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November 25, 1948 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-11-25

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O NE CAN GIVE thanks, I always say, for
time itself. One can give thanks that
another year has passed in which the terrible
things predicted a year ago have not hap-
pened. There has not been war in Europe,
the West has not collapsed, and American
civilization has not been undermined by
Communism, by bubble gum, or by comic
books. Thanks for time, which makes suckers
of prophets.
In another way, one can give thanks
for the past year itself. For impatient phi-
losophers of the right or the left, so anx-
ious to hurry mankind on to some final,
uniform, homogeneous, planet-wide goal,
this must have been an exasperating year,
difficult and frustrating. But for the rest
of us, it was a pretty, good year, as is
any year in which there is work, and food,
and no final showdown for mankind.
Thanks for postponement; thanks for
time, which baffles theory.
Thanks for children, small dogs, the way
very little boys look when their pockets
are full, and for rabbits beside the road at
On another level, one can give thanks that
nobody can speak for America until America
speaks for herself. Thanks that this is still
not yet a wiseacre's world. It almost is, but
not quite. Thanks for not quite.
I am not yet ready to give thanks for
television, being of an undecided mind about
the whole thing.
One can give thanks for elections, and
for the way human reality breaks through
all preconceptions. Thanks for 'that night
of November 2, when, for the first time,
the broadcasters listened while the people
spoke. It was the greatest reverse radio
program in history, with the people lift-
ing their voices and calling loudly to the
assorted studios: "Can you hear us now?
Are you tuned in?" It was magnificent.
Thanks for an America whose slogan is:
If you want the latest news, stay tuned
to this electorate."
Thanks for small flowers which continue
to bloom in November, in spite of what
it says in the book.
One can give thanks for the indestructible
hope of peace, which keeps recurring, in
spite of all difficulties and obstacles, whether
it comes up again suddenly in the mind of
an ordinary man after listening to a dozen
gloomy speeches, or whether it crops up in
the heart of the President himself, who,
after three years of his own policy, thinks
suddenly, if briefly, of sending another mis-
sion to Moscow. Thanks for the blessed
stubbornness of the hope for peace, which
will not yield to argument, and which,
though it may be proved a thousand ways
wrong, yet knows deep down it is right.
One can give thanks for the curious fact
that while great old empires have seemed
lately to tremble for their security, yet a
small new state like Israel has been able,
(somehow, to appear serenely confident.
And that is a way of giving thanks that
bigness and smallness are not the last
words on every subject.
One can give thanks that leaves finally
do stop falling, and for the way hills and
houses seem, with the leaves gone, to come
closer for the winter, as if to keep warm
(Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation)
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

At Architect. Auditorium
ell, John Wayne and Ian Hunter.
ABOARD an ammunition-loaded, rusty
tramp headed for blockaded England, a
crew of broken men struggle with their own
corruption, the changelessness of the sea
and the pessimism of Eugene O'Neill. The
fight which ensues is a naked and powerful
story meshing four of O'Neill's one-act plays
about the ship "Glencairn."
Thomas Mitchell is "Driscoll," the raw
Irishman who leads his shipmates in love, in
courage and in hell. John Wayne is "Ole"
the simple Swede who is showered with the
only hope the screen play grudgingly offers.
Ian Hunter, as Smitty, is his opposite-the
failure the crashing waves will not give up.
Barry Fitzgerald is the lone crewman to
make peace with the sea and quietly reject
the land.
Together they are confused, cheated and
beaten by O'Neill's degenerates-the pimp,
the woman, and their own rotten lusts for
drink, foolishnesses, and passions.
Along with director John Ford, and a
crew of technicians who must have drained
the Pacific to get enough water for the
picture's storm scene-the actors sincerely
fuse the author's four plots into a rapidly
shifting panorama of an existence on the
Marring the picture are the shadowy, be-

Danger Sgna

"What Time Do You Open?"

