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November 24, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-11-24

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a t


Latest Deadline in the State


IFC Backs
New Election
Block Voting End
Seen in Proposal
A move to kill block voting in
campus balloting in future elec-
tions gained momentum last night
as the Inter-Fraternity Council
threw its weight behind the pro-
posal of a campus citizenship
committee to promte better Uni-
versity elections.
Many independent leaders also
backed the promotion of such an
organization. But apparently the
machinery behind fraternity and
dormitory slates had gone too far
to stop block voting in next week's
THE INTER-Fraternity Coun-
cil urged its members to continue
pushing the election of the fra-
ternity slate in their houses, and
the AIM and Assembly are spon-
soring a rally for independent can-
didates on Monday.
Besides the elimination of
block voting, other aims of a
t campus citizenship committee
would be to change the method
of campus voting and establish
more positive criteria for candi-
dates, according to Joe Wim-
satt, who gave the report to the
FC. He is credited with being
one of the first promoters of
such a body.
IFC President Bruce Lockwood,
AIM President James Kailman,
West Quad Council President Ray-
mond Okonski, East Quad Coun-
cil President Jerry Ryan and
former AIM President Norris Do-
mangue all expressed support for
killing block voting and the estab-
lishment of the committee.
to block voting because it under-
mines getting the better candi-
dates into office," Kallman report-
At the IFC meeting, results of
a conference with independent
leaders were also discussed. One
is tihe providing of sleeping quar-
ters in the residence halls for
fraternity men during J-Hop week
' end.
Okays Death
For Japanese
Appeals May Bloek
Some Executions
TOKYO-(A)-General Douglas
MacArthur today affirmed the
ruling of Allied justice that Hideki
Tojo and six others must die and
18 co-defendants go to prison for
leading Japan into war.
To his statement on review of
k the sentences, MacArthur added
an inusual request. He asked peo-
ple throughout Japan to pray on
the day of execution-"to seek
divine help and guidance," he said,
"that the world keep the peace
lest the human race perish."
* * * .
AND HE GAVE a prayer of his
own-that the sentences become a
symbol "to summon all persons of
good will to a realization of the
utter futility of war-that most
malignant scourge and greatest
'sin of mankind-and eventually

to its renunciation by all nations."
There was no indication when
Tojo, who ordered the attack on
Pearl Harbor as premier; Koko
Hirota, another former premier,
and five generals will march up
to the gallows to die as war
Then, too, appeals may block
the executions temporarily. At
least five of the 25 defendants are
arranging to appeal to the United
States Supreme Court.
TOJO WAS NOT one of those
seeking clemency. He was repre-
sented as wanting to get the hang-
ing over with quickly.
The charter for the Interna-
tional Military Tribunal, which
convicted the ex-Japanese leaders
of plotting and waging aggressive
war, designated MacArthur as the
sole reviewing officer. He was giv-
en power to reduce but not in-
crease the sentences.
Photo of Lawyer
Wins in West Quad

Holiday Causes



The increasing vacancies in classrooms and over-crowded trans-
portation facilities indicate the annual Thanksgiving exodus won't
leave too many students on campus to take part in the holiday
Although University residence halls will consume approximately
4,700 pounds of turkey and 2,200 pounds of chicken at their regular
"best dinner" Thursday noon, most of the sororities and fraternities
are "closing shop" for the long weekend and the five or six members
remaining in each house will have to ferret out the proverbial drum-
stick on their own..
* A *
HOUSES EXPECTING to be empty over the weekend are cele-
brating ahead of time and many of the dorms will entertain foreign
students at the traditional dinner.
For Acacia Fraternity, tomorrow is one of the biggest days
of the year. Following a Thanksgiving breakfast, the members
and pledges will hike to a 60 foot high water tower out Geddes
Road, climb it, and return-if they can-for the big noon dinner.
The annual skit in which the pledges satirize the actives and a
football game, featuring a flexible goal line and an uphill path
for the pledges will complete the afternoon.
Martha Cook will play hostess to 12 foreign students and other
guests at tomorrow's dinner, which will precede a musicale featuring
talented women from the dorm.
HELEN NEWBERRY, Betsy Barbour and the Law Club are each
entertaining six foreign students. East Quad, which houses approxi-
mately 40 Latin American students, will serve its regular "meal of the
year" and West Quad has arranged to entertain all foreign students
not invited elsewhere.
Alpha Xi Delta will entertain one foreign student and other
guests at the Thursday dinner and -Sigma Delta Tau will be
hostess to six students from the International Center Friday eve-
The three men's co-op houses are playing host to the women's
co-ops with approximately 40 pounds of turkey being devoured in
each house.
.* * * *
DELTA TAU DELTA and women of Gamma Phi Beta and their
dates will celebrate at a dinner today while the Pi Lambs and Phi
Sigs are adjourning to Detroit for fraternity sponsored parties.
Some houses have celebrated already, like Theta Delta Chi,
which entertained Dr. Ernest F. Barker, chairman of the/physics
department, and Mrs. Barker at a turkey dinner last Thursday.
Couzens Hall presented their annual Thanksgiving Day Tea from
3-5 p.m. yesterday with the nursing personnel and the Dean of
Women's staff among the guests. Residents of Couzens probably
will get no great thrill out of choosing their Thanksgiving dinner
at the "U" Hospital cafeteria where they get all their meals.
JORDAN HALL held its annual Thanksgiving party yesterday
with the Jordan Glee Club under the direction of Lynn Brunstein
providing the entertainment.
And Mosher Hall's junior class project, consisting of a can
dinner whereby each girl brought a can of food to yesterday's
dinner, will give needy families throughout Ann Arbor something
to be thankful with at tomorrow's meal.
Kappa Sigma with some married alumni, Phi Kappa Tau, Sigma
Phi, Triangle, Trigon and Zeta Psi, the last with their dates, all
celebrated Thanksgiving with the usual fare last night, while Alpha
Delta Phi served its special meal Monday.
One sorority mother has promised to cook Thanksgiving dinner
for the few remaining girls, but six forsaken Men from Phi Kappa Tau,
like so many others this weekend, are going to combine their culinary
skills; to roast what they hope will be a Thanksgiving Day chicken.
Pea ke Stresses Importance
Of Student-FacultyRelations

