UN plan for mediation
of the Berlin deadlock.
Announcement of this plan,
which had received the support of
Soviet deputy foreign minister
Andrei Vishinsky, was greeted
hopefully by several members of
the political science department.
It was described as a "step in the
right direction."
THlE PLAN, offered by the neu-
tral nations of the Security Coun-
cil, would name a "neutral" com-
mission of currency experts to
control the use of the Soviet Zone
mark in Berlin. It would also call
for a complete lifting of the Ber-
lin blockade at the same time that
the Soviet mark is introduced as
the sole currency for Berlin.
News of the Communist move
in Berlin cast doubt on the sin-
cerity of Vishinsky's acceptance
of the UN plan, however.
"If the Russians really favor a
compromise on the currency prob-
lem, the rump government will be
forced to give in. The issue is a
test of Russian sincerity," Dr.
Manfred C. Vernon stated.
HE ADDED that success of the
UN plan would depend largely
upon the effectiveness of the pro-
posed currency compromise. This
plan, should it be adopted, offers
some hope for the settlement of
the Berlin crisis.
Dr. George A. Peek said that
"the UN proposal may be the
basis for an understanding, al-
though we should be cautious
about placing too much confi-
dence in it."
The rump government in Ber-
lin is an example of the troubles
that are constantly arising with
Russia, according to Dr. Peek. He
compared the world situation to a
weakened dike which gives way
again as soon as an old breech is
Dr. Morgan Thomas expressed
doubt as to whether we could
trust Russia to abide by the ac-
tions of the proposed currency
commission, should it be set up.
Perry Speaks
On American
American belief that racial dis-
crimination is bad illustrates the
"national conscience" and the im-
portance of the individual which
have distinguished American
thought throughout its 200 year
Prof. Ralph Barton Perry, noted
philosopher from Harvard, made
this evaluation in the second Cook
series lecture last night. His sub-
ject was "The Development of
Thought in America."
THE THIRD lecture in the se-
ries will be at 4:15 p.m. today in
Rackham lecture hall, instead of
the amphitheatre, as previously

announced. Prof. Perry will speak
on "William James and American
Individualism." He won the 1935
Pulitzer, award for his biography
of William James.
"American philosophy is for
the most part European in or-
igin," Prof. Perry said. Amer-
icans have established immigra-
finn nn+ ,,A andarif harripers

ter Den Linden at which speakers
;alled for support of the regime
and denounced the regularly elect-
ed government now sitting in West
Berlin. Everything went smoothly
and there was no violence.
Thus while Soviet deputy
Foreign Minister Andrei Vishin-
sky was giving the impression
in Paris that he was agreeing
to discuss the problems of Ber-
lin, other Russians here were
giving their blessing to a split
of the city government which
makes it virtually impossible to
carry out any four-power agree-
The new administration; call-
ing itself a government of all Ber-
lin, was chosen at a meeting of
the Soviet-sponsored Social Unity
Party and small fractions of the
splinter Christian Democrats, So-
cial Democrats and Liberal Demo-
* *
Hint West May
Act Separately
In Berlin Area

UN Leader Gets
French, British;


