PAGE FOUP1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TU SDAY, SE~PTEMBER 23. 1948 II - I 1 I I -_ __ . _ __, ....._., . d,,...... ... _ .,, . .,_., I Holy Land Peace?" THE MEN who killed Count Folke Berna- dotte Friday may have provided the only possible means of bringing peace to the Holy Land. If the Swedish Count had not fallen before the guns of the Irgun, the UN might never have risen from the stupor which envelopes it and, what is more im- portant, the government of Israel might never have had the chance to do a very Important job of house cleaning. ....... Yesterday's destruction of the Irgun has made possible the peace that Bernadotte wanted, and which could never have been achieved while the Irgun was in existence. The Irgun never reconciled itself to any- thing less than the whole of old Pales- tine, including Transjordan. It had existed from 1939 as an aggressive movement, advor cating the use of force on any and every occasion. It was the Irgun that blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem two years ago and made Palestine intolerable for the British. The Jewish agency and the Ha- ganah at first deplored such violence but later, seeing that the British couldn't take it, they. joined in, and took over as the provisional army and government when in- dependence was proclaimed. Once the state of Israel was a fact, the leaders in the government, conscious of their newly won freedom and their re- sponsibilities, tried to cooperate with the UN, within the limits of Arab action. The UN truce, never a very stable affair Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. was broken repeatedly but blame was not with the Jewish state. The Irgun attempted to flaunt the truce by landing a load of munitions within sight of Count Berna- dotte's headquarters, but they were stopped by the Israeli army. The policy of the Israeli government has been to content itself with that part of Palestine which the UN had, allotted to it and try to build up the country in- ternally rather than engage in more ag- gressive warfare than it deems feasible. The Irgun would have none of that, and Count Bernadotte was caught between the two factions within Israel. With the necessity of atoning for the murder of the UN representative, the gov- ernment has purged the revolutionary elements from the country and can now proceed with the policy which it has out- lined-cooperation with the UN as long as its rights are respected. Bernadotte's proposals backed up by the U.S. include an extension of the partition zone-an enlarging of the Jewish state. Now, the Jewish state, with or without UN action, can proceed along more conventional lines to accomplish at least part of what the Irgun stood for. The Irgun, nurtured on violence, was never able to reconcile it- self to the intricacies of legalistic procedure, even when restraints were imposed by its- own government. Bernadotte's death and the power of a united Jewish army has provided the means of bringing at least a semblance of peace to the Holy Land. Last spring we suggested that the UN, lacking any force of its own, commission the government of Israel to carry out the partition. Events of the summer, and of the last few days, make this proposal even more appropriate today than it was then. -Al Blumrosen. NIGHT EDITOR: MARY STEIN The Liberal Question ALTHOUGH Olivet College president Au- brey L. Ashby emphatically declared that Prof. T. Barton Akeley and his wife were fired "because they had fulfilled their use- fulness to the College-PERIOD and that's all there is to it!" the facts do not bear up his contention. Long before the row began, the Akeleys were signed to another year's contract to teach. The situation was completely nor- mal. Then, in July, the college's Board of Trustee's suddenly made their decision as to the future "usefulness" of the pro- fessor and his wife. Their only "out" was to offer them the choice of immediate re- signation or a chance to take a Sabbati- cal leave for the coming year and then re- sign. Sabbatical leaves for both the Akeleys will cost the College several thousand dollars - money that is badly needed by the school, which maintains itself solely on donations and tuition payments. Apparently justified is the charge that Olivet officials suddenly became panicky about "liberals" running around loose and canned the Akeleys without thinking about the direct consequences. With no explana- tion given as to exactly how the Akeleys had "fulfilled their usefulness," a bystander is free to accept any motive that appears like- ly. The regular fall announcement, sent out to students in June, listed. the Akeleys as faculty members. However, students