Liing Cost
Drops After
Long Climb
Decrease First
In Seven Months
WASHINGTON-(P)-The first
decline in living costs in seven
months was announced today by
the Government.
The announcement, made by the
Bureau of Labor Statistics, came
only a few hours after President
Truman named Dr. Edwin G.
Nourse, chairman of his Economic
Advisory Council, to work out an
anti-inflation program for pre-
sentation to Congress early next
:k* *
THE COST of living was slight
-only one-half of one per cent--
but it broke a steady climb
through most of the late spring
and summer.
Data released by the Federal
Reserve Board last night led to
some interpretations that the
index had declined in Septem-
ber also, but today Labor De-
partment officials emphasized
that this was not so-that the
October decline was the first in
seven months.)
The October index is just be-
low the 173.7 July index-so the
338,000 employes of General Mo-
tors Corp. whose pay is partially
dependent on the index, get neith-
er a pay boost nor a decrease.
G. M.'S CONTRACT with the
CIO provides that workers paid
by the hour get a penny an hour
more or lose a penny, whenever
the Government index fluctuates
1.14 points. On September 1 rises
in the index gave GM workers a
three cent wage increase to $1.64
an hour. But the change in the
latest index is too small, either
way, to alter the $1.64 average
wage rate.
The October living cost de-
cline was attributed by the Bu-
reau of Labor Statistics to a
substantial and general drop in
the retail price,offoods. This
decline "more than offset in-
creases in all other major
groups" of consumer cost items,
the BLS said.
It was the third consecutive
month of falling prices of foods.
The October living cost index is
73.6 per cent higher than the
1935-39 average.
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - President
Truman threw overboard the deci-
sion of foreign aid administrator
Paul G. Hoffman to take the gov-
ernment out of the grain export
But Hoffman, one of the few
Republicans high in the govern-
ment came out of the White
House conference with what
amounted to a vote of confidence
from Mr. Truman.
* * *
VIENNA - The Russian news
agency Tass said that Dr. Mar-
garethe Ottillinger, section chief
of the Austrian Ministry of eco-
nomic planning, has confessed
the U. S. hired her as a spy.
*WI O A n

alded meeting of the National Se-
curity Council-made up of top
officials concerned with defense-
was held at the White House.
Coming only 24 hours after
President Truman and Secretary
of State Marshall had reviewed
foreign policy, the meeting stirred
speculation that the situation in
China and Europe was under dis-


Th reaten



* * * *

munists announced capture of Paoting (1) and said that the
Nationalist garrison had fled northward from the city. On the
southern front, Communist forces were driving hard around
Suchow (2) with action centered at Nienchuang and Suhsien.
Another source of danger to Nanking was the regrouping of
Communist forces at Pengpu (3) north of Nanking.
Full Economic Securty
ICalled Impossible in U