TIME HAS begun to heal the wounds left
in our memories by the Hiroshima, Nag-
asaki, and Bikini atom bomb explosions,
Commentators and columnists have settled
back into their pre-Atomic Age speculation
about the "next war," how the sides will
line up, and where the decisive battles will
take place.
On the other hand, predictions that
"another war will end civilization"-so
prevalent after Hiroshima's destruction-
are now few and far between.
But through our fog of forgetfulness, an
occasional warning is sounded, a warning
generally unheeded by those of us who
refuse to be reminded how close we are to
the brink of eternity.
Other Problem
MOST AMERICANS will devote today
to the strategic problems of slicing
up the dark meat on a turkey or the
social significance of wearing a blue or
gray suit to church.
But while they rest and give thanks,
there will be other problems to con-
sider and solutions to be prayed for.
There is grim and bloody fighting in
China and in other trouble spots skir-
mishes and rioting. Hunger is felt in
Greece, India and many nations of
Europe. And millions of persons wearily
wait in DP camps for a chance for free-
dom-a chance to make a Thanksgiv-
ing for themselves. ,
Elsewhere there is tension and coldness
as the ideological powers of the globe flex
their militant muscles and wait for some-
thing-anything-to happen.
While we give thanks for the joys that
are ours, we must not forget our prob-
lems. We must pray that, as Swinburne
puts it, "even the weariest river winds
somewhere safe to sea."
-C. Harrington.

The latest danger signal comes from the
recently-published book, "No Place to Hide,"
by Dr. David Bradley, who was a radiological
monitor at the Bikini atom-bomb tests in
From observations made at Bikini, Dr.
Bradley predicted that an underwater A-
bomb explosion will so heavily impregnate
surrounding areas with radioactivity that
they can never be made liveable again.
Of the 67 ships which "survived the
Bikini blast, only nine of the less thor-
oughly drenched craft could be decontam-
inated satisfactorily, atcording4 to Dr.
Another grim aspect of the A bomb, sel-
dom discussed by officials, was revealed in
"No Place to Hide."
Dr. Bradley disclosed that not all of
the bomb's plutonium "explodes" at det-
onation. The unexploded part at Bikini
coated the ships like an invisible layer of
paint and, turned them into death traps
for any unprotected person who ventured
With the preceding information in mind,
consider the effect of an A-bomb dropped in
New York harbor or in Lake Michigan, near
the Chicago waterfront. Consider, also, an-
other aspect of atomic warfare, the atomic
fog which could be sent rolling across a
continent, leaving certain death in its
Unappetizing facts about atomic war-
fare have been released time and again
by leading scientists in a desperate effort
to acquaint the world with its greatest
danger. But, on the whole, these warnings
have been buried on the inside pages of
newspapers and at the end of news broad-
casts-pushed aside, as it were, by the
talk of crisis and war.
When we speak lightly of "another war,"
we should remember that it will not be an-
nounced by declarations, martial music and
patriotic speeches-but by the awesome roar
of city-consuming, atomic explosions.
-Leon Jaroff.

Letters to the Editor ..


Sports Injustice

W E DON'T PROFESS to know all the facts
and philosophies which make up a de-
cision at a Big Nine Conference, but a great
injustice will be done to the team which
gave the Wolverines a terrific fight, if Mich-
igan State is not admitted to the Confer-
The arguments which might have been
used against the Spartans have become
null and void by the playing of the East
Lansing team and the expansion of its
football stadium to where it is the sixth
largest in the Middle West.
Yet for some reason we can't comprehend,
four Big Nine teams are reportedly against
them-including the University of Michigan.
Sports writers in Detroit are conceding that
State will not make it this year, as a result,

although they believe that in the final an-
alysis Michigan will not vote against them.
It is in the interest of good sportsman-
ship for the teams opposing State to indi-
cate to the public just why they have
taken their stand. It will be hard to ex-
plain away the calibre of football played
against Michigan and Penn State, espe-
cially the 14-14 tie with unbeaten Penn
It will be even harder to explain some
of the terrific scores rolled up against
Arizona, Oregon State, and Iowa State.
If there is any way of indicating it, we
who are neighbors of the Spartans should
give our endorsement and our backing to
their fight for recognition.
-Don McNeil.

After Key west

WASHINGTON-The great accomplish-
ment at Key West, it now appears, was
to forge a close link between the President
and the Congressional leaders. The President
on holiday took all sorts of good resolutions
to rectify one of the great errors of his first
administration, which was failing to keep in
touch with the day to day conduct of legis-
lative business.
At Key West, he told both Vice President
Barkley and Speaker Rayburn that he was
determined to enact what his staff calls
his "second New Deal." And he promised
to work closely with them on this long,
complex and ardous task.
If these good resolutions are kept, Key
West has answered one of the two big ques-
tions about the future of the second Tru-
man administration. But unless a good many
of his Key West companions were utterly
misled, the President put off answering
the other, even bigger and much more
painful question until his holiday was over.
His central problem, of staffing the new
administration with men who will command
the utmost public confidence, does not ap-
pear to have been finally solved as yet.
Certain steps have been taken, to be
sure. The President, evidently concluded
during the campaign that if Secretary
Marshall had to leave the State Depart-
ment, Chief Justice Vinson would be the
best replacement. This was in his mind,
of course, when he conceived the Vinson
mission to Stalin. It now seems to be
fairly well-established that the Chief
Justice was sounded out about leaving
the court soon after November 2, and
indicated the greatest reluctance to do so.
Thus, no doubt, the President's own re-
luctance to 'part with Marshall, the man
he most admires, was still further in-
Then, too, there is evidence that the Pres-
ident has already told his two particular
cronies in the Cabinet, Secretary of Treas-
ury Snyder and Attorney General Clark,
that he wants them to stay on if they wish
to do so. But it is not yet clear whether
Snvticr? and1 lClr wXill remainr~ ~manentlv