hav- ing already put up $75 each in pre-semes- ter contributions, found that the college is not as it was presented. The Akeleys, long liked on campus, are gone. Protestations from students and faculty members have brought only angry denuncia- tions and an "open meeting" at which only the administration, through President Ash- by, was allowed to present its views on the crisis. Threats against students who refused to register even included notification of their parents of. their reprehensible conduct! Today two-thirds of Olivet's students will be in classes studying. One third will re- main outside, picketing and learning. -Craig H. Wilson. Wanderers? POLITICS, at least in so far as the Pro- gressive Party is concerned, has no de- grees of shading. It is still a matter of, "You are either for me or against me. There is no position between the poles." In principle, it is a fine sentiment, exhibiting an utter unwillingness to be tricked by pleasing words. But in 1948, it is to foster reaction. Whatever the inten- tions may be, the result is always the same. It means, the return to Congress of Minnesota's Sen. Joseph Ball and Mich- igan's Rep. Earl Michener. * * * PROGRESSIVES, of, course, can cite the instance of the five Progressive Con- gressional candidates who withdrew from the race in Pennsylvania in order not to split the liberal vote.. They may point to their offer of support to Helen Gahagan Douglas in California. At the 'same time, however, their opponents, with at least equal conviction, can question the candidacy of Elmer Benson against Mayor Humphrey in the latter's battle with Ball. Equally puzzling was the Progressive opposition to Paul Doug- las in the Illinois Senatorial race against C. Wayland Brooks. The matter has finally come home since Jack Geist, University student, has entered into the Slosson-Michener tussle, by an- nouncing his candidacy on the Progressive ticket Regardless of the Progressives' protesta- tions, the simple fact is that Messrs. Hum- phrey, Douglas and Slosson have been consistently liberal. Using Prof. Slosson as an example, a case for his liberalism can be established by recalling his active role in the Michigan Committee for Academic Freedom, his opposition to the Mundt Bill and his position as faculty sponsor of the United World Federalists. *a * CLEARLY THERE is confusion within the Progressive Party, a conjecture sub- stantiated by yesterday's news reports in which Wallace was said to have disagreed with his campaign manager C. B. Baldwin, when Baldwin said his party was willing to support such Democrats as Chester Bowles, candidate for governor of Connecti- cut. Somewhere, it does not figure, unless one of the following is true; 1. The Pro- gressives have a patent on liberalism; 2. Have no nationally accepted definition of liberalism; or 3. Are unable to agree on national policy. All of which sugggests that the Messiah to lead the liberals from the wilderness may be hard to find in the Progressive Party, and we may yet wander forty years in the desert. -Jake Hurwitz. The City Editor's SCRATCH PAD (EDITOR'S NOTE: The City Editor's Scratch Pad is written by Daily City Editor Dick Maloy. THINGS HAVE pretty well settled back to normal here at The Daily after several confusion-filled days of getting a new staff organized. Now-for the 58th year in a row-this Daily staff is ready to serve the University community to the best of its ability. Many of these years have been stormy This will be no exception and before the year is over we will probably be alternately damned and praised for our efforts. ** * NEOPHYTE NEWSMEN-laboring under the twin difficulties of limited experi- ence and the obligation of maintaining ac- ademic standards-are bound to make some errors which bring criticism. This is not designed as an apology for those errors because we feel they are far outweighed by the accurate routine day-to-day coverage of world and local events given to Daily readers. We are a student newspaper and as such will devote the majority of our space to news for and about students. * * * HOWEVER we won't be a mere flaccid voice on the campus. From time to time we will take up the cudgel to attack some- thing we feel is wrong-or to campaign for a cause we feel is worthy. For, to paraphrase the words of a re- gent of one of our fellow Big Nine univer- sities: "Whatever may be the limitations which trammel inquiry elsewhere we believe a University should ever encourage that con- tinual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found." WINSTON CHURCHILL has released an exchange of letters in which Prime Minister Clement.Attlee brushed off a pro- posal for a United States of Europe