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - W) -
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology suspended eight
students yesterday for planing
a "prank" explosion which
would have initialed the Har-
vard stadium turf during the
Yale-Harvard football game
Dr. Everett M. Baker, Dean
of Students, said that a ninth
student was placed on proba-
tion. He added that the youths
also will be required to pay any
costs involved.
Police said the students
planted wires underground and
then planned to set off a det-
onating fuse during the game.
The explosion would have in-
itialled the field with 15-foot-
square letters of "M.I.T."
U.S. Offers
A rub-Israel
Pfarley lan,
PARIS-(IP)-The United States
laid before the United Nations a
plan that would leave the final
territorial arrangements in Pales-
tine up to Jewish-Arab bargaining.
* * *
U. S. DELEGATE Philip C. Jes-
sup spoke before the General As-
sembly's 58 - member Political
Committee after his statement had
been double-checked by President
Truman and the State Department
in Washington.
Under one of the amendments,
the Assembly would recommend
no speific territorial changes
iii Paiestiie but wI.4uld set up a
three-nation commission with
authority to delimit the fron-
tiers in agreement with both
Jews and Arabs.
Other amendments proposed:
That this commission take over
the duties of the Palestine media-
tor, and that the Security Coun-
cil's recent order for Jewish-Arab
armistice talks be widened to in-
clude talks on political problems.
THE AMERICAN delegation
was reported in informed circles
to feel that today's statement car-
ried out President Truman's.cam-
paign promise of Oct. 23. He
pledged he would not accept any
reduction of the territory assigned
Israel under the UN partition plan
without the consent of Israel.
The U. S. amendment provides
that the boundary negotiations
should be based on provisions of
the partition decision of Nov. 29,
1947, plus the Bernadotte recom-
M1~ilitary Men
Add Recruits
Climaxing a two-day roundup of
prospects, Scabbard and Blade So-
ciety last night tapped twenty-
seven new recruits.
The list reads: Paul Brentlinger,
Ralph Burton, Jim Butler, Frank
Dennis, Jim Ely, Ken Fox, Keith
Friedlund, Ken Greider, Arthur
Grinnell, Bob Goslow, Clyde
House, Bill Katopish, Jim McIl-
henny, Thaddeus Miller, Frank
Murphy, George Olson, David
Pudas, Tom Rector, Don Rippert,
Bob Rogers, Rolf Scharenburg,
Alan Schmiat, Bob Stratton, Ken
Thorp, George Walker, Bill Wise,
and Charles Young.

Two of the best assets to higher
education are discussion classes
and student-teacher conferences,
according to Dean Charles H.
Peake of the Literary College.
Lecturing to a group of grad-
uate students, he said that the
prime purpose for the existence
of a college is the relationship be-
tween students and professors.
Dean Peake described the ideal
college situation as students gath-
ered around scholars.
"If we can give our students a

desire for knowledge, we have done
something for them," he said.
Discussing the place of intro-
ductory courses, he said that the
professor must realize that the
course means different things to
different students, and not mere-
ly present the subject matter as
a foundation for students who are
going to specialize in that particu-
lar field.
He stressed the importance of
counseling and vocational guid-
ance in helping the student to
clarify his aims.

Complete economic security is
an impossibility in a free enter-
prise economy, declared Dr. David
McCord Wright in a lecture here
Dr. Wright, professor of econom-
ics and lecturer in law at the Uni-
versity of Virginia, was the second
in the current series of lectures on
general economic issues.
* * *
COMPLETE economic security
can be achieved only through a
rigidly controlled economy, for in
a free economy, technological
progress causes normal fluctua-
tions in the employment level, he
Socialism is undesirable, how-
ever, because its bureaucracy
produces the triumph of the
routine over invention and tends
toward cultural ossification, he
said. "Moreover, socialism is not
as efficient as capitalism, for
it is impossible to arbitrarily pre-
dict people's demand for goods
under varying conditions," he
continued, ,
"Too many left-wingers confuse
economic security with individual
freedom," he said. There is no
parallel between the two as the
imposition of a system which will
insure static job security neces-
sities an elaborate autocracy. "A
slave has security but he can hard-I
ly be considered to possess free-I
dom," Dr. Wright pointed out.
* * *
CAPITALISM must check its
tendency tow a r d monopoistic
control if it is to survive as the
most efficient method of economic

endeavor, he said. This must not'
be attempted by trying to beat so-
cialism at its own game but rather,
by a reform of the system as it
stands," he emphasized.
Forestry Jobs.
In 'Wild'_West.
The lure of the West provided
the backdrop for the third in a
series of forestry conferences,
sparked last night by talks from
four graduates with summer ex-
perience in forest service work.
Each of the men recounted tales
of the timber, besides discussing,
in the following question period,
the possibilities and qualifications
for summer employment as far as
underclass forestry students were
AN AUDIENCE of almost thirty
was advised to secure jobs every
summer with various forestry
branches, so they may choose,
upon graduation, the type of work
best suited to their abilities.
From the informally conduct-
ed talks, students were enlight-
ened as to basic wage scales for
Forestry Civil Service programs.
The importance of an all-around
education was stressed as req-
uisite for positions in private in-
Aspiring foresters also learned
that although advancement in for-
estry service is not rapid, working
conditions are the best, and a
good worker can clear $600 a