Clifford, in whose mouth some of these
stories have been unscrupulously put, has
formally registered his strong indignation.
Yet the complication none the less re-
A second complication exists in the form
of the eager candidacy of Louis Johnson
for Forrestal's post at the Defense De-
partment. Johnson has always wanted this
job. His claim to it now rests on his serv-
ice as Democratic money collector during
the campaign. His only overt supporter
is the President's bumbling military aide,
Major General Harry Vaughn. And while
Johnson is an able man, many leading
Democrats are deeply fearful of the coun-
try's reaction to his appointment.
He is chiefly known for his feud at the
old War Department with Secretary of War
Woodring, his talents as an American Le-
gion kingmaker, and his large utilities law
practice. It is thought that naming a man
with his background to the second most im-
portant post in the government, as a frank
reward for labor in one of the more sordid
areas of the political vineyard, will not be
exactly conducive to public confidence.
All these different factors are causing the
wiser of the Democratic chieftains now mill-
ing about Washington, to wonder whether
the President will change his Cabinet so
drastically after all. In many respects, his
easiest way out will be to keep Marshall,
Lovett and Forrestal along with most of
the rest of his official family. Perhaps this
is wishful thinking by those who regard
public confidence as the President's greatest
need. But the idea is at any rate as wei1
worth recording as the other theories that
are .now flying about.
Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.
as well as anyone the completeness of
their defeat, are beginning to talk compro-
mise. Reports have it that some leaders are
willing to discard a little of their sweeping
opposition to civil-rights measures. They
will, say the reports, drop the filibuster
against anti-poll tax and anti-lynching
measures if the President will forget the
Fair Employment Practices Commission.
At first glance it seems a cynical proposi-

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the Prestaent, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Satur-
VOL. LIX, No. 56
Choral Union Members whose
attendance records are clear, will
please call for their courtesy pass
tickets admitting them to Clifford
Curzon concert Saturday night-
on Friday, between the hours of
9:30 to 11:30 and 1 to 4, at the
offices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Memorial
Approved social events for the
coming weekend:
November 26
Delta Epsilon Pi, Newman Club
November 27
Acacia, Alpha Kappa Kappa,
Delta Epsilon Pi, Delta Tau Delta,
Intercollegiate Zionist Federation.
Academic Notices
Astronomical Colloquium: 4:15
p.m., Fri., Nov. 26, Observatory.
Prof. D. B. McLaughlin will speak
on the subject, "Nova Persei 1901."
Biological Chemistry Seminar:
4 p.m., Fri., Nov. 26, Rm. 319 W.
Medical Bldg. Subject: "Hyalur-
onic acid and Hyaluronidase." All
interested are invited.
Doctoral Examination for John
Aurie Dean, Chemistry; Thesis:
"The Polaragraphic Determina-
tion of Aluminum," 3 p.m., Fri.,
Nov. 26, Rm. 2404 Chemistry Bldg.
Chairman, H. H. Willard.
Events Today
Thanksgiving Breakfast: 9 a.m,,
Lane Hall. DeWitt C. Baldwin will
speak on "The Universality of
Coming Events
Recreational Swimming-Wom-
en Students: There will be recre-
ational Swimming at the Union
Pool this Sat., Nov. 27, 9-11 a.m.
Graduate Outing Club: Meet
2:15 p.m., Sun., Nov. 28, Northwest
entrance, Rackham Building, for
ice-skating or hiking. Sign the
supper list at Rackham Check-
room Desk before noon' Saturday.
Psych 31-Class Reunion: Coke
party for members of Section 4,
Psych. 31, Spring Semester 1948,
7:30 to 10:30 p.m., Mon., Nov. 29,
Russian Tea Room, Michigan
For further information call
Josie Valerio, Class Secretary,
2-1291. Members and their friends
Women's Rifle Club: There will
be no rifle practice for the Wom-
en's Rifle Club on Friday. Report
as scheduled to the R.O.T.C. range
on Mon., Nov. 29.
Hawaii Glee Club: Meeting, 7
p.m., Nov. 26, Rm. 3G, Michigan
Student Religious Association:
Coffee Hour: 4:30 p.m., Fri., Nov.
26, Lane Hall.