by writ- ing, "I think that this is not the right time for governments to take this major initia- tive when their hands are so full already with urgent and difficut problems." Someday Prime Minister Attlee and our own leaders in the United States may see that the formation of a united world under inm ist + 4-a nnlr, cnii* in fnr +hnn "irn'an+ rx- 7; INIS.r! of . ';=5 , rio,1,20/ * fr''fOa. siyS... Eq tn 'M r.looJ r .../ A r 148 = CAMPACa' POLITICS COMMUNIST _r MAC '4REL r.3 will x [DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Too Early Fal Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of ,the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1948 VOL. LIX, No. 3 Notices Time Change At 12:01 a.m., Sun., Sept. 26, the Uni- versity time system will be changed from Daylight Saving Time to Eastern Standard Time and University activi- ties will thereafter operate on Eastern Standard Time. School of Business Administration. Faculty meeting, 4 p.m., Thurs., Sept. 23, Rm. 110 Tappan Hall. Users of the D.O.B.-Because of the inordinate length of the Daily Official Bulletin the Editor is obliged to warn users of the Bulletin that no notice will be printed more than twice and furthermore, that the Editor expects to use his own judgment in reducing un- reasonably long notices to reasonable length. Frank E. Robbins Assistant to the President Users of the Daily Official Bullein: Need of conserving space makes neces- sary the following announcements: (1) Notices of meetings of organizations will be restricted to the name of the organization concerned, day, time, and place of meeting, and name of speaker and subject. (2) Notices for the D.O.B. must be typewritten and should be double-spaced for editorial conven- ience. F. E. Robbins The Medical College Admission Test will be administered at 8:45 a.m., Oct. 30, Rackham Lecture Hall. The Exami- nation will take all day. Application forms must be picked up in Rm. 110 Rackham Bldg. and mailed together with the examination fee, $10, to the Educational Testing Service, P.O. Box 592, Princeton, New Jersey. The appli- cation form and the fee must reach Princeton before October 16. New Student Chest X-Ray Examina- tions: New students who have not com- pleted the required chest X-ray exami- nation, are urged to come to the Health Service, 2nd floor, during free class hours for examination or appointment as soon as possible. Those who cannot come then, are urged to come accord- ing to the following alphabetical sched- uei between 5 and 7 p.m.: Sept. 22-women, A-K, inc. Sept. 23-Women, L-Z, Incl. Sept. 24-Men, A-E, incl. Sept. 27-Men, F-L, incl. Sept. 28-Men, M-Short, Inc. Sept. 29-Men, Shoup-Z, ic. Approved student organizations plan- ning to be active during the present semester must file in the Office of Stu- dent Affairs, Room 2, University Hall, before October 1, the following infor- mation: (1) a list of members. (2) the signed acceptance of a member of the faculty who is willing to act as advisor to the group. Choral Union Ushers: Last year's ushers. Sign up at Hill Auditorium box office today, Thurs., from 5 to 6 p.m. Student organizations are notified of the following regulation governing dis- tribution of publicity materials for stu- dent sponsored activities: No handbills or other printed matter shall be distributed or posted on the campus, in University Buildings, or in front of University Buildings. Hand- bills, signs, and printed matter not in- consistent with good taste may be posted on bulletin boards in campus buildings, but not elsewhere. Office of Student Affairs Room 2, University Hall Graduate students who plan to en- ter the Hopwood contests in the spring must be enrolled this semester in a writing course giving graduate credit By SAMUEL GRAFTON , Summer is ending, there is the feeling of inexpressible new things in the air; and Mr. Dewey stands on a platform at Des Moines and offers us national unity. Unity is a fine wprd to use in early fall; it has a tang like woodsmoke, and it spices the night. Of course Mr. Dewey seems to be saying that if we want unity we had better elect him, which is a trifle odd, because real unity shouldn't even appear to bargain; it should be offered unconditionally, like a mother's smile, or a lover's sigh. But let us not question too closely; it is early fall, a time of sweeping thoughts. Old thoughts, perhaps, and soft thoughts, like thoughts of wood and food in the cellar; not like the hot young thoughts of spring, when the silly new leaves break out. The young man from Albany stands on a platform, and offers us room around a Republican hearth. He will even, he says dreamily, smelling the harvest promise, work for lower