Air Terminal
Called Object
Of New Push
Cut Gen. Huang's
Army to Pieces
NANKING - (VP) - Chinese
Communist columns last night
struck with renewed fury at Su-
chow under a cloud cover, report-
edly cutting to pieces an army
group covering the government's
east flank..
Pressure mounted on all sides-
from the south against the rail-
way to Nanking, from the north,
from the east and from the south-
east. The airfield five miles east
seemed the objective of the south-
east push.
which saved the day in round one
of the battle for China's heartland.
last week, was all but paralyzed by
low clouds. Only a break in the
weather could loose it again. .
The heaviest assault appeared
to be coming from the east,
where the first Red drive split
on the rock-like resistance of
Gen. Huang Po-Tao's seventh
army group at Nienchuang, 33
miles from Suchow.
It was conceded generally in
Nanking that Huang's divisions
had been almost blasted into e-
* * *
THEY RECEIVED the full shock
in that first onslaught two weeks
ago. By standing firm then, they
lost about half of their effectives.
The Communist radio an-
nounced "complete "esr#0%o~
of Huangs whole group of
divisions. That could, be 100,00
men. A broadcast said the "an-
nihilation" was completed Mon.'
In all, the broadcast added, the
government lost 18 divisions from
Nov. 7 to Nov. 22. Both sides usu-
ally eXaggerate casualties. IThe
Associated Press at San Francisco
heard the broadcast.
Agency said a relief column wgs
only about nine miles from Nien-
chuang. Other sources said that,
even so, there was little hope many
of Huang's troops still were able
to fight.
Another Communist column,
estimated at possibly 70,000 men,
seized high ground southeast of
Suchow in what looked like a
drive on Suchow's only air field.
How close it was to the field
was not clear.
A report that planes still were
using the field indicated the Reds
were not yet so close as they were
last week, when they shelled it be-
fore being pushed back.
Yi's Communist armies of east
China were moving down against"
Suchow's northern defense line.
The Communists appeared to be
in possession of Suhsien, 50 miles
south of Suchow on the railway to
Grad Council
Elects Officers
The newly-formed Graduate
Student Council last night elected
Bill Kerr as temporary chairman
and Marie Poliquin temporary sec-
Formed with the aim of better-

ing the social intellectual and ed-
ucational welfare of the graduate
student body, the council hopes
to foster cooperation between
graduate students and the Grad-
uate School faculty.
The council voted to send Stan-
ley Dean to the Varsity Commit-
tee to represent the interests of
the graduate students on the ques-
tions of basketball seating and
tennis court fees.
Members appointed to a rules
committee are John Branch, Larry
Linkner and Fred Cook.
IT rG m ____

SL Suspends Hearings
On Cage Tickets, Tennis

As far as the students are con-
cerned, tennis fees are fine and no
one cares how tough it is to see a
basketball game.
That was the conclusion of an
open hearing on basketball ticket
problems and tennis charges con-
ducted by the Student Legisla-
ture varsity committee last night.
* * *
CHAIRMAN Bob Ballou, '49
F&C, two hopeful SL candidates
and Barbara Reynolds, head of
the WAA tennis club were the on-
ly ones at the meeting.
"No more hearings will be
held unless these issues get
n.srirrtrrrr~ cirnn a.1r

Ticket manager Don Weir
suggested throwing Yost Field
House doors open to all comers
and locking them when capac-
ity is reached, according to
The group could only suggest
opening more entrances at an
earlier time, in order to avoid a
jam-up at the last minute.
* * *
NO AGREEMENT was reached
on tennis fees, even after Miss
Reynolds reported that the charge
would slice competition in the
WAA tennis tournament from
more than 50 down to 25. She said

CARACAS, Venezuela-Presi-
dent Romulo Gallegos will an-
nounce today a new cabinet
dominated by men acceptable to
the 'moderate" wing of the na-
tion's armed forces.
This was disclosed by a high
ranking army officer soon after
Gallegos announced the resig-
nation of the cabinet which has
helped him rule the country
since his inauguration last
Feb. 15.
* * *
BOSTON - A Methodist editor
declared that the House Un-Amer-
ican Activities Committee listed
a non-existent organization when
it vesterdav called the Epworth


Library Bindery Rebuilds Old Volumes

Transport yourself into medieval
Europe and imagine the monks
busy in monasteries tediously sew-
ing books together by hand.
Add modern machines and pe:'-
sonnel, and you have the Univer-
sity book binding department.
*k * *

must all be bound in the same
tan buchram with red-and black
labels, while all the advertising
has to be taken out of the maga-
zines bound for the museum li-
brary. If the book is from the
Clements Library, it may require
a special case reinforcement.
But most of the time spent in

describing what is to be done to it.
The card is filed, and the book
begins its adventures.
After being stripped of old
glue and cotton thread, the book
is divided into even sections
which are sewn together tightly
by machine. Then a sample
back is picked from the files-

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