Truce Pact
Agreed to Int
Britain Gives Up
Bernadotte Plan
By The Associated Press
While British officials were
agreeing to drop the Bernadotte
Proposal for taking the Negev
desert away from Israel, Jewish
and Arab Military commanders
in Jerusalem signed a formal
agreement to stop all fighting in
the Holy City.
Britain agreed with the United
States on the broad principles of
a compromise Palestine plan.
ed to the 58-member Political
Committee of the United Nations
Assembly in a new British resolu-
tion. It accepted the U. S. view
that the Jews and Arabs should
bargain on any territorial changes
in the Holy Land.
An earlier British proposal had
supported the recomnendation
of Count Folke Bernadotte, slain
UN mediator, that Israel should
give the Negev to the Arabs in
return for Westrn Galilee.
The UN said the acting media-
tor, Dr. Ralph Bunche, will fly to
Palestine soon for talks with Brig.
Gen. William E. Riley, Chief of
Staff of UN truce' observers. It
was said the talks would cover
the entire Palestine situation.
THESE developments took place
as Jewish and Arab military com-
manders signed a pact, calling for
a "complete and sincere cease-
fire" in Jerusalem, which came
after two formal meetings between
the Holy City's commanders.
Their negotiations were the
first direct Israeli-Arab talks
to end in formal agreement since
the bloody Palestine fighting
was touched off by the United
Nations decision a year ago to
partition the Holy Land.
The negotiations were initiated
by UN truce observers in an effort
to end the fighting which endan-
gered Jerusalem's many religious
'First In' Plan
For Basketball
Games Set Up
Admission to the Michigan-
Michigan State basketball game
Saturday will be entirely on a first
come, first serve basis, Don Weir,
University Ticket Manager, an-
nounced yesterday.
The doors of Yost Field House
will be opened at 6:45 p.m., Weir
said. This will allow 45 minutes
for students to find seats before
the game begins at 7:30.
'C * *
RESERVED SEAT tickets will
be on sale from 8:30 to 4:30 p.m.
every day except Saturday at the
Athletic Administration Building
ticket office. Price is $1.50.
Studentsh whohave coupon
books for their wives must buy
tax tickets sometime Saturday
morning, Weir said. The ticket
office closes at noon Saturday.
Last year, students were ad-
mitted to the field house early if
they held preferential tickets.
"Under the preferential ticket

system," Weir said, "students had
to wait in line to get the tickets
and then wait a second time at
the field house. That's why I pre-
fer this system."



cam pus Balloting

To Continue;

Daily-Bill Ohlinger.
SENIOR CLASS CANDIDATES AWAIT RESULTS-Candidates for senior class office anxiously await the outcome of the once post-
poned campus election. They are, left to right, (standing) Arlynn Rosen, Ann Griffin, Marilyn Howell, Ruth Parsons, Margaret Elling-
wood, Bill Marcou and Jo Kitchen. Seated are Betty Cole, Joan Kampmeire, Val Johnson, Ellie Abramson, Ginny Nicklas and Audrey
Buttery. Missing from the picture are candidates Pete Elliot, Mary Wright, Nancy Culligan and Eugenia McCallum.

PARIS - (AP) - A responsible
Western source said the United
States,rBritain and France had
warned they may take separate
action in Berlin if Russiacon-
tinues trying to split the city.
The three powers were reported
to have acted together in a short
note handed to Dr. Juan Bramu-
glia, Argentine Foreign Minister
and outgoing United Nations Se-
curity Council President.
The Western warning was the
first official action taken after
the setting up of a Communist
rump municipal regime in Berlin.
The note was given to Bram-
uglia when he called on the West-
ern leaders about terms of a pro-
jected study by neutral nations of
the east-west currency fight in
Berlin, the diplomatic informant
Educators Will
Attend Final
The annual Conference on
Higher Education will close at
12:30 p.m. today in the Union
with a discussion on "Higher Ed-
ucation and the Schools of the
The conference heard Vice
President James A. Perkins of
Swathmore College say last night
that the recent report of the Pres-
ident's Commission on Higher Ed-
ucation will do little toward re-
solving the present problems fac-
ing private institutions.
"Although I agree with much of
the report's criticism, I can not
agree with its proposed solutions,
for they ignore the practical ad-
ministrative side to the issues," he


Yesterda y
Big Turnout
Forecast by
SL Officials
Boxes Stored in
Ruthven Cellar
Voting will continue today in
the second round of the campus,
,At the half way mark last night,
SL officials estimated that over
4,400 votes had already been cast.
Elections Committee chairman
Knighit Houghton said that he ex-
pected the second day's balloting
would push the total over the 10,-
C 000 mark.
* *
smoothly," Houghton said. Stu-
dents crowded around an SL pos-
ter on the Diagonal which listed
'' the Legislature candidates as an