prices, and more housing. He will do this by work- ing in unity with Congress; he will know how. Of course it has been, and perhaps will be again, a Congress which does not care much about reducing prices, or putting up more houses, and it is hard to see how you can get it to do precisely what it does not want to do by working in amiable unity with it. But those are summer thoughts, hot side- walk thoughts; and one does not really care to impose them upon the attention of the young man gazing into the September night, and dreaming his autumn dream. He is en- titled to write his poem; everyone is. And on the capitol lawn in Denver, Mr. Truman, another man, responds in his own way to an election autumn, and the urgency of a changing year. Mr. Truman says that if you want to beat Wall Street, you'd bet- 'ter elect him, because that is what he wants to do. Of course I doubt that Mr. Truman can beat Wall Street; I don't think he could John Street, or Maiden Lane, if you come right down to it. But Mr. Truman has his rnm qoiihmn drpnm - hP -,Pn a short- harn "No Political Issues Any More. This Is More Efficient" party votes. Mr. Truman's dream of strug- gle is, in its own way, almost as poetical as Mr. Dewey's dream of unity on behalf of liberal goals. Suddenly one has a feel- ing that both men are still laboring in the shadow of Roosevelt, and are investing the question of personal victory or defeat with a kind of decisiveness as which is not, in point of fact, really involved, however much it may have been in the time of a great president, and of great public moods. One has a feeling that the public, too, has oversimplified its problem, and does not rea- lize what a complicated and difficult serial story will have to be lived through, regard- less of who wins the election, before it can have such simple boons as lower prices and more housing. The feeling that the presi- dential election, however important, will, of itself, solve all our problems might almost be given a name, and called "The Presi- dential Illusion." It is a feeling all candi- dates have, of necessity, but which the pub- lic has also come to share to a degree that prevents it from paying enough attention to such other aspects of the election as the nature of the next Congress. It is perhaps time for the public to dream its own autumn dream, it could be a dream of a Congress which can give it what it needs; a dream, in short, of refusing to lose in November, regardless of who wins. To help in this enterprise, I will try to touch off some of the more important Congres- sional races in this space during the coming weeks. (Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation) IT SO HAPPENS 9 Dog Days Always a Way... ONE OF OUR FRIENDS who is teaching English I this semester spent a thor- noahly harnwing three da.vs t the Enlish ... j 60M 84 Letters to the Editor In Re Olivet To the Editor: THE magnificent fight which the students at Olivet College are waging against the open; flagrant violation of academic freedom at that school, is worthy of the best traditions of American student movement. One-third of the student body refuses to register, pickets the ad- ministration for the reinstatement of two faculty members who have been fired for their political views, and are threatened. with expul- sion! Such mass activity shows a real awakening of the student movement to the growing number of incidents which infringe upon the basic civil liberties of the peo= ple. The insulation which many stu- dents feel against such threats as the Mundt Bill, the arrest of mi- nority political leaders, the Un- American Committee, and even the persecution of a relatively small number of their fellow stu- dents, is proven to be false secur- ity by this ouster at Olivet. For, when liberal-minded teachers are thrown out, then reaction has claimed a complete monopoly over the minds of the youth; then the "loyalty" oaths, dismissals with- out hearings, autocratic passing of judgment without defense or jury, and witch-hunts after non- conformists, have been imposed upon the whole student body. This will not be the last of such either in Language; partment the department of English and Literature or in the de- of Journalism. Office of the Dean of women Office_ Hours: Monday through Friday-8 a.m. 12 noon, 1-5 p.m. Saturday-8:30 a.m. to 12 noon. Parking Areas on Campus: Student drivers are reminded that their driving tags or "M" stickers se- cured in the Office of Student Affairs are not Parking Permits and do not give them permission to park in the restricted campus parking lots. These restricted areas, so designated by means of signs at the entrance lots, are reserved for faculty and staff