Roger Williams Guild: "Open
House" at 8:30 p.m., Fri., Nov. 29,
Guild House.
Art Cinema League presents
Eugene O'Neill's "The Long Voy-
age Home," 8:30 p.m., Architec-
tural Auditorium. Proceeds to
World Federalists. Tickets on sale
in University Hall.
Chinese Morass
BASIC TO ANY appreciation of
the chaos in China is that a
rebellion against Chiang Kai-Shek
is in progress which is being led
by many other elements in addi-
tion to the Communists. The Com-
munists are merely exploiting it.
This they are doing successfully,
though not so much because the
Nationalists are weak.
It was only a few months ago
that the Communists felt they had
enough administrative ability to
take over and run a city. They
chose Tsinan, capital of Shantung
Province, and it would almost
seem as if it was this decision that
precipitated the Nationalist panic.
At any rate, seven out of the nine
Nationalist divisions in Manchuria
gave up without firing a shot,
either surrendering or running
away, and in both cases the Com-
munists came into possession of
arms and equipment, mainly
In the operations in North
China the Nationalist panic put
the Communists on the road to
Nanking almost automatically.
Now there is a pause-whether
because of Nationalist pposition.
or of Communist over-extension,
nobody knows-and this will do
more than give Chiang Kai-
Shek a breathing spell; it will
enable the United States to
overhaul its own policy.
Only a blind man could fail to
see thaththe old policy is thor-
oughly bankrupt-the policy of
thinking of China only in terms
of Chiang Kai-Shek,nofsupporting
him with aid and arms in his
struggle to keep a non-existent
power. There should be a clean
break with the past. Our policy
hitherto has helped the Commu-
nists more than their own strength
has, for it has massed for them
American arms, Chinese sym-
pathy, andaa standpat attitude
on the part of the stubborn
Chiang Kai-Shek himself which
has been his own undoing.
The Generalissimo is now call-
ing for help, and inspired news
from Nanking is already antici-
pating its arrival. Doubtless
Chiang Kai-Shek in his communi-
cation to Mr. Truman promised
full powers for any high-ranking
American that the President
might dispatch. But that has al-
ready been tried. First in such a
role was General Stilwell, and, as
his book testified, he quickly real-
ized the hopelessness of trying to
save China through Chiang Kai-
Shek. The same experience befell
General Marshall. General Wede-
meyer was the last emissary, and
though the public is kept (scan-
dalously) in the dark about his
report, it would be curious if he
had not repeated the lecture
which, in his reports, he gave to
Chian Kai-Shek on the need for
a house-cleaning.
Such a house-cleaning has
never been accomplished. There

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
** *
Health Service
To the Editor:
Saturday afternoon a coed faint-
ed in one of the local stores. A
short time later, the police were
notified and she was taken in the
sheriff's ambulance. This is, by
no means, an attempt to degrade
the efficiency of the sheriff, his
ambulance is on duty not only for
Ann Arbor but also in all of Wash-
tenaw County.
It seems strange though, that a
University of this size which runs
a Health Service the scope of ours,
that there is no ambulance service
directly available from the Uni-
The past few weeks we have been
besieged on campus by an all-out
campaign to send the Michigan
band to Ohio State. There have
been collection boxes in every
available spot in order to obtain
the "necessary" funds and we
have been led to believe that this
trek would be of major importance
to the prestige of the school (all
because of one line in Life maga-
Wouldn't it be a better idea to
start an equally widespread cam-
paign to raise funds for a Univer-
sity-operated ambulance. Pehaps
the future graduating classes
might also consider this when they
make their donations to the Uni-
The question now is: Which is
more important, the rah! rah!
glory of our fabulous marching
band or the health of the students?
-Ilene T. Olken
(Editor's Note: Health Service pol-
icy provides that any ailing student
needing an ambulance to get to the
Health Service Building will be
transported in one which belongs
to a local iportuary, and is borrowed
from them in emergencies.)
* * *
To the Editor:
complaint concerning the in-
efficiency of The gaily. Many
times I have called The Daily and
found it was next to impossible to
get anyone to answer the phone.
For instance, last Thursday, I
called about a very important
matter and a young lady an-
swered the phone. She succeeded
in getting everything completely
confused, and I had to repeat my
question at least five times midst a
series of giggles. I think this
should be brought out so the stu-
dents working on The Daily would
realize that a little more efficiency
in this line would be a benefit to
the whole student body.
-Stanley Seifer.
* -'.
To the Editor:
WHITHER GOEST civilization?
The glory of the "Champion-
ship Cult!" Mis-evaluation plus?
At the University of Michigan,
we are fortunate to have one of
the, if not the, greatest daily
newspapers of any university in
the world.
During my matriculation here, I
have known several instances
wherein some member of the staff
died in service. I have been quite
forcibly struck with the casual-
ness with which it was reported
in The Daily.
What are our values? Is ath-
letic achievement to be regarded
overwhelmingly above intellectual