Army Halves
Draft Quotas
For January
Ceiling on Defense
Budget Causes Cut
my slashed its 20,000-man Jan-
uary draft call in half and warned
that the proposed budget for next
year isn't big enough to build the
900,000-man army authorized by
The armed forces asked for $23,-
000,000,000 for the fiscal year be-
ginning July 1. President Truman
set a $15,000,000,000 ceiling on de-
fense spending.
Of this total, $600,000,000 must
be spent on stock-piling strategic
raw materials. The balance of
$14,400,000,000 will be split among
the armed forces. The army is ex-
pected to get around $5,000,000,-
It was learned today that the
army figures it will have to lim-
it its strength to 677,000 officers
and men if it stays within the
five billion budget. This is 24.8
per cent less than the 900,000
authorized by Congress last
The army had launced its draft
program in November with a call
for 10,000 men. The December call
was for 15,000 and the original
January call was for 20,000. Later,
it was planned to make the
monthly calls around 30,000.
World News
By The Associated Press
TOKYO-Hideki Tojo and six
other Japanese warlords got possi-
bly a week's stay in their sched-
uled walk to the gallows.
The U. S. Army said all seven
were included in General Mac-
Arthur's statement that execu-
tions will "certainly not" be car-
ried out while the appeals of two
are before the U. S. Supreme
istriation called for sharp revi-
sion of state labor laws to ac-
company repeal of the federal
Taft-Hartley Act.
The appeal was made by Sec-
retary of Labor Tobin at the
13th annual conference of state
labor commissioners.
* * * T
WASHINGTON-President Tru-

Canterbury Dean Pleads
For Future of 'Peace' ,

Who wants war?
"You do not want war-and the
Russians certainly don't."
That was the answer to the ques-
tion of the world's future given by
the Very Rev. Dr. Hewlett John-
son, Dean of Canterbury, in an
Ann Arbor address yesterday.
** *
Peace with Russia," with the death
and destruction of a third World
War's atomic bomb attack and
mass production gas executions
of men and children as his setting.
"Why can't we get reasonably
around a table and arrive at a
solution-we fought as friends
in war, why not be friends in
peace," he pleaded.
Dr. Johnson, wiio was dubbed
the "Red Dean," for his sympa-
thetic attitude towards the Soviet
Union and the theory of socialism,
commented that Russian leaders
had accepted the ideas of Henry
A. Wallace to bring the two na-
tions into conference to end the
'Cold War.'
TO THE DELICATE problem of
control of atomic power, Dr.
Johnson explained that Russia -
"whose thoughts are not of war
but reconstruction" - looks to
the atom as potential power and
energy to help increase the horse
power per-person and thereby
eventually brings the per capita
wealth of the nation near the
high standard of the United
"The Baruch Plan would put
the use of atomic energy under
the control of the United Na-
tions, in which Russia does not
have a decisive vote," he said.
He outlined "contracictions" in
the Marshall Plan aid to Europe.
"YOU ASK for increased pro-
duction but tell us not to national-
ize industry. You say increase
production and claim the mate-
rials needed to speed production.
You ask us to live economically-
austerely-yet send us cigarettes.
You invite us to trade but not
trade with eastern nations with
the foodstuffs we need.

"You ask us to stop our infla-
tion, but you haven't curbed your
own inflation which has cost us]
more and more Marshall Plan dol-
lars," he commented.
To claims that the Soviet Un-
ion had 'expansionist ideas,' Dr.
Johnson claimed that Russia is
no larger than it was in 1914
and no advances had been made
since VJ Day.
"Russian troops have peaceably
withdrawn from many areas," he
Galens To Hold
Annual Xmas
Tag Day Drive
Christmas gifting starts early
when Galens, honorary medical
society holds its annual Christmas
Drive, Dec. 3 and 4.
The campaign will take the
form of a tag day, with collection
buckets placed at strategic places
on campus and in the city.
Funds collected in the drive
support the Galens Children's
Workshop in University Hospital
and also pay for a Christmas
party, complete with Santa and
presents for the hospitalized chil-
In addition Galens maintains
salaries of the Workshop teacher,
and Play Ladies who visit bed-
ridden children in the wards with
books, toys, records and movies.
Because last year's goal of $4,-
000 was passed, this year's goal
will be $5,000. "We hope that stu-
dents and townspeople will con-
tinue their generous support of
the work we are doing with the
children," Howard Manz, chair-
man of the drive, said.
About 35 children a week use
the equipment in the Workshop,
and the library, also supported by
Galens. Right now, most of the
children are making toys, ash
trays and napkin rings for Christ-
mas gifts.