person- nel of the rank of instructor or above and disabled students who have re- ceived Parking Permits from the of- fice of the Secretary of the University. Persons parking in these lots illegally or improperly are notified by means of a sticker which is placed on the windshield. Beginning Oct. 1, fines will be imposed for using these re- stricted areas without proper permis- sion. First offenses will bring a fine of $1.00, second offenses $2.00 and third offenses $3.00 along with possible loss of driving privileges. Students may park in the following areas at any time as long as their cars are parked properly and do not block any entrance or the path of another parked car. Improper parking in these areas which are unrestricted will result in the same penalties as those listed above. 1. East of Univ. Hospital 2. East Hall on Church St. 3. Catherine St. North of Vaughn Residence Hall 4. west Quad. area at Thompson and Jefferson Sts. 5. Michigan Union Area 6. College St. between East Med. and East Hall. 7. Lot behind Univ. Museum adja- cent to Forest Ave. 8. Any street which is not closed by police order. All students must secure driving per- mits before any driving is done, other- wise, they are subject to severe disci- plinary action. Permits may be applied for in Rm. 2 University Hall. Committee on Student Affairs: Regu- lar meetings will be held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 3 p.m. in the Office of Student Affairs. These meetings for the present school year fall on the following dates: 1948-Sept. 28; Oct. 12, 26; Nov. 9, 23; Dec. 14. 1949-Jan. 11, 25; Feb. 8, 22; March 8, 22; April 12, 26; May 10, 24; June 7. Bomber Scholarships: Applications may be obtained at the Scholarship Office, Office of Student Affairs, 206 University Hall, for the Bomber Scholarships and must be re- turned to that office not later than Mon., Sept, 27. To be eligible for one of thee escholarships a student must be a veteran who can meet the follow- ing requirenents: 1.) The candidate must have had at least one year's service in the armed forces during the last war (time spent in a college training program excluded). 2.) He must have completed the equivalent of two semesters of credit in an undergraduate school or college at the University. (A summer session may be included as one-half of a se- mester.) 3.) He must be an undergraduate student. Awards will be made principally on the basis of need. Scholastic ability and .character are also considered. Sports Instruction for Women All vacancies available in the re- quired physical education classes for women will be open for election. Since these are limited, students should reg- ister immediately in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium. Academic Notices English 165: Prof. Nelson's class will meet Fri., Sept. 24, in Rm. 2 Tappan Hall. French 295, Students in French Lit- erature of the 19th and 20th Centuries, will meet Tuesday and Thursday, at 9 p.m., in Room 310 Romance Languages Bldg. The first meeting will be on' Tues., Sept. 28. Graduate Students: There will be no preliminary exami-1 nations in French and German for the doctorate this semester. Office hours of the Examiner in For- eign Languages: Mondays and Thurs- days, 1:30-3:30 p.m. and wednesdays,1 9 a.m.-12 noon. Concerts Carillon Recitals: Percival Price, Uni- versity Carillonneur, will play another in his Autumn Series of programs at 7:15 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 23. It will include the following compositions by Prof. Price: Prelude 7; Andantes 5, 6, 7; Variations on an air for bells by Sibe- lius; Sonata for 47 bells. Events Today International Center weekly tea for) all new foreign students and their American friends, 4:30-6 p.m. Host- esses: Mrs. James P. Adams and Mrs. Esson M. Gale. Graduate School Record Concerts:1 Thursdays at 7:45 p.m., East Lounge, Rackham Building. Program this week: BEETHOVEN: Quartet No. 6 in B Flat Major, Op. 18, No. 6. Budapest String, Quartet. STRAVINSKY: Symphony Of Psalms, 1930. London Philharmonic Orchestra, London Philharmonic Choir, Ansermet conducting. BACH: Suite No. 2 in D Minor, for Cello. Pablo Casals. MOZART: Concerto No. 18 in B Flat Major, K. 456, for Piano and Orchestra. Lili Kraus, piano; London Philhar- monic, Goehr conducting. All graduate students invited; silence requested. U of M. Sailing Club: Business meet- ing and movies, 7 p.m., Michigan Un- ion. New members invited. Gilbert and Sullivan Society: First meeting of the semester, Hssey Room, Michigan League. Tryouts for the fall production, "Yeoman of the Guard," and for the technical stfaf. Ordnance Film Hour: "The Manufac- ture of Smokeless Powder for