competence and contribution to
social betterment?
A man gives 28 or 30 years to
the development of the University
and the cause of education and,
upon the occasion of his death
and burial, he gets a few lines of
have been some superficial
changes, it is true, but back of
the facade the corruption has
remained, and it has now fes-
tered into the present condition
of near-collapse ...
A common interest is now at
stake, and requires to be safe-
guarded, but that interest does not
extend to entanglement in the
Chinese morass.
It will take the Chinese a long
time to work out their own sal-
vation, but only the Chinese can
do it. Those who fear a quick or-
ganization of China under Com-
munist auspices know the dimen-
sions neither of the problem nor
of the country ...
-The Washington Post.

"honorable mention" in your noble
sheet. "Johnny Pigskin Fullback"
dashes 60 yards, through a mass of
broken noses, various and sundry
maimed limbs, and he makes the
headlines, with a "photographic
entourage" of supporting glory to
attest his greatness and worth to
dear "ole Michigan."
Oh well, so what? Maybe our
emphasis is on championship
teams, or is it? If our Daily is
to besconsidered an index of our
values, then hurrah for "Johnny
P. Fullback" and Rah! Zis-Boom
-Paul Allen Stewart.
Sad Story
To the Editor:
IT IS A SAD comment on our
democracy when we see an at-
tempt on the part of some mem-
bers of Congress to outlaw the
Communist Party. J. Parnell
Thomas of the House Un-Amer-
ican Activities Committee, and
others like him, would perhaps
be justified in these attempts if
they could prove that the Com-
munists are trying to overthrow
America by force of arms or show
some flagrantrcase of "red" es-
In an attempt to establish the
Communist Party as illegal the
Congressmen have found no straw
too thin to clutch at, and no
man too secure to be above sus-
picion. Even Dwight D. Eisen-
hower was at one time being con-
sidered by the committee as a
possible suspect of "red" under-
cover work. Everybody was investi-
gated except the unreproachable
members of the committee them-
selves. (It is ironic that Thomas
is now being investigated for the
misuse of government funds.)
The result of all this probing
has proven nothing. No Commu-
nist plot has been exposed. No
arms arsenals have, been discov-
ered. No secret day for an uprising
has been found. It was with
shame, after making such loud
claims about Communist activity,
that the House Un-American Ac-
tivities Committee could only pro-
duce a few contempts of Con-
gress which are being tried by the
Supreme Court for their very con-
It almost seems as if America
is beginning to resemble the early
days of fascist Germany when
Hitler's first step in the taking
away of civil liberties was the
banning of the Communists. Our
heritage insures us the right to
express ourselves freely in opposi-
tion to the government as long as
we do it, as the Communists ale
doing, within the democratic
structure of the country. It is J.
Parnell Thomas and his ilk who
would take away this right by
outlawing a political party. It is
they, not the Communists, who
should be investigated for trying
to undermine the government.
-Joe Savin.






Fifty-Ninth Year



Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ..............City Editor
Naomi Stern........Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ....Associate Editor
Arthur Higbee ........Associate Editor
Murray Grant n...........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Busseyt.....Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery...... Women's Editor
Bess Hayes...............Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Halt .......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
William Culman..Finance Manager
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Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republicationof all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,


The paper is having fun with this
Ghost-breaking foolishness. But I
can't understmnd that Mr. Merrie-

If you believe it I suppose it's
as awful and horrible as actually
HAVING a Ghost in your house-

Wi .-

Those Ghost-breakers, hammering all
over the haunted house, preparing for
their phony exorcism! Gus will be a
wreck tomorrow! They might even con,

It's a




- m


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