Poor Support
Moves Site of
Slide Rule Ball
Dance Will Be Held
At Masonic Ballroom
Lack of campus support was
blamed for a sudden switch of
sites for the Slide Rule Ball yes-
terday by the dance committee.
The Michigan Technic an-
nounced last night that the dance,
scheduled for the IM Building
Friday, had been transferred to
the Masonic Temple Ballroom,
327 S. Fourth St.
IM Building without sufficient
ticket sales are responsible," re-
ported Gus Giczewski, chairman
of the dance committee.
"The reason was simply lack
of campus support. Not enough
students would be present to
cause sore elbows and hips in
the barnlike IM Building," he
The decision to change the site
came quickly yesterday, and re-
ceived the immediate sanction of
the Office of Student Affairs, ac-
cording to Giczewski.
that the move will provide a more
enjoyable evening. Giczewski
pointed out thiot the cafeteria
will be open for refreshments.
A VG Meeting
Gets Reaction
The two Ann Arbor chapters of
American Veterans Committee
had opposite reactions today to
the AVC convention move to oust
Communists from the organiza-
tion Saturday.
While representatives of the
University chapter, charged that
the Convention had been stacked,
the Ann Arbor town chapter re-
ported a favorable opinion of the
national action.
Prof. Arthur M. Eastman, of
the English department, chairman
of the town chapter and one of
the town delegation said that his
group strongly "approved the ac-
tion taken at the Convention."

Polling places will be open
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today.
They are located behind Haven
Hall, on the Diagonal, in the
Engineering arch, on the steps
of the Law School, in the Union
lobby and in the League lobby.
In addition, a special booth will
be open from noon to 5 p.m. in
the University Hospital.
Students must have ID cards
to vote, Houghton said.
aid in making selections. Voting
was heavier in the morning, but
by 5 p.m. most of the ballot boxes
were filled.
The locked ballot boxes ended
up in the basement of President.
Alexander G. Ruthven's home
after a mixup at the olia,-
tion prevented Houghton from
locking them in a cell as origi-
nally planned.
The boxes were escorted by two
SL members and two men from
the Judiciary.
* * *
"NO ONE WILL be able to get
at the boxes in the Ruthven base-
ment," Houghton said.
Counting of the ballots will
begin at 5:30 p.m. today in Rm.
3G of the Union, according to
Duane Nuechterlein.
He invited students to watch
the counting.
BOOTHS WILL be manned by
the same students today, Nuech-
terlein said. Members of IFC, AIM,
Pan Hel, Assembly, the Union and
the league are doing the Job.
Students Will,
Begin Rating
Of Professors
Students will grade their Liter-
ary College profs next Tuesday
and Wednesday as part of the first
comprehensive evaluation pro-
gram in University history.
Associate Dean Lloyd S. Wood-
burne of the College' announced
yesterday that approximately 3,000
student monitors are being ap-
pointed to take charge of the
teaching evaluations by their fel-
low students.
* * *
STUDENTS in each of some 2,-
200 classes will evaluate the teach-
ing ability of all regular members
of the faculty.
They will grade on anA-B-C-
D-E scale, and their evaluations
will be anonymous.
Student evaluations are part of
a long-range program which in-
cludes work by faculty committees
in each department of the Col-
weigh instructors' teaching con-
tributions in the light of class-
room visits, students evaluations,
information from other students
and graduates and other sources.
Committee members will sur-
vey faculty members' writings to
determine quality of scholarship,
and they will also look at their

Dr. Blakeman Resigns Post
As 'U'_ReligiousConsultant

Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, for 16
years associated with student re-
ligious activities at the University,
has resigned as Research Consult-
ant in Religious Education.
His resignation, to become ef-
fective Dec. 31, marks the end
of a campaign to "improve the
facilities for the spiritual develop-
ment of students," which he be-
gan as director of the Wesley
Foundation here.
DR. BLAKEMAN is leaving the
University to - become research
consultant and chairman of re-
ligious education at the Pacific
School of Religion in Berkeley,

Students Give Views on League Rulng

The battle of the sexes con-]
tinued to rage yesterday as stu-

social director of the League, stat-

enough girls to go around any-
wa. "

' ......... ... _ . s




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