Can- non" will open the fall semester Ord- nance Film Hour. Meeting will be held in Rm. 38 Michigan Union, 7:30 p.m. (restricted to Ordnance students). Lo- cal extra-curricular activities will be discussed. Alpha Phi Omega, National Service Fraternity. Meeting of old members, including transfers, 7 p.m., Room 3-K, Michigan Union. Young Democrats: Organizational meeting, 7:30 p.m., ABC Room, Michi- gan League. New members welcome. La p'tite causette: first meeting this semester 3:30 p.m., Grill Room, Michi- gan League; thereafter every Monday and Thursday, same place. All students interested in learning how to speak French in a friendly and informal atmosphere are invited. Square Dancing Class, sponsored by the Graduating Outing Club: 8 p.m., W.A.B. Lounge. Small fee. Everyone welcome. Coming Events ROTC Rifle Team candidates report to the Rifle Range, Quartermaster Bldg. (on campus), 7 p.m. Mon., Sept. 27. Women of the University Faculty: "New Year" Tea, 4-6 p.m. Fri., Sept. 24, Club room D, Michigan League. German Coffee Hour: 3-4:30 p.m., ri., Michigan League Coke Bar. Students and faculty members invited. Polonia Club: Open meeting, 7:30 p.m., Tues.., International Center. Dis- cussion of plans for a picnic after the Oregon game. Roger Williams Guild treasure hunt: 8:30 p.m. Meet at the Guild House. incidents. Let it be resolved that this will not be last of such mili- tant protests. -Marvin H. Gladstone. * * * To the Editor: IN VIEW of the protests aroused in Michigan colleges and Uni- versities by Olivet's dismissal of Professor Akeley, it would seem useful to know these things: (1) Was Prof. Akeley dismissed be- cause his attitudes and beliefs are to the left of those held by the trustees, as may have beer} in- dicated by his activities and re- marks outside the classroom? or (2) Was he dsmissed because while inslecture hallhe has been expressing opinions upon contro- versial subjects which do not fall within the province of the subject he is teaching and in which he has been trained? Unless the answers to these questions are known, how can one justifiably support either the Ak- eleys or Olivet's Board of Trus- tees? Certainly without knowing them, Miss Friedman writing on this page cannot state that Olivet students are "fighting our battle" without implying somethingquite different from what I hope she intends. It is one thing for a teacher of political science to be dismissed because he chooses to make off- campus speechesadvocating rad- ical economic change; it is quite another when the same teacher of political science is dismissed be- cause within his classroom he ad- vocates radical economic change. Academic freedom should not be confused with the civil freedom of speech. Academic freedom ought to give a man the right to teach whatever is true within the sub- ject field in which he is qual- ified to teach regardless of how much the interests of influential men may hurt; academic freedom ought not to allow him to use his classroom as a place to present various prejudices he may have on matters not within the area of the subject taught. -Franz Theodore Stone. To the Editor: THE BULLETINS and general catalogues of Olivet College for several years have enticed the prospective students with a beau- tifully written statement of the purpose of the college, of which these words are a part: "To build himself in body and mind, to learn in an atmosphere of academic freedom, to find the guidance and companionship of fellow workers in the cooperative venture of learning-to this, the college calls its students. -Peter Clement. Dally Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harriett Friedman ... Managing Editor Dick Maloy .............City Editor Naomi Stern........ Editorial Director Allegra Pasqualetti .... Associate Editor Arthur Higbee ...:....Associate Editor Harold Jackson.......Associate Editor Murray Grant .......... Sports Editor Bud Weidenthal . .Associate Sports Ed. Bev Bussey ....,.Sports Feature Writer Audrey Buttery........Women's Editor Business Staff Richard Hait......Business Manager Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager William Culman .....Finance Manager Cole Christian .... Circulation.Manager Bess Hayes ..................Librarian Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member Associated Collegiate Press 1948-49 ME). BARNABY I I've got to attend that tea party in the Kindergarten, Barnaby. I wonder if the Principal knows I'm waifinn for him herA in hisnfi. 2 ____ SQUAWK! .. Calling Dr. Riggs Dr R R p99 QUADrK!i s \\ ' o QUA , I--., That's a speaker system. From the Q Principal's ornce. An electrician has been repairing it. Stay here. ' Il l tryn t ,-th r ;lr,6 --